Imagine looking like this...
Imagine looking like this
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine being a bongo charisma vacuum
i like bbq too much. being skinny doesn't feel as good as good ribs taste.
Do incels really think attractive people go around worshiped during day to day business? I've known tall, handsome guys that don't get eyefucked and approached and worshiped when doing boring mundane activities. I don't get that shit either despite being a 8-9/10. You have to be in an environment either conducive to getting tail or actually put yourself (with shit like modelling) if you don't already have the contacts or are not in the right place at the right time. And even then your charisma counts for a lot.
white women I know yawn at this guy and just get wet over michael b jordan and ildris elba
>mu anecdotal evidence
fuck off to leddit, you brainless ape
you can still eat ribs and look like that you fat american lazy cunt
not in the portions i do.
I think getting laid/a girlfriend has a lot less to do with looks and more to do with charisma and personality
Think about it, why would it matter how muscular you are when a woman is only going to be seeing that part of you for like 10% of the time you two are together?
Grow up, you fucking faggot. Looks matter but it doesn't mean you walk around being worshiped like a deity if you won the genetic lottery and don't ever have to work hard a single day in your life.
Looks do matter and a handsome definitely has an advantage over an average one but you do need have the balls to talk to them and so on. The incel fantasy that Chad stands there and gets approached by 7-10/10's is exactly that: a fantasy. He has it easier but he isn't living this perfect life where he's treated akin to a deity.
What's the average height of presidents?
are you saying the only one who stays in their place being offered sex is Stacy?
Keep coping, loser
Actors women find the sexiest:
1.) Michael B. Jordan
2.) Idris Elba
3.) Chadwick Bossman
4.) Daniel Kaluuya
5.) Donald Glover
6.) John Boyega
7.) MAYBE someone like chris hemsworth or w/e
Like a Jew?
>but muscles
Not with that face
Kek lmao. Cavill and Hemsworth top almost all lists I'm pretty sure
'Looks/height doesn't mean you have a perfect life, get worshiped like deity, and get approached by legions of 10/10's and you never put any work in yet reap all the rewards' =/= 'Looks and height are irrelevant!'
Why the fuck are incels so stupid and only capable of thinking in binary extremes?
Imagine seeing this thread every day.
Read you dumb faggot. If you weren't stupid you'd realise my point was never looks, muscles, and height are unimportant. Also, Boyega? What? I've seen more love for Rami Malek than Boyega.
t. completely out of touch with white women today. Michael B. Jordan in black panther was causing (white) women to break their dental retainers because they were biting their lips so hard. No other actor has this effect
why all the cum?
Like you know what being skinny feels like, lard-ass
>caring what white women think
I'll be 27 in 10 days. Pic related keeps appearing in my head over and over. I don't want to waste my last stretch of true youth. I want to make it, bros.
Because most people who look like that are gay user.
This is considered skinny? I must be extremely extremely anorexic
if you're a 9-10/10 male then yes, you do get worshiped
you wouldn't know because you're an ugly loser yourself
Covered in cum? yeah i feel you
>wife is black and tattooed from head to toe
I don't agree with his taste but I respect it.
I wouldn't say that but there's definitely an imbalance of treatment. I knew a guy who could barely keep up a conversation (then again English as a second language) but that would still get swarmed by girls.
If girls drop you for being boring two minutes in when you're ugly, girls drop you an hour in when you're attractive.
Think they split up
>Doubts Boyega is even on that list
>Received a rant about how attractive Jordan is
Your reading comprehension is shit. The other guy saying Cavill/Hemsworth come out on top isn't shit talking Jordan either.
>despite being a 8-9/10.
Sure kid
t. out-of-touch delusion incel
t. professional coper
Looks get you through the front door more easily. Personality/chemistry with the other person ensues you can stay inside. That's how I see it personality. Looks isn't irrelevant but neither is personality if you want more than quickies.
Yea you can if you work out, you fat american lazy cunt
No you're absolutely right but I still think going through a healthy amount of quickies is then what lends itself to you maturing and become a better person, instead of cursing the world.
It'd be pretty easy for everyone on Yea Forums to become s nice easy-going person if they'd gotten attention from all the girls growing up.
I've looked like that...also 6"4 and been to Coachella several times and rarely pulled any tail. ...
