>Reminder these same sad dudes blew up rotten tomatoes saying Wonder Woman and Black Panther and Captain Marvel sucked before they even saw them
Joker is an incel who lives with his mom
Who the fuck is this?
Thanks for reminding me, still won't make me care about it either way
The person who BTFO this community
You live that life so I can see why you don't care lol Enjoy your NEET character and NEET life. Reminder you're not special and white men need to stop shooting shit up. Lets not romanticize this shit
>Third thread on a single Twitter post
Holy fuck
Someone paid a social marketing company, strap in because it'll get worse before it gets better
Twitter posters should hang.
I can smell your nigger from here.
I'm not black but I can smell your white tears from here lol sorry, user baby incel. I bet you have no date tonight lmao
>Yfw Incel: The Movie critically and commercially outperforms 90% of Marvel's trash
If it's the colour of the guy that makes it a problem, why tune into a trailer for THE JOKER in the first place? The guy with the famously bleached white skin?
reminder that joaquin is a 5'8 puerto rican and the girl he's dating in the film is african american. the people that beat Joaquin are all affluent white people. i hate how white privileged brooklynites on twitter are stealing this film from POCs. this is a minority empowerment film
He plays a white character, moron
>reminder that joaquin is a 5'8 puerto rican
He was only born in Puerto Rico.
[citation needed]
this is a POC film i can tell that post made you seethe because you saw it as the next blade runner incel kino
actual manlet
Seems like someone is projecting
Oh now you people care for Puerto Rico?
>white men need to stop shooting shit up.
Muslims and blacks and hispanics commit a lot more gun crime than whites, retarded jew.
>I'm not black
Why do you sound like a butthurt nigger?
Anyone want to place bets if the mouse is going to bother paying some incel to roleplay as the joker and shoot up a theater
>I don't like movies where the protagonist is a complex white dude
>I prefer them to be about simple niggas like me.
Probably OP shilling her social media account.
>killing innocent civilians because you were bullied
Whenever a black film about race relations come out blaming society, you guys don't care and call it propaganda, but when it's a white guy (Taxi Driver, Joker) you like it lol Hypocrites
They will tell your women and children who the heros are: jewish, women, gay, black
They will tell your women and children who the villians are: straight, white men.
The Girl is German-American, that's why she's only half black.
If they're going to play the race card, they should to owe up to the fact that Blacks and Latinos are still more likely to commit crime proportionately to their population, so by their logic, these ethnic minorities should be avoided more so than White males and Asian males. Demonizing any ethnic group, mentally ill ones shown in the Joker, shouldn't be the tactic utilized by progressives, otherwise it exposes their hypocrisy and allows the very discrimination they claim to oppose in society. But who am I kidding? These progressive yuppies are just virtue signaling to garner some form of attention.
That is more complex than the characters in most movies now, jew.
Do you think cinemas will implement a no couples policy for the showing of this movie?
Society created by the white man should primarily serve the white man. Non-whites are very ungrateful.
No, those pathetic jews need all the money they can get
So white society is in charge and blacks have a right to be mad, so when they blame society, it makes sense that theyre mad at the white man
Ya dude it makes perfect sense. Its like if i went to uganda and brought a bunch of crime and violence (ok that wouldnt change uganda but you know what i mean) and started demanding all sorts of free shit from the govt and started bitching about how ugandan society doesnt serve me and how THEY need to conform to accomodate me. That would make a lot of sense and i should be praised for it, or at least by your juvenile leftist logic.
But we also hadnt yet established that white society was in charge. I was just making a statement.
Probably cheaper than buying your own tickets.