Anime has funnier comedies
Anime has cuter girls
Anime has more interesting stories
Anime has better cinematography
Pray tell me, what reason would you still have to watch live action movies and Netflix brainwashing crap?
Anime has funnier comedies
Anime has cuter girls
Anime has more interesting stories
Anime has better cinematography
Pray tell me, what reason would you still have to watch live action movies and Netflix brainwashing crap?
same reason people watch dbz over your slice of life shows
I think youre garbage if you still use subtitles to watch anime. learn japanese please
Because I am a gay normie and I need something to talk about with my gay normie friends.
Japanese are fucking subhuman. Anime is for literal bugpeople. It's the same fucking shit every time.
The same stories, the same character archetypes, the same tropes, the same music, the same character design. It's all NPC fucking garbage.
There are still good live action movies though, they don't disappear.
>Anime has funnier comedies
>Anime has more interesting stories
>Anime has better cinematography
Watch more movies
I ONLY watch dubbed anime on Netflix
is... is that white stuff... mayo?
No, there aren't. Name 7.
i used to love anime when i was 10,im an adult now, you will be an adult some day
When did ya'll realize that cute anime girls are the only reason to live on this gay earth? For me, it was when I rewatched K-on for the 5th time.
And now you make anime. Based adulthood.
>posts cartoons
uh huh
Anime is sexist garbage that normalizes rape and pedophilia
is that why japan has one of the lowest statistics on those 2 issues?
based demoralized goy
Yeah, those numbers get really low when the police and media covers it up
yeah thats the shit i used to enjoy when i was 10, its badly written and the animation was awful, i cant enjoy it now, i preffer films
just like how they cover up murders and other crimes, since those are low as well, right?
Name 7? That's all?
>The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
>The Thing
>There Will Be Blood
>Starship Troopers
>Apocalypse Now
>Seven Samurai
>posts shit from decades ago
what did i even expect...
You never specified that I couldn't.
K-On was released a decades ago too.
you asked 7, he posted 7,
seems like you lost
They're fucking cartoons. Grow the fuck up.
its implied, who watches old shit?
never, thats my escape, im not an incel when i watch my anime, i can travel around the world, nobody bullies me in my world :.)
I wish I was fucking cartoons
Anime are copypaste .grow up and watch japanese ドラマ
>who watches old shit?
Me, and clearly you because what you just posted is old shit.
And this attitude of "I don't watch old shit lol" is exactly why modern films are mostly trash.
Why is it that hardcore weebs always watch stuff that looks like it was literally made for little girls?
Also you've invited another frogpost on your board OP. Expect me to strike when the iron's red hot
Anime used to be in this state. Now it panders to the lowest IQ waifu fags who only care about cute girls doing cute things rather than interesting unique characters and stories. Literally anime studios wish they could make great shows but they have to make garbage little girl shit so that they can sell merchandise.
I've come to the conclusion that if I want to be happy, I should watch more anime.
Why is shounen so bad now in comparison?
>Why is it that hardcore weebs always watch stuff that looks like it was literally made for little girls?
I don't know, but it also seems like they are more likely to be gay or trannies.
In my day japanimation was actually pretty cool, spaceships, robots, and gore, really well drawn with interesting stories. I don't know how or why it seems to have shifted into my little pony-tier.
>its the same shit
Taken as a whole yeah, but that applies to literally every medium
Anime has covered more themes in 10 years than american television in 50. Tv sucks and movies are circling the drain too
Books are lowest common denominator now, music is probably worst of all unless you develop a taste for shit normalfags would never hear
If one good show every 2 seasons comes out of anime its already better than everything else
why don't you like watching cute girls do cute things
Shit like that still exists retard
And appearance isnt everything, made in abyss for instance is the polar opposite of what it looks like
Its literally the opposite
Something like violet evergarden can only be made now that they arent strictly begging for scraps from otakus
In some areas its actually hurting the medium because theyre starting to bring in normie shit and western influence
just waiting for the isekai truck to run me over
You should try psychopass. Its a better vision of the future than anything ive seen in the west
That was a really disappointing ending. I didn't even bother doing any of the other routes after that
>get hit by isekai truck
>you become a goblin in Goblin Slayer
What now?
Why is new anime so drawn badly?
There's like a set of characters that every creator is required to take from or something. Gets so fucking tiring seeing the same tropes in every anime, vn, mango or whatever. Nowadays I just use japshit to masturbate. Can't fathom how anyone above 16 could unironically enjoy the non-lewd shit
>made in abyss
>follow the adventures of a young girl
stopped reading there, no thanks closet pedo
stopped watching japanime after nge and cowboy beebop, shit became LAME, for GAYS
You are right, we should watch our women get fucked by africans on netflix instead
I hope thats bait. The characters are cutesy seemingly only to contrast the amount of suffering that is in the show
Weird that you keep specifying japanese anime, you arent a steven universe faggot are you?
