/our>girl/ did it, lads

/our>girl/ did it, lads.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Jews are 2% of thr US population and 30% of the Harvard student body but thats okay because they are all gonna burn in hell

What is Harvard even, anymore? How many bums are getting in now
Tf is this world???!!! some sort of upside down town


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must’ve got the social engineering monstrosity scholarship

>hoe this. Is he the guy playing in that Pikachu movie?


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Surely, he was accepted on merit right?

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>lips curl up into the nose
must smell like shit constantly

IT's pretty embarrassing what these high end schools have become. The Lakeland kid getting in, the kid getting into Stanford with the essay that was just "Black Lives Matter" copy pasted for several pages. I wonder what all the old rich white folk that keep their endowments full think of it all.

Do they just hand out Harvard scholarships to liberal poster children now


She deserved it. You go girl!

Their kids are disappointments, too. Everything is crumbling apart. Look at the royal family, what the fuck do you think is going to happen when the queen and Charles die? The prestige and meaning of it all is finished.

I know you're trolling but she had the highest marks in history from her homeschool teacher. Straight A's, I doubt you could have done what she did while going through trauma and bullying like she did and still get herself accepted into an elite ivy league school.

A clown world in a clown society.

Didn't Prince William get through college solely because he was a royal or something? I've heard his test scores were abysmal

>Jews adopt a Palestinian boy
>pander the thought of him being a girl at a young age
>use his metal illness to profit

Attached: 1542223962655.webm (360x640, 2.53M)

For real. Every other day someone is getting into Harvard. I mean Lil pump almost went as well

had a 4.0+ GPA & great SAT score like the asians there? bribed an admissions bureaucrat? got a ""sports scholarship"" in a sport it never played, or they just wanted a famous tranny?


Can someone explain the clown pepe

source? Cause history is the easiest subject

we are a generation that will pass nothing on to our kids. western culture is eroding. females don't even know how to cook anymore. nothing is sacred and they have succeeded

I like Jazz as much as the next guy but she never came across as the studious type

formerly, yes

You can unironically buy yourself into any college, that's why all the fuss about D1 athletes accepting money is so laughable. A nonrefundable donation of about half a mill is enough for just about any college in the nation, for an ivy or an elite school you're looking at 1 mil but still easily doable for someone who has had a thc show for 6 seasons

We live in a society.

I suppose this is the hell we have to pay for living in the land of the free.

He studied Art History. It's basically a non-subject. At least his brother did military service and actually got deployed, if he hadn't married a negress he'd have been a better king.

>The word "Harvard" may impress people around here, but to an American, it means one thing only: decline.

i want to puke
and they've been filming the brainwashing since he's like 8 years old right?

clown pepe for a clown world.
full accelerationism and enjoying every second of it.

Is clown pepe related to the Joker?

Nothing special

what the fuck

no not really

What are the odds he doesn't make it to his sophomore year?


lmao, Harvard is hard to get into, but impossible to fail, this is well known.

Thanks for that, I laughed

after the usc scandal you would think they would keep it on the down low for a while

Pepe used to think his life was a tragedy. Now he realizes it's a comedy.

Attached: 1552029469316.png (700x700, 615K)

I wish I could say the same but it's psychological thriller all the way

you should see (((yale)))

Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.

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british royals are (((german))). Windsor is an invented name, theyre all (((Coburgs)))

he could still drop out, doubtless due to mental instability
I've known more people to drop out of courses at my uni than fail outright. Even on difficult course a university will go a long way before failing you.

watch my tv channel

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his testicles were cut on a satanic ritual

Eh, I wish her luck. I really do.
I wish I could redo college...

What an ugly little fucking faggot kike

For me, that's the point of trannies. There is literally nothing hotter than a beautiful girl with a nice hard cock between her legs.

Trannies are mentally unstable, disgusting men in girl clothes who have no problem with mutilating themselves.

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I don't care, I just want to fuck them in the ass. I don't want to date or marry them or anything.

is Harvard the modern equivalent of 19th century freak shows?

Hell isn't real

I hope you end up following the 40% of them.

It's possible

it will be

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I just told my wife about this. My wife responded "...wow, that's great that he got in..."
I love my wife.

The hand you jerk with is not your wife nor does it talk

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I'm so shocked that a famous jew got into harvard.

Shocking as it may be, not everyone on here lives in their parent's basement and is a neckbeard, sweaty.

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

Attached: lynchian.webm (1408x788, 2.51M)

Shocking as it may be, not everyone on here gives a shit about you and your """relationship"""

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Took long enough

kek, fucking hell this one caught me off guard

Mean while other people are going to jail for bribing the wrong college officials. Do it right rich people!

I can't tell if this is a joke or not, this is now our clown world

Reddit the post.

I'd say 5% but after college, I'd give him a 95% chance of suicide before 30 years old. Who wants to fuck an aging tranny?


