>I'm sorry sir, but you know about our no singles policy, don't you? I can't sell you any ticke- Oh...For Joker, huh? Alright then...
I'm sorry sir, but you know about our no singles policy, don't you? I can't sell you any ticke- Oh...For Joker, huh...
Thank you, Robert. I knew you would understand
I love you Robert
Thank you Robert. Could I have an extra large popcorn combo please?
Robert doesn’t sell tickets OP you fucking retard
>Oh hi, didn't see you there user, you finally left the kinoplex?
This but unironically
Why does reddit love this black man so much?
>He's waking up, SIR!
>Oh ho ho ho, you thought you could get away with watching kinos all day for the price of one. Didn't you, sir.
butter my crab legs robert... with your ass
back to /pol/
I think Robert and his universe are a little bit too complicate for reddit
>robert, what part of the cinema is this? i've never been here before
>user, this isn't the cinema at all
why did i have to wake up
No movie this time, Robert. Hand over the crab legs. All of them. NOW!
Be honest. Would you ever let a negro handle your food? Pajeets is a automatic no for anyone not retarded.
Thanks, Rob.
I'm glad you're my buddy. :)
Robert you know, for this movie in particular, the joker and all, well, i was wondering if i could grab an n word pass?
this but ironically
>Sure thing user. The crab legs are right over he--
Oh shi-
Why are Brits so childish?