What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

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thats what you get for electing a woman, look at germany

Total submission. Like a good white woman.

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pretty based if you ask me


Imagine if someone AK'd a bunch of mexicans and the next day Trump wears a mariachi outfit.

jesus christ

>it's another "violent belligerent's efforts only redouble the opposition's efforts" episode
If it weren't for his pathetically intricate knowledge of memes I'd say he was a false flag

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>Posts shared thousands of times on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram claim that New Zealand will broadcast the Muslim call to prayer nationwide and remove Jesus from its parliamentary prayer in response to the Christchurch mosque shootings. The claim is misleading: the country did broadcast a call to prayer on March 22, after 50 people were killed in the Christchurch shootings on March 15, however references to Jesus in the parliamentary prayer were removed in late 2017 and not in response to the mosque attacks.

bet you feel dumb now racists

yup. that's also why after all those muslim attacks, muslims aren't allowed in europe any more and everyone over there is a fascist now

I thoroughly don't understand New Zealand's reaction.

>A white man commits an act of terrorism because he feels like his people are being pushed out of their homes and tossed aside in favor of shitskins. What should we do to prevent further ones?
>Why let's demonize white men, virtue signal, and go further down the multiculturalism rabbit hole! Great idea!

So the 37-year old, female former DJ who they elected PM still removed Jesus from their parliamentary prayer, she just did it earlier than people thought.

It is though? The further the government pushes too far there's an equal and opposite backlash building in the opposite direction, and many times its violent. This guy wanted NZ to kneejerk and double down and ultimately divide itself.

>voice of europe
Sounds legit

>Some faggot commits murder
>Use this as an excuse to change your state religion to Islam

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the shooting was controlled opposition, a paid op by the globalists to see if they could get a liberal white country to willingly give themselves over completely to Islam, and that's exactly what happened.

>shooting in Christchurch
>removes Christ
That'll stop em for sure.

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Seriously what's wrong with anglos and coming up with names for their cities

Electing women to positions of power; this goes for cucks who have the estrogen levels of women like Trudeau as well

When will we stop doing this?

>Parliamentary prayer
Why would you even have this?

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Less whites = bigger government
Any excuse to shit on whites will be capitalized on
They don't want to prevent further attacks.

So that’s a bloke, right?

>terrorist believes in accelerationism
>end up being right

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They literally want more attacks. They want white people to demonize themselves, to essentially write themselves our of society, and they decided to do this functionally in the exact same way the Marxists decided to push socialism through education; Start small, and undermine what people believe and destabilize them until they snap, and then use the ones that break most violently as martyrs to convince the rest to cede more control and influence, until you have white people offering themselves up as chattel rather than being labeled racist or bigoted.

>it's another "violent belligerent's efforts only redouble the opposition's efforts" episode

Yeah, that's why after the weekly Islamic terror-attacks on Whites Europe has now banned Muslims.

But this will also anger Muslims. Muslims view Jesus as a prophet. This only makes Jews happy.

But the violent Muslim extremists want bans to happen to further divide the Muslim world from the West.

ah of course, so in order to stop the muslim attack we should let even more muslims into europe.
i will write my local representative about this immediately

revolutions are caused by big boy problems not muh meanie muslims are baaad. White people wont go up in arms, they ll just shitpost or move to another country. Crazy tards like that one shooter will just be jailed or executed, most countries arent full of arms like the US so gun control does work.

I take it you've never heard of a thermidorian reaction.

You should probably stop bombing countries like Libya and turning it into a failed state with a slave trade

Imagine living in fear of muslims every day of your life
Everything we love is going to be destroyed by floods in 75 years anway

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not this senator

Nope, you just treat them like people, including enforcing the law on them. That's about it.

Because white men are stupid and reactionary and disorganized. Rather than martial their thought and will behind anot effort and body that truly challenges the status quo they shoot old men while listening to meme music. Absolute disgrace and so difficult to take seriously.

