My name is Jill, Jill Valentine

>My name is Jill, Jill Valentine

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If only

on the pill jill

>Jill Valentine

That's clearly Claire

This body she has really is a blessing and a curse. Mostly a blessing but I bet she'd like to be cast in movies for something else than her beautiful boobies

That tube top wouldn't stand a chance

I wonder if I approached her causally, with some well thought of jokes, would she fall for me being that I’m not in Hollywood myself? Because realistically, that would be the only thing that might put her off.

>A-list actress
>giving a shit to a shitty videogame IP

She hasn't pigeon holed herself at least. If she wants to be in something stupid like Baywatch or a dumb rom-com for the paycheck while waiting for more meaty roles, it works for her. She's done some of each.

>stop! you're under arrest for having my nudes on your computer

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why does she look so scary?

even if the RE movies arne't good, the actress for Jill is already spot on.

Sorry Officer Avocado. It won't happen again.

I'd sandwich that Jill if you know what I mean

I support this

>google it
>it's some shitty video game character

holy shit why don't you manchildren just stay on your own board?

nah, this is perfect casting.daddario is not suited for jill

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>watches capeshit and sneedposts
>thinks others are children

fuck off underage faggot

>My name is Milk, Milk allthetime

Well you better cuff me before I rape you, haha

There will literally never be a better jill than this

I don't get it.
As long as she keeps her mouth closed, she's sweet and attractive, but the moments she lets her teeth show, she instantly transforms into a cockmongling succubus.

>two belts
She's so fucking cute

Jude Valenteinenberg



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Closest I know to her looks that I know of is Michele James. Any other names guys?

>think based Mammario gives a fuck about le serious actor meme

>pale skin
>massive sweater cows
>bright blue eyes

Doesn't have the fat ass but overall Daddario looks way more like Jill.

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would this be the start of the vampire vs zombie genre?

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My name is boob

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