In your opinion what artist have the sickest mansion?
>Pic: John Travolta’s compound
In your opinion what artist have the sickest mansion?
>Pic: John Travolta’s compound
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Hee Hee
pretty decent
seems like a spartanic type of dude
no two floor stuff very smart if you have the space to build horizontal instead of vertical
how long is the runway to accomodate a jet of that size?
lmao what a casserole of nonsense
how do you sleep with a jet engine aimed at your house
He is technically not a showman anymore, but Trump’s penthouse is impressive
tacky af
to host parties
protect the house with steel beams
Jk rowlings
>how long is the runway to accomodate a jet of that size?
quite long
for what purpose would he need a big ass plane for?
Tacky but well-done.
alright personal jets are okay I guess, but personal fucking airliners? has travolta gone too far?
Why do people feel the need to have a big ass house like that ? If you've got kids, alright, but otherwise just live in a two room appartment. Plus, it's comfier.
>two million chimneys
the fuck?
I have the same question. Also how much fucking money does that shit cost? Tens of millions? Hundreds of millions? He's loaded but he isn't a billionaire.
this is exactly what the movies taught me rich people lived like. im glad someone really did it.
Poverty has rotten your brain
Can you believe this bitch has the nerve to put up a gate at the end of her driveway?
How many refugees can she fit in?
Probably smaller than the house she grew up in
The only people you should ever pay rent to is your family
its honestly hilarious how generic that house is
>Gates for me but not for thee
Disgusting. Nouveaux riches are embarrassing.
>see it's gold-plated, d-did I tell you I'm rich haha?
>tacky af
It's not tacky when all the gold furnishings are actually real gold.
>cramp up space on three floors
who told her to invest in that abomination
looks as dry as her cunt
gaudy, tacky and just plain harsh on the eyes. I'm not particularly anti trump but some one who seriously would live in a place like that has bad fucking taste and is most likely just trying to show off for the sake of it.
The engines are actually aimed away from the house.
but it is ugly
Mark Wahlberg mansion
Trump's never gotten over the scorn of old money and would have been a less shitty human being without it but what were they *supposed* to do?
Ugly as shit. A poor person's idea of what rich people are supposed to live like. And it's overlooked by a bigger building.
that room is just for show
as if he would be actively sitting in that thing apart from PR sessions like interviews and media documented meetings
>charging family for rent
>how much fucking money does that shit cost?
At least a hundred millions, but the worst part is the cost per flight hour (not to mention the runway maintenance, insurances etc).
Crass. You can tell at a glance the owner's a dwarf.
>dude the wealthy are already paying too much in taxes.
In your opinion perhaps. Either way it's "sour grapes" since neither you or I will ever be able to afford such a thing.
It's an old house, you needed a million fireplaces to keep the place from freezing.
>He's loaded but he isn't a billionaire.
It was probably paid for by the church of scientology.
Yeah, not bad at all, I dig the greenery and the pool area.
how many children does he have? 20 or something? that's okay then I guess
it's beautiful because she lives there :3
There's literally nothing wrong with helping your family out, if you're going to be dishing out shekels it should at least stay in the family.
t. (((loving son)))
>when an American tries to emulate the rococo aesthetic
Not even the absolutist french kings went this overbroad. Also why would you dress up a penthouse like this, I'm already suffocating from glancing at the picture. At least in Versailles, you get to breathe between the gold-plated walls.
>in this article : trump tries to lower taxes for the 1%
This is peak Louis XIV aesthetic, designed by renowned decorator Angelo Donghia. It may not be your taste, but it’s extremely well done.
there are plenty of beautiful things i cant afford
what's with the fucking tennis court mausoleum
>drives a small truck
based as fuck
>dude, just like, give the government your money lmao
Gold is incredibly tacky. It's supposed be used to highlight other features. When it's used on literally everything it's straight up garbage. Not even the catholic church would dare go that far. It's rather symbolic of the noveau riche who lack the taste to match their newfound wealth.
>inb4 hurr durr you wish you were as rich as Trump
Sure, who wouldnt. I wouldnt furnish everything in gold though.
Where are the Vietcong torture dungeons?
