The Joker is just going to be a fucking white male edgelord power wank fantasy

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Additionally, we have this movie before.
> Falling Down
> Taxi Driver
I mean, it's another movie catering to incels aspiring mass shootings.

>can't make movies about white people anymore
>when whites are the largest group in the country


What do these people actually think most capeshit characters actually are?
You can't expend a literal decade fapping to fucking Thor and Cap Blandmerica and then do a turn just because is not /your company/
I fucking hate normies.

Sooo...the Joker then?

imagine having white males living rent free in your head.


you know what? You win libtards. Let a black man play a psychotic murderer and gets beat up by a white dude.

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Not an iota of irony there famu?

>bro just let them shit on your head stop being racist

Why do you idiots give these retards attention and clicks? Ignore them and they'll go away.

>4 RT / 32 likes
A thread died for this

Joker should have been a black female

I'm sick to fucking death of these white hating white people. I can't imagine how regular white people must feel.

And that´s a good thing, here is why:

They are at buffalo wild wings and dont go online

This generation hasn't seen it, though.

As a clown, doesn't the Joker paint his face white anyways? Would painting his face black make things better?

so its going to be evil white male movie, because it wasnt B L A C K E D : the motion picture.

>whites are the largest group in the country
If you consider half breeds and jews "white" then sure...

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Can't wait until whiteys have gone extinct, not long now

Sorry didn't care to undestand your post. What with being white and all. Have fun fighting the good fight or whatever it is you things do.

We've seen this "poor white man mad at society" story before. Time to move on, incels. Funny how ya'll judged Cap Marvel and Black Panther trailers (all made 1 billion lol) but love this indie arthouse trash trailer

it's fascinating to me that these people don't think hispanic/asian/black edgelords exist. it's almost as if they think theres no such thing as non-white incels

How about yall make better movies instead of cringe white man sad movies, retard. Reminder you only like this because you neets relate to him, but you judged the shit out of black panther because most people here are racist fucks

Pff these retards would have loved this movie if the joker was a black guy

I too look forward to months of screenshots of shitskins and self hating whitoids hammering this on twitter.

Joker takes place in the 70s just like Taxi Driver, you brainlet

or a spike lee/hharv weinstein production of a MCU film.

this. just swap joaquin with keith stanfield

This is going to be /ourfilm/ and join the ranks of classics such as Bladerunner 2049 and Dark Knight Rises.

Why do white guys say shit like this? Do they really think being a beta virtue signalling bitch will get them pussy?

Can u even name any movie with a minority incel, dumb fuck?

half a fags like that queer think they might get a black girl or get to watch a fat girl that leeches off of them fuck a bunch of black guys, and get his ass slammed and and suck sperm.

Yes, they really do.

I meant the release of the movies, you colossal retard.

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Even as more of a liberal, I find it infuriating how far people online are going with some of this shit. It's the type of comment that immediately deserves a fuck off and die response.

So often it's a bunch of young white men who just feel compelled to put down their own.

>look mom I posted it again!

Yes, because every generation has to see a "WOE is me white man sad and mad at society" kind of movie. Get over it. We don't need it, you incel

Yet you can't disprove it. Nice counterargument, incel boi lol

Leftists are 80+ percent white the research confirms this (Hidden Tribes).

Why specify 'white'? because it would be OK if it wasn't a white guy, presumably?

In the whiteness is a problem, tune into the JOKER trailer in the first place , he's literally bleached whiter than white you can't be surprised when you see him

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joaquin is a 5'8 puerto rican

I'm disproved it already, you're yet to reply to my other comments elsewhere, faggot.

I can smell your white tears lmao

Isn't the jokers love interest in this a nigger?


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He's portraying a white male, retard fuck. Try again. Name some black incel movies

You just said "cringe" lol Try again. Thank you, next

>He's portraying a white male
[citation needed]

I'm Hispanic, though.

Amazing Spiderman 2


Spiderman Homecoming

new Jumanji





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Incel is an online community.

