Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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Hi guys!
damn it I was too slow
>Hey user, how was your day? I noticed you came home a little bit late than usual
>What happened? tell me
>Did you get distracted? are you talking to someone else?
>Who is she?
>I'll kill her
Hey there!
Also first for grewishka
Based underrated thread counter
>Tfw phoneposting and don't have the image
Good to know
>Hey user I got this cool wristband with my name
>Why don't you try it? it looks nice
>It's connected with my GPS
>That way I can always know where you are
>Isn't this cute? put it on, now
Fucking alita fags everywhere on this board, how can anyone normal even like her stupid big bug eyes fucking dumb cgi. You know what the fuck? In fact, I know for sure that sheCUTE
Keep the OC coming boys, looking good and on track for 1k
>user takes his grandma to see /ourgirl/
I need your reasoning before I can try to change your mind
Surprised no one's done a meme with the dog and the cowardly lion, considering Grewishka's line
>"Aw, the only one with courage."
For some reason this is the only movie I want to see a blu-ray cut featuring all the actors in their mocap suits instead of the final effects.
Apparently a badass
Doesn't get to fight once
Will he come back in Alita 2?
Hello new thread. Please be healed by Arita.
Yandere Alita scares me
Alita is a kind soul and could never be so mean.
>Cupcake here's a bounty hunter
Alita deserves to be happy with the boy she loves and he deserves his shot at being /healed/ and moving forward in life with a new attitude
>306 threads completed with an average around 330 posts each
>over 100 900 posts
I didn't know I needed this
Now I need it
>Alita not for lewd.
Reminder that you purity fags believe that Alita should not be allowed to enjoy herself because of muh pure cybergirl. You people are worse than waifu-fags.
Alita is literally cancer, why are you still talking about her?
because she's cute
>I only do it because I love you user
what Alita does is her business. Rosa though...
>tfw i'm the worst
She can enjoy herself all she likes but porn is by nature degrading and objectifying so I don't want to see it
Based deception metaposter
Also from last thread's discussion, one of the things I try to do is not just match the movie's take on Alita, but also this thread's one. I write for myself and for you guys, and as our opinions and feelings evolve, so too should my writing I think.
Part of the problem is "critics" lazily calling out tropes. Why actually criticize the film when you can accuse it of containing a "problematic" trope and leave it at that?
An attempt was made.
>over 100,900 posts
that's a lot of captchas
Some people just can't be changed, and even if they do change, it may be too late to have that change make any meaningful impact. That's just how life is. Replace going to Zalem, with say, doing some kind of dangerous, highly addictive drug. By the time the guy decides to quit, his body may be permanently destroyed by it to the point any improvements will do nothing. I agree though, Alita deserves to be happy, and she gets a Chad boyfriend later.
>You are the true fag for trying to justify lewdness by pretending to be on my side saying shit like "she deserves it"
>Prepare to be hammered
>Okay, thanks I guess
That's all it takes to earn a paycheck at clickbait farms
multiply your layers
crashposters off the starboard bow
that's not quite what I meant but interesting
Alita herself isn't particulary lewd.
That's not really relevant when it's mental, though. There was no reason Hugo couldn't have made a meaningful impact after a change. Nothing he did couldn't be undone.
God these threads are always so much fun
Can you even imagine being the guy who had to decide how much booty to give her?
Best place on Yea Forums bar none
Thank me later
They made her proportionally assthetic
also the best bar on Yea Forums
She does have a nice figure though.
I've just started reading the manga, but...doesn't this ruin everything?
Obviously that was reserved for RR himself
not enough was the verdict
I've said it before and other leftist anons here have noticed it as well but in general, most of these 'sjw' types whining about it just seem to make it some kind of vendetta. Like the movie went out of its way to attack CM or whatever. Most leftists honestly either don't know about, care about or maybe actually enjoy Alita. They don't even seem all that interested in CM either. The people whining about this get paid because they have an audience and will shit on anything if it generates clicks. The people complaining are people you can expect to complain about anything. It shouldn't be surprising or even worth acknowledging it. /blogpost
well at least you have other skills!
