Will someone explain to me why Leaving Neverland has triggered Yea Forums's autism so hard...

Will someone explain to me why Leaving Neverland has triggered Yea Forums's autism so hard? Every day for the past MONTH there have been multiple threads about it, typically defending MJ. Is Yea Forums just full of MJ fans or what?

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Other urls found in this thread:


When the Great Doxxing actually happens we're all gonna be labeled pedophiles just for posting on Yea Forums. Of course we gotta defend MJ.

MJ was the most famous person in the world what the fuck do you expect?


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it's basically the ultimate litmus test of whether or not somebody is an unthinking NPC.

because forcing shit this hard 25 years after the fact is inherently suspect

yeah, was, and Yea Forums is full of zoomers now

simple contrarianism

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Captain Marvel came out and we did t really have any good memes going


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How is it contrarian to defend MJ? Nobody ever could prove shit.

Because it's pretty Jewish to try and destroy someone after they're dead and can't defend themselves with innuendo and hearsay for 25 years ago.

He named The Jew and got harassed and eventually killed for it.

There is nothing nicer and more loving than to share your bed with someone

heee heee

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don't know man all the testimonies in the documentary sound to me like an IRL even creepier version of "Shrek is love shrek is life"

Because it's not true. I personally am annoyed by people who think of themselves as experts after reviewing none of the actual evidence.

I don't trust manipulative documentaries.

I think you’re underestimating how much people enjoy green texting MJ adlibs and lyrics

pedophiles stick together.

Because smart people dont like injustice, and Yea Forums is smart and have good taste

MJ was THE king

Yea Forums is contrarian about everything, even if that means defending dead gay nigger pedophiles.


Most normalfags are defending him too

Arab and China gooks are being paid social credit and good boy points and US American Dollar from the Jackson estate to constantly spam denial propaganda, in an attempt to prevent the value of his catalogue and estate from collapsing.

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how can i profit from this?

it's a mix of MJ fans, pederasts projecting their insecurities, and autistic contrarians who only think he's innocent because all normal people think he's guilty.

you must be a zoomer who hangs out with other zoomers.

There was a post I saw that summarized it quite well. The only reason they are pushing this is to lower Michael Jackson's value in order to buy it, and then redact the stories in order to increase the value again. Tell me one reason they'd make this documentary and have it be so popular in 2019. Tell me why The Simspons decided to suddenly gain a lot of attention by pulling that episode that didn't even have to do with Michael Jackson. You guessed it: Money.
On top of that, Yea Forums is really contrarian.


Watch razorfists 3 part rebuttal, and then the interview with Jacksons family and then make an opinion

The fact that people are ignoring the details in the 2005 case (where the allegation clearly was bullshit) proves that they're emotional brainlets that believe anything in a documentary.

>Yea Forums is smart and have good taste

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you can only separate the men from the boys with a crowbar

Young /pol/ alex jones style anons think because MJ said KIKE in a song he wrote in the 80s (A time when people said nigger and kike daily) makes him anti-Jew and thus all the child shit is a jew shill job.

Liberals are pretty much quiet on it because they won't attack black people. Also, hollywood has a lot of pedos.

You have some "woke" niggers defending him because he was black once.

Then you have some contrarian rick and morty fags just saying it's because one of the guys ran out of money.. though there is no real evidence for this. Also they say there is no proof even though it was 40 years ago and any proof would be impossible to find anyway.

They also say Culkin defended him but it's pretty obvious Jackson was smart enough not abuse a star that big, as it would end his career.

Normal people know he was a pedo since the 90s. The documentary pretty much shows a classic case of grooming, manipulation, and abuse 40 years before cellphones and at a time when he could control no-name families and rape their kids.

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The people defending MJ are the same dudes that thought liberace wasn't gay

Hee hee

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but user, liberace won a court case in which it was proven that he was totally not gay and never had a live-in gay lover-chauffeur. clearly he wasn't gay, and in the exact same spirit MJ was innocent because he also won his court cases.

People are just in denial. MJ was a pedophile, no straight man has sceral accusations of pedophilia, all with similiar accounts, leveled towards him. MJ is a faggot. MJ is a pedo. You wouldn’t even have to watch leaving neverland or the trials or read any tabloids to figure that out. Just look at his dancing and appearance and speech.