Seething white boi nice counterargument lol

What's considered a mass shooting?

3 or more people involved i believe.

As a main character like Joker in this film, not some side character. Also, they are trying to get us to romanticize and empathize for him. Whenever a black film about race relations come out blaming society, you guys don't care and call it propaganda, but when it's a white guy (Taxi Driver, Joker) you like it lol Hypocrites

Every generation needs old retellings, though. Every story has already been told, anyway, so it doesn't matter. You don't want to watch it? Don't watch it. Simple as that.

This isn't about race relations. It's about a crazy man.

Observe and Report was basically a more comedic Taxi Driver, just with a security guard instead of a taxi driver.

Don't complain when a movie about a black man tired of society comes out, hypocrite. Funny how those types of movies are considered propaganda but Joker is like the truth and gospel to you faggots

why is the joker's race suddenly an issue? he's the Joker. he's the embodiment of pure evil/chaos.

I’m cool with Black Panther, if that’s what it takes for a a generation of black kids to have a role model outside scumbag rappers and shit like that.

>Don't complain when a movie about a black man tired of society comes out
We didn't, it was called The Equalizer and it starred Denzel Washington and it was pretty good
We didn't even complain about the blackwashing

still I will NOT pay to see it
seeth harder shill

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Yes, but you relate to the Joker more than said black characters blaming society. What's the difference? They both hate how society is trash and hate politicians and the system

3 or more

>. Whenever a black film about race relations come out blaming society
It never blames society, it always blames white people

>killing innocent civilians because you were bullied
This movie isn't deep lol

the Joker is barely human. he's so far out there. he's not meant to be seen as a "white guy". he's an insane clown who's meant to be the archetype of chaotic evil not some run of the mill gangbanger. there's no real life equivalent to the joker and there never will be. race has nothing to do with it.

The joker movie is about gamers rising up ans appropriating their culture and those minorities and liberals are trying to oppress us by having a nigger replace our only gang weeder who's been on tv. This speaks volume about the society we live in

>Joaquin Phoenix is white
This is the kind of shit that gets said when murican whities decide what's "white" and what's not. They have so ingrained racism they call everyone that's not obviously of African descent "white"

>lmao so you cant make movies about your people anymore, shut up lol
>lmao people are shouting you down lol shut up
>so you are supposed to be feel guilty whats the big deal
>lol so you're only 50% of the population whats the big deal
>lmao so you're a minority in your own neighborhood now lol whats the big deal
>so the country is turning into brazil now whats the big deal lmao find something real to complain about

its all so tiresome

Wtf isn’t Joaquin a Jew? I thought you guys said Jews weren’t white

>Yea Forums is one person

>Joaquin Phoenix is white
This is the kind of shit that gets said when muricans whities decide what's "white" and what's not. They have so ingrained racism they call everyone that's not obviously of African descent "white"

God, the main character of this movie is LITERALLY me.


Literally gives the definition at the bottom of the infographic... Maybe try reading instead of a knee jerk reaction because the mainstream media told you white people are evil right wing racist incels

I literally never said I "relate" to the Joker. Save your straw man arguments for twitter.

So what? From that character's perspective whites/rich are the problem. In Joker, the rich is also his enemy. What makes this movie any better if it's also blaming the evil rich people?

we're going to get V for Vendetta round 2 everyone buying the clown masks instead of the fawkes masks

I'm actually ok with that

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A number of white mass shooters are like the joker, including the nz shooter. Oh woe is me society sucks and I'm poor fuck the world

Then Yea Forums along with other people need to stop empathizing with the Joker like he's a good guy. HE'S NOT

do you have anything to say about the 12 black shootings that happen literally every night? probably not :(

Most think like this on here, dumb faggot

But too many here do, so that's why I'm addressing it.

you'd never EVER live in a black neighborhood given the choice, keep trying to blame white people for the problems of the world though lmao

It's like this because of white people who created this system for black people