>I was also thinking I could install a camera where you work
>That way I can see you
>Oh you know what, there is an eye upgrade that comes with a way to record. That's better
>That way I can see everything you see user
>I can finally make sure if you are being a good boy
>You will always be a good boy for me, right?
>You will never talk to any other girl again, right?
I live for these responses from the crash-user-crew.
>lips part and flare out
>head tilts back
Oh baby
The thing with Hugo is that he's just a part of Alita's story, his purpose as a character is to facilitate character growth in Alita. Having a complete arc of his own isn't necessary for him to do that.
Oh..ok I guess. But don't you trust me?
>mfw he chickens out after "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"
I'm only a little sorry.
Wait until you read about what happens to all the adults in Zalem...
You're really not that far off. Just change your layer option to multiply.
>I do, and I will trust you more if you agree with me more
>Don't disagree with me user
>Show me that you love me
>Say yes
Dude, all I do is paint with scissors, though. I don't understand your fancy-speak.
>Maybe I can just take a pe-
I know about that. When I say "ruin everything" I mean ruin Alita's character.
it's ok I went to shower and came back and posted in the wrong one by accident ssshhhh
Body horror.
Just heading out to buy some chocolate and or-
Ok.. yes.
Will the upgrade hurt my eyes?
I noticed a couple of reviews like that where they were getting details wrong from the film. I'm guessing they sat through it on their phones after they decided to shit talk it from watching the trailer.
I don't expect everyone to like it, but they could at least watch the damn thing if they're going to criticize it. It's not like there aren't plenty of legitimate criticisms to make about the film.
Is this new? Did you make this?
>all this yandere alita greentext
>no wholesome alita greentext
step it up senpai
We must evolves into wholesome yandere. IT'S THE ONE TRUE PATH!
Nice user, I might stop by that concert!
Silly Benedict couldn't wait till he got home...
What do you think her sizes are?
That's exactly how clickbait farms work. It's all people cheating off of each other but changing their answers just enough to not raise suspicions
It's weird but it basically means she was an immaculate conception and given a mortal body so it adds to the religious subtext which is kind of interesting
Should I go a 7th time?
>What do you think her sizes are?
Between cutting and writing I ain't got no time for dis!
>Alita was filmed in 2016
Damn, what the fuck
It's really calming, you should try it.
most of the complaints boil down to:
>cliche story
>very tightly paced
but they also don't realize that this is based of an OLD manga, adapted further into the anime and then adapted AGAIN into a movie written almost 20+ years ago before all these sci-fi cliches were even tangible. I can excuse all of that however... except that one moronic 'critic' on RT who bitched about 'needing to do homework' to get up to speed on the movie. I fucking get irate every time I think about it.
Explain, user.
If you feel like it, I went for my 9th showing today. I was going to leave it at 8, but the thought of waiting until June for the blu ray upset me.
CGI is actually really complex and takes a ton of time to get right.
>liking the film of a lovebot
Fucking sexist pigs, that’s worse than a sexbot
But I'm busy!
>I'm worth the pain aren't I?
well it took at least a year for CGI and then it was delayed for 8 months
woah seriously? You know about FITM?
They filmed in 2 1/2 years ago m8.
I guess, but for Alita to have been a tumor slapped on a cyborg body from infancy just seems to me to ruin her individuality and personhood.
Does the cyborg body somehow grow with her?
it would make sense since a movie like Alita is a lot post-production work, and there were delays
it's like Cameron has been done shooting Avatar 2 & 3 for a few months now
>mfw this is way too lewd
>but I watch it anyway
>this is you captain speaking, if you look to your left uhhh
Well, filming finished at the end of 2016, then 2017 was going to be a year of post production, because of the amount of CG in the film, then there was supposed to be a 2018 summer release, but got pushed back to December. Then to avoid more competition, it got pushed back to an odd February release. So now here we are in 2019.
Rosa is 33-24-34 so Alita is probably 33-22-36 or something
It was done the 9th of february 2017
But yeah the CGI work took a long ass time, though remember it took longer than it should have because of the changes they made to her eyes and all that.
how do you know this
I did that last thread user.
