Episode: Annjeannette Whaley (Yes, whaley): heavy.com/entertainment/2019/04/annjeannette-whaley-my-600-lb-life/





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Other urls found in this thread:

putlockers.fm/search-movies/my 600.html

Thank you for the new thread

She's eating rice crackers guys, healthy as fuck

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>Annjeannette Whaley

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what's with fat people and peanut butter?

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LAYGZ update. Should I mark the "partner is an enabler" square? She seems like a feeder but the sister is the one bringing the food.

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first for /amberlynn/

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Go for it.

>mom was a drug addict
>CPS called
>left with her drug addict mother to be homeless in california
>mom died
>fat fuck started using meth and shot up to 400 pounds
>dad tried taking them to become sober
>didn't work
>blames people telling her to eat healthy for her weight gain citing bullying
>pretends she hasn't eaten all day so her girlfriend feeds her after work
>keeps fast food in refrigerator because its easier to get
>eating a jar of peanut butter and package of rice cakes 1 month after visiting dr. now

Imagine how easy it'd be to lose weight at that size.
You'd probably drop a pound every hour that you simply don't eat

how the fuck do people even get to these sizes? Once I realized I hit 200 pounds and had a little bit of a belly growth I freaked the fuck out and started doing the gym 4 days a week and went full keto diet

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> Whaley

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Fuck yes

123 dont fail me pls

guess how many lbs she gained
>22 lbs

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What ended up happening to Steven?

How bad for you is peanut butter?

That's her skinny pic. Post one of her stream from yesterday, and her StayPuft laygs.

Why was there a dead kid in the bed????

Serious question - where do they get clothes that big?

>I freaked the fuck out and started doing the gym 4 days a week
>and went full keto diet
Fuck that keto shit, just do IF/OMAD

They double down on peanut butter.

RIP car's suspension

She wears that security blanket like a skirt.

Did the Airforce loan them a C17 to fly her?

I eat peanut butter straight from the jar all the time and im not fat. Theyre probably eating super processed jiffy with honey

how do you get fatter after doing meth?

The hell is the pink blanket for?

It's not really bad for you, it's just high calorie. You're better off eating regular peanuts.

Big and tall men's stores

Jazz sells XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL moomoos.

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a white castle burger is about 160 calories

2 spoons of peanut butter is 180 calories

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Dont watch the show, are these people really pretty dumb?

filling I guess

Based new thread poster

She'll need to upgrade to a bigger one if she doesn't take this seriously.

She looks fatter.


At what point are fatties considered post-human?

I'd also recommend fasted exercise. Once your body gets used to it, you feel like you have unlimited energy to do whatever exercises you want

Unironically, fasting for several days at a time, if done properly, is actually the fastest way to lose weight. The problem is if you do it improperly you can slow your metabolism and/or lose muscle like a motherfucker.

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Her fren

Kinda have to be to get that big.

More often than not yes, they're either rednecks, NEETs, traumatized from childhood, or all three.

400 lbs of fat

My Waifu

Moar pls

She thinks it distracts you from seeing how fat she is.

Can't wait to see her excuse.

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It has a nice sturdy toilet! Kek.

cloak of invisibility

She looks like Andy Milonakis in close ups

11 lbs

It’s high calorie low chew.

Is this the one who made the videos screaming at taxpayers? He apparently got better and is running a gamestore, and got a wife

shes a lesbian or is that just her friend?


i cant believe she cut it off, apparently it was tiny too, what a dumb whore.


tfw reading kino during the commercial breaks

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Whats IF/OMAD?

They need a C5.

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Single digit weight loss

> that feel when you are your own mattress

She probably does have a fuck load of muscle in her legs if she can still walk at this size

she is a homosexual


I lost 60 pounds in 6 weeks when I went on adderall and only ate half a meal a day

These people don't even need to fast to lose tons of weight. 2000 calories a day and they would lose enough in the first couple months to meet Dr. Now's surgery goal.

weight lost:10

that's going to be a great sleep on that tile

Usually. They lack self-awareness except for the vague notion that they shouldn't be this big. They don't understand how the human body works and try to lie to Dr. Now and themselves about how they got to their weight. They don't follow the diet and are disappointed when they don't lose weight.
But they think they can be clever. They've gotten away with forcing their enabler to feed them their entire adult lives and think they can get away with getting what they want out of other people too.
Occasionally you get the rare fattie who both knows he has a problem and seriously wants to fix it.