>I hope it's bait
You can literally get to see her naked and the show sexualizes a rabbit
This shit's third act almost made me give up on anime entirely.
What they did to Zerotwo I can never forgive.
I don't know where you're getting this word from. If there's anything that the anime medium has historically been awful at, it's symbolism and theme. The writing quality of nearly every anime I've encountered can be boiled down to blunt, hollow, expository exchanges completely devoid of metaphor between cardboard cutout cliches of "characters" that are really just the same designs rehashed into every shitty show. I can literally count on one hand the number of directors I've seen who actually take thematics in their storytelling seriously:
And I'm being generous including Miyazaki here since nearly every one of his films deals in exactly the same themes and has exactly the same message.
>girlhood hard
>environment good
This post indicates to me that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and are masking your effeminate tendencies behind smugness and faux-intellectualism. It's ok if you like japanese girl cartoons because you like bug-eyed alien-looking lolis doing cute, retarded things, but stop acting like anime is any more special than all the other gutter trash being produced in the 21st century.
That isnt the focus of the show
Its not "cute girls doing cute adventure things"
>watches NTR - The show
>gets angry that the ending was wholesome
its so true, even with a little japanese knowledge you can bypass bad or downright original meaning changing subtitles.
I don't even watch much anime anymore and I'm not anyone you've been arguing with, I just understand why people might enjoy K-On or some shit, it's because real women are stupid whores.
The ending was a stupid asspull and it's not wholesome at all, humans are shaped by their experiences some stupid fucking "dude reincarnation" bullshit is meaningless because the two characters we knew are just dead and didn't even succeed in what they were doing.
>Amerigoblins are unironically defending zog Hollywood because its (((American))), albeit in a state they wish would disappear
This is cuckold behaviour.
Low IQ morons: Netflix! Capeshit!
Sub Zero IQ morons: Anime!
Me, and intellectual: video games
fair enough, and my mistake. hard to distinguish between shitposters sometimes. anyway I would be inclined to agree with you if anime weren't so obnoxious and inbred. there are other films you could watch if you're jaded on modern women.
unless you're talking about single player games, I agree.
Every character is a lesbian goblina
Even Japanese games get censored
There is a massive push for enforced easy mode for every game
And there will be a union for game devs, so everyone with illegal opinions can be blacklisted from the industry
Not good
Total bullshit. Yeah most anime is garbage, it doesnt need to be repeated. Most of everything is garbage.
Even the mediocre shows have better and more varied exploration of topics than a contemporary television show. Then theres shit like psycho pass or ping pong that would be good in any medium
Even the trash is better than the generic television we get that usually has bad acting, forced diversity and related themes, and is generally ugly and usually reveling in that.
>im being generous and including miyazaki
Youre being disingenuous and miyazaki is overrated
>And there will be a union for game devs
lmao, the day that happens is the day all game development is outsourced to India.
Videogames as a storytelling medium are fucking awful because, with rare exception, story and gameplay get in the way of each other
Or i should say: developers are incapable of doing both well
>Anime has funni
>Anime has cute
Hm, can you tell me more
Every important game studio is owned by Tencent anyway
>Or i should say: developers are incapable of doing both well
t. Youtube reviewer
The best games separate story and gameplay by an iron fence, like Metal Gear Solid, while what you ask for is "interactive storytelling" aka Gone Home, walking sims, unskippable cutscenes and segments where you hold forward for 5 minutes that make the game annoying to replay
Yes, the watered down crap for Wendy's, that's why she is sad
>what i ask for
How is that your takeaway from my comment? The entire point was that i hate all of that shit and it ruins the games.
You think metal gear solid represents the way story is conveyed in games today rather than the latter?
>Every important game studio is owned by Tencent anyway
lmao, what?
Look it up
Think of any PC gaming studio, and tencent probably owns a fraction of them
You just don't get it user. Anime is a different KIND of ugliness. If the ugliness of american media is the kind that tries to poison you spiritually and intellectually, anime is the kind that tries to keep you a sexually depraved pussy manchild for the rest of your life, just like every other young man being produced in the joke that is contemporary japanese "society." Anime is fucking junk food, and you get fatter and lazier and more estranged every time you indulge in it. Ever wonder why you're a depressed sack of shit? Could it be because you're hypnotizing yourself on the bread and circus of a foreign nation comprised of sociopaths and pedophiles? Try picking up a real hobby.
Have sex.
>pussy manchild
But most anime comics have bald ugly manly men putting girls in their place
all of this is untrue.
Anime is almost unwatchable to the none autist, sex , normal man.
christ that exposition at every turn - fuck THAT
>Grinding Gear Games(80%),[157]Miniclip(undisclosed majority stake),[158]Riot Games(100%)[159]Epic Games(40%),[160]Activision Blizzard(25%),[161]Ubisoft(5%),[162]andSupercell(84.3%).[163]
Yeah I don't give a shit about any of these.
