It's a pornography store.
I was buying pornography.
It's a pornography store
was it fuck and suck porn?
It's a feed and seed store.
I was buying feed and seed.
Bartic head
Wanna know more about it?
It's a Sneed store.
I was buying Feed&Read.
why the FUCK would it be Feed and Reed
Important question: does Sneed and Moe porn exist?
>pornography store
Could it be? Was he buying at Chuck's?
What kind of feed and seed store sells pornography?
tfw when Simpsons threads will never be good ever again because of sneedfaggots
well well... if it isn’t Mr Salad Fork
>tfw when Sneed threads will never be good ever again because of Simpsonsfaggots
>He doesn't do a little feeding while he's reading
Well excuse us mister John Deere tiller
Good I hope they DIE
formerly chuckfaggots
you have to be a zoomer, the simpsons is 3 decades old, if youve ever wanted to talk about the golden age of simpsons you should of been talking here a decade ago, or are you too young for that?
>thinking memes are permanent
>all them (you)s
it was all part of my plan, formerly my plot