ITT seething poorlets
Whats with the random turf strips on the hill in the top left
Change room or a bar I'm not too sure
>french roccoco ornaments
the fuck is that medley of styles and design
disgusting as fuck
What a terribly boring fresco.
Which disneyland train station is this again?
Hillary/Bill Clinton’s compund in NY
Imagine being this cunt's neighbour, with him flying off to play with his jets at any hour of the day. Every day you wonder if this will be the day where he fucks up a take-off or landing and obliterates your house.
>that unnatural green pasture in the Californian heat
I'm close to throwing up. What's wrong with pretty arid grass running wild on your land?
Americans hate nature?
Ow my eyes.
>He's loaded but he isn't a billionaire.
How do you know? Not all actors are shit with money. He could be very well invested.
>tennis court
Looks like a basket playground to me.
Jared Leto's airforce station
It's unbelievable how much butthurt one man can cause. That room looks nice.
>ywn own a quaint little house innawoods and then build your own underground complex and intricate tunnel system just for the sake of it
how could you live in upstate new york and not have better landscaping/trees
Your Angelo Donghi a shit.
why don't we just kill these people? how can you look at these disgusting abominations and be okay with it.
these are the type of people who tell you blacks are cool or that you need to reduce your environmental impact by recycling goy.
meanwhile they are heating and cooling 40 room two story mansions and using a private jet to get to scientology rallies
you have NOTHING in common with any rich person. being that detached from normal stressors like bills and security changes a person into something else.
Rise up filthy goys. Rise.
nice sniper towers
The whole neighbourhood is for planes.
this has european coastal elements
the roof the choice of stone
obviously the light/watch tower inspired strctures
looks comfy desu
"Tacky" is defined by poor taste in terms of quality or authenticity. Extend your grasp on the English language.
>It may not be your taste, but it’s extremely well done
It's not. I have the Versailles palace as a short stroll away and the Versailles aesthetic shouldn't be imitated in small, cramped spaces like a penthouse.
Hell, even Versailles is overboard. This is what roccoco should be if kept subtle.
Ugly af
you'll never own a home other people consider their work
I agree, I like that arid grass aesthetic too.
That schedule of his finally makes sense. All those wonky time allotments had travel-time included in them.
what the fuck is that
how many dicks did he suck in there?
>Angelo Donghia
more like fagelo diarrhea.
is he just a conman preying on dumb rich people? there's no possible way he's actually renowned right?
nothing forces you to listen to them
The Streisand effect
Looks dead.
>I deserve your money because...I want it
Matthew Perry has great houses.
the first one of these that isn't fucking disgusting.
based drug addict
>tfw no nazi mommyfu gf to foreplay with
As grass should be in the summer.
>is he just a conman preying on dumb rich people?
that's 90% of artists
If I were rich, I'd buy one of those old missile silos in Montana.
Blame the scots.
>It's rather symbolic of the noveau riche who lack the taste to match their newfound wealth.
So you admit that Trump is "newfound wealth" and therefore didn't inherit his success but instead built it himself? Huh, I guess I agree with you.
where's the gay sauna?
>you have NOTHING in common with any rich person
No, but I have something in common with the people that build all the shit they buy.
Who's gonna buy this shit with all the rich people gone? hmm?
Use your head you jealous fag.
those are the hollywood hills right?
Looks like something out of an old 3d modeler program. I like it.
Gee Bill, how come your mom lets you have TWO lighthouses?
based. Always knew he was the best friend
Why not?
That sounds comfy desu senpai
>reading comprehension
Might want to look up what nouveau riche is. Protip, it's not limited to just one generation.
'cause I can't even afford to rent a studio in the middle of nowhere
He inherited the new money from his dad.
10/10 would live
the man has no taste
I love Denzel Washington as an actor but it's hilarious to see where a guy famous for his blue collar/everyman roles lives.
Friendly reminder that he made his wife walk around barefoot when they did a house-tour.
dude let blacks into your life. now.
stop being a racist piece of shit while you are literally killing the environment.
>Friendly reminder that he made his wife walk around barefoot when they did a house-tour.
What do these people do with these fucking 26 room houses?
I live in a 4 bedroom house with a double garage and a study, we struggle to find uses for two of the bedrooms (we converted the second bedroom to a second study).