Great edit.
Wasnt Alita supposed to releasing like last year but it just got pushed back a bunch of times, that might also add to the long time in-between.
>tfw always late to the party because of work
>does the body grow with her
Nope, remember she has three different bodies in the movie alone. She has no issues with losing limbs or swapping from one to the other.
That's a big theme in the manga. How do you define yourself as a person? Your body? Your memories? Your physical brain? Your name? Are you still you after going through all these changes?
Better late than never user.
Rosa's at least a 36 in the hips
Unironically Marylin Monroepilled
>my filename when
It is a bit retarded. Don't expect that to be her origin in the movie. If Jim shows us what her life was like expect something wholesome and heartbreaking. Like having a big beautiful family that got killed like flies or something. That's far more likely for the movies since he's into the emotional stuff.
I'm having unholy thoughts...
Alita Flop Angel
As a long time /ALITA/ lurker, i'm glad to be apart of this General. I wish I had more to say but being here is enough for me.
Any anons got some cool phone wallpapers? :3
You're getting smarter with these every day
I don't feel I've even come close to finding my sea legs on the emotional front, so this was an exercise in pushing the passion. Those final paragraphs were just miserably difficult to write, so I've still got a long way to go.
nice pic OP
never forget the classics
I think the structure/pacing is probably the weakest part of the film. The script being condensed down from 600-200 pages really show sometimes, parts of the film either start or end too quickly and certain characters feel like they needed an extra 5 minutes of screen time to build them up.
Not that any of it made me like the film any less, it's such a blast to watch.
>'needing to do homework' to get up to speed on the movie
This really sounds like someone making their mind up before they saw the film.
>What, it's based on a several hundred chapter comic? I don't have time for that, better just complain that I didn't understand everything.
>dude it's not sexual at all we just like the movie!
>75% of the thread is lewd shops, and discussions about her ass and measurements
You're all such thirsty weebs. She looks like a fucking thirteen year old you fucking pedos.
>phone wallpapers
I've been using this one
I don't know if /ALITA/ can recover from that one
Oy vey
You're among friends, good to meet ya.
This is some of the worst shit I've ever read, holy fuck.
English surely can't be your first language.
for some reason I keep thinking this is the Three Billboards poster
reminder that Alita once brought a keytar into battle
audible kek
Alita Incel Angel
Alita is NOT a tumor baby!
No worries fren.
all we're missing are trains now
that scene from wanted was pretty good
It felt more like they spent more time thinking about what they were going to write than actually watching the movie.
>Don't you just hate it when you crash your cruise liner.
glad you're here fren
porcelain nymph
>okay user, you win
>i'll do what you want
>just stop lewding alita
also my heart was beating so fast tracing her legs gd rosa if you're ITT you too hot
what's that screeching sound I'm hearing?
like someone is desperate for attention
Check that piece of as-
You guys are honestly such fucking babies. Yeah, so they didn't like your movie. Fucking move on with your lives. If it's such a perfect piece of cinema for you then just enjoy it. REEEEEing about reviews two months after the fact is just pathetic.
It's hard to imagine for you guys but it's ENTIRELY possible that this movie isn't perfect in every way for everyone.
>tfw Rosa is an OC maker ITT
Open ya legs Rosa
What was your favorite part, friend?
I used to thought Rosa was ok, but now I think she’s pretty hot, I want to fuck her and smell her ass
Please state the nature of the adjustment you would like.
The next comment up in the chain is me criticizing something about the movie....
Looked great
Connelly = goddess
Movie plot sucked balls and was boring
>Movie plot sucked balls
no u
I know you're trolling but I'll respond anyway. It's ok to criticise a movie, but I expect that you actually pay attention to the movie and make legit criticism, especially if you're a big enough reviewer to be listed on RT. Several reviews say more about the reviewer than the movie.
anything except... you know
All this talk about yandere Alita and crazy gfs got me thinking. What happens if the guy is equally as obsessive and a huge stalker? Do their craziness cancel each other out and they just have a very loving and passionate relationship? Because I'm very obsessive, possessive and a nosy person, and I'd love to have a girlfriend who is just as crazy about me.
