They made Smaug a wyvern instead of making him a dragon

>They made Smaug a wyvern instead of making him a dragon
What were they thinking????

Attached: Smaug_Pgs22_23Z.jpg (1429x907, 464K)

Wyverns are dragons.

Yes, but 4 legged dragons with 2 wings are cooler than 2 legged dragons with 2 wings

This is not DnD with 364826 types of dragons. Does not really matter if it's one of his kind. Also older dragons in the silmarillion are not even winged. Being so autistic about this in Tolkien is dumb.
Finally, 4-limbs are better animated because Benedict Cucumberman has 4 limbs.
If you want 6-limbed dragons motion captured as they did with Cucumberman and Smaug, you need a 6-limbed actor.

Because people have been obsessed with "MUH REALISM" with fantasy monsters since the early 2000s and wyverns are seen as more biologically plausible then classic dragons because they have four limbs like every other animal, plus you can just take a pterodactyl and stick a dinosaur head on it and call it a day.

i want to massage his balls.

>generic fantasy garbage
I sleep

have sex

YOU have sex, autistic manchild.
Of all the things that are shitty about the movie, focusing on the dragon is imbecilic.

>ITT everyone is a biologist of mythical animals
Why can't autistic people actually enjoy anything?

it's a wyvern, stupid incel

A komodo dragon is also a dragon.
>inb4 REEEEE its a monitor lizard

I guess you apply this depth knowledge of dragon kind in life and work

dragons aren't fucking real buddy, there is no authority on what is and isn't a dragon. smaug is a dragon because they say he is and he loosely fits the mythological concept. getting worked up over subtypes of a mythical creature that are only defined in certain parts of nerd cultures is beyond stupid

smaug is such a dumb fucking name lol
lotr sucks

>this is the level of criticism OP thinks the Hobbit trilogy warrants.

Wyverns look better

Smaug isn't in lotr, he's in the hobbit

Hi OP.
This is Glaurung, a Dragon in the Silmarillon.
I now just sit here and wait for your autistic breakdown.

Attached: Glaurung_and_Nineor.jpg (1260x841, 278K)

That's a lizard. Nowhere in the books is he called a dragon you actual brainlet

Is that the dragon killed by the guy who fucked his sister and then killed himself?

>Again after a hundred years Glaurung, the first of the Urulóki, the fire-drakes of the North, issued from Angband's gates by night.

Glaurung was an humorous and creative guy.
>In the front of that fire came Glaurung the golden, father of dragons, in his full might; and in his train were Balrogs, and behind them came the black armies of the Orcs in multitudes such as the Noldor had never before seen or imagined.

Smaug is actually a wyrm though, Tolkien personally illustrayed him as a wyrm with a long serpentine body and he was described as such.

Attached: 1540635125393.png (1279x979, 1.23M)



he's a big guy

That's not funny. My brother died that way.

Did you kill him?


I don't see anything here referring to him as a dragon.

ok kid, ebin trolling

OP here, I'm fine with any 4 legged dragon, even if they have no wings.
I just hate 2 legged dragons with 2 wings

For elves.

das racist, yo

This is even worse that the people who insist on using seventeenth century spellings of "magick" and "wytch" like that makes them any more fucking real.

be quiet nigger

At least those people have an actual understandable reason for doing it, despite being hipster queers. Wyvernfags are literally just saying a definition used by one garbage setting created only like four decades ago is objective fact and use it to complain about shit that predates their setting for centuries if not even longer.

The funny thing is that modern incarnation of that setting call all these creatures "Dragon".

Attached: lord of the rings big.jpg (2000x814, 240K)

>inb4 some brainlet takes the pic literally, and does not get that Ancalagon has been scaled down in order to fit the picture

According to the extra materials, because 6 limbed Smaug looked like a dog with wings and didn't seem all that intimidating. And I kinda agree with them. At least for the particular serpent style they were going for.

6 limbs makes them look more regal. 4 limbs makes them look more intimidating.

how can white lizards even compete

fire-drake could be a name for a lizard, just as we call komodo dragons dragons, even if they have no wings

He's a big guy

Dragons aren't lizards, they're dinosaurs.

>Oxford Professor Tolkien who invents a whole language cannot differentiate between a wyrm and a dragon
lmao, what a pathetic cuck

Fuck them, dogs are cool.
They probably changed it because the chinese hate dogs.

smaug’s design was garbo from beginning to end.

They are. But it is kinda hard to take a dachshund with an elastic giraffe neck seriously.

Tolkien's own drawing of Smaug is actually pretty close to the movie version. Though even he drew it with 6 limbs.

iirc they also said something about a 6 limbed creature being much harder to create natural movements for, considering these movies already had a tight as fuck time budget I can see why they went with a design that was easier to give realistic movement


See You functionally illiterate imbecile

2 legged dragons = majestic and powerful
4 legged dragons = pets


Attached: get litty.jpg (630x630, 55K)