Looks like a faggot, talks like a faggot, dances like a faggot, acts like a faggot.

Everyone in the 80s and 90s before the trials thought he was gay.

Truly I was the faggot all along

>because forcing shit this hard 25 years after the fact is inherently suspect
KEK. This shit has been ongoing since the early to mid '90s, 15 years BEFORE MJ died.

It takes people a long time to believe a beloved celebrity did something bad. It took about 2-3 years for people to come to terms with the Cosby shit. Hell, even people were defending Weinstein for about 1-2 years. MJ was perhaps the most famous person of the past 500 years. Of course it's going to take a long time for brainlets to understand that he did it.

Yea Forums pedos got triggered that one of their own got called out and are going insane, bending backwards and grasping at straws to defend him

A lot of people supported IRL him for so long they are in fucking deep. They can't admit that they ever supported a pedophile, so they double down in the hopes that it will blow over.

Pretty much. People get invested in their viewpoint, and before the Internet, when the Jackson pedo shit was ongoing in the '90s, people were spoonfed the belief that he didn't do it ... that he couldn't possibly do it ... that he just loved those kids. His lawyers and PR team indoctrinated a lot of retards, and people want to defend those beliefs to this day. I say give it 5-10 more years and no one will defend him and his estate will be bust.

I don't like a bunch of npc's, in REAL LIFE mind you, trying to stop me from enjoying his music. Also a funky coincidence, that those hating on him are exactly from the le grumpff demographic.

>go to sleep
>suddenly hear "hee hee" from under the bed
wat do

im not any kind of mj fan but that docu was just simply horseshit, nothing but 4 hrs of anecdotes and shit that isn't even possible.

>There was a post I saw that summarized it quite well. The only reason they are pushing this is to lower Michael Jackson's value in order to buy it,

They already own a majority stake in the catalog he kept selling off bits to pay legal expenses. Sony already owns 51%.

Holocaust deniers use the same reasoning. KEK.

Was he actually anally raping these kids or just making them spread shot their butt cheeks while he jacked off? Yea Forums is suprisingly sparse on the details which makes me think it's a shill operation.

they talk about blowjobs and anal but it being rare because of his big nigger dick and them being little kids.

I thought his family had him castrated or on hormones so his voice wouldn't change.

The following is copied from somewhere else:

I’ve felt total and utter shame at my industry as the coverage of tonight’s Michael Jackson TV show has grown increasingly dishonest and dangerous. I’ve worked in the media since I was a teenager. The whole media knows these two men are liars. But that’s not good for clicks or ratings.
For five years, these men – both professional actors – have been suing Michael Jackson’s estate for hundreds of millions of dollars. This lawsuit has generated thousands of pages of court records: witness statements, motions, depositions and disclosure. These public documents PROVE beyond any reasonable doubt that the men are lying. The whole media knows about these documents, but is refusing to report on their contents.
I’ve tried not to fill my Facebook feed with posts about this, but you are all being lied to from every direction. So this is my contribution to the debate on Facebook – a list of just some of the public record information the media is refusing to tell you.

*Both men strenuously defended Jackson, including under oath, for decades, and only decided they’d been molested years after his death, when they were both in financial trouble and filed a lawsuit seeking hundreds of millions of dollars. That lawsuit was thrown out of court – twice – but the men are in the middle of an appeal, giving them a gigantic financial motive to lie.
*Since filing their lawsuit, both men have repeatedly changed their stories, frequently telling directly contradictory versions of the same supposed events. For example, Wade Robson has told at least four directly contradictory stories about the first time Jackson supposedly abused him.
*In the lawsuit, Robson was caught lying under oath so brazenly that the judge threw out his entire witness statement and said no rational juror could ever believe his account.
*Between 2012 and 2014, Robson wrote two drafts of an abuse memoir and tried unsuccessfully to sell them to publishers. Meanwhile, he lied under oath and said he’d never discussed his allegations with anyone except his lawyers. When the Jackson estate discovered he’d actually been shopping books, the court ordered him to produce the drafts as evidence. They revealed the story of his abuse had changed significantly from one draft to the next.