I meant visually and viscerally ugly, but you knew that
>ever wonder why you're a depressed sack of shit
No, seems like you have though
If anime is junk food american media is old truck stop trash. I dont consume that much anime but i dont consume anything in the us except the one good hbo show every 6 months and the one good movie that comes out once every 6 months
>Try picking up a real hobby.
I don't think these people are salvageable, not even if their fathers came back and gave them a retroactive beating they've needed for a decade which their single mothers can't provide.
Some faggot earlier up said
>dont you like watching cute girls do cute things?
the answer, since I have functioning testicles, is no, i don't. But that 90 lb guy sure does. And it makes a bit of since why all the discord trannies use moeshit avatars. But is the japanese twink brainwashing to blame or is it just an outlet for a hopeless lost and unviable subsection of the modern loser?
Youre watching trash then. What are some shows that youre referring to?
Trannies pick moe avatars for the same reason fat and ugly chicks pick them, it has nothing to do wih anime
>no u
good one m8. I'm glad your argumentation has been diminished to hysterically shitflinging the same rehashed point of
>modern american media bad!!!!
as if eating a pile of shit that is slightly less stinky than this other pile of shit makes it any better.
you could always just, you know, not partake in any contemporary media. you can go watch some old classics, like the rest of us well-adjusted people do. but instead you trod out this same tired, shitty argument to defend your trash hobby while checking off the next bland, seasonal moe garbage (gotta make sure it's not secret kino!!) and wasting more of your useless life. fucking pathetic.
based and redpilled
absolutely an outlet, but it's the kind of outlet that exaggerates your condition rather than diminishing it. who knows though, anime is getting more and more mainstream nowadays (no matter what those tards on Yea Forums would have you believe) so it's becoming easier to tell where and how it's influencing people. I don't think it's a coincidence that anime historically has gone hand in hand with social rejects and autistic people.
What? You called me a depressed sack of shit. How is that an argument or warranting an argument? Fucking retard
>slightly less stinky
Except i never said all anime was shit retard. There is usuallyat least 1 good show every couple of seasons if not more.
>go watchsome old classics
I already have, part of the problem i have with western media is that ive run out of the good shit and good shit isnt being made anymore
>same tired shitty argument
Ive given other arguments why anime isnt bad in the thread as well. Maybe if you didnt just make retarded shitposts you would get more introspective responses dumbass
>wasting your life
>watches reruns of gilligans island and telling everyone else how cool user is and how totally lame they are from his golden lazyman
Kill yourself fag
Fuck anime lolis, build muscle, play it smart and grow old, becoming a legendary goblin warrior that humans tell stories about
>people that are not in the mainstream of society watch things not in the mainstream
Woah dude you might be onto something
Its not like literally every philosopher has made this observation about society. Youre the first
Next youll tell me teenage girls are being corrupted to like drama and fashion by the reality tv jews
>Anime has funnier comedies
I have never witnessed a single funny joke in anime. Nips are autistic bugmen which is most obvious in their total lack of sense of humor.
>*cums in excitement while waiting for the next Marvel movie*
raep goblin slayer
Go back to Yea Forums you fucking cunt. There isn't anything more cucked than a westerner being obsessed with a superficial aspect of a culture that will never accept him
>Seven Samurai
>a fucking action movie
>I have never witnessed a single funny joke in anime.
Cromartie High dude
Anime is the single most degenerate force in the world. We all hate nog's and Jews but the Japanese should have been wiped from the earth. It literally corrupts and turns young kids into gay aheago drooly trap dyke pedo depression freaks.
Not that guy but i didnt find that too funny
>its anime doing this and not their parents
>posts retard article
What turned you into a mouthbreathing retarded freak? Probably your single mother
I didn't post that link. Both of my parents are alive and happily married.
Get fucked weeb
When your age of consent is like 14 your going to have a low pedophilia rate.
>inb4 gross pedos say based japan
guess that leaves out
>Sixth sense
>La vitta e Bella
>400 blows
>The orphan
>True grit
>Home alone
I hope you haven't watched any of them, else I'm calling the feds, pedo boy.
Im less obsessed and more bothered by the lack of production on our side. All television on network tv is garbage. Literally all of it, for decades
you did it user, that was a real post. good for you! how's gatekeeping on Yea Forums going? have they finally stopped making fun of your 3x3?