I've also looked a lot smaller than that and just taking lots of Oxycontin and gone to bars and had like a 50% success rate. So half the nights I went out I took a girl home. Oxy makes me super charismatic with no approach anxiety.....
Which is way more important overall. Sure it would be nice to have both but it's hard to go to the gym all the time when you are busy doing drugs and drinking
He looks like some freak alien with liver failure
still seems a bit in bad taste
Trying to reason with incels or speak from experience as one of the Chads they rant on about is pointless. Life to them is all 100% predetermined by your looks and height. Are they irrelevant? Fuck no. Do you have an advantage with good looks, good body and average-to-tall height? Of course, but you are as sure as shit not worshiped, eye fucked everywhere, approached by 9/10's everywhere, and so on. Your charisma, connections, and effort matter a fuck ton too.
That sketchbook looking bitch is not black.
Made me look
Ethnicity: Ethiopian, Greek, and that's her mom.
i mean, i was a teenager once
>Being skinny
one drop rule
don't like it? maybe you shouldn't have enslaved the proud children of the nile
most women don't want the well defined abs look
>no traps
>no neck
>roiding for this
you're full of shit, probably just a manlet trying to cope
i used to hangout with a buddy that was fit and handsome, girls would always eye him out, it wasn't even subtle, some would even come asking for a light or directions while smiling and giggling
>H-he's coping!
Good for your friend though. A shame it made you so envious that you're still seething over it.
>idris elba not number 1,2,3,4 and 5
Shit list, t b h
how am i seething?
just telling you that women go crazy over looks, and if you don't think so then you've probably not seen it first hand
LMAO how much BBQ are you eating? Unless you're literally gorging on it every single day it's not the reason you're a fatass. Weight loss/gain is an incredibly long term process. Binging on BBQ isn't going to cause that much of a difference.
>implying you can only be fat or insanely ripped
Or you could have an average build like the majority of men
Leave Joel Kinoman alone
based evans
God i'm 27 i need to start lifting but i can't for the life of me find the motivation
what do I need to cope over? I could get abs like that in 1-2 weeks of cutting, but I don't because women want to be able to "boop" your stomach.
just because you're 300lbs and 35% body fat doesn't mean everyone is
>eating a lot of protein is the reason I don't look like that
A common sense reply, plus Arnold was on the gear.
You think you're 8-9/10, your estimations of attractiveness cannot be trusted.
>Want to lift
>Social anxiety wont let me go to the gym
Whenever i get motivated, i start thinking of how silly id look going to the gym.
What'd i do there.
Would i just grab the first person i see and ask them to teach me to lift?
I get sweaty just thinking about it.
seething incel cuck
>I could get abs like that in 1-2 weeks of cutting, but I don't because women want to be able to "boop" your stomach
This is the absolute most retarded thing I've heard all day lel.
Buy weights, train home, and stop looking for excuses.
10 years ago, maybe. but time is changing and twink is the new masculine
he cute
Buy a jump rope, do that along with burpees, a pull up bar, a shit ton of calisthenic exercises, use desks for tricep dips, and maybe get your hands on steel chains and shit so you can drape them around your shoulders when doing some exercises for extra resistance.
>lives alone
sure thing, mr reddit
90's with peak River Phoenix, Leo, and Depp was the apex of the twink era.
You can train at home with weights if you're really that self conscious about it. Look up videos online for beginners, they'll walk you through it. You could hire a session with a trainer if you really want one. They'll show you the ropes for a week or so then you can take their advice and do your own thing.
There are many options available. Don't make excuses.
obese cope
>he doesnt fast intermittently so he can eat huge feasts without worrying about putting on weight
Imagine looking like this
Imagine wanting to live like this
Even weights aren't necessary for fitness. You can fry your legs with some explosive cardio like jumping lunges and jump squats, or shit like pistols.
thats what i was thinking
Imagine looking like this.
Lmao, fat fuck cope
I literally get catcalled and yelled at by random girls on the street quite frequently. You must be ugly lol.
