Drumpf BTFO
/pol/ BTFO
White """people""" BTFO
Drumpf BTFO
>having opinions worth listening to
Pick one.
>legal abortion saves lives
why do you go out of your way to find retarded shit like this
>People have gone so insane about trump that facts and fiction are starting to blur in their minds
imagine not being a centrist, aka the only way to be a normal person in the year 2019
>Legal abortion saves lives
Yea, the whore's, certainly not the kid's.
>/pol/ will sarcastically wave this away, but still won't be able to refute any of it
every fucking time
>legal abortion saves lives
>Jesus wasn't white
white isn't a race and HE IS THE SON OF GOD
>Trump isn't a christian
who cares
>trickle down economics doesn't work
tell that to china
>a border wall isn't feasible
tell that to israel
>climate change is a thread
tell that to india and china
>we don't need more nukes
tell that to fossil fuel
>legal abortion saves lives
tell that to the babies
>obama was born in the US
tell that to me when you show me his birth certificate
>the un is important
tell that to serbia
Conveniently left out that capitalism is jewry, diversity doesn't work, and multiculturalism is a lie.
She’s right in everything except Jesus. Jesus was white. He was jewish. Jewish are white skin even if nazis and communist like this bitch doesn’t agree.
>Jesus wasn't white
that's right he was a Jew.
Nice job OP now i'm a communist who wants to kill babies. guess i'll go post on reddit :D
>legal abortion saves lives
tell that to the millions of negro babies murdered every year in the US you racist whore
>the UN is important
but please don't sleep on this part, it's the most insane
wow ok now i know what to think
this is epic
The whore's life has more value than a fetus. Deep down you know it's true
He also wrong about abortion. Forgot about that. Killing babies is never justified.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
prof asked me if i was for or against gay marriage
said against
just looked at me like i was a monster lmao
UN Good