I don't know why you would expect me to reply to your posts with any integrity when you barely replied to my original point about anime and its general lack of ability to properly adhere thematics, symbolism and metaphor. you gave me some half-assed diatribe about how western media sucks and then backpedaled on anime being majoriy garbage, tried to name drop a couple shows but didn't really put any effort into it at all. you seem to be confused about what your own opinions are (or at the very least are incapable of properly vocalizing them), so why should I do your work for you? you came here to sneer and shitpost and PRETEND to argue, don't deny it. I'm not going to bother arguing with you when I could just as easily call you what you are and deliver the same point: you are a worthless, pathetic pussy manchild who watches cartoons made for edgy teenagers and children. you suck.
epic reddit spacing btw
You should have specified within the last 10 years then. He gave you seven.
Read books nigga.
>i didnt find that too funny
I don't know any other anime but Japs definitely can be funny, for example I find Suda51 games fucking hilarious
I only watch obscure kino
Well somebody made you stupid, it really doesnt matter what the cause is when youre wrong
Did you miss the waves of degeneracy preceding this one for a hundred years or are you just now discovering the internet?
>shits on anime while posting equally neckbeard Warhammer shit
>guy walks in on a girl changing or taking a bath
>blood runs from his nose
>she beats the shit out of him
holy fuck thats comedy gold
Im too picky when it comes to books. I only find one i can stand every year or so
The only author i consistently liked got cancer and died early, and philosphy and history get boring after awhile
Seething pedo.
>Me, and intellectual
>and intellectual
Brainlet detected
>Japanese "humor" is fucking idiotic, grow up.
Warhammer 40k, as pulpy and over the top it is, is miles ahead modern anime, which doesn't even try to brake the stale molds of boring character archetypes and telegraphed, predictable storylines.
Warhammer is the only good sci-fi left.
Star wars? Pozzed
Star trek? Always pozzed but full blown aids
Dr who? SciFi for women, so pozzed.
Anime died in 88.
>guy goes to a succubus tavern and signs up with them to give him a sexy dream later that night
>falls asleep in communal bath and wakes up to find a friend entering
>concludes this must be the dream and the succubus has taken the form of his busty friend
>orders her around bluntly like a lecherous old man with lots of hilariously depraved mannerisms
was pretty funny desu
>guy walks up to a girl in the street
>spills spaghetti
>girl raises eyebrow
So this is the western comedy standard I've heard so much about
>Me, and intellectual
At you still have your APMs, right, son?
I'd have killed myself if it wasn't for anime girls desu
>gatekeeping on Yea Forums
>you barely replied to my claim
Because any claim i make is going to be viewed just as subjectively as yours.
>"no, anime doesnt as a whole lack the ability to proper adhere thematics, symbolism and metaphor"
>"yea it does"
Real productive
>half assed diatribe
Your diatribe being full assed apparently. Random claims supported by vague references to "not" these directors
>backpedeled on anime being majority garbage
I did no such thing. It is majority garbage like everything else, yet it is not *devoid* of the things youve mentioned, unlike its western counterpart
>didnt put any effort into it at all
>ping pong and psychopass dont directly refute your claim
I namedrop a couple because even that is meaningless when you wont watch them. The fact that you thi k im being some soet of a snob shows you havent watch shit outside some weird notion of mainstream. Ping pong and psychopass are the opposite of gatekeeping.
>meandering faggotposting
Well done. Youve refuted nothing and yet bask in your own piss. I came here to argue that some of the medium is worth watching and the opponents of this notion are repeating tired boring le virgin XD retorts like that means something here, as if theyre still on reddit.
You even throw in the newfag redditspacing niggery. Its like the gold standard of self important sophistposts weve been flooded with from reddit.
>warhammer is miles ahead
>literally twice as childish and edgy
>modern versions being fully cucked
Lmao these are the chads shitting on incel anime
Boardgame figure painting chads.
>literally has an equivalent on the western side
Wow, we live in a society.....
yup, that's gonna be a yikediddlearooneys from me
I said 40k is very pulpy and self aware about it. Reading comprehension, user.
>mentions chads twice in an autistic sperg out
I reckon this isn't just about 40k for you.
>the moral decay setting upon the entire world stopped dead in its tracks at faggots. Trannies are from a seperate cause rooted in media most people, including trannies, are unfamiliar with
>i have no rebuttal but i must still shitpost
Was this from the VN or the adaptation?
>its self aware
And anime isnt
>you must be projecting
Im not the one claiming one medium is full of chads and the other is the domain solely belonging to losers. What kind of faggot sets out to prove how not gay they really are on the internet anyway?
true redpill right here, although in retrospective its actually a blackpill
Japanese cinema >>>>>>>>> anime
>some of the medium is worth watching
yet you haven't given a single recommendation in the entire thread nor attempted productive discourse with anyone except for a shitposter who was never going to take you seriously anyway. how about you open your thread with actual recommendations next time, something we can actually enthuse about, instead of acting like a smug cunt. if this is your idea of convincing people to like japanese animation, you're doing a hell of a job.