*Robson was also ordered to release his emails as evidence. He breached the order repeatedly, first by claiming they didn’t exist, then by simply refusing to hand them over. Then he redacted all the emails between himself and his family members and cited ‘attorney-client’ privilege, even though none of his family are attorneys.
*When he eventually complied with the court order and released the emails, they revealed that at the time he was constructing his lawsuit and abuse memoir, he was researching and emailing himself links to old tabloid newspaper stories about abuse allegations against Michael Jackson.
*The emails showed Robson found one particular story from the early 1990s which specifically named he and his mother. He emailed it to his mother and asked whether it was true. She replied, ‘Wow, none of that is true’. He then included it in his story anyway.
*Emails also revealed that throughout 2011/12, Robson was lobbying Jackson’s estate for a job directing and choreographing an official Michael Jackson tribute show in Las Vegas. His campaign to secure this role had included sending emails explaining that his amazing friendship with Jackson meant nobody was better qualified for the role than he was, and he was devoted to doing the best job he possibly could ‘for Michael’. After being told someone else had got the job, he suddenly claimed he’d been abused and filed a creditor’s claim against the estate for millions of dollars.

*Months later, according to Jimmy Safechuck, he flipped on the TV and saw Wade Robson being interviewed about his lawsuit. In that moment, Safechuck suddenly remembered that he had been abused by Jackson as well, so decided to join the lawsuit. He didn’t mention that this epiphany coincided exactly with his inheritance circling the drain after a relative died and the surviving siblings started suing each other – including him – for control of the family business.
*Robson was also ordered to produce his diaries as evidence. In them, he’d written about how these allegations might rescue his failing career by making him ‘relatable and relevant’. He also wrote, ‘It’s time for me to get mine.’ When questioned under oath about what he’d meant when he wrote that, he refused to answer.
*Both men tell stories in the TV show which directly contradict stories told under oath in their lawsuit. In fact, they have continued to change their stories as recently as within the last week.
*For example, Jimmy Safechuck claims under oath in the lawsuit that he only remembered Jackson had abused him in 2013 when he turned on the TV and saw Robson. Yet in tonight’s TV show and interviews promoting it, he claims he knew he’d been abused in 2005 and thus, when asked to testify for Jackson’s defence ‘towards the end of the trial’, he refused to do so.
*But that’s a provable lie. Safechuck was never asked to testify for Jackson’s defence. The judge ruled long before the trial began that testimony could only be heard about certain children, and Safechuck was not one of them. All testimony about Safechuck was literally banned from the courtroom. So Jackson’s defence cannot have asked him to testify – and certainly not after the trial was already underway.

*Robson claimed in a BBC interview last week that Jackson had abused him ‘hundreds of times’. Yet his mother’s sworn testimony is that they went to Neverland roughly 14 times but Jackson was almost never there. She estimates the number of times they visited the ranch and he was actually there was four.
*Questioned about their financial motive, the men now say they don’t care about money and are only suing to embolden other abuse victims by holding the Jackson estate accountable. This is a provable lie. The lawsuit was originally filed under seal and Robson tried to extract a settlement from the estate with zero publicity. Only when the estate refused to pay a bean did he go public.
I could continue, but if you’re still on board with the TV show and its accusers at this point, you are irrational to the point of mania.
Tonight’s TV show covers up all of this information, instead presenting two professional actors’ heavily edited and completely unchallenged testimony without ever examining their credibility, their proven lies and perjury, their constantly changing stories or their financial motives.
It is a stain on the journalistic profession, as has been the rest of the media’s coverage.
Charles Thomson Talking to BBC Kent youtube.com/watch?v=LHvmi_Cr8QY
Leaving Neverland Critical Anaylsis themichaeljacksonallegations.com/2019/02/25/a-critical-analysis-of-leaving-neverland/
The Leaving Neverland Allegations Rebuttal youtube.com/watch?v=qb5UVMwTC5g&feature=youtu.be

based a shamonepilled

I don't really know what to think. On one hand there's this:
On the other is the FBI and police reports which describe the gay and borderline child porn Jackson had lying arround in his bedroom. Perhaps he was just a fag and thought about kids, but didn't actually touch one.

