Imagine being responsible for the casting of Captain Marvel and cast Brie Larson instead of someone who actually looks...

Imagine being responsible for the casting of Captain Marvel and cast Brie Larson instead of someone who actually looks like the part, i hope she becomes Supergirl in the DCEU if Cavill is really leaving the boat now

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Does this bitch even wear any other outfits?

She looks like the sort of gal that would spit in your mouth and not even have the common decency to call you a faggot while she was doing it

imagine putting a baby in her

she pretty girl i must make edgy comment haha

She’s perfect.

She wear some really good outfits in The Magicians (I don't watch the show but saw some pictures in the past) and on her Instagram

Yea, I’ve only seen pictures of her in this. Is it her costume on a show?

You'd be great casting director for getting someone on board because they are in possession of big milkers.

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You're not fitting in here, leftypol. I'm sorry, it just isn't working out.

Haha that would be an epic prank hahaha

Her name on twitter is her name on the show..or is it instagram? One of the two. This bitch has no identity outside the show.
Literally this. I've NEVER seen her wear anything else.

Yeah, her name on Instagram is the name of her character lmao, but she did some minor comedy projects before and her type of humor is really good, she would non-ironically fit like a glove on the role of Carol Danvers, but well...

the magicians is such an underrated show

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Shes Literally the booby-lady and has no identity outside her 1 role. Even her co-workers are more "normal" and don't do this shit. The worst part is shes playing a fucking annoying cunt everyone hated in the book AND in the show.
11/10 show super great and its truly the "hot people show" where everyone is super attractive. Also where they do homosexuality right for once in a forever.

Can someone please share some pictures?


of what? she never wears anything else.

going to need a sauce on that senpai

>Also where they do homosexuality right for once in a forever.
Why is that something I care about?

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Because it speaks volumes that this show can push shit that we all hate and not actually notice/care about it

love this slag's enormous boobs lads

What’s this lass’ name?
I see big things in her future.

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Calm down incel

i'd like to lather her tits up with baby oil and shove my face between them if you know what i mean

Olivia Taylor Dudley, and yeah her good looks will play a big part on her success

the reason why she nevee changes her attire is because shes an actual living breathing succubus
succubi always wear the same clothing

Me on the left in the hat.

she's not a slag but yeah tits

it's not fair bros.

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You've overused the word, just like your handlers warned you about. It no longer carries a negative stigma, nor is it a viable insult. Back to the drawing board.

God look at those bfft

seething chink

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haha that'd be wild

Carol isn't a comedy character so I dont know where you got that idea from.

>samefagging this hard

She looks like KStew mixed with Olivia Cockburn


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bitch get out the way.
look at what she’s wearing, look at what you’re wearing. Get out of the way and let her take a proper picture.

Thank you for pointing that out. That's pretty fucking funny.

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She would make a great high class escort

*Femdom stares at you*

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wow what a slut

hahaha what gives you a crazy idea like that?

Well she's not in the Comics but every character in the MCU has some sense of unique type of humor and Brie Larson doesn't pass the idea of someone who knows how be funny

olivia rape me

God damnit now I have to jack the fuck off

cant help you sorry. but its a stage show she did.

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Something bothering you, bud?

they cast brie larson for the woke points not if she actually looked the part

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Oh god oh fuck i had forgot about that

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winnick is probably the one who could have made Captain Marvel good.
>bbbbbbut it made a billion
its not a good movie and no one liked it.

fuck. she’d have me

>You've overused the word, just like your handlers warned you about. It no longer carries a negative stigma, nor is it a viable insult.

Have sex.

look at those jugs

I’m fucking tryin’ mate

God damn the jaw on this lass, our sons would have Chad facial features if I got her pregnant.

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She's got a jaw I'd kill for

Haha yeah I would definitely do that if you know what I mean

Check out those chompers on the right! I fucking can't stand women with fucked up teeth. Get braces!

Oh yeah this one too, it just doesn't have the weight it used to when it got rolled out for captain marvel. Maybe get a focus group together or something, there's gotta be a better insult you guys can think up if you put your minds to it

are you offering?

I'm going to burn my cock yanking it to her, that's for sure

>straight, white teeth
>a slight gap in the middle of the front 2
>"I can't stand women with fucked up teeth"
>"just procure thousands of dollars to fix something most people won't even take a second look at!!!"

bruh I'm not even a roastie and I'm getting triggered at your autism. My teeth are flawless btw (I had braces at 14 and every dentist/hygienist I've encountered mires the hell out of my teeth) so this isn't a cope thing

pic related: it's you

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gotta jack off now

I don't imagine myself as being gay.

r e n t
f r e e

the gay shit wasnt subversive as it was character development. where two of the mcs are gay for eachother due to magical influence which are actually compelling.

She also gave an amazing performance in based Neveldine's The Vatican Tapes

Haha imagine cuddling with her, waking up with her, having her fill you with warmth, and devoting the rest of your life to her and your beautiful children
Wouldn't that be hilarious?

more like a love child of kstew and patricia arquette

Damn I'd go see that movie if this bitch was in it

>everyone is super attractive

id say 4/7

margo, alice, julia and elliot.

true patrician taste is wanting to lay one in the librarian chick

oh the librarian mommy is delicious.

She looks like that one retarded porn star

She's a hot piece of ass but a terrible actress. Easily worse than Brie.

She can be pretty good depending of the project she's involved, underrated actress that needs a bigger role to show her full potential in my opinion

Mmmmm .... her .... ??? What da heck was wrong with those four ...? One of them would’ve filled a slot just fine.

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Emily Blunt as Cap would be kino, put Sylvia Hoeks on the middle of that list too and that would be really considerable

>Olivia Thirlby (dredd)
>Alice Eve (star trek into darkness, iron fist)
>Anna Torv (fringe)

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I would be sold instantly if Anna Torv was casted too, especially if Carol is sold like she is in the actual movie (basically a Mary Sue)


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Do men really like women who act like this?

>she's wearing a thong
I wonder what color

It's not about her personality or the way she acts, she's just showing skin and her curves. IT's a visual thing.


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>roastie standing up wearing a lanyard looks at her with jealousy and contempt



brie larson was a casting couch or an executive order from disney.

nothing elses justify this trainwreck.

and the billion dollar box office is just awkward, who believes in that?

its aesthetic and big tiddy goth, so yes

not usually a fan of the big tiddy blonde bimbo aesthetic, but DAMN.

she's being overtly sexual. we want to fuck her. liking her as a person doesn't cross our minds in this context.

look, yes