Only cause you gremlins keep talking about her.

9/10 bait here's your (You)

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Dude, you have to go back. You're coping so hard its obvious you're the odd one out here.

I want a discord tranny gf too!

Being THIS new

Yeah, I am coping. Meanwhile, you keep responding you fucking mong.

You give a shit though

Shhh...fuckstain is going to his reaction folder to give us some onions. Don't disturb him.

She could probably work for Google in a couple interviews

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>that bottom right
holy hell

Remember that time Jazz wanted to be honest with the audience about how much his life sucked and his mother told him he better stop saying that stuff otherwise the goyim might think it's a bad idea to be trans?

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I want to find the source of that gender reveal webm but it is unsausable.

>5 straight clown posts in a roll

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This is what happens when women have too much power.
The men of the past knew this. They did not hate women, they understood them and how they function. Women having power is not a recent invention.
This is the end of the west.

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i think the biggest issue is this guy didn't really have a choice in the matter. who knows what the real side effects are being pumped with hormones at such an early age

Clown world

Remember that time the doctor told Jazz if he got fat they wouldn't be able to do the surgery and afterwards he immediately got fat?
Remember how much medication they have got him on?
It's almost as if he is a doped up slave of a woman with Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Attached: Cattle+drive+long+horns.jpg (2500x1165, 506K)

weird. Jazz never struck me as the intellectual type but I guess we only see so much of him on the show

>the replies itt
I must say, Yea Forums seems abnormally based and redpilled today

Maybe i was spending too much time fucking with redditors in capeshit threads

>David Hogg
>Kyle Kashuv
>Jared [very Jewish, long last name]
Who else is going to star in the ensemble cast of Harvard 2019: Freshman Year?


Remember how they had to use part of his bowels to craft his frankenvagina because his dick was too small?
Remember how they tell us every day kids need to be put on the trans meds ASAP when not having enough penis tissue to do the surgery is an entirely foreseeable consequence of them being medicated early?

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So it's not okay for celebs to buy their way into Ivy League schools, but it's okay to let them in for free?

Thanks Obama!


So if you're a tranny, woman, or not white, you're assured to get in.
Asian's are sorta fucked since they're considered white.

Fucking brainwashing libshit universities nowadays, lmao.

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>actually posting in capeshit threads and not md5 filtering the opening pic on sight
Imagine being this retarded

That's right goy turn the other cheek the afterlife will take care of everything.

How the fuck did this dumb cunt got accepted into Harvard?


can you believe the backlash harvard would have gotten if he was denied. tlc would have spent a whole season on the "legal battle" jazz has to fight

He's a tranny Jew with a TV show. How did you think he could fail to get in?

you're not a he if you get your dick slashed off

I can't honestly handle this stuff

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And youre not a she

Can I get into Harvard if I'm part slav? Yea Forums keeps telling me that slavs are not white so I have a chance right?

Jews hate slavs. If you're willing to pretend to be a tranny a sexual deviant and virulently anti-white you'll greatly improve your chances.


Jazz wouldn't even be smart enough to get into a state school based on merit. Dude is legit tarded.

no. the clown is related to the world.

ahahahahaahahaha no
This, sorta... but mostly not Jews, just SJW\libshits due to nepotism and or Peter Principle given their positions.

t. 1/2 Ukrainian, 3/8ths Polish, 1/8th Dutch.
good fucking luck, I couldn't even get a scholarship even with good numbers and being an Eagle Scout when I was younger. And this was 8 years ago.

Fucking liberals man. Even if you try and pull a Kamala Harris, it ain't gonna fly anymore unless you try really fucking hard at conmanning them.

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This is the power of white cis male privilege.

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Will the classes have dilation breaks?

Great I'll cut my penis too.

What is dialation?

Not gonna lie, I'm mad lol.
Fuck liberals for real

>the kid getting into Stanford with the essay that was just "Black Lives Matter" copy pasted for several pages

You can't brainwash someone into a gender identity or sexual orientation

Many Ashkenazi Jews come from Slavic backgrounds.

My mom and I were doing ivy league applications for my cousin in eastern europe and I was surprised to see how ideological the application has gotten. All of the applications asked multiple variations of what essentially amounted to trying to gauge the applicant's political ideology. What websites do you use for news, what films do you watch, etc. When you combine the current state of news/media with the left-leaning nature of the university system it's not hard to imagine that between 2 equally qualified candidates the candidate who listed nytimes and black panther would have an edge on the one that put thefederalist and unplanned.