Except you said it like a pussy and made sure you didn't offend any of your weeb buddies by walking it back with "this didn't make me like it any less!"
Like what a pointless fucking criticism if it literally didn't affect your interpretation of the film.
>What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.
the sadposter was me all along
>Oh hey user! Glad to see you back to see the movie again.
Give me your cutest pic of Alita or I'll shoot her
Alita is not a 14 year old thot
it's actually kinda cute
That makes sense
I remember first watching the teasers for this movie a gorillian years ago
Fuck your shitty cropped memes and waifuposting! Take these cancerous generals to tumblr or something like that. You people are ruining this board!
Do normal people ever ask for an autograph anymore or is it just these ebay sellers or whatever they're called? It's disgusting how shameless they are.
>You will shoot nothing user
No u
>Filthy Frank meme
How about you go back to pleddit or the youtube comment sections? Be thankful we're staying in one thread.
>when lewd posters make you so mad the matrix starts breaking
I'll consider stopping once you start crying yourself to sleep.
idk but I saw a video where people were waiting in the airport for her and she had just gotten off a 17 hour flight but she still signed a bunch
What's the problem? I'm admitting that the film has issues, but I enjoyed it so much that I don't care.
My subjective enjoyment of something shouldn't be taken as gospel for how good that thing is.
Eliminate them all
>you people are ruining this board
keep going user let it all out
>tfw you can't remember if you cut something out or not
Bring it on, Marzipan
You should do the whole manga.
everyone arguing needs to chill a little bit
what no way
>mfw seriously wouldn't accept anyone other than rosa as alita now
>troll says we're pedo for linking her
>different troll says we're fag for not liking her
Well, guess I'm both.
It's ok, you'll have to do them all over again anyway, when we get the 4KBD.
The problem is you tried to talk shit to me about how you offered a valid criticism and weren't just sperging out at a negative review. You clearly were and can't handle any sort of criticism aimed towards this waifu weeb shit.
About to head to my 5th and final showing and it's gonna be an emotional one, guys.
You didn't do this one, not like this.
my face just melted off because of this post, my house burned down, and my dog ran away
yes Yea Forums is always top quality content
sorry we're ruining that
the idea of anyone else playing her is absurd
woah mama
you don't shoot Alita, Alita shoot u
>Does it bother you? That I'm completely human?
This mediocre movie would have become 10/10 if this person had played Alita. She is displaying so much more charisma and emotion in this gif than Rosa did as Alita.
Who is Gally?
The score to this movie is fantastic and it deserves much more attention than what it gets. The drums and strings in this scene are bomb.
>tfw act II of my story and antagonists are just a blip on the radar
My criticism wasn't related to the review, I was addressing two topics in the same post.
How does me not caring about a criticism affect its validity anyway?
I didn't care that the sky was blue during the film, that doesn't mean that it wasn't.
You seem kind of upset user, want to talk? Did you see the film? What didn't you like about it?
ur da bomb
have the thread coin, peaches
>limit one per thread
Gally is her original name but they changed it to Alita for the English version. I think it's still Gally in Last Order
I just realised, I have forgotten what Alita's voice sounds like...
At this rate, to get to the number of frames there are in the movie (175896), we'll hit the 175,896th post at thread #534.
nice to have you here friend
Alita was like 90% CGI/post production. The actual shooting took place at Robert's studio and was done under 60 days. I bet the movie would be low budget as hell if they didn't use any CGI. Probably no more than 20-30 million. As noted by many of the actors, despite being a big budget movie, it felt like an independent production and hardly different from any of Robert's other movies, which are generally very low budget.
>Here... with me
>mfw Brieposter shows up
>tee hee I'm just gonna slide in here and "borrow" this
Kishiro seems to really enjoy his film adaptation
nah thanks for your opinion though
I'm so tired
By the way, if you guys are going to buy the CD at all, get the Japanese version. It has two bonus tracks and Swan Song on it, all three are not in the US disc.
could someone shop a coin into her hand?
This is so good!