>Alt-right asshole kills a bunch of peaceful citizens
Yeah man can't imagine why they'd look down on that sort of thing.


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Jesus is canon in the Quran
Putting Christianity and Islam in (((Abrahamic Religions))) only satistifies the Jews

I know what it was but if your implication is that white people are going to be beaten down and taken over by the Muslim and third-world hordes as the global government takes over, and then somehow we're going to rise up and stop them by cutting off someone's head (physically or metaphorically) then I don't quite see that happening.

>revolutions are caused by big boy problems not muh meanie muslims are baaad.
I don't follow. There won't be a revolution. Revolution implies upheaval and that's not what is or will be happening. It's going to be a willing ceding of control to the invading hordes, likely as appeasement so those being taken over aren't killed.

>White people wont go up in arms, they ll just shitpost or move to another country.
Where the fuck on the planet do you expect whites to move?

>Crazy tards like that one shooter will just be jailed or executed, most countries arent full of arms like the US so gun control does work.
What are you even fucking talking about? The fact that most countries aren't like the US is why they'll fucking lay down and take it as Muslims and Brown people roll over and invade them. They WANT to be conquered and "diversified" because they want to be as woke as possible, even while their heads are being cut off in the street.

The US will possibly outlast the Muslim invasion due to the ocean between them, but we sure as fuck aren't doing very well not being taken over by third-worlders.

>look how violent muslims are! they kill people in terrorist attacks!
>look how based this guy was! he killed kids and normal people in a terrorist attack! praise kek!

Why are right wingers such hypocrites?

>including enforcing the law on them
Enforcing laws on Muslims causes terror attacks.

good television and film

now now, we were talking about immigration and attacks weren't we? obviously i'm against bombing countries. but what's even more retarded is bombing countries and then letting belligerent elements from those countries into your country.
wouldn't you agree?
are you saying the laws aren't currently being enforced on muslims?

No one thinks the dude was based. People are saying he had a point and it's being proven literally to spite him.

powerful. this definitely doesn't prove tarrant to have been right about everything.

How is this related to movies or television?

A footy team is being forced to change their name too

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Sometimes people film movies/TV shows in New Zealand like Peter Jackson did for The Lord of the Rings.

"right wingers" are saying multiculturalism causes instability, including attacks like this one.

>we're actually getting rid of our culture regardless of the islamization, not because of it; I bet you racists feel really stupid now

tarrant directed, acted and scored a short film kino

why do you faggots care about this shit? I'm a kiwi and even I don't care about this shit

wow, you don't care? i'm so impressed dude

Go shag a sheep.

which is exactly why you deserve jacinda :^)

Merkel's party literally has "Christian" in its name.

Go suck an egg.

yeah and north korea has 'democratic' in its name. what is your point?

That there is no way you can deny that Merkel is a conservative.

>tarrant directed, acted and scored a short film kino

like you can't deny north korea is democratic?

Based retard. Few people now that enabling Islamic rape and terrorism is conservative.

Don't forget banning the media from reporting on it and arresting anyone who questions it.

I can show you proof that Merkel is pursuing conservative policy. Can you show me proof that the DPRK is pursuing democracy?

Actually yes, enabling rape and terrorism are very typical for conservatives. Though actually the laws against sexual harassment and sexual violence have gotten a lot harsher during her tenure as chancellor. As well as the measures against terrorism and people suspected of it

kek these NZ threads really makes the redditors come out of the woodwork

they recently said they dont mind having an islamic chancellor
im not making this up

What's the side deeply concerned with stopping gun control, defunding mental health programs and ensuring freedom of religion again? I don't think its the left.

Then show me proof.

This ends in you dead at the hands of muslims.

The shooter foresaw this development and Qanon predicted it before he was even born

Traitors and enablers like you are much more dangerous than muslims.
I wish Tarrant killed you as well.

wait, so are you happy or unhappy with merkel and her conservative policies?

