CinemaCon 2019 footage description

CinemaCon 2019 footage description

>Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) has convened with the Avengers at their compound in upstate New York. She’s more than ready to go kill Thanos herself
>but Captain America (Chris Evans) wants to hold her up a minute. He says, “We realize up there [in space] is more your territory, but this is our fight too."

>Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Captain Marvel share a quick face-off after the God of Thunder summons his new weapon into his hand, soaring right past Carol’s face without any flinching whatsoever
>Then it’s Captain America who steals the scene when he stands up and says, “Let’s go get this son of a bitch.”

Based Cap

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how do they breathe in space/on an alien planet?

sounds like trash

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The same way the aliens on the planet breathe, one would assume, brainlet.

quantum oxygen

>she's more than ready to go kill Thanos herself
God what a terrible OP character

Space magic.
It explains literally everything in these trash movies.

>only male characters are allowed to be cocky
imagine being this insecure

Found the incel

>le stronk feminist
no way fag

Why did they have to retconn just for the sake of captain marvel, where the fuck has she been the whole time


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I wasn't talking about just her attitude.
The line implies she can do it herself because the fucking soibois who make these stupid movies love the idea of a super stronk woman

ending the kree skrull war, pay attention next time


>She’s more than ready to go kill Thanos herself


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Sounds so progressive.

intergalactic breathing apparatus/translator

no, it implies she thinks she can do it herself, and she obviously won't brainlet, the movie is about the original avengers, not her

>captain goyvel is in it
I was actually sort of interested to see this even though i dont normally like disney shit, but now i dont really care

Imagine being stupid enough to believe we think this way

I swear if Captain Marvel finishes off Thanos I am done with cinema forever.

>assblasted bulldyke with an 80 IQ calls others brainlet
Go back to your r3ddit safespace

Thanos is beaten by Tony and Thor.

>ending the kree skrull war
Meanwhile a big known Kree Commander/Accuser who she even served under, Ronan literally breaks away from a kree peace treaty and starts killing mad innocent and nearly genocides Xandar.
>she does nothing

Yea nice try. Payed enough attention to know her absence in major moments of the universe make no sense. "A lot of wolrds out there dont have your protection" she says to the avengers like an asshole. Even tho she has never once stepped in while Thanos has been fucking up innocent worlds for yrs. And thats known through the galaxy. Fuck off retard

Who's "we"? I was addressing one person

not an argument bud


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Can't have the womyn look bad now can we. Watch as they have everyone job out for her in Endgame.

Nice deflection, pussy.

>pants-shitting unironic sjw starts using /pol/ memes when BTFO
>thinks I want to argue with her
Thanks for the laugh, lolcow.

>not a faggot

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>Not Cap

Xandar is not her problem and she's not omnipresent as far as I know, you're grasping at straws.

Try to use arguments next time kids

Nebula kills him.

There is no grasping at straws retard. He asked where she has been and you stated she has been dealing with kree. And again a kree commander has gone rogue and killing innocents. A same kree that nearly destroyed earth. The same one she choose to let go. To them claim its not her problem who else he goes on to kill isnt her problem is in fact bullshit. Nice try. And her very claim to the avengers that other innocent worlds dont have their protection completely shuts down your point that places like xandar arent her problem. As its implied worlds that are threatened like that by kree are in fact her problem. They are clearly making it a point that she has been in space protecting ppl. When in fact she has been carelessly letting worlds get slaughtered for decades. Youre deflecting her implied desires to help all worlds out there as a hero to make up for shitty writing

I cummed

You seem salty, what are you even doing in this thread?

> Carol lost Fury
> Cap lost Bucky, Sam, Wanda, and Tchalla

"Many of my friends were killed by that purple fuck, so I have every fucking right to confront him than you, you arrogant cunt."

>she's not omnipresent
No she is just shit at knowing and getting involed in galatic affairs. You know, her whole reason for being offscreen. The fact that guys like ronan and thanos were allowed to wipe race after race for decades. while she never showed up is a joke. Especially with her apparent light speed travel and such power to stop these things.

>fuck off, you stupid cunt
Did Brolin really ad lib that?

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Storyboard leak

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>your mom
>not currently having all three of her holes violated by me and my black brothers

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>pinkhaired lesbian from r3ddit thinks we want to argue with her

Reminds me of that Family Guy skit about the Snowspeeder guy in Empire Strikes Back who says he feels like he can take on the Empire himself.

"Hey guys, this guy is gonna take on the Emperor by himself, so we can all go home now!"

Xandar looked very well defended to me, she's not needed there
Earth was, in fact, very well defended.
And again, let me repeat myself, she's not omnipresent no matter how many paragraphs you write.

Hollywood plays by Jimmy Neutron's rule, always

>tells avengers there are worlds out there that dont have them that she has to protect
>implying she is some sort of space protector
>xandar about to get planet busted?
>lmao not my problem

Lol no,please dont excuse shitty writing

Laughing at butthurt r3dditors. Nice projection.

it stands to reason that any earth-like planet in the universe would be similar to ours, ie oxygen, hygrodgen, etc. basic building blocks of life

I can already fucking hear it

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What it looks like to you is irrelevant retard. The fact is they were in danger of ronan. As was tons of worlds he was stated to help thanos cull (by drax)

And if Ronan is inovled, it is in fact her problem. As he over saw her team, he threatened her home planet before, and she let him live. Its her responsibility. Try again bitch

They could have explained it as her being in a coma of some sort and the energy from the stones and the snap awakening her from said coma.

