Don’t mind me, I just saved the horror genre not once, but TWICE

Don’t mind me, I just saved the horror genre not once, but TWICE.

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literally who

his existence is scarier than his movies desu



>not knowing Jordan Peele
>not knowing one of the best horror films in recent memory

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>not knowing Jordan Peele
literally who


uh...we're on pol user?

you're fucking retarded m8

But if he saved it the first time how could he save it again? He couldn't save it the second time unless he failed to save it the first time and it still needed saving, in which case he would have only saved it the second time, making the second time he saved it the only time he saved it.

actually can't wait to see what he does with candyman

big lipped motherfucker right chea

So...he saved it from himself? Huh, nice subtle burn OP

Move aside for real horror kino

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What has this got to do with /pol/ you absolute retard.

probably recast it with all black people and add some very heavy handed not so thinly veiled progressive messages

And make it very entertaining with likeable characters that make smart decisions.

Also, Japan has saved the horror genre years ago and multiple times to boot.

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>steal a movie concept
>make it look clean and add color filter
>99% rotten tomatoes
The JJ Abrams of our time

Also, Japan has saved the horror genre years ago and multiple times to boot.

us didn't even come close to the heights that get out achieved

we should have lunch some time,
feels like I havent spoken to you in a minute haha

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is that James Wan?

>Gets handed the reins of Twilight Zone remake
>CBS puts it behind a paywall on their streaming service
>nobody will see it

I watched Twilight Zone because I was hoping for something good from him. Key and Peele made it clear he likes "nerdy" and sci-fi stuff, and can be clever at times. I even expected some degree of politics is in the episode, but holy shit, when the episode wasn't busy being a mediocre and drawn out horror/thriller, it was just screaming "fuck white conservatives!" at the screen without a hint of subtlety or wit in the writing. And based on the PV for the season showing all the not-Trump political stuff, it's only going to get worse. Are the writers all actually that stupid, or do they just assume their audience members all have room temperature IQs?

based and redpilled

Not even being /pol/ but I thought Get Out was overrated. I always feel like I"m missing something when people talk about how amazing and deep that movie was.

That said, I do really want to go see Us.

"Don't mind me, if I wasn't zionhollywood's Pet Nigger Of The Month™ I would have literally no career."

The Comedian was mediocre and gave me Death Note vibes.

Should I continue or are they all kind of crap?

I wouldn’t call Predators or The Matrix horror movies.
Apocalypse Now might qualify though.

he is such an ugly jew

So you haven't seen the candyman movies


The black guy that white affluent liberals can love.

The next one is unironically worse. It almost does a serviceable job, but then it completely backpedals at the very end.

Literally just walked out of the movie. It was utter shit, left at the 1hour mark

he makes sci-fi.. not horror.

but Us was sloppy and self indulgent

But he didn’t make either Hereditary or The Conjuring series. And his movies are nowhere near as thought-provoking as indie horror films like “A Dark Song.”

rent free

Have sex

I couldn't sit through the first episode but enjoyed the second for what it was.

Us was fucking Shyamalan tier, dude.

He's done alright for a black kid with downs syndrome

More like A24

LOL'd out loud haha

people that take issue with Peele are going to die virgins.


Not if ur mum has anything to say about it, m8

>implying you chads would settle for a solid 7/10 like my mom.
