Is this the saddest interview of all time? Gary is trying so hard to act cool, but the audience is laughing at him, not with him.
Is this the saddest interview of all time? Gary is trying so hard to act cool, but the audience is laughing at him...
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Just read his wikipedia. I'm depressed.
>tfw youre a child star
>tfw you will always be seen as an old child and never even get to at east be a manlet
gary can rest easy knowing they tried to bring back the aresnio show and it failed miserably
you think that's bad? remember the time he had jason voorhees on?
>"And Gary Coleman just passed, life is short"
t. gavin mcinnes
remember this?
>what's yo girls name man?
people wanted late night diversity
but they let arsenio go off the air
>stop laughing it's not funny
what did he mean by this?
I saw this on gavins show too. Is everyone here a pollack who watches gavin? Kek
Also, i had no idea gary coleman was murdered.
you think thats fucked up, then check this out
Wow Ryan even dresses like a douche.
Just kidding he’s fine
Gavin made fun of this clip on his podcast a few days ago.
Someone should call the shee-ref.
>this is what the ladies want. They want this tough dude look
They also don’t want their dudes to be 4’8”
That word, that word!
What year was thus
none of your damn business
>what’s your girl’s name?
>now I can’t give away names cause there’s... more than one.
Yeah, if it was true.
It's lost to the annals of time, but I remember Alfonso Ribiero (Carlton - Fresh Prince) was on Jenny Jones or Rikki Lake or something while still on the hit show. And he musta got shit in his personal life for being "too white" cause when he came out, he was dressed like a wannabe 2-Pac and he was using street slang and acting tough and ghetto.
It was glaringly obvious that he was fake as shit and it was the epitome of cringe. Damn I wish I could find that interview, cause nowadays he embraces his whiteness, even got himself a white wife.
>tfw manlet
just born to suffer, why
Midgets and manlets are not the same thing
Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis? Think this interview is sad? What about the one him and Dudley had with the police after their encounter with the bike shop owner? This is nothing compared to that.
That episode gave me my first boner.
>adoptive parents stole his money
>has kidney problems and requires dialysis his whole life, never bitches about it
>gets low key made fun of on arsenio hall for being a dwarf and probably having no love life
>eventually finds a wife
>she treats him like shit, clearly only in it for the money
>he probably stayed because it was the only way he could get pussy
honestly never knew this guy was so tragic, was always just a meme to me. seems like everyone was completely heartless towards him.
She also regularly cheated on him, and approved taking him off life support even though she might not have even had the right to do that.
Seems likely she pushed him down the stairs too.
are you motherfuckers ready for the biggest red pill of all?
wait, he was a midget because he had kidney failure?
This is not even that bad.
his wife killed him
Holy fucking shit that CFCF logo gives me the biggest flashback. One time in 2002 I was tripping on acid and that logo just kept on interrupting me every time I tried to open my mouth.
bc of your post, i read it too and am now also bummed out.
kino death 2bh
>However, a judge ultimately ruled against Price after hearing evidence that she carried on affairs with other men during the time she claimed to be with Coleman, and "physically abused Coleman in public, led him around by the hand like a child [and] displayed no physical affection toward him in front of anyone.
Starts at about 12:00
the ominous jazz really makes it
The world hates short men
I thought everyone knew this already
Was he trying to make him uncomfortable?
>Whats your girls name
>How much money do you make
>Did you save a lot of money
>I have you ever seen her nude
who asks this?
I really wish we could plunder those old daytime talk shows from the 90s the same way we do now with YouTube, maybe some of them will surface but not for a long time
these people are cunts
Who cares? They’re both fucking niggers!
It's typical for gays to have feminine features.
"In 2008, he auctioned an autographed pair of his pants on eBay to help pay his medical bills. The auction attracted considerable attention, including fake bids up to $400,000. The pants were eventually bought for $500 by comedian Jimmy Kimmel, who hung them from the rafters of his television studio.
Yikes. At least he got a nice cameo in Postal 2.
Saddest interview of all time? No this remains to be the worst I've ever seen.
Every new thing I know about this guy makes it sadder.
Why did everyone on that show end up suffering horribly?
The real kino is in the recommend videos. I'm fully redpilled now.
What is wrong with that blonde bitch?
I remember watching this as a kid and crying
After he Chris murdercided I was really depressed and I'm not even a real wrestling fan.
Now that I watch this decades later it seems so much more telling how authentic this was.
Always be prepared with these talk show kunts and their bait interviews
Sometimes being a wrestling fan is like watching a 3-decade long horror movie where the characters are slowly killed off.
Dana Plato's last interview on Howard Stern was fucking brutal. The callers just tore her apart.
Kimmel's kind of a prick. He was pretty vicious toward Eric the Midget too.
shut up, that was based as shit
This one isn't sad, but it it's surprisingly awkward.
smart of him to not join in on bashing trump
Didn't she kill herself two days after this?
90's Conan was comfy
Yes and she had a 13 year old son. That's why it's fucking horrendous. He died from a drug overdose like ten years later.
I don't want to read it is it really that bad
Was she drunk or on drugs? She seemed very sexual.
Gary had a miserable life in many ways
I can tell UR a fag
holy fuck
its weird hearing howard stern now cause he totally fucking sold out. it was cool that he was the trail blazer and did whatever he wanted in the 90's but it's not cool for anyone to do it now
i think it's the other way around, had midget kidney because he's a failure