It's like he's an actor playing roles or something.
>this desperation
kill them yourself you dumb bitch.
Not just that but imagine having the gardener over two twice times a week invading your privacy. My parents house in Provence only needs the gardener over twice a year to uproot whatever trees are dead, and get rid of the invasive weeds.
kek RDJ looks like a kid in that pic
>Whats with the random turf strips on the hill in the top left
Maybe a shooting range?
something has to act as a counterbalance to the darkness in his wife's heart
it's probably investment more than anything, if you have a fuck huge mansion and you're a famous person living in it it probably increases its value.
If I was a billionaire, I'd designed a mid-century modern house that doubles as a doomsday bunker, complete with a big greenhouse and 2 years worth of water supply
Those corner tower things seem comfy.
looks like shit
It's like I mentioned I love him as an actor.
lmao seeeeeething libtards
I think you have to have a certain size to settle in certain areas don't you?
you couldnt build your 4 bedroom house in the midst of all these high tier mansions
or maybe you could (not familiar with american law) and these people just do it to show off
>he thinks you stop being noveau riche just because you're second generation
Oh darling, don't you have some pools to clean or some food to serve?
Tatooine, CA
no I'm a good goy. I'm changing my diet because of an article on the wall street post that told me white people are killing the environment with their diet.
I only consumer onions now. thanks T-swift for showing me the errors of my ways
looks fucking cheap desu
Imaging spending your time defending someone you've never met and wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
actually pretty comfy design, desu
That tennis court is 90% chalk dust.
I am just imagining this place with fast food on the table and ketchup spilled on the floor
Provence is top-tier comfy
>friend lives in CA
>always complains about the water shortage and water rations
>these people are literally growing forests in the desert
obviously underground you fucking retard
>tries to be passive agressive troll on Yea Forums
go back to fagbook or whatever social media site attracts the most dumb witted masses nowadays
Flintstone's house
It always amazes me to see the sheer size of tennis courts
The only people I see actually using all those rooms are formerly poor musicians who have their whole extended family and music crew live with them. But then all of them inevitably lose all their money because they give high-paying jobs to their retarded cousins and shit.
Looks like it. The place is full of ultramodern architecture
>tough guy persona
>wears oversized clothes
>puts his name on everything
>can't handle criticism
>constantly threatens his many enemies
>can't stop talking about how great he is
>proud pussy grabber
>house is covered in gold top to bottom
>literally called DJ
You must be a big fan of black people
>Tatooine, CA
>having grass at all
>not berry-bushes and fruit-trees as far as the eye can see
postmodern interior design is so dull and vapid
The Donald drinks 6 diet cokes a day. I think he'll have enough piss to spare a stream if I was on fire.
>american houses
He flies it himself I believe. Likes it.
Fucking yuck man. Niggers have no taste.
They get stinky in fall unless you have a lot of deer and other critters.
it's not even postmodern interior
>not filling up all that empty roof space that nobody except helicopters will see with solar cells and becoming your own little powerplant
I get not doing it when you've got a roof where they're visible, but that house have fucking curtain walls along every roof line.
>poor taste
I think he's right
I love t swift shes so down to earth and country just like me!
After living in that place for a week I don't think my eyes would function well enough to spot some spilled ketchup. There'd be no chance in hell of spotting a mustard spill.
Based god is dead man
I think those are most interesting throughout the US
everything else is just recycled european shit
those modern, postmodern and ultramodern structures at least have some license to them
plus they look just great in that setting on the hill overlooking the city
Harvey Weinstein’s mansion
That is a terrible idea. It would be very difficult to make those launch facilities safe to visit much less live in.
Is that a motel?
The thinking man's choice
Remember when we used to cut the heads off the people who built palaces like this?
So get the other critters. You're a damn millionaire, why not have a private herd of deer like kings used to have? You can name them all after various celebrities, like Sam Neill does with all of his animals.
These ones are the best in terms of general location.
Seaside/coastal houses are the best.
Perry's gets a pass because it looks sleek and functional.
Rowling's has a weird shape, but I like old English cottages. It depends on how modern the interior is.
