Incel: The Movie
Incel: The Movie
t. society
more like based: the movie
t. woman
That better be the official poster
Incel is the new "fedora"
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>written by 1000 PHILLIPS
Based lightbulbs
Does he date the nigger?
Hope he kills her
I don't get it, why isn't he a psychopath? Isn't the Joker supposed to be like legit insane instead of some school shooter edgelord? I want some batshit crazy clown time, not Rob Zombie's Halloween again. Seems like a total waste.
It's a comedy. Do you sluts not have a sense of humor?
you aren't an incel if you can fuck your mother
t. veronica
when i was like 11 i read every joker centric graphic novel i could get my hands on and in a few of them featuring an origin story hes a desperate man who becomes insane
>can't have a gf so he has to fuck a single mother black prostitute
yep, incel
There's more than enough 'lol Joker's so CUHRAYZHEEEEEEE' portrayals in DC fiction. Watching a guy gradually unravel and transform into the Joker sounds a hell of a lot more entertaining that Leto's Thug Lite interpretation.
He is turing insane
He's supposed to be a normal dude who has one bad day and snaps.
>Every loner is an incel
Sexual liberation has just really fucked over both genders in a lot of ways
Watch the Killing Joke. Had a bad day etc etc
But mostly it was the Chemicals he was submerged in
Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a WICKED sense of humor
Veronica status: SEETHING
>that poster
Kino confirmed
unfortunately unofficial ;(
So its like Dawnfall?