>gay and borderline child porn
the fuck? all he had was hustler and similar mags

He had magazines showing young semi-naked boys dressed as elves or some shit.

it's very embarrasing to have that out under hbo brand
but then again, have hbo documentaries ever been anything more than trash like this

If MJ was a gay depraved pedo like they say he was, there would have been no way he could have resisted molesting prime child Macaulay Culkin. But instead Macaulay denies any claims and defends MJ because they were best friends.
Yes he was a weird dude who preferred hanging out with kids rather than fellow adults, doesn’t mean he’s a molester and rapist.


ah, the "macaulay culkin is irresistible to pedos" defense. spoken like a true pedo.

you mean this?

Thriller > Off The Wall > Bad > Dangerous > HIStory > Invincible

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Actually watched the Razorfist videos, they've got more credibility than the "documentary".

>letting people with no real evidence accuse you of shit

Nah, you're thinking of you.

If he wasn't guilty he wouldn't get accused. Use common sense.

watching it now just started part 2
scheisters getting BTFO

>Documentary without any proofs
>Literally who faggots and fame-monger mother that pushed him into showbusiness
>MJ was a modern day eunuch
>Anecdotal evidence that MJ hated the juice therefore /pol/ is on board as well

That and this is one of those typical bullshit #MeToo cases, whiny faggots and normies being shocked after someone makes a baseless accusation without any evidence to back it up, worst of all doing it 5+ years after the fact. In this case its 20+.



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Off The Wall > Thriller

Fight me

Is that fag from the other thread back? Mr. Circumstance?


Honestly, he could have been a serial murderer, doesn't make the Off The Wall less good

There were like 100 credible (as in they didn't change their story countless times, fuck up major details or try to get Cosby related jobs years after they claim they were attacked) plus he was convicted and sent to prison. Furthermore, people didn't really love Cosby like like Jackson. His "pull up your pants, black people" shit had been wearing people thin for years, which is why Hannibal Burris did the whole bit that blew up the Cosby allegations in the first place. Even in his prime he was more of a black American icon than a transcendent global icon like Jackson.
95% of the general public didn't even know who the fuck this guy was. Outside of actors and Spielberg tier directors, people don't give a shit about Hollywood players. He had no "fans" outside of some people who knew him and maybe a few film buffs. Plus with him, we have that audio recording where we can hear him harassing some model.

The Jackson case is entirely different. He faced the allegations while he was alive and beat them, which means a whole hell of a lot to people. When he died, he was universally hailed as a hero. Leaving Neverland was their last ditch attempt to take down a man they couldn't touch while he was alive, and it appears that it failed. The ratings were soft and "backlash" has mostly been isolated acts of petty virtue signaling. The Safechuck error is being reported across major news outlets, and that will be the last thing people remember about the film. If you bring up Leaving Neverland 20 years from now, the response will either be "I don't remember it" or "Didn't that Safechuck guy get exposed as a liar or something?" Jackson's legacy is fine unless they uncover some actual new evidence.

that's not bait, it's overt sarcasm.

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I also came forward right after the statute of limitations on perjury was up!

C-coinky dinky!


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That Weinstein recording is cringe af, I legit feel bad for him for having to do shit like that to get pussy.

Because nu/tv/ is full of zoomers who were genuinely not aware of the MJ cases/his career because they were either too young or just not born yet. So it's mostly new information for them.

Some news site lists this:
Evidence Item #508. Book with images of ‘nude teenagers and/or young adults’
Evidence Item #509. Book with pictures of nude children.
Evidence Item #505. Books with pictures of nude children.
Evidence Item #303. Three books containing nude photographs, including those of teenagers and pre-teenagers.
Evidence Item #304. Two pornographic magazines, two ‘nude art books’
Evidence #307. Book with pictures of nude men.
Evidence Item #365: Pornographic books, including images of naked children.
Evidence Item #366: Several books, containing images of nude men and children.

But I can't confirm it with any docs on the FBI website.

Also, there's this:

But that doesn't prove anything. We need to see the official reports listing the evidence before we can say he indeed was a pedo. Until then, any discussion is meaningless.

>actual child porn listed
If this was true, wouldn't it be 100% clear?

Thriller or Bad, Yea Forums?

