Imagine spending $65 for this mess to ""acknowledge"" you
Imagine spending $65 for this mess to ""acknowledge"" you
Other urls found in this thread:
wow. what a loser
This website makes feel Fremdschämen on a previously unexperienced scale
Kevin O'Leary for a grand, fucking based
hey this thread reminds me of the hilarious and refreshing podcast, Cumtown. it's based and they dont care how offended anyone gets. just their name alone triggers normies that cant handle a couple of guys talking about pee coming out of buttholes.
Imagine spending $40 for a message from Brandon Novak lmao
$175 for Norm Macdonald...
$15 for Adam Egret
Could we pay Bam to acknowledge Yea Forums?
Would Bam be willing to accept hoagies and hero sandwiches as payment?
>look up some random cameo of some hasbeen tv star
>all of the recent cameos is from the same guy paying this woman 35$ daily
I'm surprised we haven't used the site to shitpost Yea Forums.
Oh look, a thinly veiled cum town thread
>Dude you rule. Thank you so much! He’s gonna love it.
Is the worst present you could give someone?
>Ryan Dunn's skatepark proposal was 15 years ago
what a weird website
is this literally the easiest way to cash in on your persona? jesus christ
>turn on your phone for 30 seconds
>hey bro whats up lol bye
>that'll be $50
holy shit
Shit. I thought he was loaded. Blowing right through it all, I guess
lol homo-ki
more like mutt
who is the most expensive on the site?
you're looking at it
you can sort by price highest to lowest
#2 is the guy from that PLEASE FINANCE MY BUSINESS show for 999
Kevin Leary or something
Bruce then the shark tank jew
And finally we get why some doofus has been paid to shill Bam for weeks now on /tv
he wants our money
Im going to miss their weird way to trying to meme
its been fun
sage and die you cunt
>youre not gonna say hello?
this specific bam thread has been here for a year newfag
Why is everyone on that website so justed
Herman REEE 30 bucks
>Who run the world? Women. That’s right - March is International Women’s Month and there is no better title for March to adorn. Women are intelligent, powerful, and have made us into the people we are today. For some, it’s our moms who told us to never give up on our dreams. For others, it was our sisters who showed us how to be strong in the face of adversity. And for others, it was Katie Couric.
For me?
It's Katie Couric.
my favourite "cameos" are the ones where the person gives no fucks, barely looks at the camera & does them in 1 take. based.
Imagine being the pinnacle of athleticism at one point and turning into this.
>hi bobby. Happy birthday from bruce, i mean, i go by tiffany now. Smooches
>2500 bucks
>me work for a month
Wake me up (((cant wake up)))
>Why is everyone on that website so justed
because this is the type of shit you do when you're so desperate for work/money that you'll literally dance for $100. not a good look for an actual celebrity but perfect for a fading celebrity that has shed themselves of their dignity.
I hate Bam these days. All he does is spam his Instagram with ads about the snake oil rings he's hucking to his dwindling fans, while at the same time posting drunk videos to show his improvement on becoming sober.
I've been a fan since Viva La Bam. I use to think this guy was cool. Bought the Adio shoes and everything, Thought the world of him. Now to see his high school drop out being nothing more than a 40 year old attempting to live his youth is just fucking sad. And for what? A friend dying. I've lost so many loved ones and had to put on a happy face and do my shit 9-5 but this millionaire destroys a rental car and drinks 24/7 to forget his friend.
I can't even imagine what he will do once his mom dies. Kid will be lost forever. Into the darkness you go Bam.
ooops looks like someone unlocked a fart box and got farts all in their face. ahahaha. that's courtesy of cum town.
i don't know what's more embarrassing, having someone record your gay-for-pay cam show of you spread your ass & dangling balls all over porn sites
.. or this desperate shit.
>hey kid
>wanna listen to some cum town?
>first one's on the house
>anything after that you have to figure out how to get around the parental controls
>cause if your mom and dad find out you've been listening to cum town you're going to be spending all summer inside
why did dico give up so early
>tfw i'm an earthrocker
sometimes when my parents are yelling at me i lock myself in my room and play cum town so loud you can hear it throughout the entire house cause i just dont give a fuck.
dumb loser boomers still spamming this beyond washed up nobody fuck
Someone get him to talk about tv cunny
cum town is so edgy that i can only listen in 10 minute increments with 15 minute breaks in between.