I lift and kickbox, I'm in good shape and I'm sure I eat atleast as much as you do. Maybe try moving your ass once in a while
It would be very easy to live a very privileged life.
she looks sad af
i would rather be a homeless ugly person but happy at times
just look into her eyes, she is dead
Different locations, different people, different behaviours. I've paid close attention to friends before that are 6'1 and handsome (have done modelling) when at busy festivals and shit. I've was literally trying to spot women we walked past giving him a double take or lingering look. No one gave a fuck, and then you have shit like Orb or young David Gandy struggling when younger cause of their autism. My experiences tell me it's fucking stupid to claim handsome guys get eyefucked, approached, hero-worshiped, always come out as the most popular, etc in the country I live. It's easier for them in an environment that is conducive to hookups like bars but there's no worshiping like you're a god during mundane day to day stuff, or at least the women aren't telegraphing their lust with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
holy cope
lol why aren't you letting your burning self loathing motivate you like i did?
I sometimes wish I was an attractive woman because of how easy it would to be happy, become insta famous, get fucked, etc.
>tfw three pounds overweight skinnyfat
You do realize that her eyes and lips have been photoshopped to be about twice their normal size. In other words, you are holding yourself to a standard of beauty which even the model in the pic has not attained.
how does Jordan attract so many people when he doesn't have any chin?
I am turning 27 in 11 days. What a coincidence!!
His face is otherwise fine, he does have a jawline, he's a respectable height, and had a great body.
take your fetish else where
how? He's fugly as shit
Good looking guys never “struggle”, women literally throw themselves at you if you’re good looking
Delusional fantasy or bait.
No it’s not, go outside or go to a bar
>"I didn't have a girlfriend 'til I was 21, which is pretty late" - David Gandy
I'm suppose to believe legions of women were "literally" throwing themselves at him till he eventually had the sack to say 'yes' to one of them? Take your dumb 'Chad's life' fanfic somewhere else.
I'm at university. I do go to clubs and bars frequently. They don't throw themselves at the handsome ones or the tall ones. Guys don't stand around doing fuck all and get randomly cold approached by Stacies. They all have to make an effort or initiate. Their attractiveness then determines their likelihood of success.
I'm working from home now and put the weights by my desk,
I lost ten pounds two weeks ago. Are you proud of me, user?
do you think their combined IQ is higher than 120?
keep it up brah you're gonna make it
Hell, even pic related claims to have had trouble with women because of a lack of confidence/autism. Looks/height matter a fuck ton but the idea Chad gets eyefucked, approached by legions of attractive women, makes zero effort, etc. is a stupid incel fantasy in my books.
aint gonna last have fun dying from lung cancer
he was larping and you fell for it.
Hence why I wrote "claims". I'm aware of the idea of Orb being a shitposter.
>mfw joined a gym, befriended a helpful chad that says "bro" after every sentence and helps me get in shape
>feel myself getting in good shape and feeling better, both physically and mentally
>have friends and even started talking to girls again
It's never too late, bros.
and therefore, what incels tell is true. I've seen it. Don't know about becoming a millionaire, but eye-fucking and catcalling? 100%.
I only believe it because I saw it first hand. I had a friend on high school and college that women would throw themselves at. He had a girlfriend that he cheated on multiple times and she kept going back to him. Girls (strangers) would eye fuck him when we would study together and he would smile and act cool and they’d start laughing as they walked by. Girls would message him on social media to fuck, even while they had boyfriends. It’s not s fantasy, it’s all real, and if it didn’t happen to you it’s probably because you’re not attractive.
Now we're going around in circles. I've said before different locations mean different people. I have no clue where you are. I'm in the UK (a nation shown for being one of the most introverted nations). The shit you're claiming happens doesn't happen during mundane day to day stuff where I'm at. I've used guys unequivocally handsome and tall to see evidence of this and it doesn't happen. People either don't pay attention outside of more relaxed environments or ones designed for hookups like bars or have the sense not the telegraph if with a the subtlety of an atomic bomb.
>He had a girlfriend that he cheated on multiple times
>he would smile and act cool
Yeah, but this suggests he was not a fucking autist and had some game. My view has always been that having the balls to act, approach, have game, etc. is necessary along with having good looks; good looks alone do not cut it at all if you're some shy autist that doesn't so much as look at a girl in a bar and are just focused on your own group of friends.
have sex
I'm a 7/10 on a good day. I work retail with a guy who is better looking than OPs pic and he has broken two marriages by sleeping with the wives on top of fucking at least three other customers. He gets eye-fucked by just about every female customer we have and they all fall over themselves to make small-talk with him.