The problem being there's no way to drop her into Endgame other than just have her show up because the movie has too much on its plate as it is.

Fuck off assblasted bulldyke. Back to your safespace.

It really should have been his movie. Thor and Tony already got cucked by Thanos it was time to show that the absolute peak of human ability can save the day, not a god or a man wearing a suit that does everything for him.

Thought so

>What her responsibilities are to you is irrelevant retard.
I can that too. Fun.

women cant be cocky because they have no cocks, hence when they act cocky it looks unnatural and disturbing

>“Let’s go get this son of a bitch.”
i hope cap got his dick sucked right then and there
fucking black widow all over that shit

>i can that too. Fun

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too bad Bucky is not there

Imagine not having the intellectual capacity to remember that space suits are addressed in the Guardians movie and that if they needed them on the planet Rocket would provide.

You don't know about the leak or you're just incredibly insecure. Most likely both.

She can only be in one place at a time and the universe is a big place.

>Tony walks in the room
>Language Cap?
>Everyone bursts out laughing
>Captain Marvel walks up to steve and says "I think you should sit this one out white boy"
>Everyone claps and gives her caps shield.
Bravo Russos, bravo

Or she can be a poorly added late edition that seems forced and amateur when you have events she would likely be a part of. Sorry fiege. Want to add anything else?

Or maybe she can only be in one place at a time. The world's miliaries didn't show up at Wakanda because it all happened so quickly. Same with Sokovia. The worst part of Ronan's rampage was after he got the Stone and that was a few days at most. Does it also bug you that Thor didn't show up to stop Ronan?


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>nothing but captain marvel apologists

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People are actually going to pay money to see this.

Hey, I don't like her either. But not because she was retconned in. It's more to do with her having no detectable charisma. I'm not going to whine about her not stopping Ronan because that is easily explained.

>Not realizing Stark's suit is the potential of the human mind instead of Cap's muscle

And people deny that these boards aren't full of literal redditors and resetera trannys.

If Tony didn't have billions of inherited wealth his genius wouldn't amount to shit. How many suits has Banner built with his similar intellect but much smaller resources?
Cap not only represents something attainable to every one of us through hard work (peak physical strength) but also the unwilling spirit and determination that he has that is much more inspiring than some fuckboy billionaire.
This should have been Caps movie and Cap should have put Thanos down.

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>entertaining that retard
he just sees what he wants to see, regardless of your intervention

Genius can make a billionaire out of a nobody. It happens in real life and in the comics Stark has lost his fortune numerous times and made a new one. Stark is so damn smart that one invention would put him back on the map.

>in the comics
Not really relevant to the movies is it though

>Genius can make a billionaire out of a nobody
Business saviness can make a billionaire out of nobody. Man I watch superhero movies because someone's power is handling his company well. Anyway if this was true where are all the billionaire scientists?

Bros captain marvel made a billion dollars worldwide HYPE

>Business saviness can make a billionaire out of nobody. Man I watch superhero movies because someone's power is handling his company well. Anyway if this was true where are all the billionaire scientists?

Careful with those goalposts, Tex. You'll throw your back out. Your argument was that Tony wouldn't be relevant without those billions. If he gets them off screen, which he would, who cares if they are inherited or earned?

No my argument was that Cap is a much more inspiring and achievable model to look up to and therefore is a much better hero than Tony. Stop putting words into my mouth retard. The fact is that Cap is a much more inspiring and human hero than Tony and it should have been him to beat Thanos.

remember when Wolverine became shit and shoved in every story and comic,

>Cap not only represents something attainable to every one of us through hard work

Cap did less to earn his strength than Tony did though, he just dove on a fake grenade and showed he wasn't a total dumbass and got some super soldier serum.

>the movie is about the original avengers, not her
business 101 we want you to buy the 3d tickets

>Xandar looked very well defended to me
then why did Thanos destroy it to get the power stone?

Seething Betazam

Of course Cap is a better hero. Being the better hero is his job. That doesn't mean Stark isn't interesting. They had the "billionaire vs. hero" argument in Avengers 1, if you'll recall.

was refering to the Xandar attack in GOTG

They program the synapses to work collectively.

ONE Kree capital ship and its fighters soloed the planet. ONE. Where was the Xandarian fleet? The planetary defenses? Xandar is the very definition of an underdefended capital.

the guardians don't live there. You forgot about the net they made that got them fucked up. that was all them.

What? They're both smart it doesn't mean they both do the same shit. How many Hulks has Tony made? Tony also made his money with his own shit. His dad was wealthy but not nearly as wealthy as Tony is. It's not even in the same ballpark it's like comparing Bezos to the actual RDJ in wealth.

>not her
Okay so she's basically a forced character to make roasties go YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS

>disliking a manchild cartoon character makes you insecure
Spoken like a true disco tranny

>Let’s go get this son of a bitch
>Continuously wanted people to watch their language a few movies back
And people say they have the best continuity. My sides.

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>character rarely curses
>you remember the one time he does
>o shit he serious
It doesn't have to be from bad continuity. I ain't watching this crap tho



It was in the fucking space news

Dabbing on the low IQ capeshit niggers