These are uncomfy as fuck. Too large, too sprawling. I get heat stroke and thirsty just looking at them. They look more like a Hitman level than an actual home. How could you not be worried about the people that might be wandering around constantly, even your own bodyguards.
>even Versailles is overboard
>doesn’t even into adhd kino
This is why you should invest in a full steel house, steel walls steel roof
Remember when jealous fags were the enemy of America and Freedom.
>pool not centered in the backyard
that guy has taste
not quite sold on the large amount of square feet that house provides
Probably golf
And being a president and senator paid enough for them to afford that? Gee golly, I think we need to lower politicians salaries!
As a poor person he wouldn't even look at you, just complain about what a mess your charred body was making on his marble floors.
We seriously need laws, protecting the public from ugly architecture. It's like a monkey scribbling letters on a paper not knowing their purpose.
It already exists.
Completely agree. Big cringe at those classically styled mansions on the west coast. It's just all so fake looking. Atleast the east coast has some proper historical mansions.
>all the Hilary voting/Bernie sucking/Cuckservative faggots ITT trying to claim this looks back
You have zero fucking taste
Let's see Mel's place.
>steel beams fully intact
uhm you might wanna check your skyscraper too
Top fucking kek.
Thanks for the laugh.
>>two million chimneys
>the fuck?
She has lots of fireplaces to burn envelopes that have been covered with marks based on how many times her characters "stretch their legs."
>all these walls
Is Taylor Swift old money?
I never understood the need for huge mansions. If I had this kind of money, I'd live in 5 star hotels. That way you can be on the move anytime and you get to live anywhere you want. Sick of LA? Go to Rome for a couple of months. Rome is played out? Tokyo it is.
Yeah this. There's nothing wrong with Trumps penthouse. But this thread is full of deranged overly jealous cucks trying to pretend every picture posted looks like an abomination when everyone in these threads would love to live in any house posted here.
>As a poor person
lmao I'm not poor. Someone is projecting, huh?
Probably illegal in California. You can't have huge fences and free roaming animals. There are a lot of apple trees around here, we have plenty of deer, groundhogs and opossums.and around October there are still a ton of flies and rotten smells.
Her dad owned the record company that gave her her career.
Houses ITT are why rich people hide their lifestyles. If people only knew how great the disparity really was, they'd no longer defend capitalism.
Gotta keep the masses hating on commies and socialists for no real reason other than they're told to.
Very few Americans can be considered old money. I think they mostly died out or lost their fortunes/influence.
well you gotta keep the peasants out
Why do they all play tennis
I'd buy a two bedroom apartment in every interesting major city on Earth
literally best itt, why the fuck would you need a huge ass soulless house
>samefagging this hard
No matter your political orientation, any sane person would find that place atrocious.
>It already exists.
I've heard of people living in old Atlas silos but I can't imagine anyone living in those little underground tubes the Minuteman III"s are crammed into.
best looking house so far
and fire proof
>No, but I have something in common with the rich architects and mexican labourers that build all the shit they buy.
What is that exactly, that you're an ugly mutt bootlicker?
parents should just throw all their wealth in the sea reeeeeeeeeee
>heavy duty chimney
I wonder what Mel "Jew Slayer" Gibson uses that for?
capitalism rewards people for saying words on camera more than those who save lives
That is also cool but it's a pain in the ass to have multiple properties,especially in different countries. They are a huge commitment, for example you can buy apartment in Honolulu and never go there while with hotels,they are always there.
>someone likes Donalds house
>must be a samefag
Absolutely deranged.
>that huge ass chimney
based Mel keeping the ovens warm
>solid stone
>timber framing
>wholesome garden with trees flowers brush
that's a decent mans home right there
Based Mel protected by Jesus himself.
The D is literally spending his retirement years trying piss out a flaming america
Patrician taste. What's this, tudor revival?
The mchugeass mansions I'm guessing are mainly about the need for impressing other welltodos and being able to host lavish events. Hosting parties in hotels would probably be seen as tacky in the eyes of the ultrarich.
Proof that God hates Jews and loves Mel.
Best one
What is that space dome on the right?
>owning just ONE house
it's like you want to get fucked by the market
Disappointed, very boring, and the Euro German top half doesn't mix well with the stone.
