Jared Leto is the ultimate performance artist and his role as The Joker in Suicide Squad is proof. The people that think the behind the scenes shenanigans he was pulling was to psyche himself up for the role are among the butt of the joke. He used his role to satirize the concept of method acting and the braindead “film buffs” who put “method actors” on pedestals. He knew the film was going to be shit, the quality had nothing to do with decision to sign onto the film. His role was a conduit for a much larger statement about film. Film is an escapist medium for people and is inherently a joke of a medium. It’s not taken seriously despite how hard fat greasy mcdonalds arthouse Tarkovsky connoisseur would have you think otherwise. He sent his co-stars boxes of dead rats and rotten condoms to prove to their warped senses of self-worth that they’re scum and that nobody gives a shit that they can put on a costume and say memorized lines for 2 hours. He did this as social commentary to mock the likes of Day Lewis and Robert Deniro who take themselves very seriously despite being glorified prostitues. Leto proved that no matter how seriously you take your job as an ‘actor’ you’re still a fucking clown. This is not only *the* superior rendition of ‘The Joker’ but it’s also the greatest political statement ever made about Hollywood.
We Need To Talk About Leto
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Embarrassing post. Do commit suicide.
im gonna send you a dead rat in the mail so i can be the jokker next haha
Hold my Yikes! bro
Gtfo Leto, that trailer alone is better than your entire perfomance in Suicide Squad.
cope harder mate. this is superior to the trailer youtube.com
t. Jared Leto
You spent time typing and thinking that gay shit
>I hate it because it's popular I'm so le edgy xD
Wait till you know JoaKING sent dead fetuses and pieces of shit to Robert DeNiro and Zazie Beetz
seriously go back
oh look. leto's joker has become unpopular and now Yea Forums likes it.
How surprising
>leto's joker has become unpopular
he was always unpopular. why are people like you and resorting to this "you only like things that arent popular!!" argument. sounds like a coping mechanism to me
>everything is le COPE xD
>he was always unpopular.
Wrong. He was liked until the shitty movie came out. Everyone praised his performance in the trailer.
Flip Leto with Phoenix and we got ourselves a image
repackaging arguments with greentext and xD is incel-tier behavior. cope harder
you're literally retarded
so fucking bad lmao
>y-you're literally retarded
It's true, though, faggot. Cope harder.
>haha I was just pretending to be retarded
>he hasn't been here long enough to experience x is x when it was unironic therefore becoming immune to any cringe deriving from it
no, you go back
>just because something gets stolen by reddit doesn't make it reddit!
so new
cope harder
>he was just being ironic bros you just don't get it
this. shame on you OP or as others might say "yikes"
Jared Leto is a hack faggot. And so are you.
just because you were too dumb to realize leto's intentions doesn't mean everyone else missed and that it's made up. this is terabyte tier size cope
>you just don't get it bro terabytes bla bla XDD
You've reached retarded levels of delusional now, faggot.
Delete yourself OP
you're literally coping right now because you didn't get it. its okay, you're one of many millions of people that dismissed artists they don't understand. just stick to easily digestible films about incels that wreak havoc because they're lonely
seethe harder
>attacking ignorance with more ignorance
back to plebbit
>le seething card
You've spent all your resources, haven't you? lmao