Let's stop with this bs

Cavill is not leaving DCEU yet, there's no oficial announcement about that, just rumours made by clickbait websites. He still has 1 movie left in his contract with Warner, why would they waste it with just a cameo in Shazam?

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Why is DC itself propelling the rumors by not showing Superman's head in Shazam? That just seems like pants-on-head retardation on their part if Cavill didn't actually leave

He wasn't in Shazam because they wanted Superman to have a cameo but didn't want to have to pay Henry Cavill the big bucks just appear for a few seconds. Also, him not reprising his role allows Shazam to distance itself from the rest of the DCEU, which is exactly what WB wants at this point.

that was a body double in Shazam dude, face the facts, the DCEU is dead

Ladderbro in 3...2...1

Aquaman and Shazam mark a new beggining for the DCEU, the only thing that could kill it now is that shit Harley Quinn movie. I'm sure they will announce a new Superman movie for the DCEU Phase 2 later on this year, that's why Superman IS in Shazam, Cavill is not leaving user.

Who is he and why should I care about him? Is he the resident austist?

It's an autistic Yea Forums meme. Basically, if you talk shit about capeshit they call you a ladderbro.

might be cheaper to buy him out of the deal than making another bomb with him desu

>Implying that the shit Snyder movies were Cavill's fault.

Let him become the Flash

i've never looked at him the same way after he betrayed snyder

The earliest movie he'd have any reason to appear in is Supergirl. A movie not even in the earliest stages of development yet.
Yea Forums Tripfag who constantly predicts the collapse of DC/DCEU every financial quarter.


please elaborate.

Snyder is a fucking hack, who cares?

Hope you are right user. He is the most important part of the DCEU for me. A recast would ruin it. And if they honestly think Supergirl can replace his role, the jokes on them, considering her own show is infested with identity politics and has had to be propped up by Clark himself several times.

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The best thing that could happen to the DCEU is for Shazam and Joker (and Supergirl eventually) to do modestly well, make a somewhat decent profit, but not so great as to challenge the take of Aquaman. Because Aquaman doing as well as it did is a sign that it wasn't the actors or characters that caused the problems, and with the right director and script they can continue the DCEU more or less as planned.

My biggest worry is that is if Shazam does too well they may try and 'replace' Superman's place as the heavy hitter and heart with Captain Marvel, though I think they are counting on Supergirl for that given the problems the name might cause and culture politics being what they are.

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Absolutely not. Aquaman and Shazam sequels already in the works and will make shitloads. Only thing that could damper their recent success is if Joker sucks

I love my daddy and that's why I hope that he will leave. He is too good for DC's crappy movies, especially now that Snyder is gone. Having to see him suffer in Justice League hurt so much. He deserves so much better.

First of all Shazam is not in the same universe as Cavill Superman

I don't think they'll replace Superman. Superman is THE Superhero, everyone knows who he is, its simply to good to pass out on. In a perfect timeline they'd do something like Flashpoint or crisis on infinite earths to reboot the DCEU, keep Cavill as Superman, change Batman to be more like the comic and animated versions and use these two to build a universe slowly.

The other kid has one of Batfleck's batarangs. The faceless Superman cameo at the end is his JL suit. Cope more.

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Thing is, they don't actually have to 'replace' him. He can just be always off dealing with other stuff in anythign short of another Justice League movie. Write him out without actually killing or recasting him. Bring in Billy or Kara for anything that might normally be a Superman cameo.

That would be terrible.

Have you ever seen the Snyder ideas for JL2 and 3 you retard? Superman would just be a evil Darkseid minion. We would never see Cavill turning into the true Superman we were expecting, Snyder never cared about the character. He was the biggest victim in this entire shit show and deserved a way better director than Snyder you faggot.

My point was not about the in universe character, but rather Superman as an icon in the real world. Everyone knows Superman, and, if handled correctly, this is a huge market, if they'd replace Superman because of one failed adaption they'd have to first build up that character to pop culture fame.