People has to be insane to pay for that.
2 and a half MCU marathon
Not even an edit to cut it all down to a tidy relevant 59 minutes?
Real horror show like
I assume this is the theater chain, and not the TV channel.
Imagine the fucking SMELL that will eminate from the room at the end of that! I would call in sick if I worked at that theater.
Another proud DCuck post.
Hahahahaha come on is that shit real
It's obviously photoshopped.
>Which also includes shit and boring movies like.
>The Incredible Hulk
>Iron Man 2
>Thor: The Dark World
>Age of Ultron
>Ant-Man & The Wasp
>Captain Marvel
Fuck that shit.
2 and a half days*
yeah, those aren't EPIC like all the other movies that feature other cooler super heroes fighting super villains and saving the world while throwing around hilarious quips
Only Hulk, Captain Marvel and Black Panther are really boring to sit through.
>facebook tier meme
You sure showed him
>Hahahahaha come on is that shit real
It's text superimposed over an image
Of course it's real, you libcuck tranny
All of them are shit 5/10 movies except for infinity war which was a strong 7/10.
Why would anyone want to sit through them is beyond me
lmao why are capeshitters so pathetic
me at the back
What do they do it over the span of days? Or are you actually going to sit in a theater for nearly two and half days?
Imagine the fucking smell.
Viddy well, my brother.
Halfway through, they sneak Wonder Woman into the lineup....
Why in God's name would you want to watch any of them except maybe Iron-Man 1, Captain America 2 and Dr Strange.