>50 million net worth
>has children
>has people who care for him
>fans all over the world
>spends his youth shitposting on Yea Forums
Bam is better than you in every single aspect you can think of ;3c
>imagine advertising your shitty podcast into someones paid 5s audiobite.
i was driving around in my car listening to cum town and the police pulled me over and gave me a ticket for disturbing the peace. fucking pigs. why is everyone so easily offended?
Ho-lee-fuk .. that's at least 10 years younger than he looks. I'm surprised he's still in his 30s ...
>nikki blondski
post your hairline
cum town should come with a warning label. DO NOT LISTEN IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR ELDERLY OR IF YOU HAVE A HEART CONDITION. because cum town is so offensive that it might actually kill a person.
hey what if all the cum town fans got together and made a real city called cum town and lived there? everyone would be so pissed at us, it would be sweet. and we'd call our mayor Captain ShitPiss ahahaha and we'd call our treasurer FartBox Keeper ahahahahah. oh fuck man we should really do it!
Have sex
guys instead of blasting radio messages of peace and unity out into space i heard some fuckhead cum town fan at NASA has been sending cum town out into space for the last year! the secretary of defense said it could start an intergalactic war! aaahahahahahah oh fuck man. cum town and their lunatic fans need to chill the fuck out before we piss off every alien in the universe and get lazer beams shot down our buttholes and burns our asses worse than shitting taco bell! Aaahahahahha
It's basically the JUST website for washed up, faded C tier actors and their dumbest, nostalgic fans. Something just makes me so happy seeing them basically begging for money. Fuck Bam, he used to be cool but he basically can only blame himself - living the destructive life of drugs and booze.
cum town is sponsoring a national event similar to movember but instead of guys growing their beards for a month they super glue their dick holes shut for the entire month of june! ahhahahahahaha. the cum town boys and their fans are crazy enough to do it too! they dont give a fuck. i heard trump is going to call in the national guard to try and stop them but good luck with that cheeto fuck. he cant stop us all from gluing our dick holes shut. holy balls man our balls are going to fucking explode!
>another bam thread
>still nobody provides links
come on bros
>that one wanker in the white at 00:10 who comes out of nowhere to sucker bam
poor bam
He looks like he is back on drugs. Shame.
then again I'm only 29, so it'd be weird if I didn't have a regular nw1
for the last year cum town has been collecting actual shit from their fans. they have a 50 gallon drum of shit in their studio. now what they're going to do is put all that shit under intense heat and pressure until it creates a fucking shit diamond dude! hahahahaha. a fucking diamond made from fucking shit. then one of our crazy cum town friends is going to prank the shit out of his wife and propose to her with a shit diamond ring! hahahahahahahh oh fuck is it even legal for cum town to be this obscene?
cum town denizens come from all walks of life. i heard one was even a pediatrician. ahahahahah fuck imagine spending all that time in school and not being a gynecologist or a proctologist? ahahahah fucking imagine if that was your job dude? looking at pussies or assholes all day. i bet those guys get queefed and farted on all the time ahahahahhahaha fuck me. but yea cum town denizens are fucking everywhere and you dont even know it. i know one that's a fucking manager at Friendly's.
million net worth
I heard it was closer to 50 billion
you should have covered your beard for more replies
not many people realize it but cum town is actually a very clever name because it anagrams to MOW CUNT. ahahahahhahahaah. that means you bitches better shave your beavers! so us cum town denizens arent flossing our teeth with your pussy hairs. ah fuck. smelly pussys bro. boy i've smelled some STANK pussy like an entire fucking fish market that's been rotting in the sun after i farted on it. Ahahaha
>Dr Sandra Lee aka Dr Pimple Popper
what's my favorite part about being a cum town denizen? it's just the overall NOT GIVING A FUCK. ahaha. seriously i dont even give a shit. i dont even care.
somebody pay him to say eff n-words
>mfw just Googled Aaron 'Jaws' Homoki
>mfw suggestion was his teeth
>mfw search for that
>mfw find out he does stonerplank
>mfw could have done without seeing the teeth part
if cum town were a planet it would be Uranus. ahahaha. and it's shitting all over non-planets like Pluto. fucking donkey dicks. donkey dicks.
fucking impossible ......
Jaws is the shit ofc you normies don’t know who jaws is can you even tre???