Horrific taste.
yeah I guess you're right, I still would want a nice home; something a little fancy but still sober in some nice place.
Based, as expected.
you never did anything you fucking pussy
He's a certified pilot and loves flying his jets whenever the fuck he wants. The same way Harrison Ford is a certified helicopter pilot and loves flying his helicopter, even to help out and rescue people injured in the mountains.
I'll take a millionaire who trains himself to become a pilot and gets a plane/helicopter over a millionaire who buys 100 cars or motorcycles any day of the week.
They shot the start of this music video at his house/in his plane btw, so it's how part of it looks from the ground:
>why do wealthy amerimutts live gaudily?
Because Americans have the soul of a nigger, regardless of their race. The puritan work ethic that the country was founded on was eradicated by the civil war, when the irish, italian, and niggers finally came into their own and turned the USA into a whorehouse.
shes a lot richer than her PR makes you think. "grew up, working on xmas farm hunting praying mantis" lol. she had a professional photographer since she was born. her career was set in stone. also this house sucks big time, would still make love with her in every room.
the house she was in when she did vogue interview is 10/10 comfy as fuck.
How is it possible for someone to make this style feel stilted and cramped?
>capitalism rewards people
people reward people becuase they have freedom to earn money and spend that money however they please
if millions of people want to throw money at a handful of people how is that the economic systems fault at all?
has something to do with parenting and education of people
Alain Delon (de feu)'s place.
A man's home is his castle, the château de la brûlerie to be exact.
Do you think firemen had amazing living conditions in the USSR?
"those who save lives" are just more replaceable on an individual compared with someone literally paid to have a specific face and voice, whereas anyone can become a fireman after a short period of training.
sorry faggot but Don's penthouse is what people with taste call Opulent. Sorry you want to drag down anyone aspirational and make them live in a shotgun house niggaaaaaaaaa
based leo
saving the planet once again
It's probably more because old money don't buy 42 room mansions in LA and sell branded perfumes.
They run billion dollar hedge funds called something innocuous like 'black & black" or some shit or own the holding groups that own the companies we recognise.
They don't need to prove themselves so the plebs never see them.
Gold is very visually overwhelming. You need to break it up with neutral spaces, lest you're left with the mess you see in those pictures.
>Euro German
That's a norman/southern England style.
here is some Fictional Homes
I know this house. I've seen it in my favourite interracial video made by™
>but I like old English cottages
Nigga that's not a cottage, it's a fucking Downton Abbey house.
>that doesn't seem that crazy, he has a decent backyard, the house doesn't look too massive, has a small poolhouse and a garage oh wait there's an entire fucking jet plane parked there.
Based. Everyone go's on about the niggers but they got freedom out of it. Truly the ACW was a tragedy for the Anglo both North and South. No other race would do something so noble as fight such a war over slaves that weren't even their people
For me, it’s John Legend and Chrissie Tiegen.
You should get a home in a place you absolutely love and know your going to spend time there. I inherited a house on the coast from my parents and while I love it,it's horrifying how much maintenance is involved,especially since I use it maybe 3 months in a year,only on weekends
>neighbors complaining about you not coming there (the house really looks like shit in the winter months)
>pipes (they can freeze when not use and during a particularly cold winter)
>roof leaking
>people using your parking lot
I love the place but I couldn't imagine owning several of those.
Well Europeasents are not the brightest.
yeah, I was going to say this looks like a huge Norman house. Colombages (the "wooden stripes" on the walls) are still very common in Easter France / Western Germany though.
the architectural equivalent of vomit rgb rainbow lighting in your pc. what a tastelet. why do retards vote for this idiot?
True, though old money is also heavily represented in cosmetics. Though those are mostly Euros.
Looks like dicaprips place in the wolf of wallstreet
>As a poor person
He doesn't give a shit about how much money you've got. That dude who fell and hit his head at his golf place had money, but Trump was still only preoccupied with the fact that he was bleeding on his floor and making it unsanitary.
gold is "visually overwhelming" if you're a fucking sissy
enjoy your stone "house" that is the size of the closet of my guest bedroom.
It looks abandoned.
> calling bad taste bad
> butthurt
Imagine the sex parties with an all you can fuck 10/10 starlet buffet
Atleast euro houses can withstand a light breeze.
