Why do they have such pleb opinions?

why do they have such pleb opinions?

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why do you obsess over them and make multiple threads a day about them?

when mike and (g)jay do that review of a bunch of movies, once a year, its clear how plebs they are.

i dont think i ever wanted to watch anything they recommend on that, but you check the comments and there is a ton of people really amazed by "a ghost story" or some pedestrian pleb shit.

the annihilation review, when they talk about those shitty characters like women full of nuance is fucking gold.

not a surprise that these guys, when try to do something, come up with SPACE COP.

they lack of intellectual substance.

I liked annihilation. I think their point was more that it was a decent film with women actors that didn't ram it down your throat, but got no press.

They're funny as a group, and have a knack for picking interesting BOTW movies, but the movies they actually get around to reviewing are bizarrely picked.

If I were them I'd pull a Fantano and review EVERYTHING no matter what to get extra views. Literally all it requires is
>mike and jay go to the movies or pirate the fucking thing so we don't have 10 mins of whining about how much they hate theatres
>jot down some notes immediately after
>film HITB the next day after they've had time to mull it over

That's literally it. I don't get why they do so few videos

Why don't they take some of that Patreon money and finance an actual film? It can be done, indie classics have been filmed on less than what they make in a month. They're just lazy and untalented.

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Faggot normie with shit taste.
Every single movie Jay likes ends up being great.

they're lazy drunk midwesterners at the end of the day

aidsmoby, my nigga... go home. youre drunk.

stop talking about my only friends like that :(

because they are paid shills

they got big because they have pleb opinions

the dude who did artic is a brazilian.

RLM is worst than the huehues.

let that sink in.

It's clear at this point they don't want to make films.

We have made great kino consistently so I don't know what's your point.

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MnMevidence made me laugh
and jay as a weird criminal alien was pretty funny
space cop wasn't too bad and comedies are harder to do than pretentious shit like those other two

FPBP, thank you. Fuck these retards and their team of shills on this board.

no, we dont. sério, mas nem fodendo.

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dude, if they wanted to, they could get actors from all over US - maybe the world - to do a movie with them for free.

they are lazy bastards, they dont have what it takes and hide under LE IRONIC BAD MOVIE, but if they wanted to sincerely try... they could do a professional looking movie.

> a bunch of mainstream directors did movies that cost ten, twenty times LESS than AVGN.

its not that money isnt important, is that money isnt everything. there are more stuff.

>job consists of making media on youtube
>have money for good equipment
>have access to actual actors
>have a (supposed) in-depth knowledge of film making
>spend years making Space Cop

What did based Mike and Jay mean by this?

what the fuck are you talking about? what actors could they actually hire? they have no money budget or staff.
the best they could do as far as hollywood celebrities was a small cameo from patton oswalt.

Space Cop is awful and comedy is the second easiest genre behind horror films.

Movies are expensive and a lot of hard work. It took them years to make space cop which was a pile of absolute unfunny shit.

Them making a 'le ironically bad' film and their audience lapping it up is still hysterical. It's crazy how untalented they are at filmmaking.

name 5 good low budget comedy movies that aren't a vehicle of some really talented comedian or standup, you can't

They are the populist youtube movie reviewer/friend simulator. They don't care about being "intellectual" or having a sense of elitism or whatever else you tell yourself to help you sleep at night. They only care about their base emotions as they watch kino, and that's a good thing. No one gives a shit about your obscure russian film directors. Fuck off

post the trailer for the film youve made since your such a fucking expert. and space cop isnt 'ironically bad' you fucking moron its actually pretty damn good.

>Space Cop is bad
I thought we all agreed it was kino when it first came out? I remember people calling it one of the great comedies of the decade. What happened?

they wanted to sediment the HACK FRAUD aspect of the venture.

chris nolan first movie cost 6K. and thats one example, there are tons of famous movies that cost less than they make every month on patreon.

actors? really? dude, any big city has actors waiting for a chance. i could glue a poster looking for actors on the university of my city or on facebook and i would get responses - and im nothing.

they are a well known youtube channel with a solid fanbase. believe me: they could get good competent actors if they tried for almost nothing.

as an actor you would want exposure, why the fuck you would say no to a week on milwaukee doing a movie that could be good or at least be something to put in your portfolio? cmon.

I read on here a couple of months ago that they are involved in a lot more than anyone knows about. If you have an IMDB pro account you can see things that do not show up with a regular search.
Of course there is the tiniest possibility the person who said that was full of shit I guess.

i will disagree, specially with jay, he acts a whole lot of time like a little faggot.

the whole "rey isnt a mary sue" is annoying, because she is and he doesnt recognize, its like "i dont want to be associeted with this plebs".

and i would understand that if when he suggest movies, most of them wouldnt be the most basic bitch redit stuff.

ill give him that: quick cuts was a nice little project for him to talk about more obscure stuff and it was a shame they aborted, because jay is more ecletic than mike - that looks like a dude close to anything out of his confort zone, wich is terrible for a filmmaker or any kind of creator.

>more then 1 rlm thread
don't do this you fucking retards
this is how they all get deleted and then we can't have nice things anymore

Nice. This thread just made about 20 people subscribe to their channel. Keep it up buddy!

Such as...

Does Jay have a gf or is he just a gay?