>Im not the one claiming one medium is full of chads and the other is the domain solely belonging to losers
Neither am I or anyone else in this thread. Who the fuck are you reffering to? You're constructing imaginary persecution scenarios in your head. Judging by your sperging and reliance on buzzwords, I can safely say anime and memes have melted your brain.
This is something that bothers me to no end. Ever since anime started being drawn on computers instead of paper it became somewhat lifeless, but some shows were able to get around that with unique art styles. But recently so many anime just look exactly the fucking same. These aren't generic slice of life shows that get made by the dozens every season, but unique or at least interesting stories that completely fail to stand out. I remember watching ep 1 of Goblin Slayer and immedietly dropping it because it looked like complete shit.
tl;dr: almost all anime looks the same, go watch Mob Psycho 100
>120 million people
>third strongest economy in the world
>rich history and cultural heritage
>excellent schools and colleges
>overall great living environment
>produced less than a handful of great directors
Third world shitholes lile Romania or Turkey had larger impact on contemporary kino than jap cinema, sans Kurosawa. It's embarassing.
>you havent given a single recommendation
Yeah, i did. I gave two in this one reply chain.
This isnt even my thread you illiterate retard
>instead of acting like a smug cunt
Bullshit. Ive argued several times the virtues of the medium and the people replying to me are smug cunts. What opponent has even offered up a single fucking show they didnt like. Honestly what fucking thread have you been reading?
>or anyone else in the thread
Really unbelievable shit these two posts are
Is that enough for you you disingenous retard?
Sorry, disingenuous hyperbolic retard
Are you the JRPGs autistic that got mad because most of them are rip-offs of D&D, by any chance? Hahaha, good times.
Shit dude, if you're going to b8 that hard, at least give some respect to Ozu too
jesus dude, how do you compose posts like that and not see how much of a massive fartsniffer you are
Psycho pass is my go to recommendation for normies
Cowboy bebop
Samurai champloo
Jin rou
Little witch academia movies
One punch man
Shokugeki no souma
Violet evergarden
Spice and wolf
Youjo senki
All mormie friendly entry tier shows that are at least decent
>i replied to everone
The claim was that nobody said something. Clearly people did and user is stupid or lying
This is why JoJo is good.
Araki does what he wants.
I dont play jrpgs or d&d
If you watched something other than cartoons maybe you wouldn't be such an sutistic spergout. As I said, you're literally unable to communicate in proper argumentation without REEEEing and buzzword stuttering. This is embarassing and dare I say it yikes.
>calls me autistic
>includes yikes in every post
Effortposts have no affect on retarded shitposters, it was tested earlier in the thread
>Ive argued several times the virtues of the medium
>effortposts have no effect on shitposters
>everyone replying to me is the same person
Unironic, genuine autism.
>is a weeb as well
No surprises I guess.
someone's off their meds again
Pretty sure it's too detailed for anime.
I'd add Hero Academia to the list. Half the shit it gets is just because it's the biggest show out right now. Mob Psycho 100 might also be appropriate for newbies although I'm not completely sure about that one. Also I wouldn't say Konosuba is exactly normie-friendly given that it's a parody of isekai shows.
>is the same person
The claim was that *nobody* said x. I didnt imply those were all the same poster
>keeps claiming weebs are stupid
>keeps demonstrating he cant read
Anime is all sugar and nothing else. It is palatable for mental children who haven't matured to a point where any flavours other than pure sweetness do anything for them. However, like sugar rots the teeth, anime rots the mind and the soul.
Its tested, my normie friends like it.
You just need to have played an mmo or be familiar with the concept. Literally who cares about the deeper themes in a puddle
There is nothing more brain rotting than [anything] in the mainstream west. There isnt a single realm where degeneracy and some kind of brainwashing normalization isnt going on except MAYBE a couple of mainstream videogames
Based DFW the anime slayer. Weebs btfo
Huh? There are plenty of anime that aren't like that.
Did you know you can reply to several posts on 4channel? I know it's mindblowing for a redditor, but that's how it is.
>virtues of the medium
you're going to have to point out your OWN posts then, because so far all I can gather from you is that anime
a) isn't degenerate western media
b) covers more themes and topics than western media
c) depicts the future better than western media (????)
d) isn't ugly like western media
Am I missing something here? You don't really espouse virtues so much as you have a hateboner for contemporary television.
>d) isn't ugly like western media
You got that right. Western media is aesthetically disgusting.
This clip perfectly articulates it. Only in my late 20's after busting out of NEETdom and having a relationship did I realise how much I had been missing out on by deluding myself into thinking that video games, media and plastic bullshit were enough.
>a) isn't degenerate western media
This is wrong. It's just degenerate in different ways. Instead of LGBT shit you have incest and pedophilia.
