Janeane Garofalo Appreciation Thread

Discuss Janeane's career here.

If you know her, worked with her, met her, or performed with her, share your stories here.

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How dare you.

She is gross now. That pic doesn't show how she is covered in tattoos. Also she is even thinner and older now.

I have never before seen someone barter their 15 minutes of fame into an entire career so well

I mean, she's not funny, she's not pretty, she can't act, she can't dance, she can't sing, she's not good at anything her closest analogue is Paris Hilton except she didn't even make a sex tape

always thought she was cute in the 90s.

Some thought her outspoken feminist stuff was a turn off back then but compared to todays insufferable SJW feminazis she actually seems reasonable and levelheaded. Hell she even defended Louie CK and told people to leave him alone and let him live his life a few months ago, and all the feminists hate her for it now.

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Why does she wear the wig?

we have the same vet
saw her in the waiting room one time with her cat.
chatted and made small talk with her a little bit. she was very nice and we talked about wet hot american summer a little bit.
she smelled very nice. like vanilla and bourbon.

She's a bald girl.

90s Gen X chicks are so much hotter than todays lame cunts.

Who? Fucking sage

her and that Duffy chick from 90s MTV were basically the same person to me as a kid (as in i jerked off my weiner to both of them anytime they were on tv)

she owes me 250 bucks from when we went in on skag together and she better hope the dope catches up with her before I do

She's cute but like...why is this a thing again. How did Garofalo-posting start? I must have missed that one.


She is funny.

David Spade said she burned Chris Farley so bad when he asked her out that he became even more self-destructive.

funny looking

Where did you hear that?


I wish I could remember. It might have been on a radio program?

she's a girl you want to be hot and you try and find it but it's just not there. She had always had a grandma vibe about her but hey if that's your thing more grandmas for you bro

Janeane hair/wig stories please?

She and farley were going to be co-stars on shrek (Garofolo was fiona).... until she was mysteriously fired

She was great in West Wing

She was.

Loved her in "The Matchmaker".

Had a 30 day ban.

she's already pretty gross in that pic, are you saying she's somehow worse now?

why do you put movie titles in quotation marks you absolute maniac?


I respect you for serving that out, based Garofaloposter

Garofhaolics Unite!

never saw a single live action role but she was awesome as Daria

not her surprisingly.

same guy

not too bad but I wouldn't do the sex

the whole plot to The Truth About Cats And Dogs is flawed because Janeane was clearly so much more attractive than Uma Thurman's tranny lookin ass

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OP what would you say was your "most successful" or most active thread of all time?

Wonder if Uma regrets doing the movie? Because Janeane definitely does.


You got that right.

>I have never before seen someone barter their 15 minutes of fame into an entire career so well

I feel this is true. Also though I think she was one of those people who wanted to be all political and could have had a good career as a comedy pundit but she could never handle the bantz. She would always get visibly upset

Nick DiPaolo is kinda her on the other side. Gets so upset about the left that he stops being funny and just gets mean. Which is ironic because they used to date and got big at the same club in NYC.

Watch her two recent specials. Not political at all.

Saw some obscure Owen Wilson thriller from the 90s on TV not too long ago called The Minus Man where Janeane played a sorta romantic interest. Probably the first time I found her cute/attractive before. She had a likeable girl next door thing going for her in this, really playing against type in this movie since shes usually the unlikeable snarky bitch in everything. lol maybe its just her personality that always turned me off before

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People are split on her in many respects, I for one have always found her to be highly intelligent and quick witted, and with a sharp sense of humor but that's just me. When the movie "The Truth About Cats And Dogs" came out long ago (1996) I saw it in the theater with some friends on a Friday night and while I'd always found her attractive on those levels I just mentioned, this scene in the movie where this clip I put together with snippets of just her basically gave me a new appreciation for her.

She looked damned good in this flick, really good, and I don't give a fuck what other people think.

She was a cutie, absolutely, and as a big huge fan of "The West Wing" it was awesome to see her in that too for the episodes she appeared in with that smart crackin' attitude she brings to most every role. She was awesome in "Romy And Michelle's High School Reunion" too, albeit on the darker Goth side of things.

Regardless, enjoy the clipped footage.

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Yeah, look how hot she is in it.

Janeane Garofalo's Wig:

Does she or doesn't she?

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hey i said she had a sorta girl next door / plain jane quality, sorta like more real life hot in it than movie hot. couldnt find a better picture its too obscure a movie not much shows up in google images

Of course that clip didn't come out as it should have (much longer) so here's a better one (if Yea Forums let's me post the fucking link, of course):


Wasn't being sarcastic. She's my crush.

this is now the designated KFC thread

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What wig?

Damn, she is hot.

She was wet hot in "Wet Hot American Summer" and its Netflix series.

she was way hotter when she had some plumpness in her face, after the 2000s she got too anorexic and looks like shit now

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yeah but she had the absolute worst most "not even trying" Irish accent in that, I understand she thought she was a big star and above it all but you still have to earn that paycheck

never got why she was always cast as the less attractive friend in so much stuff in the 90s. she had a killer smile, better than pretty much every "hot chick" actress of the 90s

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She slimmed down after she stopped drinking.


She didn't have an accent in that.

based and red pilled. AS USUAL

OP this is possibly one of your most successful threads in a while is it not? Happy for you.


that's for sure, like I said, not even trying

Wigless Janeane!

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absolute paraphillia, this is unhealthy

was just thinking about these threads last night weird



She'll be at Eastville Comedy Club tomorrow and Friday at 8pm. Give her hair a yank then.

Was kind of disappointed to hear her declare herself an asexual in a recent stand up. All her rage and sarcasm and self deprication and brimstone and it turns out it's all because she's frigid and the psych meds killed whatever pilot light flicker she had left.

It's literally like how male chauvinists used to say. She's angry 'cause nobody's fucked her right.

I doubt she's really asexual.

"I'm a cheesemaker. I make... cheese."
Best line of any 90s movie?

sounds cringy


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Clever photoshop.

prolly a lot of 50 or over womin start saying they asexual cuz nob0dy wanna fuck them no more

I'd fuck her in a heartbeat.

Ben Stiller Show Forever!

I'd let her be my serving wench

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>tfw when you realize Aubrey Plaza basically stole Janeane Garofalo's whole schtick

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Oh yes.

Anybody work on "Girlfriends Guide To Divorce"?