Billie Jean

Because Yea Forums is a board full of pedos, and with pedos in denial.

Hey I watch lots of gangbang/ 'big black tits' videos, but i've never actually been in a gangbang or sucked on some big black tits

>it is not true because I said so
t. pedo


I still enjoy his music even though I strongly believe he fucked them keeds

Yeah, but again, I can't confirm it. Some FBI reports aren't public, and those that are don't seem to list any of those items. The news sites seem to base that evidence list on a leaked version which other sites claim to be a fake.
This whole media clusterfuck is just that, a media clusterfuck. Without the official documents there's no way to verify this and all we have is a bunch of hearsay. Jackson was a weirdo, that's about all we know for sure.

Being a weirdo should be illegal. It scares and confuses me.

does it list what the books actually are? Are they sexual in nature? or are they fucking artwork

>latoya, from tel aviv, exposing MJ
ov vey

Cant handle a little weirdness huh? Does this make you feel unsafe? ROON ROON ROONR OON ROON ROON ROON ROON ROON

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The moose is loose aboot the hoose, eh?

>1 copy of superman where they show a little kids dick
everyone who owns it must be a pedo

Oh fuck, I own tons of Dragon Ball and Goku got nude as a kid a ton in those, am I a pedo now?

are you kidding? its always accusers making these threads, probably the same people as pizzagate

>or are they fucking artwork
they are BEST SELLING art books

As they say, "the moose is goose"

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Cute piggy.

Now that's a ruse of slight amuse.

What issue?


The Sun really is a different kind of shite

based high taste MJ

Yeah that was some of the most beta shit I'd ever heard.
>I come here all the time, don't do this
So desperate kek

Beat it

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imagine trying to get through a 12 hour flight and they sit you next to some faggots that bring s a pig on board

>kick me KIKE me....
>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>"Yep that's me, and where my life began to go downhill, hee-hee."

>disliking pigs
Fucking city slicker. Pigs are intelligent and social animals.

sounds like one of the best flight experiences I could possible imagine. Get to party with a fucking pig? Hell yeah dude. Me and this pig gonna die in the crash together WEEEEEEEEE

hee heee

pedophile != molester

the fucking first superman movie has a kids little dick in it

i will defend him because he's no longer here and people are blatantly lying about his past just for money and no, just because some filthy jew told you lies and made a "documentary" with no real proof, doesn't mean it's true, if that's all it takes to make you believe it then you are truly a NPC.

he named the jew and got fucked because of it, that's enough reason to defend him.

>wanting to socialize with a snorting messy animal
what happens when it needs to shit?

>messy animal
t. someone with ZERO experience of pigs
They're very hygienic animals you idiot.
>what happens when it needs to shit
You go to the toilet?

they eat and fuck in shit

So would you if you were locked in a room where you had no other option but to live in your own shit because you're locked in it and can't leave to shit anywhere else except where you sleep.

I don’t think so faggot

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do pigs know how to use toilets?

If cats and dogs can learn, why not pigs?

That honestly sounds way too relatable.


Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome

Anyone sick enough in the head to be with a man as a man is sick enough in the head to do anything, including molest children

>degenerates act like degenerates

>some news site
must be a british tabloid

they only think that because media is selling that narrative, and i dont trust tv in anything nowadays

Dan Reed is already backing down from previous statements about Safechuck's alleged abuse. Now he's claiming Safecuck was abused until the age of 17!!! Lmaooo, so MJ apparently likes almost adult twinks too? Give me a break.


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A pedophile fucking someone who's practically an adult? And this person didn't realize it was happening to him?

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patrician taste right here

excellent opinion


Fuck. I hate the sun but this headline kills me every time.

Reminder that James had more than a few inches on MJ at this point. Sad!

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Because they literally say "penis" "ejaculation" "masturbation" and "anus" in it.