>weeb is so out of the loop of modern artistic production he thinks only anime and vidya are not degenerate
Watch something other than capeshit and read something other than mainstream fiction. You are either 16 or mentally still in your teenage formative years. Typical for the common weeb autist.
>and having a relationship
Being a cuck isn't "having a relationship".
Psycho pass embodies everything wrong with modern anime
Is this shit out yet? I'm actually interested in reading it just to see how far they go
There's not much more cucked than being a virgin who gets his social fulfillment through chinese cartoons.
Not him but how so?
>have incest and pedophilia.
That's the western media too.
Nah, "having relationship" with a roastie is way more cucked. Just admit you were a dumb normo all along and go shill for globohomo harder, otherwise it will punish you.
Comparing it against western media doesnt mean the points are inherently tied to that criticism.
The easiest strength it has going for it is that it is animation and not restricted by actors, massive productions, etc. This allows it to explore concepts either more directly or just free from the limits of reality, like making somebody a fish to demonstrate pollution more directly. The artstyle can also change and elicit more in that sense than perhaps just changing camera work would.
Practically speaking though, for whatever reason, it has allowed good works to be produced, whereas western television has stagnated.
>vague and subjective
We're talking about an entire medium, im not really sure what your expectations are. I gave examples of psychopass and ping pong that, as a response to somebody denying that the traits exist, implies traits such as well done symbolism and themes.
I will say that while most of it is garbage, i would never say all western media is garbage. I think western film does indeed excel at the peaks in things like symbolism and themes, probably because of both the legacy and prestige that comes with filmmaking. It is disingenous however to claim anime is devoid of that, just because most of it is. Most media as a rule is meaningless garbage.
Are you literally unable to form a coherent thought without resorting to buzzwords? This is what a brain fried by anime and imageboards looks like.
Your entire post is "pussy good, anime bad", so what's your point, cuck?
>watch something other than capeshit
Youre just pretending capeshit isnt taking over the industry? Theres hardly anything good being produced anymore.
>read something other than mainstream fiction
I dont read much fiction let alone mainstream fiction.
>youre either 16 or mentally 16
Youre disingenuous AND retarded. You dickheads claim all anime is x and then get bootyblasted when i say the west has been corrupted to produce almost nothing but filth. I dont even prefer anime i just lament that we're in such a sorry state and (unbelievably) think japan is putting out some good stuff
This post in different forms is really all you and the other niggers have posted in the thread
You don't have any women you weeb. If you did you probably wouldn't be shilling this hard for jab garbage.
Fuck you I love MHA
Why does Yea Forums have such shit taste and why is it full of blatant resetera trannies?
>dude i get so much pussy and youre a total virgin
Lmao you gonna beat me up in real life?
At least their taste is better than japan's taste, a paradox nobody will ever understand
>It's the same fucking shit every time.
yeah westerners are so much more enlightened watching the 768th drama about a black trans cop in between marvel shit
Whats with this fresh poltard obsession with trannies? Too much trap porn fried their brains?
>Freakshow trannies push trans shit everywhere
>Wow wtf why are people reacting to it? Are you like obsessed or something? Fucking weirdos
Name three animes with trannies in them right now
I don't know what's worse the fact you think live action movie and action movie means the same thing or the fact that you think Eraserhead and There Will Be Blood are action movies.
>csi v26
>law and order social justice unit
>my kardashian life makeover
>mixed race police force with quips
>unfunny comedy that lasts 2 seasons
>reruns of the office and past glories
>incresingly braindead fart joke cartoons
>bad acting drama
>bad acting thriller show
>flavor of the month
All with noticeably bad production values and no polish
>Whats with this fresh poltard obsession with trannies?
HxH, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho
>Anime has funnier comedies
Anime is right up their with Capeshit as peak Bugmen media.
What does that have to do with anything?
Nobody forced it in this thread except you retards
>100 year old trend
>must be this new thing that i conveniently already dont like
The current gender identity ideology is not 100 years old.
Why do Japs always have to go to great lengths and explain the most minute thing for fucking minutes? He coulda just pointed out it was a guy in dress, but no, they need to have an entire fucking scene with dialog going back and forth about what he did, when he did it, how he did it and why he did it. Fuck Animes.
You think the previous gay movement is not in any way linked to the current tranny movement? And the movements that preceded those?
The 100 year trend is degeneracy and decay not trannies
>if you're a man, then stop going around half-assed!
What did he mean by that? I mean SERIOUSLY, what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
Shounen has a shit ton of filler
You must watch a ton of that trash if thats your impression of the medium
Western civilization died with Franz Ferdinand.
Its both from a time before contemporary """normalized""" trannies and probably badly translated
>Why do Japs always have to go to great lengths and explain the most minute thing for fucking minutes?
Most of anime is manga adaption.
He meant females can't do shit properly.
Hows that better than watching women get fucked by self insert insectoid writer?