As well as being extremely good looking, he's very charismatic and personable too.
he's just staying in character
captain america would tweet exactly that
LOL. Do you not understand the MASSIVE chasm that exists because of looks? You act like he had to do something daring to get what he got, do you comprehend what I read? We’d sit together to study and girls would stare at him as they walked by and all he had to do was smile at them.
That you project some sort of “game” psychology onto that is your own warped perception of how normal human beings behave. Newsflash, the average person isn’t a Yea Forums autist who can’t make eye contact with others. Smiling at someone when they stare at you isn’t hard to do, and most people WOULD DO IT if they had the opportunity. The fact is they never get the opportunity BECAUSE THEYRE NOT GOOD LOOKING. How many girls DM you EXPLICITLY asking you to fuck them? Not even coded flirting language? I know this happens because he showed me the messages.
The face gives you the opportunities, doing the bare minimum to fulfill them is not “game”. There is no “game”.
So a good looking guy will still get fuck all if he's a Yea Forums autist that can't make eye contact, is shy af, and never engages with these eyefuckers out of fear? Thought so. That's part of my point.
cool people smoke
geeks have cartoon frog folders
charisma and personality are traits learned from communicating, which ugly guys can't learn because no one holds conversation with butt ugly dudes and the cycle continues.
I know I have a problem because my first thought when seeing someone with that physique is "his arms could use some work" even though he looks 5 times better than me
Some people grow into their looks though or had shitty circumstances forced upon them, so you will find good lookers bereft of charisma.
Yeah. It's not rare for me to listen girls talking about someone like
>he's cute but there's something that doesn't feel right
Also, it isn't unheard for them to say stuff like
>omg did you see him playing the guitar? Suddenly he became way more attractive
Anyway, there's something called social capital that will attract women. Something you do in public that drags attention. Be it the kind of questions you ask your teacher in class, the ability to make other people laugh etc.
The thing about incels is they're socially crippled. They can't even make friends
He has good leg work too.
He is a nice dude leave him alone.
Nope a good looking guy will still accidentally into sex at some point because it's so easy. What you're describing is a guy who deludes himself into thinking he's good looking and actually "autistic" when he's really just shy and lazy.
I've towered over guys before (and I'm only average, so we're about real short arses here), had broad shoulders where they have been scrawny or stood at the same height as 3/10 ugly guys with weird skinny fat bodies and they've emerged as more popular. Anecdotes they may be but they leave a considerable impression; enough to make me scoff at the notion that good looks are all that's needed to reach the top of the social heirarchy.
I'm literally both muscly and glazed in spunk at this very second
Pathetic arms
He shoud try something more than bench and crunches
Haha, yeah imagine
You only need balls to talk to them if you’re average or below. If you’re good looking and you can’t talk to girls then you are like the 7 foot tall that guy can’t make the basketball team; worthless and pathetic despite infinite privilege. Already you’re brushing over a massive advantage.
That's happened to me before. Every time I've went home with a girl I stumbled into by accident. I had no intention of getting tail and otherwise don't look at women or seek anything out when in a club cause I'm a self-loathing autist. Then I have a friend who absolutely is unequivocally not as good looking as me who has racked up a considerable list of get withs because he isn't autistic and actually tries.
>what will you look like at age 27
Ex wife. He is dating this model Kelly Gale now.
I have a problem too, I still fit through doors
He gets the girls alright
>hat good looks are all that's needed to reach the top of the social heirarchy.
Nobody says that but it is akin to a 100-meter head start. From birth, girls will be amenable to you if you try to chat them up and whatever charisma you weren't born with will grow on you from people lining up to listen to what you have to say.
Fuck, people usually assume good looking people to be smarter than average (and this even ends up being true usually).
I smoked 2 packs a day for a decade and i can guarantee you that i was never cool
That's how happens to most people. It's the small window you have to act upon when you first meet a female, the first impression you make her see. If you take too long she's probably gonna change her mind when she realizes whatever she fantasized about you doesn't hold true anymore
>Imagine NOT looking like this
Yikes dog you ugly get over it lol. I could sue all the girls at my work for sexual assault and easily win. Do you live in iran or something?