>both boys describe same shit
>both boys describe his gross kink of spreading their buttholes
>parents openly admit to leaving kids with him for days
>lots of elaborate rooms and mechanisms designed for privacy while boofing lil boys
if you honestly think he's innocent, you're a fucking retard and blinded by his star power, the same as these kids parents were. never breed

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If the courts say there's not enough evidence he did it, why are you saying he did? What data do you have that the courts and the cops don't?

you're a literal faggot doing groundwork for a dead pedophile. I'm sure your parents are proud

>pedophile is rich and powerful
>been doing it for years
>evades police and leaves no trail of evidence
I guess Ted Bundy was innocent too, seeing as he rused the feds for as long as he did. grow a fucking brain dude

Okay but where is your evidence though? If you have it shouldn't you hand it over to the cops?

literally retarded. you think that every criminal that gets off is innocent? he had millions of dollars. bleach and hydrofluoric would literally hide a murder, and have, and you don't think the king of fucking pop could hide a molestation? kys

Okay but if you have evidence shouldn't you go to the cops? I'm pretty sure that hiding evidence is a crime, bro.

nightmare fuel

you're a troll and a faggot and everyone knows it. I genuinely don't know what you think you're getting out of this lmfao closet pedophile
>get evidence of a 20 year old molestation
>but bruh muh evidence
>you werent there bruh crimes dont occur unless witnessed
I genuinely hope you get hit by a bus today

>get evidence
This, this is exactly it. Talk to the cops. If these crimes took place and YOU have the proof, you have to come forward.

I have proof that you're a massive faggot and possible child diddler, check your desktop folders I would bet my life you have a child folder you fucking creep. right next to your mj meme folder and loli posters in your bedroom in your mother's house

Okay but withholding evidence is a crime, please consider your position

and sodomy is a sin against God you faggot

Stop deflecting. You can help put this matter to rest with the evidence you have but the courts don't. You owe it to the victims.

you are retarded

>both boys describe same shit
>both boys describe his gross kink of spreading their buttholes
they've had the same lawyers and six years to get their stories straight and they still have provably impossible events happen

>lots of elaborate rooms and mechanisms designed for privacy while boofing lil boys
if that was the case, why did MJ have to risk diddling him out in the open in tepees, the game room, a museum, a theater, and a pool? or was safechuck just playing neverland location bingo to make the story more "compelling"? admit that you were emotionally manipulated by grifters who couldn't bother to get their timelines straight. this fanfiction is laughable without the dramatic pauses and puppy dog stares in between.

reminder: the train station didn't exist until two years after james says the diddling stopped

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>reminder: the train station didn't exist until two years after james says the diddling stopped
If he was raped there who cares if the place was built yet? The point isn't if he's telling the truth but that he was abused.



Assuming these tapes are legit these are one of the saddest and most surreal glimpses into the life of a major celebrity. The biggest fucking superstar in history chatting up some literally who about deeply personal matters especially concerning his loneliness and isolation from others and his desire for a real actual human relationship. I think whether MJ was completely innocent or actually guilty you cannot deny he was a deeply troubled individual.

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All mentally unfit people should be locked up for life. I don't really give a fuck if he raped anyone, he was disgusting and didn't deserve to live in society with normal people like me.

I'm not saying raped little kids will have perfect recall. Safechuck, however, describes his assault in that exact location with blistering detail. It raises eyebrows when you meticulously describe a setting only for it to not even exist yet.

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And again, I'm telling whether he's telling the truth or not is irrelevant. Michael Jackson was a disgusting freak who should've been locked up and kept away from all other human beings. Any actions he may or may not have taken towards children is irrelevant.

Glenda tapes are proven legit. I like the parts where he talks about being horny for Diana Ross for years and getting the shit beat out of him by his dad

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Poor MJ, it seems that fame is only for psychopaths.

Booty hole stuff was literally lifted from a gay pedophile fanfiction written by a NAMBLA Michael Jackson obsessive

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this is too surreal, the biggest superstar in the world having mundane conversation with some random fucking housewife and laying bare his soul, what the fuck

>has the hots for an older woman
Confirmed pedophile. Holy shit, why didn't this get used as evidence?

watch the french interview with dan sneed where he gets btfo by a panel of gay fenchmen

>All mentally unfit people should be locked up...
>...Normal people like me

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I never raped any kids, MJ did. See the difference?

yeah, you're satan and a liar and MJ is literally jesus so fuck you nigga lol

Damn, foiled again!

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>MJ did.
Prove it, or are you gonna chicken out and just say the evidence is out there?

