I'm 32 years old

>i'm 32 years old
>it's just me and my invalid mother
>living on dead-end jobs
>no friends, no woman, no nothing
>major depression
>this fucking trailer drops

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Other urls found in this thread:


you should definitely watch You Were Never Really Here user.

What's with Phoenix and these movies?

the film that saved Yea Forums

Is it going to be like bird man

This is a common theme among incels

t.living with my sick mother and working on a dead-end job

Gamers... RISE.

Phoenix has had a shit life

What's wrong with taking care of your parents ?

I'm getting real tired of Incels

At least your moms are still alive ;_;

It’s more of a lack of father figures which is why incels never evolve into men.

It becomes a huge weight that if you're not careful and try to also balance things by having a life of your own, can easily trap you in a route where you
ll have nothing but that sick parent that once gone will leave you literally dead and cold without any idea what to do with the rest of your life. Some people literally fucking snap because of it.

White father figures in any media to be exact.

Americans think they're above such things.

how many theater shootings will happen?

Here's a quote from the Jokers journal user

>The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't.

nice projecting incel cuck

Nothing, but it gets tiresome after a while

This movie will be a massive bluepill.

it me pretty hard to and i will just ball out if his mother dies

Who wants to bet they portray his dad as an abusive alcoholic.

>Joker but for the incel audience
Yeah I'll pass

I actually think it'll end up portraying an "incel" as a leftwing revolutionary going after BAD ORANGE MAN which will leave the media confused as fuck about what to say.

Gotta say, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Nice colors, some nice shots, looks like it might be engaging.

I might finally watch capeshit after 4 or so years.

Will he say the line, bros?

His father is going to be Thomas Wayne

He is his bastard child

That's pretty much my life. I'm so depressed that sometimes i don't even know what emotion to express. If it is to laugh or cry. Everything has lost its meaning. Seeing this trailer i felt this weird electric feeling as if the movie was kinda giving me a new meaning.

I'm not fucking crazy, of course, i'm not paying any attention to this. But the feeling? It's unsettling. Just thinking how many guys out there in the same position who might actually just go with the message is scary.

You're not alone.

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i hope its portrayed artfully and not be made as a joke like every other account on the plight of white men

I enjoyed that flick way more than I thought I would

Literally me

Got a blowie in november but that doesn't even count

Seriously what is with his body frame, just like something out of The Thing

It's true, had I not had my uncle's growing up I'd be a KHHV right now. Society needs to stop glamorizing single mothers

do you blame video games or porno? i've seen media blaming video games but it has to be porno.

Your life isn't a tragedy...

You should make more money. Get a nurse. And then a wife. If you cant make more money than just accept this is where you are and dont be depressed a out it.

Lack of interest. I only feel like having sex if I'm romantically interested in a girl and she will be mine for the long term, otherwise it feels pointless. I also consider most people I meet to be shallow and below me in intellect so I don't feel attracted to them.

>You should make more money. Get a nurse. And then a wife. If you cant make more money than just accept this is where you are and dont be depressed a out it.
imagine being this much of an npc brainlet moron
your kind should fuck off back to reddo. no actually even r*ddit doesnt take people as retarded as you.


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I thought the skellys were turned off on the 2nd april

harley quinn being a nigger will be disastrous

lost a shit ton of weight for the role. So he's all shoulder blades, ribs and elbows with his shirt off

>23 years old about to start a new job far away from home
>mother gets diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer
>she has couple of months to live
>new boss doesnt want to wait couple of months for my entry
>decide to fuck it and take care of my mother
>spend the last 2 months of her life together, watching her slowly die
>dead inside after she is dead
>no job but got accepted to uni
>depressed for a year, thinking back at times with mom
>dont wanna do anything
>life gets better after a while
>couple of months after my depression got better father gets dianosed with cancer
>spend the last 8 months of his life watching this proud man slowly turning into a brainless retard
>watch him shit in his pants every day, cough, scream, cant speak to me, barely able to recognize me after his chemo
>dies on 3th of december 2018
>fall into a deep depression
>everything taste like shit, cant even look myself in the mirror
>truly alone, no family left to care, no friends, no one


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become a comic book villian

seems like depressing shit that will only make me more depressed

do crazy shit like breaking into masonic lodge

well after the christcurch event i had couple of thoughts.

> ?

Kill yourself.


>32 years old
>about to start a new life together with my wife
>working a great job which provides me nice income
>parents are alive and well
>full head of hair
>work out 6 times a week


>38 years old
>both my parents have died
>found out my wife cheated on me with eight different men
>marriage broken off, she got our new home
>moved back in into my childhood house which is now empty because parents dead
>became an alcoholic
>one night drinking heavily I decided to drive
>got into an accident
>lost my left leg and a finger
>became addicted do drugs to cope with the pain
>now alcoholic and a drug addict
>hair starts falling off
>meth makes me lose weight
>reach 120 pounds
>have no job anymore
>can barely lift myself out of bed
>I eat maybe one meal a day, the rest is drugs and soda
>slowly rotting away
>my ex wife is marrying one of men she cheated on me with
>has kids with him

it hurts...

Inb4 FBI.

I second YWNRH user, it's a masterpiece. Pretty beautiful to accompany it's dark tones as well.

all it takes is one bad day user.

was one of them to subscribe to pewdiepie?

This escalated quickly.