North Korea is closer to a democracy than Merkel is conservative, i.e. not at all.

>most countries arent full of arms like the US so gun control does work

He said, after a country with heavy gun-control just had one of the deadliest shooting-sprees in history.

Ah yes, they want to make it easier to destroy white, western societies by making it harder for themselves to destroy white, western societies.

You're an idiot. Muslims aren't the ones shilling for bans on Muslims, idiot. They want to do as they please while they want to ban whitey from having any say in it.

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How is separation of church and state wrong, exactly? In Burgerland you have representatives whose prayer before a session is nothing but thank you jesus this thank you Jesus this, Jesus Jesus Jesus. And that's supposed to be good?

>Dude, just let your societies be overrun by insane third-world terrorists. Don't complain about it. The media told me that Global Warming is the REAL enemy.

Imagine being this motherfucking blue pilled.

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She's slightly better than both chancellor's that came before her, one a conservative, the other nominally a social democrat, but I can't say I like her a lot and she's been in office for a lot longer than she should have been. Overall the negative outweighs the positive and I'm glad she's not gonna run for the next election. Not that I seriously think we're gonna get someone better.

It's not like it's gonna stop people being religious. I get flyers for god shit every other day in the city. In other news Yea Forums is unblocked for us now

it's a symbolic move to reaffirm their anti-Christian and anti-white intentions.

>Why would a Christian nation have a Parliamentary Prayer?

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Im from NZ and this bitch didn't even win the election. Kiwis don't like her because all she talks about is raising everyones taxes, and the cost of living in NZ is already sky high.

She will last 1 term and be hated for the damage she has done to the country. Only positive of it all is she formed a government with the Greens and those faggots have pissed the entire country off, so they wont survive the next election either.

it's not wrong, nor is it right. btw "separation of church and state" usually means that the actual church as an institution, doesn't have power to affect policy. you can have politicians praying or giving whatever lip service to the state's traditional religion as part of official proceedings, while still having separation of church and state.

Cant believe you actually think that lmao. I bet you think overpopulation is real too.

>look how based this guy was! he killed kids and normal people in a terrorist attack! praise kek!

Why do you need to create Strawmen for your argument to work?

Honestly bro I'm surprised there isn't more brown/white crime with the history. UK and US I get it but NZ is the wrong place to complain about whites being replaced

i see. thank you for clarifying user, i thought you were trolling initially. you're german?

Yes, I am.

do you like stollen and kaisersemmel

While that's a very debatable and contentious issue, what the OP is condemning is the notion this was part of NZ's recent policies of Islamic appeasement in hopes of avoiding Islamic terrorism as a response to Tarrant. Another user pointed out this has no relation to the recent happenings, so it's just late development in the anti-white, anti-christian, anti-western, etc direction western policies have been taking for the past half century.

>ou can have politicians praying or giving whatever lip service to the state's traditional religion as part of official proceedings, while still having separation of church and state.

Politicians can pray and pay lip service all they want, but I don't see any good reason why you need to have everybody in the room pray together before holding an official session.

>look how violent the alt-right is! they kill people in terrorist attacks! ...Sometimes. This is like literally the only one...
>Islam just killed a bunch of whites for the third week in a row! they killed kids and normal people in a terrorist attack! whitey BTFO! America BTFO! Europe BTFO!

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>merkel is conservative u dumb racists!
>invites millions of foreigners into europe at the drop of a hat


Because no one likes Muslims :)

not really hypocritical if you don't consider muslims fully human

Fuck sandnigger religions

Yes, I do!

>It's against me and my values because I want to be oppressed and act like a victim.

Okay. Go cry in a corner then.

>are you saying the laws aren't currently being enforced on muslims?


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that's fine, you don't have to. it's a tradition.
in the end nz politicians decided they don't have to either.

Seperation of church and state is bad?