Do americans really sleep on the floor ?

How to do it and keep most the muscle, I have a decent amount of both

oooh, here it comes, how much has she gained?

I'm betting 10.

45 lbs

And check this 6

Kinda the same situation, just was fat my whole childhood then saw I was 195 at the doctors. I'm a bit too lazy to get to the gym regularly, so I just fasted for a summer

Making excuses before she even gets into the office.

She gained.

if you eat anything you will start losing muscle

Intermittent fasting, you eat your calories in a few hour window (for example, you only eat your daily calories between 12PM and 8 PM, you can make it longer or shorter) and fast the rest of the time. OMAD is one meal a day.

Get into podcasts and go for walks

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Cubs game on one tv, fat kino on the other. Max comfy.

>Dr. Now...my old nemesis. We meet again

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I'm going to be optimistic and say that she lost weight, even if it was only a few pounds.

Intermittent Fasting / One Meal A Day

just keep lifting, youll be fine, as long as you have fat to burn you dont need to eat much to maintain muscle unless you've been roiding

we saw her eat half a loaf of bread with peanut butter ffs

I used to abuse my exgfs Vyvanse all the time (still do but I get it from her sister). How tf do you get fat on meth? I have to force myself to eat because I just don't feel hungry at all on it. It makes me want to smoke more than anything.

Lost 5 pounds, but someone that fucking big probably fluctuates 20 a day. Imagine her shits.

I dont watch TV anymore, I forgot about the cliffhanger adbreaks

no it's usually the bathtub but she can't fit

in order to get that fat, they need to eat so much that they stretch and grow their stomach

they are at the point where a 2000 calorie meal might make them feel full sorta

What even do you call that dress? I want one for my gf

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Only lost 33 pounds.

She didn't even lose the extra pounds for the extra weeks!

The main way to lose muscle mass is to simply not use it, even on a deficit, if you use your muscles then your body will be more inclined to keep it. While on a deficit, you should lower the intensity

>Dr. No was the first Bond villain
>Now is the Architect's archnemesis

how did I never make this connection?

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>8 hour eating window
any longer than that and it isn’t even IF
if you can’t do a one hour eating window you might as well give up


A-atleast she didn't g-gain?

Young broke people, sure. I don't think I've ever paid for bed rails, they came with the mattress, but I buy new ones, not handmedowns or off craigslist or IKEA. But I had a mattress on the floor in college.

I don't they make bed rails that could support her, though. She'd have to have cinderblocks supporting them. Even those metal frame beds aren't rated for 680 lbs. That's more than 3 normal adults. Between her and her dykecholo gf, they're pushing a cool grand on that thing.

>I don't understand what happened
Every time

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I don't understand what happened. Every single week.


Jesus Christ Now is an absolute fucking monster

>actually lost two digits
Impressed desu

>I feel like I did a lot

Sure I ate a jar of peanut butter every day but I switched to rice cakes. I don't understand.

I only say that since some people might want to acclimate to it

>stop playing games and change now

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Based Now destroying this bitch

>only lost 33lbs in 2 months
LMFAO bitch didnt even try, probably crammed it in the last few days

>can be done quickly and without much effort

>not really


Nope. The body won't eat muscle tissue if there's stored fat. The doc puts these monsters on 1200 calorie a day diets. She could live for a year on her body fat with no muscle tissue loss, as long as she got water and minerals.


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>How did the moving went?
>It went well.
>Well, that's one good thing, because your weight loss isn't that great

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How do they get money?

erica is dripping touching dr nows hand, fucking chad.





government gibs payed by tax payers through disability and food stamps

They're going to eat the puppy.

Love how he asks how things are going with that smug look, since he knows she didn't lose shit.


>Chicken and broccoli
She's gonna make it


she's going to sit on the pupper

Oh shit small dog did not see that one coming

That poor beast

How do you even eat that much? I feel like throwing up if I eat too much and my body heats up like an oven if I eat like 80% capacity

.02 mile walk

Dog is low carb high protein.



cute dog

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'The Doctor doesn't UNNERSTAND the STRESS on me."

Fuck this bitch.