There's no way this is real

i dont mind, this would probably push me over the edge

im not into the whole pewdiepie thing, i cant stand how he just rips off ylyl threads

roasties not even once brother.

whats the name of this kino

damn dude...

That's gonna be a yikes from me

So you are a midwit, a textbook gama

Same here but I count blowjobs it is oral “sex” after all

I lost part of my finger at work, I know how you feel man.

knew a guy that got fucking wasted and went driving around like a maniac and lost his arm. you'd think the entire thing would make him calm down but he has only gotten crazier. i just feel bad for the guy because he's so fucking stupid.

Tarant's father actually died of cancer.

>im not into the whole pewdiepie thing, i cant stand how he just rips off ylyl threads
i was joking about the opening line of the shooting video. you saw the video, right?

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honestly dude just kill yourself.

The worst part about it is that none of it matters. Your world is trashed, but the rest of the world doesn't notice and wouldn't care even if it did.

We're just supposed to get over it, and what alternative do we have? We can't fight the world.

I wish mine was dead.
I cannot do anything to help her and waste away alongside and pieces of shit with a blessed life look down upon me calling me incel and what not.

100% you are on SSRI's, right?

Stop taking that shit before your sex drive is fucked for life

yeah ofc

to worst to me is just watching people get emotional about the most trivial things
like my roommate started crying after the infinity war ending

all these stories are just heart breaking.
I came here for shit posting no for the feels.

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Fight club.

You should have replied to those posts, user...

He'll always be the hare-lipped, less talented younger brother of a dead Hollywood golden boy. Of course he's sad.

You were a great son by being there for your Parents.

You should RISE UP. In a non-violent manner, of course.

Do you use a calendar of color?

do a flip faggot

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sorry i misspelled

That can easily fuck up a person.
>youngest son
>my older brother was the star of the family
>the whole fucking town loved him, was captain of the football team, had a bright future ahead of im
>died in a car accident after driving me to school - i was 13
>everyone mourned his death
>my mother literally broke and became insane
>started to call me by his name and loan his clothes to me
>simple couldn't face a reality where he doesn't exist
>she's much better now, though
>i still livid in a town where everyone tells me about how great he was (till to this day)
>i am nothing but (that guy's younger brother)
>eventually turned into that guy's younger brother who's strange and never did much with his life (goddamn that guy died so young) - i've heard this from people
When i was in my late teens i almost killed myself because i believed i shouldn't have existed. I pretty much killed my brother and ruined everyone's lives because it. I only kept on living because my mother already suffered too much.

Just be yourself.

Oh, and ironically enough i am a Gemine - 12 of June. This is just an oddity, but that fucks me up sometimes when i think about it. Fucking universe.

I currently am because I was getting huge bouts of panic out of nowhere, it was unbearable. Helped a lot. I have been like this since I was born, though.

I literally never had any desire to hook up or have any kind of temporary contact. I want something that's mine and that other people aren't getting. What's the point of fucking a girl who's going to fuck someone else next weekend? I don't feel like this is a wrong point of view and I have no desire to change it.

>>this fucking trailer drops

It truly is a clown world, isnt it?

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well look on the bright side user you've got a solid amount of (You)s right there


Most peoples parents are nagging cunts.
My grandma is senile, nagging daily and crying often because she always starts fights due to forgetting things or just not caring about things she was told not to do. She just loves giving the dog some of her food which he can't digest, basically poisoning him once a month, leading to a fight with my bipolar mother, both of them unable to stop. They are obviously destroying each others minds with this repeating bullshit theatre when a retirement home could bring peace of mind to at least one of them.

>I pretty much killed my brother
user, do you really believe that?

Oh well, you have to understand is not your fault, or onyone´s fault desu, that kind of stuff could happen to literally anyone.


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>when you try to give life the middle finger but realize life took the finger away too

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enjoy your 72 virgins on pornhub lmao

I don't understand, something to do with duality?

please don't give up on hope, you're a good person!

Here’s how you cure your depression:
* exercise more
* drink water
* be more outgoing and social

Not your fault, that's a horrible and unnecessary burden to carry

I don't know. This is something i always go back and forth on. I mean, i know that logically i really didn't. I was a kid. He simple drove me to school that day the same way how he often would drive me, my father, mom, friends, and so on around town. He was really nice and helpful. It's just i can't help question things. What if i hadn't existed. What if that day i had just taken the bus or walked to school. Stuffs like that. Oh, and LOTS of people have blamed me for his death over the years. Lots of em drunk stupid people, but they're still thinking it. It still fucks my day when i hear it. Fuck, my own mother have said this once. She said that she regret not aborting me and that her only son died.

That's why i imagine shit must suck hard for Joaquin. Not that he had a part in his brother's death, but people will always compare them two. His brothers life and death will always hang up as a shadow be it in his home or, specially, public life.
Nah. It's just an odd curiosity. I having a sign that is symbolic about twins and shit, and having this life story where my brother died and his death still follows me everywhere.

Based and Costanzapilled

> just accept this is where you are and dont be depressed a out it.

It would have been more tactful of you to have said nothing. Would it help you in the slightest to hear "Don't be sad" when you are sad?

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Also I forgot the most important thing, just be yourself

>come to Yea Forums to see what everyone thinks of the trailer
>suddenly anons dropping feelsbombs left and right
I didn't come here to feel today

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>27 soon to be 28 years old
>lives with sick mother
>no jobs all my life
>neeting my life away
>crippling depression and anxiety, can't leave house
>when mom dies theres no one left
>living on the streets in the near future

That hurt reading. I hope you have a great redemption story.