From now on I am paying Bam $5 to make all my shitposts on Yea Forums in video form, get ready fags
i heard neal degrass tyson and bill nye the science guy are cum town denizens. which is cool. cause even though we like to get crazy and shit our pants and drink piss, we still believe in science. just because we talk out our dick holes does not mean we aren't devoted followers of the ways of science. pussy juice hahahahahahahahahahaha
aw cmon bam
He needs to pay for that skatepark somehow.
shouldve been famous dummy
Wow that website is truly depressing
this one time i was laughing at cum town so hard that i literally shit my pants and that only made me laugh harder. like the smell of the shit in my pants was so horrible that it was hilarious and i couldn't move for 2 hours because i was laughing so hard at the smell and the warm shit that came out of my asshole and was in my pants. one of the funniest moments of my life.
>farts EXTREMELY loudly
fucking cum town so fucking funny, holy mother fucking jesus
i once had a dream that i was on cum town and i was being interviewed and i was trying to impress the guys by shitting on a paper plate. but for some reason i just couldn't shit! and i was determined to make the guys laugh so i stuck my finger in my asshole and licked it. actually i sucked on it for 20 minutes. then i came in my hand and rubbed it on my face. it was a huge success. me and the cum town gang were in stitches.
Why does cumtown make autists seeth so much?
Boogie no
I'll never forget the time I shitted and pissed at the same time thinking about the Cum Town boys running a train on me.
if you think cum town is funny you should try eating beans all day so you have big greasy farts by the end of the day. then every time you have to fart you fart into a sandwich bag. you get like 30 sandwich bags of your farts then take them out to your car with the windows closed and pop them all at once. SO GROSS BUT SOOO FUNNY. i was laughing so hard that another big stinky greasy fart came out of my fart box. fuck i wish i had recorded it. fucking hilarious.
is he still alive?
he looks like his dad
Gorgeous hair senpai.
when do i stop listening to cum town? NEVER because fuck mom and dad for getting a divorce. fart monkeys throwing shit ahahahahahahha
i just don't find them particularly funny
Trump supporters are uneducated chuds and vote against their own economic interests
wow i never realized cum town was so based and fartpilled. they really understand comedy on a very very deep level. like i always knew period blood made great art but the guys at cum town have taken shit and piss and cum to a whole new level to where it is now considered highbrow art. comedic highbrow art.
>that one autists false flagging this thread
>perfect for a fading celebrity that has shed themselves of their dignity
>tfw you see based Wesley on there
Yeah gonna be a yikes from me
>He went above and beyond. It was obvious he read the script over beforehand and was not only well prepared, but threw in some improv."
is that really 'above and beyond'?
agreed fellow cum town denizen. the people in this thread simply dont understand comedy that has layers. like putting a dried turd in a cup of piss is super funny on the surface but you also have to think about it for a while and it really says a lot about our society. but other times a 30 second fart is just hilarious because it's a fart that goes for 30 seconds and you cant even think because it's so funny. fucking big donkey dicks fellow cum town denizen. big donkey dicks.
I wonder how much extra it would cost for her to do it at least topless?
>typing all that out
imagine having a cum podcast trigger your autism this hard
I don't anything you said in that post
Do kids even skate anymore?
>I use to think this guy was cool
i can't wrap my head around this shit
i remember he pulled a prank on one of his 'friends' who was phobic of mustard, by spraying mustard all over his head. then the guy kicked bam's car, which he was very upset about, while his cronies tried to take the blame for him. he has always been a pathetic little fuck up.
No skating is hella gay
Sir this is Starbucks
kek she literally starts her bio the way she starts her tweets
Kids don’t really do anything outside anymore
>t. 26 year old boomer that still skates despite worsening back/knee pain
money well spent.
>typically responds within 5 hours
Jesus, but we should really take advantage of this site for some comedy gold
The guy on the right was in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5, that's gotta be worth something
I'm not paying money to make 4channel incels laugh
it's called being pissed and cumpilled. sorry if the language is a little too offensive for your normie brain, but us cum town denizens think differently. shit and piss and cum doesnt bother us like other normies. we like farts too. what are you going to do? report us to the internet language police? ahahahaha. bloody monkey dick on a stick cause that's just how we are in cum town. deal with it.
I think this site would only come together & buy some of these videos for two people, Brendan & Aiden.