>implying you can't eat a shitload of food when you workout
You're dumb
Choose your type Yea Forums
im in a wheelchair
yes it was
your uncoolness just canceled it out
Somewhere in between Apollo and Perseus.
Perseus of course. No homo
Truth is i feel more uncool since i stopped smoking 3 years ago
So all ancient Greeks were chads?
Also, it's Heracles not Hercules
Nah. Even Ulysses was made fun of at some point. Some dude said he had the physique of a merchant but then he challenged him to a duel and won.
>So all ancient Greeks were chads?
No, they were raging faggots. Alexander The Great for instance had homo-lovers throughout his entire empire.
>raging faggots
>he fell for the liberal propaganda
what a cuck
what do you call this? soi-chad?
>posts a literal nigger website writing this shit as a coping response
If you are a really handsome guy girls do swarm you. They will actively approach you looking for you to take interest in them.
Instead of the other way around.
Why do liberal cuckolds keep thinking "shaming" people will get them to agree with their ideology? That's not how it works.
early happy bday my guy
the one with a bigger dick
no he's right and that's okay
That latina in the show was crazy hot
Better come over and get you some Freedom Pussy
>twink is the new masculine
I want to be Perseus, but I'm not good looking.
Damn, I wouldn't call myself male model material but I still get looks from random girls and some will approach me to talk.
I don't notice half the time but if I am out with female friends/relatives they will point it out to me.
You either are really bad at judging attraction or are coping hard as fuck.
the 80s were all about lookin androgynous too you zoomer
>You either are really bad at judging attraction or are coping hard as fuck
I hope that we meet in real life and, even if I dont recognize you as this user, we fist-fight.
Why? It's the truth, if you haven't ever been approached by a woman first I guess it's hard to comprehend it.
Obviously you still need to be able to talk to them but it's already a huge advantage when you are the one getting approached. Now imagine having male model tier looks and how easy it must be.
t. coping twink
make sure your to prep the bvll for your whore wife
>are coping hard as fuck.
I am my own harshest critic and have went other whether I'm ugly or not loads of times. Despite that I look good in the mirror and in plenty of photos. In addition to that lots of people from my age group of 18-24 to seniors have complimented my looks both to my face and behind my back (the latter is a real kicker), modelling agencies have taken on me eagerly, I occasionally get occasional positive remarks, shit like 'surprising he doesn't have a girlfriend', and so on. I even went as far as to do a bunch of online rating things. I'm aware many of known for overrating but I've tried a lot and they always come back has highly positive (it's an exception I get under a 7 or 8). Believe me, no one has debated more than me if I'm good looking or not, cause years of being an unattractive, scrawny teen and self-loathing leave there mark. That's what happens when you grow into your looks instead of looking great from age 10. I'm an introspective person; I can only conclude I am good looking. And I'm a autist who wouldn't know the first thing about cold approaching, so probably a bad judge of attraction
>inb4 'lmao at this cope'
Whatever. I've said my piece on that topic.
Well then you just have a heaping level of self-loathing. If you go around with a mean look on your face all the time then women will avoid you.
Doesn't this depend on location? Again, I am UK. We are known to be an introverted people relative to others like Americans or, from what I gather, south Euros. It's daft to suggest there's no variation in how the dynamic works in different countries.
this thread is pure cringe
>I eat a bunch of meat all the time that's why I don't have muscles
Fucking retard lmao
the reason you're fat is probably because you sit on your ass all day and/or drink too much shit like alcohol or soda
he probably weighs more than you. you're just weak.
I don't understand how anyone could actually make that post. how less informed about fitness could you be
Don't be retarded. I was being partially facetious.
I was agreeing with you. I was talking about the tripfag
whoah!! some random trash catcall you on the street? so cool!!! you must get so much PUSSY!!
Every single one of you, no matter if you're ugly or attractive, will die single and miserable if you don't adopt a mindset different than the one presented in this thread.
In other words, stop being insecure incels who obsess over minute details that no girl really cares about that much.
You're practically worshiping any random Chad or Stacie that you encounter and forget that these people are not much different than yourself. There isn't a special "cool kids club" that you don't belong in.
Your own mental barriers have put you where you are. It's all your own fault. All of it. That's the real redpill.
>muh russia
are they aware how cold war republican they sound?