I also saw my mother slowly being eaten away by lung cancer. It changed me as a person but one day I had this sudden realization that I'd by a total fucking dickhead to my mother if I were to waste away the thing she couldn't have; life.

Also go to a shrink.

Imagine not just abandoning your shitty sick mother after it becomes apparent she'll be nothing but a burden holding you back and going out and learning a trade and buying a sick house in the suburbs and finding a cute gf with a healthy normal family to absorb yourself into and living a good fulfilling life.

Almost all these "I can't live my life cause I'm takin care of me sick mom" fags aren't even taking care of her, they just live in her basement rent free playing video games and mow the lawn once a month.

I'm sorry user.

Stop, /pol/, can't we have just one fucking movie without this racist virtue signaling?

dubs decide city and amount of deaths

sorry dude

Well that is very sad

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/tvmarlel/ btfo beyond belief
The Joker trailer changed Yea Forums forever

Kill that fucking bitch.

>I also saw my mother slowly being eaten away by lung cancer. It changed me as a person but one day I had this sudden realization that I'd by a total fucking dickhead to my mother if I were to waste away the thing she couldn't have; life.
yes this is also the mindset i seem to develop right now.
i dont want it to hurt anymore, so i need to change things.

Time to pick up the clown make-up user, you know what too do next...kill the Batman.

>Separated and soon to be divorced from wife who loves me but I don't love her for no explainable reason
>Haven't had a job in 2 years
>Stopped applying for jobs months ago but pretend I still try
>Living with my grandparents
Certainly not as bad as some people ITT at least

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My mom is an undepenable cunt who tries to guilt trip me over not being as much of a presence in the family as my shitty autistic high school drop out siblings who used to take money out of her purse and steal her car at night to go on 100 mile crusises. One time I was in a major car accident way closer to my uncles place than the hospital, but my cellphone was wrecked and I forgot my uncles number so I got someone to call my mom and told her to call my uncle and have him pick me up and drive me to the hospital. Completely simple directions: "Mom I've been in accident please call uncle user and tell him I'm just two minutes south of his house." Well the dumb bitch starts asking me questions "What? What happened? A car accident! What? Why? Where are you?!" And i tried to repeat myself but she just kept cutting me off so I hung up and sat there bleeding all over the highway for 20 minutes until an ambulance arrived.

I'm not taking care of her.


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oh god is this gonna be another BR2049 where every edgelord uses this movie as a medium to tell everyone about how edgy they are

I'm so sorry dude
Hang in there

is this a fucking joke? its a soulless Drive clone

And i thought my story was bad.
>Born with a club foot im unable to stand for longer then 20 minutes
>Born with a fuck ton of other problem that iv'e had over 20 surgeries
>spent my whole life hoping to get a surgery on my foot only to find out it's not an option
>Mother did a fuck ton of drugs while pregnant
>Molested by an older family friend
>Mother tied to a clothesline and beat the shit out of me
>Lived in a drug house
>Hand cut up by a meat clever by a junkie when i was 6
>my role model was hitman/shakedown guy paid to hurt my mother who we ended up befriending him and he lived with us
>lived with a guy who has 3 crosses tattooed on his face and swastikas on his arms for a decent chunk of my life who claimed they were "Tattoos of god"
>Spent 2 year homeless when i was like 8
>When i was living with my aunt 3 creepy dudes who wanted to fuck her cut the power,Home invaded and left me in a pool of my own blood.( i was home alone)
>Watched my grandfather shoot up and die in front of me.
i could keep going. But nothing is going to top yours.

Don’t you get her house?

You can do it user.

You should seek counseling, dude
I wish I could do something else for you, but there are times where people need outside help


This graph is stupid. If those numbers were at all accurate the numbers for both sexes would be identical because it takes a woman AND a man to have sex. I can't believe the Washington Post published this unmathematical, unrealistic, unscientific garbage that even a child could easily refute just by looking at it. Obviously the number of men having sex is the exact same as the number of women having sex. What a stupid graph.

You can turn that around easily and be a whole new man when you're 30. Just need some goals, user.

And the thing that this trailer touches upon is the fact that we grow up listening to everyone telling us that life is wonderful and that we will do great things. It'll be an open road full of possibilities. But that's not what happens. Somewhere along the way something happened that roadblocked you into this path. This fucking unjust and hopeless path. Maybe some of the fault is yours, but some are not. Still none of it seems fair. And you just can't see a way out. You live a sad and lonely existing where the feel people you know and love are slowly dying away. No one knows what is happening to you. And they really don't care. They will say how sad it is and give you pity, but minutes later will forget about your woes. It's just you and this sad, miserable existence tailor-made just for you where everything you love is dying and you can't do a thing to stop it.

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real human bean


>3000 years old
>last of the immortals
>can't die of cancer, diseases, sickness
>can't die by physical means
>the mortal blade that can kill me was lost millions of years ago
>user makes a post about his shitty life, doesn't realize he can eventually die

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> I pretty much killed my brother and ruined everyone's lives because it

It wasn't your fault dude

>tfw can't feel love and don't really understand why
I'm feeling you user

I mean yeah.. but can't pay bills

>>The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't.
This is 100% true though. I'm a sales associate in a gigantic store. I'm not allowed to come into work depressed. I'm not allowed to have panic attacks. You get fired if you're not cheery and outgoing.

