Mums Make Porn

>Unsatisfied with the violent sex available online five ordinary mums work with industry experts and set out to create their own porn film they would be happy for their teenage children to watch.

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>plastic whore on the far left
>used read head
>borderline granny
>afro girl
Will it be kino?

Why wasn't Holly Halston in this?

Wish the one on the left was me mum. The red head too.

shit taste you have boomer faggot

>black guy

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you just know the bluegreen suit mom is down for some CRAZY shit. she's got that look

>BMWF in the background
The absolute state...

I'd unironically fuck the thicc blonde in black, the redhead and the black chick but Hell's to the no for the cropped hair granny in green.

would you want your mom in porn?
that's some fucking JUST tier shit for a son

>"son, sit down. I've got something to show you. I made some porn for you to watch."

>BBC actually has BBC porn
What a time to be alive lads amirite?

I'd unironically disown my mom and likely my dad too for allowing for such smut

You realize all and every porn star in history had this happen to anyone that had children right? If they don't admit it to their kids the kids will eventually find out. Thora Birch from American Beauty and Ghost World for instance had to find out both her dad and mom were in porn.

If my sister made porn now that would be a different story

Is she your full, half, step or foster sister user? Still BASED either way

>"Dude, I saw that 60 load challenge your mom did; NICE."
Lol 'sucks' for him

real, slightly older sister. I saw her naked once, surpirsed me she had a big hairy bush

Imagine being their children in high school.

>unsatisfied with violent sex
>immediately hires a rapist as the male star

Every. Single. Time.

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Does their porn show anal penetration, rimming and facial ehjaculation? If not why bother

The moms don't make porn. They watch and critique porno movies, then write their own, and porn stars act it out. One of the woman quit in the first episode because the porno flicks made her puke. The finished porno that the moms "make" is here

Uk only so i've not seen it but i heard it's shit

>Uk only so i've not seen it but i heard it's shit
I aint clickin that nigga, what happens in it?

sharia law in england shift from 'outrageous' to 'necessary'.

what a despicable people.

Damn I don't have me porn loicence

Attached: pornloicence.jpg (1224x744, 139K)

That's the official website, which is why it's uk only.

>white mom wants porn that shows her white son how sex should be
>black man/white woman

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The mums are *in* the porn?

Like, not consulting or giving notes or whatever? Actually in it?

try reading a few other posts you nobhead

>nigger and white woman
every time

This isn't a joke btw, this is literally what comes up when you click play

What else do you expect from this netflix-tier shit?

The ironic part is if they want to depict "real sex" imagine the logistics of this. Pick up a shady nigger from a bar, he probably has STDs, fuck him without protection and it's one and done meaning she has to do it again with another random nigger the next time. Yeah that'll really show your son about proper feminist friendly sex and what women "really want" in a relationship and foreplay.

have sex

Erica Lust has already been doing this for quite some time. Her shit manages to work in consent and contraception in an unobtrusive way, and shows woman in situations where they are seduced but not forced. Also in scenes with femdom the male character is either being knocked around by someone he is dating or he is with his long term partner and a 3rd party. I wish someone had taught a close friend of mine that being humiliated in bed by someone that genuinely could care less about you will not leave you feeling fulfilled. In fact it destroys the already fragile sense of self respect someone into that stuff has, and leaves them open to simply unacceptable behaviours like furfaggotry.

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Why UK is so fucking degenerate and full of media perverts obsessed with sex theme? Like how fuckin dare to even talk shit about early 00s American teen comedies when you have stuff like this? That's why Muslims would rule the world in future. Literally Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Muslims are the onky hope for Britain.

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You can’t show a teenage porn that’s illegal

I really don’t think they were, well...thinking about this one.
If Sharia bloody allows it


they probably will make it then hold onto it until he turns 18

With your mum? No thanks, sloppy seconding nigger cum is gay af

I was really hoping this would be about teen guys directing porn with their friend's hot mom

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But according to this roastie cunt makes a living by making modern porn that isn't "problematic" so she must think about the logistics of picking up strange niggers to fuck on the reg.

get some freedom you nigger

>create their own porn film they would be happy for their teenage children to watch.
It will totally just be them getting bangged by multiple negroids

Why did the black chick cut off all of her pubic hair and glue it to her head? Is that suppose to be attractive?

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>It will totally just be them getting bangged by multiple negroids
stop it user, my penis can only get so erect

they can make a sequel season when the kids do gay porn after turning because they saw their shriveled up mother blowing tyrone

If I had a hot mom the last thing I'd want would be friends

because you know they would be banging her?

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yes, im already a mamas boy, having a hot mom would make that worse

I'm gonna need a name...

In the biggest cities in UK like London, slags fucking blacks is considered perfectly normal and basically inevitable. the fact that you're surprised by this is hilarious

Gee I wonder what kind of guys will watch this.....

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me in the back