>Tries the diet the doctor gave them, shocked that it works.

Every time.

based left-field bingo fulfillment


even her name is fat lmao

There she blows lmao

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That nurse is too old to wear bangs

I fucking hate this "can't cook healthy meals" shit. I eat a god damn boiled egg for breakfast and a plat of broccoli and carrots for lunch. Eating healthy and light isn't hard.

comfy apartment desu

I love watching fatkino with my cute anime girlfriend!

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I bet that dog can't even see his owner's face over that enormous belly.

Why don't we just send the obese to Mars

Lower gravity = lower weight

Tbh I'm ok paying these fat fucks because it's money that isn't going to protecting the terrorist state of Israel.


Yeah I used to be like that but then I kinda just stopped caring and became insecure about shit I couldn't change, making me balloon up to 270lbs over the course of 6 years.
Working it back off though, I'm down to 250lbs.

>live in small town
>decide to run to the fast food place 3 blocks away during the first commercial break since it takes a total of 7, maybe 8 minutes from ass on seat to ass on seat
>apparently some workers didn't show up to work or something so 2 people were working
>LITERALLY 40 fucking minutes at the drive through window
And a small fries...

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I got it. Should I mark thermodynamics? It kinda sounded like that was her excuse at the last appointment with Dr. Now.

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is LAYGZ bro not joining us tonight? It's not the same without him.

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Is fat glasses nurse kill?


Didn't he die

What's funny is that the effort it takes to cook is probably good exercise for them anyway

The trick is not only to avoid eating food, but to avoid artificial sweeteners and diet drinks. Ideally the only thing you should be drinking is water.
This is because because when you are food deprived (ACTUAL food deprived, not some 500kcal a day bs), your body will chew up the fast stores in your body. That is the reason why your body even store fat in the first place as opposed to just shitting the excess calories out.
If you eat even a tiny amount of food or drink a diet soda during the fast, your body thinks food is on the way and it won't go into fatburning mode and instead just digest your muscle.

The thing is, you can't water fast for more than a week or so at a time because you'll lose a lot of electrolytes eventually and end up with refeeding syndrome. If you fasted for several weeks on plain water you'd have to eat boths and soft foods for a few days before you can eat solid foods or else you'd end up in the hospital. Working out during a plain water fast also accelerates the electrolyte loss.

Luckily a madman discovered that if you mixed water with some salt and potassium you can get your electrolytes during the fast and go for weeks and months on end. The only drawback is that the electrolyte water is fucking nasty. If you're willing to endure the saltwater, not only can you fast safely, but you can even workout during the fast no problem.

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fuck off shes cute

her ass is a lot smaller. i think she did it boys

Fat bastard


There was a shitting/wiping scene.

I don't think she lost enough weight. She switched to "healthy" foods and according to her fat logic that means she can keep eating the same amount.

looks like she cut them herself

Should get a lab, it will eat all her food and she can't defend herself.

The virgin killing sweater

Might throw poor Mars off it's orbit.

My nigga. Too bad Teheran's ball is moving. That's why I switched to this.

I'm always here, fren. It's the highlight of my week.

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I'm not actually, I just eat a lot for dinner to maintain weight.

No. he got a thin feeder gf

I asked about that scene in the last thread but I didn't get any input from other anons. I didn't mark it because it didn't look like shitting, I think she was just spreading some talcum.

Rolling for weight.

She /gonnamakeit/

Who else uses fatkino to push yourself harder at the gym? I was about to skip doing my cleans because my calves felt tight but then I remembered today was Wednesday so I did them anyways.

As a former fastfood employee/fuckup, wraps are actually a bitch to make compared to nearly everything else on the menu. Complex folding and chopping compared to shooting condiments out of a gun onto a bun and slapping everything else before putting the wrapper on it.

Come on now, tell this bitch to fuck off

RIP Firstonetv

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Erica's so fucking piss, she was so close to that life insurance payout

That's part of the reason I watch it. I also watch it to see people who are more fucked up than I am.

Wait, has anyone ever died in the operating table on this show? They're always talking about how dangerous the surgery is

Do you have to know somebody to take out a life insurance policy on them? I want to take one on James.

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Well if it makes you feel any better I was very polite to them. I even joked that it sounds like hell in there and always returned the normal courtesies like "have a nice evening".
They did give me a drink that I didn't order and upgraded my fries afterwards too.