>That tub placement in the middle
Senility comes for us all.
why this nigga living in a house that looks like the VC are about to take over the city forcing you on the last helicopter out of town to a waiting aircraft carrier?
I used to live in an aircraft carrier and it was less convoluted than these.
modern architecture is a mistake when it comes to big structures
it's so god damn comfy in those homely small house settings though
I love windows and day light flooding the room so this type of stuff gets me rock hard
in the best possible way looks like a super villains lair.
It looks awfully small compared to the English mansions I've seen.
Maybe movies and TV have skewed my perception.
dude gold lmao
Aniston has a great pad as well.
I might be wrong but it's the slanted roof that gets me thinking norman and dorset-style to an extent.
wow thats fucking awsome no wonder he became president
>gold is "visually overwhelming" if you're a fucking sissy
>I'm a tough guy I look at gold and be like woah I want to look at it 24/7 I don't give a fuck cause I'm tough
>tfw I spend way too much time in the Sims 3 building houses
Closest I'll ever come to owning a mansion
but your closet and the rest of your house are made out of fucking ply board and polyvinyl
while people do underestimate the work that goes into maintaining a residence, most of these people pay others to do so. i also do surveying/civil engineering work in a coastal area and grew up in one - i can definitely attest to the home you described involving way more maintenance and upkeep than a standard home.
coastal homes tend to be older which already lends them to more frequent problems, and vacationing shitters are rude and will walk/park all over your shit. there's also something about the traditional aesthetic of older coastal homes that make them a little more "ramshackle" on average.
a modern home would be a lot less work, especially a well built new construction piece. i love the aesthetic of coastal houses though since i grew up about half an hour from beaches (sussex county de)
That's why you don't see the Rothchild's and others on those "world's richest people" list. They don't need to advertise their wealth.
Literally everything is pure solid gold. Anyone saying it's not impressive is a fucking liar. Any King in the planets history would have killed millions for a room like that
It's probably a hunting lodge. You wouldn't keep a mansion well clear of a major city either, but you need somewhere to crash when you'd be hunting fox with your Eton classmates.
The style he is emulating is very beautiful when done correctly but he clearly does not comprehend its purpose.
Litterally blessed
It's not minimalistic enough for my taste. Also there's fuckHUGE 'house' overlooking her. Check google maps, it's insane.
Does Dicaprio have a mansion? Or does he just live on his luxury yacht that he goes around fucking models on?
I've always loved the sea, so I'd probably commission some big expensive sailboat that's completely self-sufficient, with solar power to run all the electronics off of and shit. Make it as efficient as possible so I don't have to staff 20 people just to maintain and run an engine like the luxury yacht people have to do. Then I'd just live on it full-time sailing the world. Make it a Catamaran and I can finally live out the Waterworld fantasies I had as a kid.
>w-w-wwoah this gold is overwhleming me woah i'm just sooooo otriggered by this Au right here i better take a selfie in front of it and then go seek therapy
Get fucked
kek I can see it. I think he bought it because it's recluse so he can fuck underage girls without worrying about paparazzi.
> gimme dat half an aircraft hangar senpai
I would want a massive indoor carpark, gym area with a hall to allow indoor running, maybe indoor pool and a greenhouse
My actual living space would be like a decent size condo or apartment in the house
>whole career based on hating the English
>gets a house that couldn't be more English if the Queen lived in it
Top cuck.
Because it's EXCITING ! Not like the boring giga mansions the others built.
I guess but those roofs are pretty common all over Norther/Western Europe
holy shit i'm keking
What the heck is that
Why did he put himself in frame? What a faggot
Alright, so hire some people to pick all that shit up before it can rot. That's definitely legal.
>gets a house that couldn't be more English if the Queen lived in it
Tudor Revival is new and the queen would never live in something like that
Screw all these California houses. I wouldn't live there if they paid me. Here is what I want.
Ignore the idiots who hate it because of Trump. It is a disservice to the style itself, bordering on an insult. It is supposed to give one a feeling of movement. It is supposed to be like walking into a dream and feeling surprised.
