How many have you seen?

And how would you rank them out of 10?

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>worst mad max
That's a no and a yikes

best film of 90s

Attached: best of 90s.jpg (3028x3264, 1.69M)

Remove pulp fiction and it will be based. End of Each and Eyes Wide Shut are kino.

haven't seen fury road, don't think I ever will

kys weeb

Drive 10/10 kino
The Master 3/10
Batman v Superman 9/10
The Social Network 7/10
Only God Forgives 6/10
Blade Runner 2049 4/10
Inception 2/10
Mad Max 6/10

Outdated lists made by philistine retards who parrot each other



Watch more movies.

>Top 100 in 2019.
Mind you, if you haven't seen at least 75% of these, you shouldn't be posting here.

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You literally only watch Hollywood/big budget films. You are a fucking pleb and deserve to burn

>2 Refn meme movies
>Nolan Shit
>Pleb Max

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I understand putting Driver or Bladerunner, but Only God forgives? Really?

You are obviously a Gosling fanwhore.

30/33 akira, revenge of sith, and silence of the lambs were the three movies i didnt like

9, 5, never saw any of the others.

Tree of life - 8/10 (KoC and TTRL are better in every way)
Drive - 8/10
BvS - 4/10
Social Network - 7/10 (surprisingly good)
Only God Forgives - 7/10
Blade Runner - 8/10
Inception - 5/10
Fury Road - 7/10 (mainly because of the visuals and sfx)

>I love Tree of Life
>I am deep and kino
>This movie didn't bore me to death.....honest

>Black Panther

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Based Thin Red Line poster
10/10 best film in the 90's

>Drive 10/10 kino
yeah, only faggots without a sense of art and direction like this movie.
6/10 at best

Drive: 7/10
Social Network: 10/10
Blade Runner 2049: 10/10
BvS: 3/10
I haven’t seen the rest

I have no interest in FB, never signed up. Is Social Network worth watching anyway?

are there any legitimately great western movies of the 2010s? what a dismal time for art in general

The Tree of Life - ?/10
Drive - 10/10
The Master - ?/10
Batman v Superman - 4/10
The Social Network -8/10
Only God Forgives - 5/10
Blade Runner 2049 - 10/10
Nocturnal Animals - ?/10
Inception - 9/10
Mad Max - 9/10

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The Tree of Life 10/10
Drive 8/10
The Master 9/10
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice UE 10/10
The Social Network 8/10
Only God Forgives 8/10
Blade Runner 2049 9/10
Nocturnal Animals 8/10
Inception 8/10
Mad Max: Fury Road 8/10

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>TDK not #1

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It's threads like these that make me realize TV's taste has collectively turned to dogshit.

The last decade sure sucked ass. But it wasn't much better than the decade before that.

None. Is this board full of women?

I've never either. Only if you can stand the actor, it's worth it if you intend to start a business so you keep dilution and strategy at the forefront of your mind. A good reminder to always get it in writing but also sometimes there is nothing you can do and someone else's full control is unbeatable.

Seen all except the capeshit one. That's not even a joke.
Red is better than Blue. Safe is dogshit. FYI there are a bunch of good 90s Chinese movies, though I'm not sure A brighter summer day is one (try Raise the Red Lantern, To Live, Farewell Concubine, Flowers of Shanghai, etc.).
>muh Iranian cinema
Pretty decent list I guess, minus the memes. There are 24 I haven't seen so I guess I'm allowed to stay.
He's a Refn fanwhore. If it were just Gosling fanwhoring he would have put Place Beyond the Pines.
Just appreciate the fact that John Ford and John Wayne left us with so much kino.

The patrician thing would be not to have any for this decade.

1. 7/10
2. 8/10
3. 8/10
4. 2/10
5. 5/10
6. 6/10
7. 9/10
8. 6/10
9. 7/10
10. 7/10

No kino's in that list.


Think of it this way
it wasn't a natural thing like what happened to say Yea Forums. this anti-art pro pleb thing was forced by mods and janitors here

pleb, Only God Forgives is pure kino, way better than Drive

>Disregarding a whole genre because of meme opinions

shit taste

What will make the cut for 2019?

Attached: reddit the movie 2.jpg (1039x422, 110K)

You may be the dumbest poster on this board.

Tree of Life - kino
Drive 7.5/10
The Master 9/10, goat performances from psh and phoenixman
BvS - capeshit, haven't watched it
Social Network 7/10
Only God Forgives - kino
BR 2049 8.5/10
Nocturnal Animals 9.5/10
Inception 6/10 flick for pseuds who want to believe they're smart
Fury Road would've been kino if not for the ending

Overall okay list

haven’t seen, probably shit
haven’t seen, probably overrated
haven’t seen

I've seen 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10. I have no ambition to see any of the others

why are you so easily pleased

>tree of life


>the master

>nocturnal animals


>mad max

Satantango 4K Blu-ray SOON

no one cares about cartoons, specially asian ones, faggot
have sex loser


>3 Gosling movies
yeah, no.
Stop trying to push youre shitt Gos agenda, there are better movies out there. this is complete trash.
when will mods purge and ban shitfucks like you.

SHAZAM is the biggest contender so far unless someone pushes out something else before december

All of these are at least 7/10 movies, except for BvS. That gets a 5/10

Shazam is more 9gag: the movie, I don't think even reddit likes fortnite dancing.

I'm not.