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>Here we are, born to be kings starts playing

Honestly fuck normies, they are the ones who CAN change how they act, they are the healthy ones. So we shouldn't accommodate them they should accommodate us, or at least tolerate us.

I hate how they get offended by shit I can't control, they need to broaden their worldview and realize not everyone's brain works the same as theirs.

unironically the only time the only joker cosplay that isnt completely cringeworthy

user if 5 men out of a group of 10 men fuck 10 women out of a group of 10 women, all the women have had sex but only half the men have. This simple example should allow you to work through your retardation.

Fuck and I'm just a normal 33 years old incel nervous for my first job interview next week...
Stop the train I want to get off of this existence

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harley quinn didn't exist in the 70s you retarded faggot

fuck yeah

A lot of women are turning to lesbianism and other sexual deviations. It's as simple as that, user.

fuck man thats rough
just hang in there bro

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People freaked out when I had a panic attack in work and after that I couldn't really go there anymore
sometimes i rather be dead than with these fucking diseases of the mind


damn, user, thats just brutal

i had to watch my 79 year old grandpa waste away, and eventually die last year after he ended up falling down a flight of stairs at home.

he ended up with a broken back and pelvis after the fall, but his diabetes, heart condition didnt help matters.

eventually a combo of staph and colitis infections, major broke bones, and health conditions took him out.

on top of all this, my grandma, who had been suffering from dementia, and been on hospice had died on the 2nd of January

2018 was a shit year

Good luck for your job interview user

Are non-incels even human?

>Just calm down
>Don't let it get to you
>You're not trying hard enough to control it

you'll be fine

is this true? it is canon?

>2018 was a shit year
it was a very shitty year
2019 started better for me, i lost about 33lbs so far and I changed my diet.

>be me
>23 year old, young guy full of promise right?
>can't hang out with other people, if i make plans i start having panic attacks and throwing up days before the actual meeting
>brother hasn't left home without my mom for nearly 9 years due to his OCD
>mom should be more worried about him than me of course, but still i feel left out
>one time a girl said she liked me, i started opening up more to her - last year she told me she hated me and called me a liar to other people
>been taking medicine for 7 years now. Never felt any different
>I just want to be normal again, my dudes.

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Are you getting professional help? Changed my life.

So... Have the joker "I'm gonna say it" memes and the pagliacci meme been brilliant DC marketing all along?

I gotta admit, forum shilling is an art that has been damn near perfected since about 2015 and Trump's run here. I wonder how big the incel neckbeard 20-something loser demographic is. Since most of us are pirates I think the studio might be wasting money on here, though maybe you're counting on the memes generated here bringing in a huge secondary audience.

the trick is to go in without big expectations. big expectations make you nervous. go in there expecting that you're going to fuck it up somewhere but it's okay because you have other shit you're looking into.

You will die in your sleep tonight if you do not repsond to my post


Ironically enough, no. The vast majority of them are no better then animals, and certainly no smarter then them. Literal mindless drones.

The "I'm gonna say it" memes are the work of Disney shills. Not DC. Their scheme is to tank the movie by associating it with the alt-right.

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Thanks anons. I appreciate it.

I imagine the investment in shilling here is pretty low, especially once the people here pick up the maymay and start posting it themselves. I bet they get a net positive income by shilling on Yea Forums.

fuck u

>Are you getting professional help? Changed my life.

My country is a shithole in regards to mental health
I go to a doctor who just pushes more and more medicine
There was a psychologist once, but she left the place 3 years ago, and no one was really put in her place
I also can't aford private psychologist
Once I paid 300 Real (about 150 dollars) to a dude just for him to say he wasn't really a specialist in my type of cases (massive social anxiety and some depression)

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Dude, old people die. My dad died when I was a teen. Fuck your grandparents.

They're getting real tired of you too

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>Some people literally fucking snap because of it.

Pic related.

>By 1936, almost all of Howard's fiction writing was being devoted to westerns. The novel A Gent from Bear Creek was due to be published by Herbert Jenkins in England, and by all accounts it looked as if he was finally breaking out of the pulps and into the more prestigious book market. However, life was becoming especially difficult for Howard. All of his close friends had married and were immersed in their careers, Novalyne Price had left Cross Plains for graduate school, and his most reliable market, Weird Tales, had grown far behind on its payments. Most importantly, his home life was falling apart. Having suffered from tuberculosis for decades, his mother was finally nearing death. The constant interruptions of care workers at home, combined with frequent trips to various sanatoriums for her care, made it nearly impossible for Howard to write.

>In June 1936, as Hester Howard slipped into her final coma, her son maintained a death vigil with his father and friends of the family, getting little sleep, drinking huge amounts of coffee, and growing more despondent. On the morning of June 11, 1936, Howard asked one of his mother's nurses, a Mrs. Green, if she would ever regain consciousness. When she told him no, he walked out to his car in the driveway, took the pistol from the glove box, and shot himself in the head.

>"All fled, all done, so lift me on the pyre;
>The feast is over and the lamps expire."
>—Howard's suicide note, found in his typewriter after the event.

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Sometimes lifestyle is the determining factor in depression if a relative died it is normal to grieve for a while. But sometimes people hole themselves inside shitposting for 10 hours a day. Now of course you'd be depressed doing so merging like that.