Wait they're a gay couple? I'm just tuning in.

How much did she lose this time brohes ? I went away

I'm like 150 pounds overweight but I'm starting to see my abs, my musculature and my neck is slim now. Just need to pare down my diet even further.

the issue is really that anyone in a post-boomer generation might not even know what to do without processed foods--they basically have to "discover" non-processed foods.

nobody has died in the table, Dr. Now is literally the best fat surgeon in the entire world

>thin blurred face qt waved at camera

90 lb




90 lbs

hnnnnnnng moar

already worked out today but Im doing pushupsxf every commercial break

uh oh

90 but she has now gained 15 of it back.

90 but she just gained another 15

>She gained


>Loses 100 lbs
>Looks exactly the same

Water weight

Oh my God she ate lil dawg rawl.

Only two people have died on the show and both died in their sleep due to heart attacks (one was last week). Each of them had a fucked up heart already by the time they met Dr. Now.


She ate the dog, obviously.

jump cut


>150 pounds overweight
>I'm starting to see my abs

Pick one

plus one killed themself with a gun

this bitch was never gonna make it, she talked about the surgery as if it was the magic pill to a bikini body

Men don't understand how much women retain water during their cycles

Now is stomping this chick into the fucking ground.

Was he one of the deaths?

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What if he's like 8 feet tall

Stupid fucking Men

He also picks his patients wisely. There are other doctors who do the surgery on 800lb people.




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Savage as fuck!

Fatkino brings this board together like nothing else I've ever seen

watching this is making me hungry. should i order fried chicken?

>her reaching for her purse

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Bitch, you put every bite into your mouth.

"I'm scheduled for magic bullet weight loss surgery! Order a pizza!"

7-8000 calories a day too much. That's a lot of food. What the actual fuck.

Sean is dead but he died a couple years after his episode was filmed. Robert (F) was the first one to die during filming.

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Last chance bitch!

Being treated like a human was always refreshing compared to dealing with the usual irate niggers and boomers. No surprise they'd try and hook you up.

>Dyke episode
>Subaru Forrester ad

woops didnt mean to reply

he died recently


this bitch is not trying at all, how is she GAINING weight? shes eating like she was in the beginning, the dyke nigger is enabling her hard

All are one within the leviathan form that is fatkino.


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Thanks, so you know what season and ep?

I wanna bang the HR Block Negress though

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Did that nigger shit himself?


S6 E8, it's on Hulu.

I'm fairly tall and I put on a fuck ton of muscle in the past decade. I have Brock Lesnar traps too. I just need to lose all the fat now.




Mike had a hard life.

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They all do. Hell, Chris Chan shits himself on the regular.

I wanna drown that ginger fag on the progressive commercial

you killed cosette, i oughta smother you ya little prick

>skinny pic

It's literally impossible to have 150 lbs of extra weight, and none on your abs. You need sub-5 BMI for that. Sorry, don't believe you. 15 pounds...MAYBE. 150? You're a fatty.

it's just food choice. i bet any average weight person could deal with a few 1500 calorie meals + desserts

I hope they give those dwarves some ostrich eggs for Easter just to mess with them.

If she was 700+ we would have had a LAYGZ. As of now our best bet is she gets her shit together, gets the surgery and makes it by the end of the episode but I'm not counting on that.

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Legitimately sad that he died. He didn't try to bullshit anywhere near as much as the regulars, and didn't whine.
Was he hiding a ton of pain, bros?

Awesome, much obliged

>midgets trying to put up a Christmas tree

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I know I'm fat. Maybe it's because a lot of my fat went down to my hips and thighs which are pretty big. But I'm starting to see a shape on my belly. But mind you, I did hardcore lifting exercises for like 15 years already. So the muscle is there already.

She said the L-word!

she dying?


Goddamn this bitch

What a fucking disaster

he committed suicide after his mom died

How will they drain the excess fluid? Poke her and set a bucket under her?

Oh my god how much did I miss? I fucking forgot

>lost 8 pounds

Lmao holy fuck

What just happened? I had to walk away for a bit.

How fat you gotta be before your body decides it's a good idea to store fat in your ankles?

So that is where the supply of purple went...

