Superman. does. not. kill. people

Superman. does. not. kill. people.

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Why not?

He's jocking batman

Superman isn't real

I thought he kills zod in superman 2?

He kills Zod in a comic too.

I know, and you can't exactly go and have him do something interesting for once, can you?

That would be totally out of character...

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>killed Zod in Superman 2 (deleted prison scene doesn't count)
>killed Zod in post crisis comics
What else did you want ?
I guess you could argue Silver/Bronze age Superman didn't kill but he basically stated that he didn't care if He had to kill bizarro or brainiac because they weren't really "alive"
(You could argue he killed in golden age too)

Superman isn't yours.

Superman can kill whoever the fuck he wants, who is gonna stop him?

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck

The Justice League with a competent plan.

My friend I think you're confused, Batman is the one with the absolutely no killing ever rule. Superman will kill but only if the situation calls for it, and he had no choice but to kill Zod.

Snyder's Superman does. So does Batman and it's kino as fuck.

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I wish they kept the mustache or added him fake beard instead of shitty CGI. Also, wasn't he supposed to have black suit?

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Whedon removed the black suit because it was used in the Lois & Clark tv show and Whedon HATES that show with a passion for some reason.

They should kill all the villains in the movies. Its not like the shitty comics that need to recycle villains every 5 issues.

I love Burton's Batman who murdered everyone he met.

They should have a villain go to trial and get executed.

Superman has always killed. You're thinking about Batman.

It used to be the opposite.

Why the fuck do autists bitch about adaptations not being "faithful" when comic books are all over the fucking place and constantly get new writers and do alternate timelines and shit?

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They don't actually read comics. Every comic book movie is literally an alternate universe.



Were there any black Kryptonians in Man of Steel? Snyder's got guts.

The only good capeshit movies are the ones that almost entirely ignore the garbage comics and are moreso derived from the director and writers own style.

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I disagree. Crane reappearing in both Dark Knight and Rises was nice

Cape franchises could be vastly improved by persistent rogue galleries that strain the hero as they pile up instead of each having a film to themselves before being taken out

This. What many people don't seem to understand is that the people writing comics are capable of only creating dogshit and its been that way for over 50 years. Read a Spider-Man or Batman comic and you'll be shocked this tripe could ever become popular.

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

>Superman. does. not. kill. people.
He did kill the bad guy in that movie, so he does kill
Chekmate superman atheists