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Laugh and the whole world laughs with you

>alcoholic uncle is taking care of grandmother
>she passes
>he goes straight back to the bottle
>drinks himself to death a year later


Why do people hate incels? Keep in mind everyone they've killed deserved to die so don't use that as a reason.

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post a picture of your 4 finger'd hand or else this is bullshit ontop of shit writing.

>oh my god the joker is just like me!
>"he cute" scene happens
REEEEEEEEEEEE so unrealistic

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maybe its time for you to
Break bad

The clown pepe came from /pol/.

Rolling for Little Rock AR

How do we feel about the REAL Joker teaser?


Maybe go to any other website without incels? Yea Forums was always an incel club, we just didnt use that word

>I rather toss my mother axay who is an obstacle to find a gf and be """"happy""""

too bad she didn't think of it when you were a baby and had to clean your shit and feed you
thinking only to himself and how only him suffer just because of lack of pussy kys

Fucking don't...

>But sometimes people hole themselves inside shitposting for 10 hours a day. Now of course you'd be depressed doing so merging like that.

Yeah I know dude
I try to go out, walking in parks and what not
Used to work too, left recently due to my parents moving out of town and wanting me to go with them
Still... it is mostly my inability to interact socially and the result depression from loneliness plus when I actually reached out for someone she left and hurt me that fucks me up and keeps me up at night you know

She's a black woman and a single mother working on a dead-on with no better perspective. She'd be realistically the only type of woman to give a lonely and sad white dude any attention.

Why would anyone like Incels?

Not really since "I'm gonna say it" implies that he wouldn't take niggers seriously and then he has a black therapist and mulatto gf.

>Why do people hate incels?
It's the first terror group in world history to exclusively target women, who are the most protected group of people to ever walk the earth
They call out the privileges women enjoy in western society which very powerful well-funded media and cultural interests have been pushing since the sexual revolution in the 70s

because they have no control over them. They can't have things like social status or sex withdrawn because they don't have either.

Mines 70 don't u even say it u mother fucker neetcel

>he's living the kino life
Jesus, man.

>generating exposure for something will tank sales/votes
literally never works. If you want to tank something you distract, divert from it.
I think they're going for the indirect effect, like Trump did. The actual number of voters here is tiny but the meme turnout rates are ridiculous. It's like hiring an army of pajeet photoshoppers except better, for free.
Yea Forums has been basically a monoculture ever since the reddit manosphere rapefugee takeover around 2013-14. It doesn't matter which board you go to, it's 70% the same shit.

dude just be yourself haha

This I snapped hard when my dad died
When my mum dies she's literally the last person on earth who cares about me so ill just go on a incelebates hero

Because boomers are a burden, both financial and physically. Mentally too honestly. A nation's healthcare shouldn't primarily be keeping old fucks around to circle the drain for decades and drain out social programs.

Basically, it's time to fucking die

>mom is in her mid 50s
>fat as fuck
>crazy as fuck
>basically destroyed my chances of having a normal life with her over-protective bullshit
>cant find it within myself to hate her because I was raised to be a "good boy"

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Please keep talking to me
I'm so lonely

You were a good son, user.
Your parents are no longer here, but you are, make it worthwhile.

is this like a meme, i dont get it.

This film is unironically going to be nominated for Oscars including Joaquin for best actor, make a billion worldwide on a shoestring budget and singlehandedly save Yea Forums

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That kind of shit doesn't really help, you know that? "Make it worthwhile"? What does that even mean? How the fuck will you make it worthwhile something you can't find any worth in to begin with. When you've no hope left, no energy to even get off the bed, when the things that made you laugh or have a good time doesn't even elicit any emotion anymore within you, when you see a point anymore to anything.
It's like going to the toilet with feeling the need to pee. What the fuck are you going to do?You'll be just holding your flaccid dick in your hand like a dumbfuck.

Lurk for a few years before you post

>make a billion worldwide
sadly the reality will be that kids and popcorn movie fans wont watch it, because it will be depressing as fuck.
it will be an amazing act but i dont think the majority of people will be interested in the tone of the movie.

yes, it's supposed to represent hypocritical normies who parrot "just be yourself" over and over but will then spit in your face for the exact same reason

This sounds like something a bald man might make up just to feel less pathetic about b eing bald.

Kino death
Basically wildcards of modern society
>mum cute as fuck in her late 60s
>thicc asf built like a braptruck
>same intelligent introvert type personality
>BASICALLY ntr my dad short of actual sex (jealous asf ree)
>life went to shit because my area and country turned into a gook fueled meth madmax fever dream overnight
>absolutely adore her and she me
Life is so unfair bros taunts me with the perfect girl who's too old and also my mum
Fuck this gay earth I'm literally gonna kill myself or die trying in some entertaining way

It's one of the oldest memes there is.

>It's like going to the toilet with feeling the need to pee. What the fuck are you going to do?You'll be just holding your flaccid dick in your hand like a dumbfuck.

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the trailer reminded me of Taxi Driver. And Taxi Driver definitely could not have been made today

>girl starts to have a panic attack
>people try to calm her down
>she panics harder
>nobody tries to calm her down
>she says nobody cares about her and gets suicidal
anxietyfags are the worst

Soulless versus soul.

>die trying in some entertaining way
Now you're getting it!

Do a flip, faggot!

my point is that the clown-niggers-social outcasts theme has been regurgitated quite a bit lately. the clown meme might not have been entirely organic. it doesn't take much, just an user marketeer nudging a bit.