All he wanted was his private live /ss/ doujin.

I don't need any evidence, he wouldn't have been accused if he wasn't guilty. That's just common sense.

Whether MJ did or not is not the issue for me, to me its an obvious smear piece done for financial gain and thats why its deserves all the hate.


Dan Reed responded to Smallcombe's post, saying, "Yeah, there seems to be no doubt about the station date. The date they have wrong is the end of the abuse."

Smallcombe told The Mirror that Reed's comments were "embarrassing."

"Because the story has been debunked, it appears Reed is now suddenly wanting to change Safechuck’s timeline himself,” he said. “Firstly, I’m shocked that he’s spoken on Safechuck’s behalf. And secondly, it’s embarrassing that he feels he has to now change the narrative of the film – which is that the alleged abuse stopped in 1992 – all because part of it has been disproved."

"That’s what happens when you take allegations like that at face value, and make no attempts to scrutinize and investigate whether they are true," he added.

>he wouldn't have been accused if he wasn't guilty
.......You know what, you were right, all mentally unfit people should be locked up for life.

>I'm telling you Roland, we figure out who this Ayuwoki guy is, we blow open this whole case

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Love the fact that MJ was married to two (2) women and Jermaine uses Diana Ross to prove he wasn't gay.

>Michael asked if we would like a tour of the house. Bubbles went back in his cage while the rest of us began the tour with the room next to Michael's bedroom – the Diana Ross shrine.
>With a convex ceiling and white brick walls, the room looked like a wine cellar. Every square inch was covered with photos of Diana Ross from her earliest years with the Supremes. On shelves, tables and the floor were hundred of candles that Michael kept burning 24/7 to "honor his friend." We were speechless.


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why did't they mention that chantel robson slept in michael's bed?

It's OK Montel, we all like to touch Children. It's only natural!

Oh yeah that's not creepy and troubling at all. Obsession like this is typical behavior from pedophiles. How people can still defend him after seeing that I just have no fucking clue. Must be cognitive dissonance.


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Must watch

I understood that reference!

Ok the shrine is weird but it's kinda cute too

>a board filled with virgin autists
>half of them unironically meme about lord of the rings
>other half watch cartoons and put the word "sneed" in every sentence
Good question.

Do you really think a guy with a room like that DOESN'T molest kids? Really? You don't see ANYTHING at all wrong with that?

>Only evidence at the crime scene is this single white sequined glove, whoever raped them kids has the other glove
>It could also be a one armed man chief!

it looks gaudy, not cute at all

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rip leaving neverland

>turns out it WAS the one-armed man
Feel silly about it Marshal?

Sorry but how does being obsessed with his oneitis who is a much older woman suggest pedophilia?

uhhh . . . I guess it tells me he was cucked by Diana Ross for 40 years?

Diana looks a lot like a tranny, im just saying

Thankfully I live in a society that locks people up when they have been proven guilty in a court of law, and not cause they are 'creepy' and make others feel 'icky'.

A kid who was raped getting details wrong is not proof he wasn't raped, it's proof he was raped so bad it traumatized him and left him mentally damaged.
Your cognitive dissonance is keeping you from using common sense. You disgust me and I hope you get run over by a truck you pedophile apologists.

Everything he did was gaudy and out of touch, that's what made it kino

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Use your fucking head you idiot, he was fucked in the head, do you think someone like that didn't get head from and fuck kids?

The GOAT was so extra

ay he's mentally damaged

is he nazi of commie?

This is a level beyond kino

It's not about MJ in particular, the pedos on here would defend any high profile person accused of pedophilia. They post so aggressively because they know they're wrong.

Yes, your right. We should just give into our feelings. Fuck the law, that's for them Nazi's who don't believe victims!

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This. The whole "innocent until proven guilty" spiel was made by criminals and only serves criminals. If you don't want to get accused of a crime, how about not committing it?

>In early 80s Michael Jackson befriended the STEIN family which consisted of Glenda, Sam (her husband) and their two kids. Michael had lengthy phone conversations with them and especially with Glenda. At some point, Sam gets jealous and suspicious and hires a detective to record his phone calls. Turns out nothing was going on between Michael and Glenda. The tapes were later sold by Glenda's son, Damien, to a guy named David Hands SHMIDT.

