However, almost immediately after his first appearance, he is nonchalantly shot in the back. It really delivers Nolan's message about escalation perfectly; the low life criminals in Gotham have no respect, even for other criminals and their previous merits. Even Dunhier, with all his skills, is expendable.
He, being the top thief in Gotham, knew that a new breed of criminal was arriving ever since the scarecrow incident. This was the last job he would pull, and he knew as much. He was so ahead of the game that he saw his death coming before the job even started. He didn’t want to live in a world with such lawless thievery, and knew he was truly “done here”
Sebastian Diaz
Bravo Nolan. its the details like this I miss on first viewing
Easton Perry
“Due to Heath Ledger’s tragic death, several key scenes of his showdown with gangboss ‘Ewan Urfrenzaded’ were never completed so the entire sub-plot ended up on the cutting room floor. Only one mention of the character is in the final movie.”
David Robinson
go back this
Julian Adams
>Do you know who? Hugh Steele-Ingfromm. Hugh and Yeff Ren Zaded.
Why does this character mention people that are seemingly important but we never get to see in the movie?
Smee was trying to upon up a seed store out in the boonies. Maimen's friend Chuck sold it to him(Smee)
Samuel Ramirez
>"With all your clients locked up, whats gonna happen with all that money?" >Like I said, I'm Goodwid Calklashen The mystery behind this line still astounds me to this day. Such incredible world building by Goyer and Nolan.
You either grabbed the bait or are trying to bait us
Brandon Anderson
What he's actually saying is "No, Eie'm dunnheir;" the later half being Hiberno, a Galiec-English derivative, roughly translating to "fully done" or "complete." Nolan's choice to highlight this dialect shows a deep understanding of the mult-faceted caste system regularly on display in Gotham's working-class ghettos.