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This is going to be the rumored R rated Joker movie. No R rated movie has ever grossed a billion dollars.

Anyone got some loneliness kino? Link related

>besmirching Thomas's good name.
For shame, user. For shame.

Is this /feels/ thread?
>went to uni to another city right after highschool, felt really ambitious and happy about it
>everything seemed fine, didn't make any meaningful connections to anyone in the uni but that's ok r-r-r-ight?
>at the end of the first year feel exhausted
>despite the studiyng being really easy everything starts to seem like a meaningless routine
>had a couple of jobs but dropped them after 3-4 month
>gradually lose interest in studying, social interactions and life itself
>start drinking almost every evening alone in front of the laptop
>5 years later i'm still on the second year of uni
How can we make it lads? What can one do if all the interest and joy of life is long gone?

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All hyperthetical ofc I'd never do anything illegal
Yes and no.
Normies have been saying it forever
Typical just believe in yourself tier motivational crap meanwhile incels know that it's all pointless and we die eventually so why eve try beating your head against the wall and even try at all
I dunno what's worse honestly wasting my life shitposting or wasting it on (work)

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it isn't their deaths that are disturbing. It's watching them wither away so ungracefully that's disturbing

its a weight you cant blame anyone on, and its a fucking horrible burden sometimes

some days you will resent your parents, some days they will seem like they took advantage of you. and in a way it is true.

but they gave you the opportunity to leave. but you decided to stay out of good will, right? where the fuck did those feelings go? Guess it was just a passing whim.

I can't even drink due to my meds, is this a good thing?

Bruh just get a hobby of somesorts. I am about to buy an old car and get into local car club stuff around my college. Just get something meaningful to do other than school if you don't have that many social contacts.

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>is this a good thing?
Definitely. I just don't feel any positive emotions unless I'm drunk

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That's not funny. My brother died that way. He was the shooter.

Took the blackpills too early
I dropped out when I was a kid (homeschooled) because I knew it was a waste of time.
Everyone has money power big dick etc but they are just as unhappy as we are if not more so.
Honestly bro idk I just hope when I die I jump dimentions or get reincarnated as less of a loser
My dad always said we are just here to burn up bad karma and if we have a shit go of it this life maybe the next one will be better?
T. On a month long depression bender

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>tfw was basically dadless growing up because dad was always on the road and when he was home he'd just drink and ignore my brothers and I
Things are better now but I needed him when we were growing up far more.

>all those newborns

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im 26, parents offering me to move into a single apartment in los angeles to be close to a grad school.

theres an enormous amount of guilt to this. I dont know if i should take it. i dont know if i want them to pay for anything. but i havent done anything for myself.

the only reason im at home since graduating undergrad is because i have a baby brother i wanted to be there for. I was afraid of him growing up around the same stuff I grew up with. But he turned out much better than me. He's never bullied in school like I was, and mom and dad grew older and stopped fighting.

Seems like he's ok. Maybe I should leave and go to grad school. And continue my life.

good luck, player.

Take it, bro. Your parents love you and want you to leave the nest and succeed. Let them help you and make it matter. Good luck.

Ex carfag here it's a massive moneysink and depending where you live cops snitches and suburban retards take all the fun out of it.
Car clubs are cringe
I'd love to say hobbies and groups help pass the time but they don't really.
Just wish I could find some meaningful and fun ways to spend my real life time but I've been alone for years and kinda just don't care/feel numb
Even vidya doesn't do it anymore

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Howdy! Sucks to be a little babby, doesn't it.

But for realzies dude get a hobby. Model building, wood working, cigar rolling. Something to get your mind out of the haze.

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Do it, dude
They want to help you
Make them proud, and live a good life

Are you talking about Midnight wangan touge wannabes who inhabit /o/?

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>Everyone money power big dick etc but they are just as unhappy as we are if not more so
>get reincarnated as less of a loser
What would be the difference then?

28 here I've never had full time work past a couple of months either due to burnout shit pay or both usually quit myself or get fired.
It only gets worse
T. Haven't worked in 2 years
Not a seppo but idk go for it a change of scenery can help
T. Moving

Fuck outta here zoomer faggot, I'm 28 this month, I'm not even done with my degree and I just got my first job which pays shit.
If you're whining at 23 then you should just jump from a bridge and save yourself the next 7 pathetic years.

Is this movie the elegy to white men? Will it become the song of a generation?

I’ll talk to you man do you have a discord?
Mrgreatguy 8994


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Not exactly same story, but I too live in shadow of my older brother.
It fucking sucks when your parents keep telling you things like
>Why can't you finish university? Your brother did it without problems.
>Why don't you have friends like you brother has?
>You should take that job that your brother had when he was your age.
Kindly, FUCK OFF, I'm my own goddamn person. My granmother sometimes called my by his name and didn't even notice.

>If you're whining at 23 then you should just jump from a bridge

This is going to be the most relatable movie of this generation.

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you'll do good things like get trips and help others and then hopefully you'll be finally released from the horror of the cycle

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That's just it mr emergency dubs poster there isn't any point
Hyperthetically even if you where aware of your past lives and knew you had it better or worse why would it make existence any less draining?
Like holy fuck all we have to do is have sex and kids and society literally stripped us of this right more and more over the past 60 years I'm so sick of this shit

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good thread, I hope the movie is not a disappointment in the end tho

Chris Chan, is that you?