More importantly to the thread, I was disgusted but not surprised that one of the first things they prompted the applicant to do was qualify their preferred gender pronoun. I sarcastically told my mom that we should put "non-binary" as it seemed to be one of the more mainstream ones based on my time dropping nazi redpills on r/gendercritical. I also suggested that we put that my cousin was bullied for being a lesbian in the testimonial "essay" portion of the application. I figured that out of the few people in this deeply religious country applying to these american universities even fewer would know about the relevance of gaming the system in this manner. However, I decided not to because if it did somehow backfire or she didn't get accepted I would feel guilty as though I had contributed. Ultimately, she did get denied from all the schools and while my conscience is free I can't help but wonder if she would have had an edge had she gamed the system by exploiting the same things that likely got jazz into harvard.

It is for trannies

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based Nikita

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> homeschool teacher

why would her evaluations be taken seriously?

never seen this bitch ass do any schoolwork at all, how the fuck did he get into harvard

how are you this new, fuck's sake.

Of course he did.
Harvard is not a respectable school.
It's reputation is literal dirt.

How much more Russia, Russia, Russia do you need to see?

fucking weird as shit fake hips look horrible

If you don't believe Hell is real, you're probably going there

not all slavs are from Russia

>honk honk

Attached: 1540627716364.jpg (1024x1024, 159K)

>deny people college if their not liberal
>than boast that liberals are more likely to be college educated

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Apparently no one else is capable of posting the link.


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we're already there

>tfw no qt Skylar gf

Attached: Skylar221.jpg (1080x1350, 243K)


Honestly this depresses me to no end.

Smug Pepe was used as a way to summon a primordial god of chaos, and the darkness before the dawn, known as Kek. Clown Pepe is a way to create the laughing god from Warhammer 40k, Cegorach. He is the laughing god of the eldar, who does whatever he pleases because he knows how much of a comedy reality is. He creates and weaves entirely and obscenely convoluted plans, just to see them fuck over people. All for a fucking giggle.

He's not entirely malevolent, but very much a fucking asshole. Unless you're a follower, then he fights for your soul like no one else can.

would smash

It's just going to pick a major with no value. It doesn't matter which; it's going so it can use it as social status.

harvard? i only watched bits of that show and she didnt sound very smart. member when she was in a car eating shit with a friend and was slurping on a big bulp with a straw: her eyes were bulging out like a dumb ass zero brain activity carp. someone screen cap taht shit, enhance and post it


You forgot the final phase where these corrupted students wage a revolution that ultimately results in the death of 11m ukrainian christians

He was literally a chad whyyyyyy

Atheists are the good goys that allowed this shit to happen in the first place.The more secular a nation, the more cucked it is.

You mean that gross balding faggot

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>become "girl"
>instantly be a slut

Attached: 1525672592888.gif (176x216, 492K)

She is a fucking jew, they dean is a jew, they practically own that university.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

>become "girl"
>instantly be a girl

I don't have a problem with homeschooling (homeschooled kids regularly test better than public school kids), but you'd have to be pretty stupid to automatically believe the homeschool teacher WHO IS PAID BY THIS ABOMINATION'S MOTHER. The he-she got into Hardvard because of what it is; not its grades.

IT'S FUCKING REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Attached: bateman.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>but doctor, I am Pagliacci

Le "holistic admissions"

This picture will never ever get old

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So the jews at Harvard can get another notch in their diversity belt while their school's rep goes down the shitter

Based rural America poster


Pepperidge Farm remembers.

I've seen real women with shittier hairlines

>nothing hotter than a beautiful girl with a nice hard cock between her legs.
Complete fantasy, all the "cute traps" are usually due to filters, everyone else is hideous. If you think Jazz is a beautiful girl, you need either your eyes checked or a frontal lobotomy

Yeah black girls with fiveheads not that horseshoe pattern

Absolutely fucking disgusting

Attached: 1552626170083.png (329x346, 218K)

lmao this is what happens when you stop hormones for a month

Some traps actually look just like girls, their voices are a giveaway as they're a bit deeper than a girl's and scratchy.
t. dated viet girly boy

>Be gay
>know God hates you
>but God I'm a woman really xd, now im not gay and you have to let me in

It used to be a stage for academia, now it's a meme school where people of "status" go.

>be kike
Imagine my surprise

>highest marks in history from her homeschool teacher

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>popular trans tv show star gets accepted to virtue-signalling haven

It was definitely because of their grades and not the fact that they're popular, have TV money, and are a marketing magnet. I'm sure it was merit and not the most affirmative of action.

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he looks quite nice yes
shame he doesnt have his dick anymore
I mean sucking feminine dick would be less vomit inducing than putting your cock inside a festering wound


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Degenerate wears so much makeup post-"transformation" it literally looks like a mask.

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Its hilarious that I can hear the music without sound

>tranny mexican jew

Harvard reached their diversity quota for the year just with this thing

t. historylet

yeah, that's how college works

I think it’s more complicated than that I genuinely believe jazz is willingly a victim now and let’s his mom do these things to her


He has good speaking skills

it's a him, he is a male with a y chromosome


>what's autogynephilia

Attached: betasexuality.png (1840x2072, 477K)

All it costs to get into a socialite institute like Harvard is cutting your dick off

I’m sure at least 12% of the people in this thread would do that

In what way is he wrong?

