What does Yea Forums think of Matt Groening?

What does Yea Forums think of Matt Groening?

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Hack fraud

Matt Growing? Does he grow seeds?

Textbook definition of a sell-out.

If you shaved his head he’d look like a cartoon tortoise

never got that LIfe in Hell animated series

>Matt Growing? Does he grow seeds?

formerly cucks

Medium talent

child abuser

Kind of a sellout, but I admire the guy for starting so low in comics and making his way up so high. Sure the Simpsons has sucked for like 20 years, but with that and Futurama, I mean honestly I give the guy a pass
Never seen much of him in interviews. Might be a jerk, might be cool

formerly funny

Ive never seen more than a handful of SImpsons episodes when i was a kid

Would it actually be worth watching now or is it dated

He's the most successful idea guy ever.

Based when he was young

That's strangely pretty accurate.

Pick the episode names in the first 8 or so seasons that interest you the most. If you don’t laugh at least twice a minute, double your money back.

Season 11 episode 5 is the only episode you sneed to watch

he definitely raped her.

I thought he was bald with an eye-patch?

This is his favourite album

What do we think about him now?

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i already knew that and i already knew matt was based.

He made one of the greatest sitcoms ever made, then watched as it fell to shit.
Part of me hopes he let the quality drop so fox would kill it, but he didn’t expect fox to keep reanimating the corpse. Now he just sits in his mansion and cries at what a shitshow his opus has become

He was formerly based. An excellent satirist who's snarky humor helped define the early seasons of The Simpsons and Futurama.

His spirit died when Futurama originally died tho and everything he's made since 2003 has been dogshit.
I don't blame him tho, the guy a millionaire.

consummate boomer album