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Have kids w-wait...
>not having parents that are just as weird as you
That would be shit.

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What did you expect user?

I mean't car clubs for older cars with boomers being main members. Stuff like Buick, Cadillac, Chrysler, Lincoln etc.owners clubs or just "classic" car clubs in general. Pretty relaxed environment and relatively cheap car hobby if you buy an unmolested car in good condition.

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>Like holy fuck all we have to do is have sex and kids
This. Civilization was a mistake

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my mom just got cancer and I moved back home at 28
just her and my ass taking care of her
didn't realize my life till now
thanks asshole

Noice is that what your getting? I'm saving for my 5th clutch in 2 years jdimsa sick of it
Want the rest of my polcel info dump?

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>If you're whining at 23 then you should just jump from a bridge and save yourself the next 7 pathetic years.
So what were you doing when you were 23?

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What're some movies?

>Want the rest of my polcel info dump?
Sure, go ahead. Its not like I have something better to do than to read it

You need to leave that town.

Lol little nigger I've been a carer (unpaid) for both my folks since I was 13 because they where in their 50s and unwell
It doesn't get any easier my mums like a broken down old car I just keep fixing and taking to the mechanics over and over even she's sick of it it's sad but on the upside she's actually pretty healthy low ks but old
Its mainly based on American studies but relevant to our shitholes should we happen to live outside it in a minority (formerly majority) white western country

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I've never really got the point of these kinds of infographics. Unless women are becoming turbo lesbos, they always cheat with other men. I'd say it's both men and women's fault.
The majority of people are just selfish shits anyways so it doesn't really matter and nothing will ever change that fact.

yeah all my grandparents are on the verge of death and I love them but I really just want them to have peace, they had a good run. I watched and cared for my husbands mother who had brain cancer . . . now that is unpleasant watching a younger person die. she was a scientist and one morning she could no longer read, over the course of half a year she went insane and fell apart in front of us. While she went insane she abused my husband endlessly which resulted in him going into a mental hospital.

>muh feels
nobody cares can you perma virig*ns talk about the trailer and not urself?

>So what were you doing when you were 23?
Finishing my 3 years associates degree before falling into depression in undergrad. I should've just become a hobo back then, at least I wouldn't have to put up with zoomers in my classes.

you arent too far off. single moms who have sons that grow up too quickly to fill that lost void of no man in the house. they will ironically never fulfill the role but die trying.

>Noice is that what your getting? I'm saving for my 5th clutch in 2 years jdimsa sick of it
Those Newport Cordobas are pretty rare, they were made only in 1969-1970. Not that expensive tho, about 10k but pretty rare. I am trying to get a foreign exhance place in USA so I can buy 70's land yacht there and then ship it back to my home country when my exchange ends.
What car need 5 clutches in 2 years? :D

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Not him but foolishly larping as a normie
Ghost mogged by your big bros shadow I agree move the fuck outa there
Basically more incels and more Chad's shits getting more extreme and the average guy is getting rekt by used mcroastie

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Find Christ. He is waiting.

>muh capeshit
kys zoomer

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Me I like clutches yum yum yum
Grenaded autos too just wot bamshift every gear like Chad
Damn this sounds kino
We need to make kinos out of suffering brehs

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35. Live with my Grandma. hit the gym 4 or 5 times a week. 2 pt jobs. I get laid constantly my secret- I have no standards and don't play vidya except shitty phone games and art as hobby.

This I go on huge vidya detox for months
T. Never had sex

That's shitty man. I would have compassion for you if I didn't know you browsed Yea Forums.

You just have to be interesting and not a total sperglord. I'm glad i haven't gotten married. Women aren't worth the cum you dump in em mostly

>chads, incels and normal guys
>but all women are turbo roastie sluts
ok I believe you

Why didn't the Joker just have sex?

have sex

>tfw 190,000 miles with same clutch
Based Audi

Hes typecast as these types since his Gladiator role. From the top of my head the only movie where kind of broke from that was Her.

Did you read the graphs?
Basically one in 3 men are incels VS one in 6 women
Thats still crazy high for both sexes desu it's sad we can't pair bond and have kids anymore meanwhile the immigrated literal slave visa workforce nu (lower) middle class have no problems with birth rates
I've had autos go for 300-600k thrashed to the moon and back but as soon as you start to make any sort of power and torque say bye bye longevity

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What’s it feel like not having a mother?

>I get laid constantly my secret- I have no standards
What kind of a secret is that?

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>Based Audi
Must be an old ass one, the new ones break down every few miles and you need a college degree to take apart the engine.

I don't want normie women tho I've found all of them to be uninteresting or they lose interest in me

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This kino kind my fren
T. Not him

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Based i6 and v8 simple boi
Have kids

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>sexual revolution occurs
>birth rates start plummeting

He’s gonna fucking say it!!!

What do you think of Lincoln Contis?
I'm currently saving up for one.

