>Serious comic book movie
>marvel babies, waaaahh no cgi spandex explosions alien magic monster superhero movies reeeeee
Jesus fucking christ
>Serious comic book movie
>marvel babies, waaaahh no cgi spandex explosions alien magic monster superhero movies reeeeee
Jesus fucking christ
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Every single time, OP.
Ironically when we actually get something halfway serious from the MCU (like the ending to infinity shits, even though it's so over the top it's hampered by its ridiculousness) it gets praised as breaking new ground in superhero movies.
Retarded, AND hypocritical is what they are.
Fucking Yea Forums absolutely hates, its hilarious.
Yea Forums kino: youtube.com
mcdonalds shit for crossposting plebs: youtube.com
Me no a speako la spanish
>Serious comic book movie
>directed by the guy who made The Hangover
Keep dreaming retard, this looks laughably bad. Todd Phillips really thinks he's channeling 70s Scorsese lmao
But their reaction to it is far more positive than Yea Forumss
Why would you like this?
Sure smells like incel in here.
i honestly thought they would like it
they such marvelfags
I find it more interesting how this trailer provoked a lot of screeching at incels posting. Then again, moderation on Yea Forums is probably the worst on the entire site so it's hard to tell who actually believes that nonsense and who is just larping to piss people off and get (you's)
It makes no sense, they were shitting all over Shazam for being kid friendly but now they did a 180 not even we do that shit.
>this edgy we live in a society trash
lmao, all capeshitters need to hang
Why is the shill ignoring this post with a link to Yea Forums full of people saying it looks good? What kind of fucking marketing shit is this wtf
Why are DCpajeets so angry?
All these posters are Yea Forumsfags, regular Yea Forums took over the narrative now and they are doing the usual anti-DC shit they always do.
I haven't seen it yet but this movie is LITERALLY me.
They speak Portuguese in Brazil, retard.
Did you know Stan Lee invented comic books?
this but unironically
Yea Forums posters don't post on Yea Forums because redwood has us BoS after the whole john boyega stuff. Jesus christ you shills aren't even trying to pretend you're Yea Forums
>no explosions
I guarantee there will be an explosion in this movie.
It's not even capeshit. So far no one wears cape and nothing fantastical happens.
The director hasn't made a single good movie
What about the one where Will Ferrell and Owen Wilson's brother start a fraternity?
Hated was pretty good.
>Serious comic book movie
Everyone liked TDK trilogy you inbred Snyderfag