>image limit reached
Brainlets who missed one of the main themes of the manga and also of Alita's character.
I've heard other anons talking about a sequel having a lower budget because the CGI groundwork is already done, does anyone know what exactly this means?
Does the initial model creation take up a lot of the resources or something? I don't know much about CGI.
Nah, I'm still shading it, and I suck at shading. You'd want someone who actually knows what they're doing if they were to do the whole thing.
You have to build all the resources from scratch. Iron City, Zalem, Alita's model, all the cyborg models, none of those existed before, so that adds to time and budget. But since those exist now, the sequel's budget could be a little less. They'd still have to build new sets and CG for new stuff in the new movie, but a bit of the groundwork is done now.
Please respond someone.
Brainlet who thinks I read or care about the manga.
You're a poetic writer. I love your prose. You describe the world which they inhabit very well. Always a pleasure to read.
wtf that was fast
I don't think that will ever happen, if you are more needy than her that will turn her off. In a relationship there is ALWAYS one who cares more than the other. It could be a lot more, it could be a little more but it's never perfectly equal.
May or may not be CutOut's fault.
She'd be so proud.
So you don't think it would make a big difference? It would save a few million maybe?
The posts I was reading seemed to think it would halve the budget or something ridiculous like that.
The UK version has Swan Song. I think I'll just pirate the JP tracks, I don't really want to pay loads extra for posting.
Well I for one blame everyone but myself.
>So you don't think it would make a big difference? It would save a few million maybe?
There is going to be more Motorball and fights in Alita 2, and maybe Zalem and more cyborgs.
I wouldn't count on it being cheaper, but who knows.
I think it would save around 10 million dollars. I could see the sequel costing 160 million.
got u next thread bud
I don't know who you are but I blame you and no one else.
Based quads of truth.
nobody will find me in here
_ hi _
Well on one hand yes, it'll be cheaper because you don't have to spend millions on R&D, remember that story about JIm saying fuck the haters make the eyes bigger? That probably cost a couple million right there since render times for movies isn't exactly free.
Thing is though this movie is relatively time compared to the shit that's lined up for the sequel I'm not really sure how you could do Jashugan or Berserker without spending more than this one did.
The other thing is the sets are still up and a lot of those would probably be resued since both Jashugan and Berserker take place in all the same places as this story which would drive the costs down as well, but you'd just end up spending them on bringing those more elaborate fights that are coming to life.
Yeah, I don't see the sequels costing less than 150 million. The third movie might even cost more than 200 million.
hello fren welcum to the blanketfort
hey CutOut
cut this:
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
just kidding your work is appreciated
I'm heating up the oven
let me know when you want some bread
we gotta hit bumperino
It was only to lure mazapan, desu
Just for that I'm sadposting next thread.
How much did fury road cost? Alita 3 would ballpark probably cost near what that did given how much of that Barjack arc plays like a Mad Max film.
It's hard to wait... I want my bread now
just keep thinking about it, we're getting close.
Post your public service numbers, nerds: how many times have you watched /ourangel/ in theaters?
Mine number is 8.
finding the perfect flan formula
I know but still it's a total baller move
Don't be mad at me but... 2
New warm bread in oven
Fury Road cost $150 million (estimated). Alita 3 could easily cost twice that because of the CGI. Just the O Fortuna sequence alone would probably cost at least $10M.
If we ever get Alita 3 Jim will go all out. I'm sure it will cost 200M at least
You mean WHEN we get Alita 2 and 3
We can only hope Alita 2 catches on in a way this one didn't.
Get out. Just kidding, I hope you enjoyed it both times.
6, probably going again this week
Alita really grows on people
The fanbase will only keep growing, it's inevitable.
Alita's manifest destiny.
Knowing Jim, 2 and 3 will be filmed back to back, like with Avatar. If when we get Alita 2 we'll also get Alita 3.
That better not be a tumor joke
it's growing every day.
New bread when?
>insert Jim confirms Alita 2 & 3 image
Imagine if the meme becomes real
>bread is a second late and you got memes to post
Where is the bread fag?
it will happen, have faith
Baking new bread.