>new zealand gun laws are now getting cucked down to australia levels
if we can't have it, neither can our irrelevant neighbour

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Finally, someone with a brain


>slave trade
Reported for hate speech. It is so typical for you right wing assholes to spread fake news. Slave trade equals privilege + power, so it is impossible that there is slave trade in Libya, when the country is made up entirely of marginalized people.

>Dude, why would I care about my own country being subverted and Islamisized?

That's some top-tier IQ right there.

Islam seems to be the state religion of choice for the people who see their neighbors as future boot lickers.

It was never about spirituality or religion, these secular retards have always hated Christianity and now it shows. They will elevate a satanic religion like islam to spite it.

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Christians see gays as sinful. Islam throws them off roofs. Enjoy your new brothers you leftist sodomites

Well, the head of the Christcuck mosque did say that he suspects Mossad.

anyone else here /justwanttowatchtheworldburn/?

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>muslims attack christians
"Don't blame all muslism! Muslims are the real victims here."
>christian attacks muslims
What is this? What is this called? Why do they do this? Is it a sub section of white guilt?

>I can show you proof that Merkel is pursuing conservative policy.
"Conservative" in Germany means about as much as "Democracy" means in North Korea. Which is to say fucking nothing. The Overton Box in Germany is shifted so far fucking Left that opposing hate-speech laws makes you a "radical nazi".

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>It's tradition
So was feeding monotheists to lions.
Tradition is a poor excuse to show religious zeal down people's throats.

we have an overpopulation of niggers

If the world is burning, why not direct the fire to shape it?

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Imagine living in fear of the global warming meme every day of your life
Everything we love is going to be destroyed by Muslim takeovers in 20 years anyway

playing with fire is a bad idea

>So many muslims that they had to remove Christ our Lord from the prayer
Wow, I guess New Zealand is doing just fine. I feel really dumb now

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jesustown was taken

Slavery is perfectly admissible in Islam you disgusting kaffir

The answer is always Leftism

seems like prayer is fairly innocuous and harmless compared to feeding people to lions no?
you can use this "argument" as a justification to get rid of all traditions. the fact is that not all traditions are the same.

>Still have a prayer
>Remove Jesus from it

Yeah bro, makes sense.

It's the true motivation of global government. Something about good vs evil and rejection of god...

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>everything we love
>nyc, la, Washington DC and every major city swallowed up by the sea the the sodom and gamoras they are

You having a laugh mate?

You mean the nation that got bombed by NATO and went from stopping slavery to being a bloody slaver paradise?

Mexico had a city called kill all Jews.

We should embrace Islam and it's views on feminism.

tfw saved the video before it got taken down

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Only if you're retarded

>implying climate change isn't BASED AF

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it's just one of those liberal insanities.
instead of addressing the source of the issue, they address the symptoms. so instead of addressing the fact that social unrest and violence is a consequence of unchecked immigration and diversity, they try to make it impossible for these things to manifest by taking away people's guns, knives, trucks and forks (see Britain). it's utter insanity.

Isn't this sort of shit the exact thing the shooter wanted to happen?

>nyc, la, Washington DC and every major city swallowed up by the sea
and everybody living like peasants afterwards because those cities were the economic heart of the country
not a good future

There's nothing wrong with that name though.

We should just give the Muslims Israel. Air lift the Christians out first though

okay, for real though, what do you think of the several cases where german police was told to cover up migrant crime in fear of racist backlash


you can't possibly approve of this or think this is being "a lot harsher" on sex crime

>Names child Mohammed Mohammed

Just because most people in a country are of a certain religion means the government should indulge or make mandatory religious practices

This is what a republican government is

we think we can control nature but it always manages to surprise us

That was literally his goal though. NZ is just playing right into his hands. The ride never ends.

global government subversion is not nature

This. Same reason a Muslim attack on Whites every other week is forgotten about in less than a week, but this New Zealand attack is going to be milked six ways from Sunday for the next several years.
Same way leftcucks still haven't shut up about a fat commie hog dying because she was too fat to survive being pushed by a crowd hit by a car driven by a guy being chased by rifle-wielding Antifa members, but the vehicle attack by a Muslim in Barcelona that SAME WEEK that killed EIGHT PEOPLE literally isn't even remembered.