I do believe that if you are 8/10 or higher you can get pussy far easier. Prove me wrong faggot.
how many black men ejaculated on him that he looks like that?
no it doesn't
kek it really says more about the type of shithole area he lives in than his actual looks. I live in a wealthy neighbourhood filled with professional people in suits and above all else it's fucking quiet. If some drugged up slut got lost on the way home and screamed on the side of the road here half the people would stop and stare
Cunt here. That man is not old enough to trigger my daddy issues lust, nor is he young enough to invoke my slutty mommy sense. It's like a mannequin attractiveness. He looks boring.
It's Odysseus dude
Kike level:overload
Name some non boring actors that you fancy. I want to look for role models to emulate because I wasn't graced with a personality or looks myself. (but am a good chameleon)
Just ask to suck the guy off already.
Yeah and if you saw him in real life you would be all over him no one gives a shit about what you think you want roastie
Perseus will always be the precedent, but the other two can work equally as well. It really does depend on personality more than your physical attributes. (Doesn't mean you should not strive to be as physically attractive as you can).
For some oldies it's Shingo Tsurumi, JK Simmons, Willem Dafoe (Florida Project did it for me), 90s era Eastwood. Pretty much every handsome actor becomes extremely alluring to me once their hit their 50s.
For youngsters it's mostly just Tom Holland right now. Never projected harder than onto Marisa Tomei as Aunt May seducing her nephew.
Get up you lazy bastard
>ugly people responded to me
I feel dirty
Most politicians aren't good looking though
Interesting taste, appreciate the feedback.
There IS something alluring about older men that have the lone wolf with cub, without a cub aesthetic to them.
If you ask me, Brad Pitt is slowly but surely entering that category. You'll probably have a thing for him in a couple of years.
i am handsome though. i also live in a rich, polite area where trashy and most likely below average sluts aren't yelling and catcalling across the street
We'll see once he lets his hair go gray and if he ever shakes the Angelina Jolie sucking out his soul look. He looks like the type who'll be getting extensive plastic surgery procedures until he kicks it.
He'll come into his own, don't worry. He does carry himself quite well though. People fail to realize how much of an impact this has. They think it's all about m-muh hair and muscles.
>h-heh the girls are far too dainty and chaste to compliment a gentleman without a male companion present in my fantas- I mean neighborhood.
I'm sorry you're poor user
>imagine being a faggot man child helping ruin the environment by eating shit tons of meat per day spending hours in the gym for a barely functional gym body all so you can contribute to creating unrealistic expectations by women towards men.
The Rock will be one of the first to get the guillotine.
>>imagine being a faggot man child helping ruin the environment by eating shit tons of meat per day spending hours in the gym for a barely functional gym body all so you can contribute to creating unrealistic expectations by women towards men.
>The Rock will be one of the first to get the guillotine.
>all so you can contribute to creating unrealistic expectations by women towards men
Look up a beginners weight lifting program and follow it. Watch videos on how to set up and perform the exercises. There's even videos on youtube of how to adjust pins and safeties in racks.
Go to the gym when it's dead and gradually build up confidence.
you are just ugly its ok user
Do this. Dont fuck around and waste time with home gym/calisthenics bull shit, just grow a pair and go in the gym. Everyone there looked like you at one point
To put it in a simple way you can understand, if youre physically attractive people will tend to treat you better in any social interaction.
Thats not the incel fantasy, the incel fantasy (reality) is that Chad will always get the girl because hes handsome, while the incel wont because hes ugly, and thats true.
This fantasy is a sign of autism. Seek help but also seek the gym because while there is objective evidence that not every man with a girl is "chad", there is also evidence that your own self image has a significant impact on who you're able to date.
I sincerely wish all of you incels could become Brad Pitts for life just so you can stop obsessing over this shit and actually DO something about it. But then you'd need a personality too, so on second thought maybe being Brad Pitt can only get you so far.
>there is also evidence that your own self image has a significant impact on who you're able to date.
Can you elaborate? I'm positive you're right but you probably know more about it and can point in the direction of some really specific evidence.
BASED. I broke my 16 hour fast today with a Jersey Mike giant chipotle chicken sub. Gonna hit the gym soon and finish my day with a bunch of sushi I bought after work.
Man I'd fuck that dude
since when does eating ribs disqualify you from having a healthy physique?
sounds like somebody is just a gluttonous retard