I watched like maybe 7-8 animes in my life. If "Shounen" is the boy-oriented power fantasy stuff like DBZ, Naruto, One Piece etc. then yes.
>yeah, instead watch white women get fucked by japs like me!
you are just a different kind of cuck but a cuck nonetheless
In the us it was probably teddy bringing new york progressive politics to the national stage
We should have stayed out of both wars
And who's to blame? THE FUCKING SERBS.
They usually take that form yes
And what will blow your mind is that you likely watched abridged versions
Yes, that's literally what it is
Is Ranma considered Shounen? I hope it's ok for a boy to like Ranma 1/2, I really liked that show...
>this tweet completely unrelated to anime proves anime is filled with trannies
Seek mental treatment
I really hope this is a dedicated b8. This is on the nose caricature of a deranged Yea Forumsutist in a trenchcoat and fedora.
Anime is for children and otakus. It's weird for adults to be in to it as seriously as some people are, and most of it is generally just simple shit. Stand out anime is usually decent at least, and it's the type of shit most self-proclaimed anime fans on Yea Forums would dislike because it's popular. The shit you see pushed around here by waifufags is bad anime that is made to appeal to losers.
>making fun of an internet toughguy is "deranged autism"
>dude youre such a loser i bet you dont even get pussy loser, unlike me, i get lots of pussy loser with my cool guy hobbies like shitposting on Yea Forums
Please stop breathing
>I can't read
You forgot to take your daily dose of hormone blockers, discord tranny.
>I really hope this is a dedicated b8.
The only bait here is your massive stupidity.
Said a pleb as he went to gobble up another capeshit sequel.
>the shit you see pushed around here
>thread is full of normalfag anime
Jesus Christ
I dunno man, there aren't all that many action anime that get released that aren't otaku pandering garbage honestly. Give some of that good bleak shit like Texhnolyze again or somebody give ABe the funding to finish the one that's been stuck in limbo for over a decade.
Which part of that post are you mistaken about?
>animation good
well as an animation enthusiast and animator it's hard to disagree with you here. Though I do agree that there is some very VERY good anime out there to see, from my point of view the sheer amount of sewage that permeates the medium overshadows what good there is to be found. 90% of anime that people end up recommending me turns out to be shit, which is very discouraging considering that anime is REALLY REALLY good when it actually is good.
On a practical level, I also feel the anime industry is somewhat nefariously corporatizing the medium of animation, which is a problem you do NOT see in the west outside of Disney's board room-processed film of the year. The odds of a good product do increase when you do things this way, but it feels kind of offensive to the medium of animation, which I highly respect as a cultured artform, when this industry pours out 90% shit and makes me feel embarrassed to even admit I enjoy SOME anime. On top of that the demographics who enjoy anime the most, the fucking NEETS, actively encourage the industry to create moeblob waifufaggotry shit with their NEETbux and permeate the status quo of terrible shows, and this is only getting worse as 2d animation becomes more expensive/falls out of fashion. It's an exponentially increasing problem and I can't see it being corrected.
>Most media is meaningless garbage
and I think this here is the real crux of the issue and the most agreeable thing you could have said. This sentiment right here is why I don't even like quantifying films/shows as "anime" or "western media." There will always be kino out there that makes an exception to the rule.
>and I think this here is the real crux of the issue and the most agreeable thing you could have said. This sentiment right here is why I don't even like quantifying films/shows as "anime" or "western media." There will always be kino out there that makes an exception to the rule.
Spoken like a true pleb.
That post was a generic centrist garbage, but applied to Yea Forums instead.
>which you dont see in the west
You dont see it because it doesnt exist in the first place
>sheer amount of sewage
Take a moment and appreciate western television for a second to give yourself some perspective. What shows have been good in even the last 10 years?
Has existed since the beginning.
>2d is falling out
I personally dont care as long as it looks good but thats your opinipn i guess
>there will always be a kino
Thats what ive been saying and it just gets denied wholeheartedly by the parade of faggots that probably jack it to thanos
The funniest thing I've seen in forever is an anime.
>pic related
I hate capeshit. Anime isn't exactly setting a higher bar. I'll admit I like stupid shit though, I do enjoy some anime. I lived in Japan for 14 months, adult natives barely gave a fuck about anime, westerners on the other hand always seemed to like it.
I meant on Yea Forums generally, and specified 'by waifufags'.
No i dont think that applies to jesus. He was probably not an insufferable douchbag
>I hate capeshit.
That doesn't stop you from gobbling it up.
>I'll admit I like stupid shit though, I do enjoy some anime.
We know that, you are a turbopleb after all. I am 100% sure the anime you've watched is 100% pleb-certified too.
>I lived in Japan for 14 months
>adult natives barely gave a fuck about anime
They are bugmen, they don't have time for watching late night shows.
>westerners on the other hand always seemed to like it.