I think a cameo from Big Lenny is like 20 bucks....that's a legit steal yo
Nobody gives a fuck about skateboarding anymore and that's a good thing
Bruce Jenner is on their for $2500 per 10 second vid
Her name is Caitlyn, have some respect
>implying that anyone gave a fuck about skateboarding since the mid 2000's
Can Yea Forums pool our neetbux to get him to read the rhinocerous blood copypasta?
I remember when he posted this announcement on his fb. guess he didn't get many takers. sad!
is that you, Bruce? Did I just get a cameo for free??
>Political Commentator - famous homosexual
Nikki Blonsky looks like THAT?
>famous homosexual
What a fag
>She didn't even take her hat off
I want a refund
Cumtownposting is based
most people don't choose to do these. my agent made me sign up.
>that'll be $5 please
It'll be okay Will, I'm sure you'll get lots of trek fans.
There are actually quite a few charging $1000 if you go into the individual categories like rappers or bloggers. Most of them are nobodies though, so I'm guessing it's just a hail mary that someone will buy it.
Jaws isnt human. He’s a fucking mad man with absolutely no regard for the laws of physics or his knees.
someone pay him so he'll acknowledge Digger nick, make it happen Yea Forums
holy fuck, his face
pfft, call me when he does 100 stairs
Those hands lol I'd love to see "her" crack open a lobster.
based linkposter
what a fat fucking loser
are any of the based cumtown gang on this site? i would pay some of my fartbux to get them to give Yea Forums a shout out
>vinny beedle is copeposting in this thread rn
for me on cumtown, it's the shitting and pissing and farting segments. they leave me cumming so hard that im shitting and pissing and farting all at once. then i will sleep for hours.
>ITT times you were cumtown
i shitted and pissed and farted and cummed in my pants all at once until my parents grounded me then i laughed in my room for hours.
my dog just took a fucking shit holy god cumbros i'm simply dying of laughter
>go walk my dog and take a shower
>the autist is still seething
he does it FOR FREE folks
fucking hilarious. i nearly shit myself reading that. i think my mom just farted downstairs. i swear i heard a toot. cumtown is a wild place. hopefully i dont fart myself later.
Why did he become so washed up?
What did they mean by this?
loaded with chicken wings
He looks like a decent, nice guy. I don't know why people call him washed up or whatever.
if he just shaved and got a haircut he'd be fine
This website is so fucking sad.
I sure hope you are one of those three faggots otherwise this is sad
I read this post and immediately pooped shitted and farted at the same time. What's the deal with that, cum bro? Do you watch Cum Town btw?
do you bros watch cum town
I don’t understand the autism that would make one false flag this hard. Does he really think he’s fooling anyone?
>joined August 2018
>53 reactions
so he made like 15k(website cut) in half a year from this
>dude i jumped from this height
Skaters man, keepin the kid alive
can someone explain this cum town meme
farting, pissing, pooping, cumming, and also shitting
It’s a comedy podcast hosted by three comedians from Brooklyn. I think it’s pretty funny but it really makes autismos on this board seeth for some reason.
Let's pool some money and get Jennifer Love Hewitt say that Hitler did nothing wrong.
They don't have Terry Crews. That's a shame, I was looking forward to a shout-out from President Camacho.
So their reactions are ironic or "ironic"?
no. just listen to the clips on youtube there's a million of them
Surprisingly, he's not Jewish. He's half Irish half Lebanese.
looks like he got pretty swole, check out those cheek muscles
wtf happened to her face
fellow semen squad here. fair warning if you're listening to cum town for the first time i suggest wearing a diaper unless you really want the full experience of shitting pissing farting and cumming in your pants all at once. that's how funny it is. bazinga!
It's me, HIV Nick
for me personally, im cumface for the diverse community
Only $65?! Not bad, post ending in 65 gets their shit read by Bam (alongside my birthday greeting to my buddy Jeff who was a big fan of VLB)
>tfw tried to get Ice T to call out the Jews for $300
Madman wouldn't do it.
I never understood gap jumps. It's impressive but landing tricks is far more entertaining and skillful rather than breaking your knees
Aren't his daughters billionaires?
Reminder that this actually happened
Based Perez is on $28
if some millionaire neet here pays >her to spew Yea Forums memes i will be eternally grateful
Erm excuse me sweaty but Kiefer Sutherland is the real snake
>people pay 2500 bucks for this
Mutts are mentally ill.
always knew he was based af
seriously wtf happened to her?
he cute
Is that Nikki Blonsky from the movie #Hairspray?