I hate life

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Getting accepted to Harvard as a nonwhite/asian male means you are never going to be important and probably work as a salesperson or HR at some faceless company.

>You can't brainwash someone into a gender identity or sexual orientation
yes you can

enjoy 5 years of passing before you look like a caked cashew

mockery was such a fitting last name

Jews literally adopted a Palestinian boy and fucked him up


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Cope harder, discord tranny

I have yet to see a salesperson with a degree from Harvard

Attached: didntread.gif (300x189, 1.77M)

I wouldn't doubt this level of kikery, but proofs?

based puppyposter

Wow he must have a lot of white male privilege to get into Harvard
Oh wait

Lmao, Christians started all of this by banning themselves from practicing usury, they allowed Jews to gain power then always cucked out from just killing because of their own morality so they simply kicked them out only for then Jews just to sneak in a few years later and started the cycle again. The Romans didn't fuck around, they DESTROYED the Carthaginians, basically another group of Jews and that was that, Christians are always just kicking the can down the road.

Going to Uni is a meme unless you are 100% certain you know exactly what you're going to do for the rest of you life. Uni was a lie that was perpetuated to boomers for them to force their millennial children to pursue because getting a job for them was as easy as going up to the owner and giving him a firm handshake.

Now they're just senile-funded gender/sex brainwashing daycare.

Want a job? Pick up a trade. Learn something that is uncomfortable to do and takes a modicum of actual learning and skill.

he was a femboy from the start

Uh guys, the medical term for exploding vagina is literally POP. What's happening to this world?


Attached: 1554324397140.png (1268x556, 299K)

Good boy.

Attached: D0DFCAEC-D8C7-47C3-80CF-9EDABF5117FB.jpg (2176x1676, 797K)

>Falling for the tradesmeme

Enjoy being replaced by pajeets.

> By day ordinary family puppy

Attached: image2 (6).jpg (4032x3024, 1.15M)

Nobody is behind the wheel

dude is going to off himself at 35 and cannot pass anymore lol

The jew propagranda has really worked on you.

Good goy, stop learning and get a job that will destroy your body by the age of 40.

> By night a death dealer to the mentally deranged TRANNY hordes corrupting our youth. SHE is Super Pup

Attached: image2 (4).jpg (4032x3024, 1011K)

Actual quotes from this show
>You want to go skydiving? Aren't you worried about your vagina exploding?
>You think I won't like sex? With how effed up my vagina is.
>Something popped!

Attached: 1550546190633.jpg (846x1033, 256K)

I disagree.

The amount of jobs I've had denied simply because I did not have that worthless piece of paper, despite being qualified or overqualified, is amazing.
No, go fuck yourself. Nepotism is the only way out if you don't have a college degree of some sort if you want to make at least >60-70k/year.

Maybe 30 years ago, sure. I met Rob Savoye (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Savoye) the other day at my work. He said he would've hired me instantly if he wasn't retired and it was 15+ years ago. Plenty of work back then you could get into even without a degree.

So no, bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Even more bullshit if you're in an urban or libshit area filled with champagne socialists.

Also I don't want to weld, I like my eyes and ears. I don't like plumbing because I don't want to smell like shit. I do dig HVAC since I am experience in wood, gas and pellet stoves, but fuck me if I join a plumbing + HVAC crew.
Plus I need to be an apprentice for x years and be on shitty on-call 24 hr shit for certain HVAC\plumbing companies. So no, fuck you, I'd love to have a 9-5, but I don't, and don't want to keep having to work past fucking 6 PM every workday.

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Meant it in a more sarcastic way. Think American Psycho where all their jobs are kind of vague but still high power.


that's a girl though

Also to note, while that guy looks like your mountaineer hermit (he's from Colorado here), he's LOADED.

By loaded, I think he sold one of his projects for 500 million dollars. If you read on, he helped created many initial linux daemons and other shit based off unix in the early 90s and founded the EFF.


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Meant to quote
as an addendum

>implying there was any to begin with
The fuckers are feeding off peoples taxes, do you call a nigger on a welfare prestgious too?

reality is hell

As an employer I just can't take resumes from Ivy League schools seriously anymore. We accidentally hired a nigress who went to Yale because on paper she looked great, even had a normal name, but after we hired her it was clear that she was only admitted and passed for being a black woman. Sweet girl, but she was as dumb as a rock and kept fucking up the simple make-work tasks we gave her. Luckily she was still on probation so we could sever our ties easily.

This might actually be my favorite meme already. It's only been like 12 hours.

Imagine actually believing this