I'm 90% sure my mom is pre-diabetic. She's been 'losing weight' for 20 years with no success, still obese as 20 years ago. Meanwhile, I lost 30 pounds of fat in a year, maybe more since I also gained muscle. I did this by eating less and exercising. She started off asking me for advice and tips but then she realized that the only secret I had was that I ate less. After that, she stopped asking me for advice but she'll take advice from random strangers to do shit like fruit smoothie or avocado only fat diets. She's also taking hydroxycut and green tea extract pills which are just fancy caffeine pills. Fucking fat people man. Sorry for rant.

Was the Christmas tree episode filmed in December? If not why are they putting up a Christmas in spring?

She's barely 5ft and has one of the highest bmi's Dr now has ever seen

not him, I get what you mean, when my belly was shrinking I could finally see the outline of where my abs go not the abs themselves, Im almost there now.

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One more chance...again.

Dude she probably pisses 8 pounds of mountain dew in a day

taking bets on which therapist we get this week

if she dies Erica gets deported lmao


Doc is disappointed but patient, does he ever lose his shit and just boot them?

Obviously it was filed in December, this stuff has a lot of production to go through before it ends up on television.

fucking ANSWER ME

>fruit smoothie
lmao fuck




It's just taken them that long to get it up.

Cute black woman plz


I'm a gigantic lardass and shop from Asos. They have a model on there I'm 2 sizes bigger than, Amerifat sizes. I always buy clothes I like if he wears them since the other models are sketchy and don't have the large chest/long body build me and that model do.

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GF is happy, until the doctor said he was rescheduling.

Psychotherapy before the surgery. Doc knows what's up. Why should he give her free surgery if the cholo gf is fucking up the entire thing?



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anchor whale

go big or go home, right?

Gross. Hopefully not, and it's just some kind of medication

>what would help me most is getting the surgery, not actually getting my excessive eating under control

Holy shit fuck off

fatties usually lose their shit before he does

The fuck is that hair?

what does that mean?


Thread theme


>1 month 100 lbs
>2 months 100 lbs
>2 months 100lbs
>now 2 months 65lbs
dr now really wants to cut this bitch open lmao

Notice how she keeps talking about being upset about not getting the surgery, instead of being upset about not losing weight

If he didn't kick out the "Do you believe in Gah" girl he won't kick anyone out

was Erica just checking out Lola? kek

>it's a black therapist episode

I really want to fuck Lola...

Erica wants to FUCK Lola. You could see it in her eyes. Also, Lola is a true artist of hair or some shit.

>my step dad tried to rape me, that's why I got fat

You probably won't get murdered like that chick in South Carolina who got into a feral nog's car she accidentally thought was her Uber driver.

>I just want to bite

its another
>blames mostly average/slightly traumatic childhood for all her problems episode

how tall is this woman? her t-rex arms are freaking me out

>I want you to talk to your dad :)
Take a shot.

We haven't seen the manlet therapist in a while

Who here /dr Paradise/ ? Lola is dumb and ugly and a bad psycho on top of it

erica wants to dive between yhe negress legs. dont blame her desu

Why do you fucks drool over this bitch and her annoying voice

>follow me
>after you
Based Lola

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>Erica's smirk when she first looked at Lola

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5’1 I think


It means the driver has had a background check and you can be sure he isn't a rapist or something.

if you know what I mean

>600 lb woman walks in
>"What brings you here today?"

who could have guessed, her weight isnt her problem

>Losing weight
>GF and her starts fighting more
Classic feeder

Pretty sure Erika wants to bang Lola

Her childhood was really fucked up, it wasn't just slightly traumatic. Not saying that excuses her weight but being raised by a homeless heroin addict isn't close to normal.


Wanting a bite of Lola is totally normal

This isn't the taco bell

Jesus fuck, this fat bitch won't take an ounce of responsibility for her situation in life. :(

I want to do the nurse (the cute one with the bangs and red hair).

I just got here. Is this fat fuck a dyke?

One of the funniest moments this season was when Dr. Now met a patient for the first time, looked him up and down and the first thing he said to him was "I take it you're here to lose some weight."

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exactly, she was talking about it like the be all end all before too, she doesnt have the right mindset going in at all, she womt get the surgery even after dr now moved the goalposts for her to a smaller target.

they usually get a month for a 100, she got 65 for 2 months.