Psst you guys are gay.l
new sub cumguzzler here. agreed the cumtown reddit community seems seems very great and accepting of my uniqueness. im going in! wish me luck. FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART FART lol so much fun
Try not to hide the fact that you’re shilling your stupid ass YouTube channel. I’ll never watch you, you fucking retard
oh yeah?
dubs and you die nigga
is he really WASTED&WOUNDED?
What the fuck am I watching right now mutts explain
>enter bam thread
>whine about bam
Wait is that the girl from hairspray?
Cum Town doesn’t care who they offend. Thing wieners are gross? Too bad grandma, they talk about ‘em. Don’t like to hear farts? Get lost pops! You’re going to hear the raddest farts of your life.
This one is my favoritr
Is cum town really this cringey?
Really it's us acknowledging him :(
No its just this one guy in the thread who doesn't like it
The very name of their podcast leads me to believe otherwise. It reeks of the lowest of the low-brow humor with zero thought put in to it.
Yes its made for edgy middle schoolers
>be literally who 'famous' for something
>you can make a living recording short 1-2 minute messages to people for as low as $5 a pop
>spend 2 hours a day doing this
>earn over 4 grand a week
I fucking hate celebrities more than ever
what's with the hate for the cKy bois? fuck you guys.
They don't even try. There's a Tom Felton one where he's literally stopped at a red light and he pulls out his phone, looking like a disheveled rat, and says something like, "Oi mate I hear you're graduatin this week, that's really fuckin good then" and ends the video when he starts driving again.
Based af desu
what news of the wight walkers do you bring us, serr bam
Some try. I got Hacksaw Jim Duggin to wish my fantasy football team luck and he got in full costume, with a two by four and started ranting about random wrestlers for 5 minutes. It was an impressive promo
jesus fucking christ his hands are frying pans
they seem pathetic but it's just for birthday gifts and shit
>mfw 5 mins into a cumtown podcast
This is fucking awful.
This explains why I never laugh here and find everyone terribly unfunny.
how did you go about that?
Yes, which was the height of her career. I'm pretty sure she's a hair stylist now.
This makes me happy I hope it's true
frickin luv bodily fluids bros
how absurd would it be if someone named a town after bodily fluids? this a probably a very insane and radical idea to you but to me this is normal, just one of the many epic ideas to come out of my genius high iq brain. dubs and everyone above me dies.
How are people here not using that site to get their waifu to speak to them? Isn’t that the dream? Paying 100 bucks or whatever for that seems better then crawling through glass to sniff farts etc
i'm not gonna knock the hustle
i wish i could do this shit for like $20 each
>I've been a fan since Viva La Bam
vocaroo your best celeb impression
>literally named a town after sperm
Americans, let's just say you have about twenty seconds to explain yourselves before I tear this fucking place apart. Cunts.
the one in iceland that will only be for earth rockers?
who ever the mad lad is in here btfoing cum town fans is based, keep it up. I thought I was the only one who thought those faggots were insufferable poo poo pee pee joke faggots giggling like retards at their own shitty jokes
>Andrew Samberg is an Earth rocker
This guys fucks Joanna Newsom in the mouth and ass whole, why would he want anything to do with a burnout like Bam>
they have Ed Asner on that site, and I honestly thought he's been dead for years.
Me either. I was looking on there the other week and the black guy from The Office is pulling in 300 bucks for 20-30 second messages. No wonder he's got a big smile on his face in every vid.
bam is really aging. his beard is already turning grey. seems like just yesterday i was 22 watching viva la bam on mtv. where did the time go?
>that failed concert
>that fat 40 year old has-been rapping
Jesus these videos are some of the most pathetic shit I have ever seen in my life.
I'm a Jamie Thomas fan since the 90's.
Misled Youth was my fucking jam when it came out.
>241 posts
>118 posters
poor guy
I can see that you're an incel.
>He's half Irish half Lebanese
So, Jewish?
>pee pee poo poo
poo poo pee pee
You look like the gay 19 year olds I pick up at bars and fuck you fucking homo.
I wish i wasn't a poorfag so I could get Bella to say a bunch of Yea Forums memes for us bros. we deserve it
based favre. so tough even the jews cant take him out