Leftism relies on Selective Attention and Selective Memory.

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the mosque he shot up had churned out two terrorists (that we know of) already


Most of those cities have been bought and sold by foreign billionaires looking for giant playgrounds for their shitty kids, and most major cities all over the world in every country are coastal so most places will have to change their economic structures if they exist is the apocalypse. Besides don’t you believe in change?

>Islam seems to be the state religion of choice for the people who see their neighbors as future boot lickers.

It always has been.
Islam is very appealing to people who want to subjugate.

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>that opposing hate-speech laws makes you a "radical nazi".

Almost as if Germany has specific black history that has made them want to make very rigid legislation when it comes to things like holocaust denial and hate speech, and due to still active neo nazi groups they don't see any reason to loosen them just to appease nazi symphatizers.

it is, by extension, human nature

i just want to point out that hitler was just repeating what arab delegates told him about islam, he himself didn't learn much about it on his own, he just regurgitated what he was told about it
plus islam wasn't as large back then so it had an exotic element to it

put two and two together and you have that quote

I know its great. They'll never forget

And it will be engulfed by the mass of humanity, like a tree getting shredded in a hurricane

It's called Marxism.
Every identity-group is either in the Victim Class or the Oppressor Class.
Islam is in the Victim Class, while Christianity is in the Oppressor Class, according to the current arbitrary Marxist paradigm.
That means even if Islam is attacking Christianity, Islam is STILL the victim, and Christianity is STILL the oppressor.
It's that simple. They don't believe in logic or equality. They believe in dogma.

I'm being hyperbolic.
I just really dislike theists, they keep trying to convert me.
Literally had me suffering through religious intervention bs almost every bloody month to emotionally manipulate me, screw theism.
It just pretends to be harmless.

>muslims are attacking us because their countries are unstable because we made arbitrary borders without no regard for ethnic and cultural differences
>diversity is our greatest strength btw
REALLY makes me think

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Thank god germany is keeping the nazis at bay as it becomes a muslim infested shithole. You clearly have your priorities straight.

>bad thing happened 80 years ago
>lets oppress citizens and destroy ourselves as compensation


The problem here seems to be police trying to hide their inability to deal with crime rather than the government attempting some sort of coverup. And don't get me wrong, I think the police, and various other public institutions, are extremely underfunded, also as a result of the neoliberal economic policy we've been pursuing for the last decade, but the laws are technically perfectly sufficient, they just need to be more actively enforced.

Its like that episode of south park where they ask Osama bin laden to kill the jersey shore guys. They'll be asking the nazis for help soon

>and due to still active neo nazi groups
non existent
they came down hard on some random soldier that was glorifying imperial germany by having a flag and some bismark bust, terrified that it was
>zomg ze nassseeee!
and it was fucking nothing
the only nazis left in germany are in nursing homes
but they'll make new nazis, the way things are going

Some aussie retard thought accelerationism would turn out well

>Redefining marxists theory
You must be American

>I mean just because Nazi Germany was a horrible genocidal fascist state doesn't mean we shouldn't try the ethno state built on hating everybody who fails to fit an arbitrarily created purity test thing again.

Only white male countries participate in slave trade, racist dude. I don't understand why is the staff of this website allowing someone as hateful as you to spew your bile.

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They attack because we bomb for oil and destabilize the nation.

well, that's fair to feel that way if you had a bad experience, but i'm still not going to think of religion related traditions as bad because of your experience.
what was your experience if you don't mind sharing? were you raised in some kind of sect like the mormons or just in a really mainline religious environment?