>having relationship troubles?
>try talking to the other person
God what a horrible fucking therapist

>I don't know if I can do anything all these medical professionals are telling me to do even though they know it's not asking too much

She deserves to not make it.

She ate the ounce of responsibility brahm

She's completely under the thumb of her girlfriend, who clearly is some sort of feeder/sadist. It's quite disturbing.

If Lola was my therapist I would blow my brains out in her office.

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i'm sure these people would never exaggerate for tv

yeah somehow


Why should she when she can just unwrap another Double Quarterpounder and tune out?

Ìs Lola tall?
Or did I totally miss out on the patient being like 3 feet and spherical?

Dont say mean things about Lola, but I do miss doc Paradise

"It's like my gf is mad at me for getting healthier"
Gee, ya think?

I don't have much faith in this kind of therapy, short term. This kind of shit can take years to get through to what the issues are, let alone moving past.

She's gonna quit, because she's facing the real issues for the first time, and she's gonna freak out. She's making excuses for it already, after one session.

I want to do filthy things with head shrinker hottie, and call her the next day.

how good was this one so far?

Annjeannette is like 5'1.

how many of his patients have washed out/died this season? maybe he's scared hes going to lose another one

>Tfw no feederist dyke gf
Why live?

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The stupid part is that she eats those 'diets' on top of what she already eats instead of replacing anything with it

It should just be legal to go up to that thing and put a bullet in its head. It truly shows gluttony as being a sin.

After this airs, where can I watch it. I just got here and totes forgot about wensdays stream

nope lola is normal female height. patient is actual ham planet

Heels and fat cunt is 5 foot tall


we've had one dead father and one dead fatty
that last one seemed to really get to the doc

Wrath is a sin too. Do your family a favor and kys

repeats at midnight

I always get so off-put by Dr. Now
He seems.. barley human, like a slooped sack of potato, speaking directly from his nose.

Kind of sad because the one that died was starting to make real progress

You can never be sure, which is why you need a gun.

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Woah I didn't know her dad was Charles Manson

What the shit, did the midgets get divorced?

Don't be too quick to rush. They know what these fatties are avoiding, so they sneak up on the issue, so the hamplanet feels like they invented the cure. "I-I talk to my dad, and it helped!"

These people emotionally are broken and arrested developmentally at a young age. You have to baby them, at first.

so disappointed not to get the surgery, i should be in oregon now with a perfect life with my family after getting the surgery instead of being forced to diet yet again

If you wait like one day after the ep aired you can get it there putlockers.fm/search-movies/my 600.html
Right away Idk though


She's getting the surgery

Holy shit Jack looks absolutely fucking BASED.

how weird would it be to marry a midget?

I need more support

mostly in the floor area

>chihuahua puppy grew ugly over the months

Fuck off ASSanti and go lose more weight

Thanks dude.

her dad is Santa?

There's no way the chick whose dad died survives the year

I would be willing to bet my life savings. She was unbelievably delusional

how dare you, dr. now is a genius and a saint

You could still eat 1 pizza a day and lose weight at that size

Kelly from last week died after the surgery. Didn't seem like she would suscced in losing weight but pulled it off. I was pretty sad when she croaked

I'm happy you did, and now I'm going to take a shower. Kek.

Nah. She'll be fine...until her mother dies.

Then she's fucked.

She's already made it that far, why couldn't she last another five years?

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>interact with his daughter
>I need to take a shower now, BYE

They were eating junk food in front of a food addict? that's just straight up cruel

When she first visited Dr. Now, she has a huge infected mass on her leg that he said would have likely killed her within two months

This isn't going to be easy...

I don't get it, why have the stupid surgery. It doesn't do anything directly.
Like just eat less, duh--
Just put her in a foodless cell or something

I love it when he plays with the bits
him putting saline in the guys stomach was one of the most kino moments this season

Guys, I found a birth control with no hormones.


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It was weird

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based gf - goals are bout each other; unbased fatty - goals are only about herself calls gf 'selfish'

Children -> Go back to School

>wants are all about herself

No, it's my GF that is being selfish..

Erica was holding her back and didn't want her to loose weigh. Ann is better off

>Do your family a favor and kys

Is what that hamplanet should be doing.

like continued weight loss is a given. GF perked up when she said get GED.

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