4channel isn't westerners.
>Anime has funnier comedies
Anime is painfully unfunny
Sad reliance on assumptions, I haven't seen any capeshit movie in a long time. I probably do have pleb preferences with anime by your absurd standards though, yeah, but I've been exposed to a lot of anime through my friend group when I was abroad. If I had to pick a favourite from what I've seen, it's probably Gurren Lagann. Feel free to make suggestions to try and change my mind.
They have time for late night drinking, they just typically grow out of anime.
Literally three of those points you made are the exact same fucking retard.
Sounds like you already thoroughly watch that stuff if you're willing to form a random correlation like that out of nowhere.
>nearly every show featured is seasonal garbage
>the couple of decent ones it features are the most flat jokes from them
When anime is funny its usually in context. Gabriel dropout for instance, featured in the video, wasnt funny because of gags but because of the setups and payoffs on the characters
An idiot made that video.
>random correlation
Its totally (((random))) and theres actually no racemixing in american television
>Netflix brainwashing crap
Like all the Anime crap on Netflix? They have a ton of it.
>anime is getting more and more mainstream nowadays
Anime as a concept or a meme does, but actual anime is more and more obscure.
What I mean is they'll make joke about anime girls and anime avatars, but can't name series from the last 2 years
It's nowhere near its height of the 90s where kids watched Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Sailor moon and Yu-gi-oh, while Hipsters watched Gits and Evangelion
>guy walks in a girl changing or in the bath
>every woman in a five mile radius beats the shit out if her
>he goes to jail for 15 years
>woman is interviewed by Rolling Stone about her rape experience
Weebs won't admit it but you're right, not about the subhuman shit but how generic anime has become. I used to be an otaku like I've watched a lot of anime, read a lot of manga and light novels and it gets to a point everything becomes predictable. I can barely go 2 episodes in to a seasonal anime now cos they're all the same.
Weebs wont admit it because it isnt true
Most of today is garbage but there is no new generic trend. People have been saying that for decades and every season is full of generic garbage
MHA is quite literally a collection of stereotypical shounen troupes with a completely unoriginal capeshit theme
The most pure example of idea theft and copypaste shit heap imaginable.
The type of people who like MHA are underaged kids that never grew up watching or reading the golden age of shounen jump and western comic books
What I'm trying to say is you're an underaged pleb that should never have the audacity to tell anyone to fuck off when you deserve to be 12 feet under or rotting in the sun
Anime is literally a psyop you pathetic pleb.
>Gianni Versace S.r.l. (Italian pronunciation: [ˈdʒanni verˈsaːtʃe])[a] usually referred to simply as Versace, is an Italian
All media today is a psyop you fucking sheep
Reminder to all board game players: /tg/ stands for transgender and y'all are pozzed.
Yea Forums stands for transvision, hope you enjoy your quality 4channel browsing experience.
Jap humor is extremely awkward and translation makes the dialogues flat and obvious
best girl
I dropped goblin slayer because the animation hurt my eyes
I agree. I remember trying to watch Seitokai Yakuindomo and Nichijou and just being totally mystified anyone could watch this and laugh.
>Anime has funnier comedies
Absolute ROTFLMAO. Name one.
>Anime has cuter girls
>Anime has more interesting stories
I'm split on this. The best anime has some great stories, but most of it is utter crap and Netflix is capable of competing with it with a larger number of solid recent shows.
>Anime has better cinematography
This is probably the biggest point here. Anime has excellent cinematography, often far beyond all but the best shows.
>Netflix is capable of competing with it with a larger number of solid recent shows
just wondering, are you a white man and if yes, how much interracial porn do you consume per day?
>they just typically grow out of anime.
Please tell me what mature, adult businessmen actually watch then. I don't doubt that most of them would have grown out of daytime shounen, or that few would openly go out of their way to watch late night otaku shows, but then how do they actually entertain themselves if they aren't wasting time for their businesses.
I mean, I've yet to see a good Jap live action TV drama. Their radio and state output are honestly of a much higher caliber, but you should understand just how much harder it is for most foreigners to actually get into that stuff if they can find much at all.
10 year anniversary of the anime airing today fren
>asians are literally bug people
how is this an argument?
>Please tell me what mature, adult businessmen actually watch then.
The news, their empty beer glasses, their wives arguing with them.
Most of my colleagues just end up watching what ever their kids are watching because the TV is the real parent (for example, The Lorax every day and multiple times a day). Other than that its usually just one show a week they're following for new episodes.
I'm alone so I watch some of the shit I used to watch as a kid, like Kenshin, and what ever is new on trackers.
Most of them just watch whatever the fuck is on, a lot of the news, and there's all sorts of TV shows that are like panel shows with a variety of guests where they do challenges and what-not. But the amount of them that spend time at home watching TV is low from my experience.