I don't know why so many rich people think they need a trillion bedroom 2 trillion bathroom supercomplex to live luxuriously. Spend your millions on hiring the best architect to realize a beautiful, immaculately designed 2000 sqft house in a beautiful location.
>get fucked
the ten inch arms brigade is at it again
Johnny Depp is pretty embarrassing but I like to think living in France made us give him good taste.
His former house in the Var, Provence.
I said use your head
literally named for an English royal dynasty and based on houses all over the UK.....
Timothy Olyphant is descended from Vanderbilt. I learnt that only earlier this year. I figure at this point the Vanderbilt fortune has to be considered old money. It's been over a hundred years since Cornelius died, after all.
best ITT with Mel's
blessed by the alien emperor himself
Id get incredibly lonely in such a big ass house. Would probably end up with a permanent escort on retainer.
prettiest so far. I would make babies with taylor swift here. lots of babies.
architecture fags are unbearable. You mongoloid it's supposed to look like you are fucking LOADED
>how do you want your floor plan?
Comfiest house itt.
Willem Dafoe's house
>literally named for an English royal dynasty
No Neo-Tudor is just a 19th century revival style modeled after the actual Tudor era houses
How's Brexit you limey cuckold?
>I would want a massive indoor carpark
It's called a garage.
dude careful or i'll bust out the gold spray paint and give you PTSD
So what do they do all day in these huge houses? Get shitfaced and take loads of drugs? I can't think what else there would be to do.
top-tier but that grass is completely unnatural
It's Provence, of course it is.
Best people on earth, best weather on earth, best houses on earth. Garden of Eden. Shhhh it's a secret though. It's why we make all the Americans go to Paris.
Just needs a McDonalds sign out front
i like this one, big yet comfy but not tacky quaint.
Do it like Skyrim and have a companion permanently residing in said house.
If he does at least they're not far from Countryside Funeral Home
11/10 very comfy
Oh yes, American old money are all those railroad barons and early industrialists. Ironically they would all be considered nouveau riche by rich (aristocratic) Europeans. But I wouldnt consider Timothy old money though.
>best people on earth
holy kek
I mean probably. Id even have her dress up as various characters so satisfy my weird sexual fetishes
Just shows that money can't buy taste.
They could learn a thing or two from the Japanese.
lush greens
enugh shade in the summer
you can actually take a little stralw in the hills above without dying of dehydration
go to any small village in france and the people will surprise you
just make sure you speak a tiny bit of french and they will be flattered
Her dad was from a multi-generation of (((BANKERS))) and he had enough cash to literally move his entire family to Nashville or whatever the fuck hick town she got famous in and buy a significant enough ownership in her record label to ensure she didn't just vanish into thin air like millions of other would be artists do.
She's basically a forced meme. Still more authentic that Lorde though.
taylor, please, I know you are reading this.
What don't you understand that the Queen would never live in a tacky revival style like neo-tudor, all her current residences are Jacobean or Georgian
If I ever became a millionaire I'd start out by building a regular house(that you don't need a staff to maintain) by the sea somewhere where property tax won't be so terrible, that's as self-sufficient as it's currently possible. I'm talking greenhouse to grow food in year round, water collection and purification on site, solar power and heating, fucking wind power if I need to. All that surplus power generated would be sold back to the grid and hopefully make the place free in terms of taxes etc.
THEN I'd travel the globe living in hotels, safe in the knowledge that if work dried up I'd always have that little safehouse to fall back on, where I could sustenance farm in luxury until my dying day.
>lush greens
yeah for one month of the year
>enough shade in the summer
no shade if the trees burn down
>While I'm gone please fill up this empty room with 50 different pieces of armour & medieval weaponry. I've left you some stone and copper in the basement to start.
Someone make a new thread. This one was comfy af
I'm not the guy saying the queen would live there I'm the guy saying that its ironic that Mel Gibson lives in and english style of housing named after an english dynasty despite claiming to hate the english
comfiest one
That long pool, the gardens, the pond
Shit looks fricken peaceful
Only problem with that plan is that you'd end up needing a staff to maintain your greenhouse, water collection/purification systems, solar power/heating systems etc. That stuff tends to break if not constantly maintained.
