>David Harbor ("Stranger Things") and Rachel Weisz ("The Favorite") have joined the cast of Marvel Studios' BLACK WIDOW in supporting roles as a pair of Russian spies and contemporaries of Scarlett Johansson's Natasha Romanoff. Florence Pugh ("Fighting with my Family") is also part of the cast, playing "a spy on the same level as Romanoff, but who doesn't share her moral compass"; while Andre Holland ("Moonlight") is in talks to play the main villain of the movie.
>Directed by Cate Shortland, BLACK WIDOW centers on Natasha Romanoff, a spy and assassin who grew up being trained by the KGB before breaking from their grasp and becoming an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avenger. The release date is set for May 1, 2020.
There better be a Scarlett-Rachel lesbian scene I swear to god.
Christian White
>can't get a psychological drama starring Ruffalo that will wipe out the disappointment of the previous Hulk films >can get ScarJo in another PG-13 generic action flick I can't be less enthusiastic for phase 4
Jordan Mitchell
>black villian Umm way to promote the stereotype that black men are criminals
Jason Cooper
>movies with no naughty words and buckets of blood aren't mature enough for a mature individual like myself
Samuel Morris
I really thought that endgame would be their last. didn't feige say that this avengers would have an ending, something that all the other capeshit movies don't have?
Ryder Jones
it's the last for the original avengers team, not the avengers brand itself dummy and this one is a prequel
Julian Adams
>the shitty sheriff from Stranger Memes Yeah, I'm thinkin it's shit
Elijah Jones
>can't get a psychological drama starring Ruffalo that will wipe out the disappointment of the previous Hulk films And this is why The Hulk 2003 is so underrated. People pay way too much attention to the silly transitions and don't focus on the script or the characters. Also, perhaps The Joker this year will make Marvel rethink certain aspects of their strategies not even shilling
Gavin Gray
ENDGAME concludes the overarching storyline about the Infinity Stones that guided the first 10 years of the MCU and the stories of the core Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye), leaving the door open for the supporting players (Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, eventually the X-Men and the Fantastic Four as well) to take center stage.
I cant believe this who would watch anything past endgme?
Brody Jenkins
You really think no one wants to watch a new avengers movie with spider-man, wolverine, cap marvel, black panther, doctor strange?
Daniel Reed
>be Rachel >be 50 years old >you're hotter than the main actress who's only 34 How does she do that? How does she keep dodging the wall?
Gavin Kelly
>How does she keep dodging the wall? Well, her parents dodged the oven, so...
Josiah Powell
David Hughes
OH BABY MORE CAPESHIT FLIPPIN FRICKEN SO FRICKIN FUCKING EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!