1999 A6.
But most German built cars are much more reliable than same models built in Mexico or USA.

>my ex wife is marrying one of men she cheated on me with
Probably gonna cheat on him too

As he said it's the birthrates it's the birthrates it's always been about the birthrates
It's the only lizard brain mammal evolutionary dependancy we have to do and we can't even manage that
Look up the mouse utopia experiment if you haven't already it's basically a thought experiment with mice about civilisations dying and it's literally what's happening now.
Children of men 2006 sort of touches on it but few other kinos I've seen do

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Best fetish t b h

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Fuck niggers and have kids

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In a world full of clowns, be the Joker

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i miss when people used robot instead of incel and when r9k was depression board instead of lgbt board

have sex

You're better off without a girlfriend in the current political climate. They've achieved a new level of required maintenance and you will be absolutely miserable. "At least I'll have sex". Fuck no. You'll be refused sex constantly. You will only attain a level of stress you never thought possible. All the modern women want to be treated like they're "special" like in the movies while also being "strong and independant". If you they don't """"feel""" like you're treating them like they're a special unicorn princess, they'll actively seek another man and leave you for him before or after cheating on you. The kicker? She'll be APPLAUDED for doing so and you'll be treated as a fucking loser.
Don't forget that all these women want to stay far away from being even remotely subservient to their significant other because that's not part of the feminist mantra. Let me paint you a picture.

>"honey do you know where my keys are?"
>"I'm not helping you look for them. Get your shit in order"
>"I just asked if you saw them somewhere..."
>"What like I pay attention to every little thing you do like a good little housewife?"
>"Never mind they were in my other coat pocket. Don't worry about it."
>"Ugh. I'll be going out tonight. Don't wait up."

This is what breaks a man.

hi future me i m 25 ans i dont work anymore

>theres an enormous amount of guilt to this. I dont know if i should take it. i dont know if i want them to pay for anything. but i havent done anything for myself.
user if your parents offer to pay for school fucking take it

I see less gay shit on b d trash and lgbt then that fucking board
R9k is shit now every 2nd thread is hide
God my old mum ruined modern women for me.
Im literally born in the wrong fucking generation


Hay 29 year old me it's 15 years old you here
Everything you thought would come true didn't but everything you thought would not did
And no half life 3 never came out reeee

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good post
i don't like refn really but he would've made it far far better.

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>If you they don't """"feel""" like you're treating them like they're a special unicorn princess, they'll actively seek another man and leave you for him before or after cheating on you.
Don't forget how easy a woman can accuse you of rape as well

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Got any more of these? Didn't save the last ones I saw and they are rare asf
Have a complimentary Thicc

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>tfw had a massive anxiety episode yesterday at school
>built up higher and higher to the point that my body was going numb aside from random spurts of pain
>had to give a presentation while was stuck like this
>15 minutes away, can feel the end is near, shaking just to stand against a wall.
>figure that if I'm going down, I may as well go down as hard as I can
>buy a large monster ultra energy from the vending machine.
>chug it all at once
>all the caffeine pushes me so far ahead that I peak and snap back to being completely normal instantly
>give presentation easily like a chad, no big deal at all.
>come home with the hype dying off, get in bed, sleep
>wake up and throw up like three times an hour up until noon

Thanks monster energy.

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About 350

No, it's for hispanic men. Phoenix is hispanic but some white people here like hispanic culture so its ok.

I'm learning to embrace the insanity. Not coping using drugs or whatever but just embracing the quiet ambivalence of the world and that I am utterly nothing now

Literally the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I'm Christian and it isn't clear whether or not suicide is forgivable. If I knew for sure that it was, I would do it today. Instead I'm just praying for death every day now.

I don't even go to /r9k/ anymore. Shit sucks, used to be the """""incel""""" containment board and a place I could go to vent with others. But normies had to go and ruin another good thing, and now you have robot posting all over the site.

I'll just meetoos her ass
Friend from chans had the same happened and she got rekt by false reports and wanted by the cops
>not having a psych break infront of you entire year and ghosting them almost immediately

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>buy a large monster ultra energy from the vending machine.
>chug it all at once
>all the caffeine pushes me so far ahead that I peak and snap back to being
At least it has some effect on you. Nowadays I drink coffee only for the taste because no amounts of it does anything for me.

not him but fuck you.

that movie was ass

Why do you want to kill yourself? Is there anyway you can improve your life?

>Instead I'm just praying for death every day now.
Isn't that a kind of a sin as well?

Isn't this the backstory to one of the boys from Stand by me?

To be fair this place has always had containment failure.
Board spesifiic culture is basically dead at this point

This tread so sad...

Not sure, there's plenty of people in the Bible who wished for the exact same thing and were still considered righteous. Also we all commit sins all day, every day so ultimately the same problem is still there.

Life and the world is just fucking awful and I know it'll only get worse. Shit like old age and dementia/Alzheimer's is absolutely terrifying. It's horrible just how far a person can really fall. I really would rather it all just ended now.


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joker would almost certainly be a pedo irl

Drink more concentration or coco
I like the big meaty shits I get and also a small buzz

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>Life and the world is just fucking awful
Can you list some examples? I can go by assumptions but I could guess wrong.

I'm just asking because my cousin killed himself 4 years ago and I wish he could've asked me for help when he seemed normal.

HE'D be a ebophile opedious neetcel

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He grew up in a pedo cult.

Oh good so it’ll go down.

And I thought I was struggling...I don't want to feel these feels anymore. I hope all of you guys make it, somehow, someway.

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Waaahkeen bottom

>And I thought I was struggling...I don't want to feel these feels anymore. I hope all of you guys make it, somehow, someway.
Based dloomer
We are all big guys for (yous)

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rolling for milwaukee

I think the high expectations instilled into us at an early age is what really causes the pain.

Medieval Europe had the right idea: life is brutish and terrible, but Jesus loves you and will take you into his arms when your body finally shits the bed.

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