What’s the point of these monster houses anyway? Does an actor really need a swimming pool, bowling alley, tennis court, basketball court, 14 bedrooms, 17 bathrooms, and a 10 car garage when they probably only live there a quarter of the year anyway? Unless I had 10 kids I wouldn’t want a place bigger than where I grew up
looks surprisingly well lit with sunlight despite looking like some death camp crematorium from the outside
not really when a large amount of styles were named after the period they came from which always was named of the monarchs
I'd imagine most of the time they are busy working and spend very little time at home
Fuck off Michel Duval
Probably just a place to entertain rich friends.
Maybe your entire staff and their families are also live-in.
>hates England
>lives in giant architectural homage to England
Thats like someone who hates Indians living in a giant taj mahal knock off
>have some shitty overhead covering just the nose of your plane
>have your vehicles outside exposed to weather
Too much money with no brains
I grew up in a 10,000 sq ft house. Shit was always breaking somewhere so there was always construction guys around. You were never truly sure if you were home alone.
if you abolished all houses styles named after eras named after monarchs then america which whole idea is supposed to be anti england would be missing quite a few houses
2019... I am forgotten
does she even do anything anymore?
Still salty now that Brendan no longer has to support your fat ass, bitch?
Even her house is basic-bitch
It's pretty cool, that thin concrete half arch was probably pretty hard to pull off, compared to the kind of techniques used in most houses. The problem with raw concrete is that it gets grimy and looks gross, he should have that thing pressure washed.
Looks exactly like what I imagined his house would look like desu
>not buying the entire floor of a turn-of-the-century building in NY and never leaving it and only ever seeing a maid or a butler who lives with you and does everything for you, eccentric heiress style
Id get an ocelot
he should just have lived in a normal house desu that thing is retarded unless your some kind of architecture student who is completely lost in the abstract due to a need to make a mark on the industry
It's actually to his credit that he gets a style intended to deceive the viewer so wrong.
And name him Revolver. It's gay, but it'd have to be done.
Dude literally lives in the A from Avengers, but they still gave the Hulk role to Ruffalo.
Why would anyone design an aircraft carrier to be convoluted?
I LOVE German style houses
I was going for babou
If you're rich as fuck and can afford to buy a house that needs more maintenance than others just because it looks stylish, why not? As long as the inside is still functional, of course.
Rich people should be patrons of art, including architecture.
Christ, even the trees somehow look brutal. 10/10
>Do it like Skyrim
That's where your mind immediately goes when thinking of having people stay at your house? Fucking neeeeeerrrrrrd.
Well housecarls in Skyrim were essentially personal escorts on retainer, like what that guy said. And you can have one permanently staying in each of your houses...
>go to any small village in france and the people will surprise you
>just make sure you speak a tiny bit of french and they will be flattered
I wanted to post that joke/parody video of Depp, where there's a Diamond guy walking through a French village where everyone loves him. But I can't fucking find it because I can't remember where it was from.
Whether the queen would live there doesn't matter. The line was that the house couldn't be more English if the queen lived there. Even if she wouldn't live there it's still as English, because it can't be more English. Stop ruining jokes with your autism.
Finally something nice
The water collection system I saw on Grand Designs just used a single filter that you'd swap, since rain water is already pretty clean. I could definitely do that myself. Solar heating is literally just a bunch of black pipes getting heated in the sun. If you need a staff to maintain that then you're a lost cause. And with solar power panels you'd obviously get some professional solar panel guys in to look at them. That's not someone you have on your staff, surely? Greenhouse would probably need a gardener while I'm away, but once I retire I'd be able to do it myself. It's nowhere near the kinds of staff mansion people have.
Whats with those circle windows, disgusting
Couldn't fit some more pillars in there, big guy?
pragmatic and simple as expected
podcasting pays off
nice dead landscape though
my thoughts exactly
Have you ever SEEN an aircraft carrier? The shape of them is even more fucked than your average ship. I'm sure the innards are convoluted as fuck.
I for one think they're cute
>try to google it
>all you get are results about Depp spoofing Trump in 2016
Fucking EVERYTHING is politics now, even my google results.
It looks like the kind of ship you'd want to design as accessible as possible, no? After all, it's literally a line, and making corridors that branch seems logical to me...