I don't get it

I don't get it, explain

Attached: joker incel.png (608x235, 19K)

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I seriously hope gamers rise up against this shit

Damn. We live on a society

fact: if the joker was real women would desperately want to fuck him

what does sex feel like?

This just means incels are the new counter culture. pat yourselves on the back boys.

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can he even imagine

looks like incel kino is back on the menu boys



Do people even know what words are anymore? Jesus fucking christ


Why do incels like to mock other incels so much? Don't onions cucks realize they ar ejust as virginal?

This "guy" literally looks like "that guy who comments "beautiful" on all your instagram posts"

the lack of self awereness at looking like THAT and pretending is a chad is borderline insulting.

and its curious to see how hard this trailer hit with the SJW crew, all the comments have a vibe between "oh no i can even" or some nervous little joke.

based 77loquillo

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How do you get punk from jared leto being an obnoxious wigger?

/ourguy/ for sure.

Keep in mind these "men" still believe sex is something you work to earn from women who graciously bestow it upon the best boy.

so in their heads differentiating themselves from self-described "incels" is the same thing as being chad and they hope women will see that and confuse them for chad. What they dont realize is incels see them as incels also and just laugh at them

why are some leftist so eager to mock a mentally ill person who has trouble fitting in society despite trying his best, does't that go against their ideology

2008 Joker is an anarchist
2016 "Joker" is a wigger prostitute

how fucking obvious do they have to make it, they literally have him write out that he has a mental illness.

feminism created this problem by spending the last 40 years psychologically and emotionally abusing millions of at risk vulnerable children

People who start twitter screenshot threads need to be gassed

first, who plays veronica in this one?

What are these people afraid of?
Why are they so freaked out about a single trailer?

Generally, but a white guy losing control after society turns its back on him/attacks him is far too close to home for their day to day hypocrisy to process.
Nope, he's an incel who deserves ridicule for his whiteness and his dedication to caring for his family.

The absolute state of trannies

"If, tomorrow I tell the press that, like, Juggalo Jared Leto is Joker, or we're gonna shoehorn in half-baked superheroes in Man of Steel 2, nobody panics, because it's all 'WB being stupid'. But when I drop one little old Joaquin Phoenix trailer, well then everyone loses their minds!"

Attached: schemer.png (381x259, 220K)

Because only minorities and women are allowed to be mentally ill.

So how do I jump on this "hate the new Joker" train to get that enlightened pussy guys?

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If you want pussy, user, stop watching capeshit altogether.

there's already an incel shooting every 10 hours, after they feel empowered by the Joker movie they're going to be incel shootings every 10 minutes. Its a extremely dangerous film.

wasn't 2016 joker a flashy gangster? where is he getting punk?

how are 2008 and 2019 different?

It's from a Vine

But I don't like it user

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You know all those feminists and their white night defenders with their "INCEL! VIRGIN!" insults? It really is projection if you think about it.

The white knights themselves are the pathetic, fat, cringe inducing losers who think that if they keep defending women online, they will get pussy, and not even the ugliest of the feminists give it to them, but they keep trying anyways.

And the women themselves have worked into everybody's mind that "every woman, no matter how unattractive, has had sex with a man" but is that true? Think about it: would any woman of any age admit to being a virgin because she cannot get laid? And do you seriously think those 300 pound tumblrinas have actually had sex? How many men would willingly sleep with those things, even if he was desperate?

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I hate life

Joker is from India.

Then don't bother having an opinion on new Joker. It won't get you laid, whichever side you pick.

show bobs

Because zoomers don't know what anything is

Same place he got 2008 Joker's nihilism: His ass, which is marginally more mentally active than his brain.

It's truly amazing. They can look literally anything up that they don't know, as the whole fucking internet is at their fingertips, and they just don't do it.
It fucking astounds me. They have a massive library of knowledge in their fucking hands at all times and I don't even think they're aware it exists.

>And do you seriously think those 300 pound tumblrinas have actually had sex?
I know some irl and yeah they do
Any woman can catch a dick, just not the dick they want

>Any woman can catch a dick
no, this what they WANT you to believe

Show vagene.

I've seen it first hand but whatever you wish to tell yourself

>Iv'e seen one lardass get laid therefore ALL lardass's have been laid

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This. They want to fuck him even when he’s *not* real.

Like salt bags filled with milky sandcoins.

He looks like that greasy manlet who works in the very last remaining comic book shop or record store in your city. And he sweats really profusely whenever a female is around.


Why is everyone thinking that this joker is going to lose his shit because of women?

Today almost every piece of shit has a verified twitter account. Was always like that?

doesn’t anyone remember how every female wanted to identify as harley back when suicide squad came out

I'm a full blown chubby chaser, I've fucked some horrific looking women because their fat guts and busted faces are the only thing I can get off to. And believe me, fat girls are not hurting for male attention either. Especially when black guys exist, all they want is fat bitches. I'm rare being white and this being my fetish but I'm not alone.

Also, desperation and horny loneliness means some guys will fuck literally any girl who smiles at them even if she's a lardass. Girls are more selective on who they sleep with.

Fact: If Harley Quinn was real every man would desperately want to fuck her.

Like jerking off.

no complaints here

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Well hello beautiful

he's not an incel
he's a cuck.

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