There is a difference between being a pedophile, which is perfectly legal, and having sex with children.

Yes little girls are sexy. No you can't have sex with them. MJ crossed the line.

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>illegally record his conversation to prove he was doing something wrong
>once again turns out Michael was innocent
How many times until you fucking cunts accept it?

Oooohhhhhh, you played your hand too soon son!


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das i plead my 5th

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>Safechuck alleges the abuse took place in a building 5 years before that building even existed

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keep coping, you will get there

He actually got in a lot of trouble for that because people were accusing him of using fascist imagery, but I think the HIStory roll-out was him being really pissed off after the '93 allegations and wanting to show off. The album is wildly experimental and has pretty prominent anti-authoritarian themes. also
>Jew me, sue me, everybody do me
>Kick me, kike me, don’t you black or white me

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Getting details wrong is irrelevant.

Um like getting your story wrong is irrelevant, what matters is that he told his story!

That's a pretty big detail to get wrong. That would mean he was 17 at the time instead of 12.

What? Bundy was convicted

>sleeps with little boys and breaks families apart
>invites harem of little boys to Michael's Suck & Fuck at Neverland

What can I say, I love justice and defending innocent people.

As long as he was raped and was a child does it matter if he was 12 or 17?

>reminder: the train station didn't exist until two years after james says the diddling stopped

Welp, I guess that makes MJ innocent. Pack it up lads, this user figured it out!

If the accuser is LYING and it has been PROVEN that he is LYING doesn't that mean anything to you?

The pool had multiple cameras. There was no way that there would be no videos of the sucking going on if it was in the pool room.

yeah I mean its common sense rape victims get their story wrong all the time we just have to accept it

>He forgot the EXACT year that he was molested

If a dude pays parents so their kids can stay overnight at his house then he's probably a bit of a nonce, why are people still discussing this?

S-shut up

There is literally far more proof against him then there are in most child molestation cases, you fucking moron.

He was rich. Rich people get away with things.

>The album is wildly experimental and has pretty prominent anti-authoritarian themes
babby's first album. absolutely disgusting

And those videos would have been wiped.

The claim wasn't about a year, he claimed he had sex EVERY DAY IN A BUILDING THAT WASN'T BUILT YET

>There is literally far more proof against him

Like what?

>Michael Jackson is literally the only non-pedophile in humanity’s ENTIRE RECORDED HISTORY to obsessively sleep with little boys for hundreds of nights without trying to fuck them

Yeah, tell us more about what a genius expert you are.

Like the fact that he was accused of it.

People don't confuse things that happened to them when they were 17 for happening when they were 12.

this, it's just common sense

Why are you defending child rape?

where is the PROOF

hahahahaaha BTFO JEW


michael did not monitor the tapes himself, he had a security off-site monitor the cameras

you telling me not ONE of those guys would have loved to sell that tape to the press? also sometimes the fire department would help monitor the cameras because his estate was so fuck huge, so not only a group of security but also the govt??? the same govt that would have loved to put mj in jail?

People don't get accused of crimes if they are innocent, user

Lists of proof:
>testimony from accusers
>the fact that MJ looked creepy
>the fact that MJ had a thing for older women


Your cognitive dissonance is keeping you from using common sense. MJ was so rich he bribed all of those people.

MJ defenders are a lot like flat earthers. They start at their conclusion and desperately try to discredit the overwhelming evidence showing they're wrong. They're also like flat-earthers in that they resort to ridicule, changing the subject and name-calling right away to compensate for being either batshit stupid or willfully dishonest.

MJ was found not guilty though. Care to explain this?

The album took risks that were weird as shit coming from a mainstream pop artist that sold 4 million of their last album in the states alone.

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Her boyish good looks are what make her patrician

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Load of nonsense, classic Toe Rogan spreading misinfo

You must admit there’s a bizarre conflict between his sexual-lyricism and his “legs climb a tree!” behaviour.

Do you really expect me to believe that you think the legal system is flawless?

It’s grooming. She’s the mother of one of his boipussies.

Do you really expect me to believe you want to live in a world where people who pass through the justice system should be subject to mob rule if the outcome doesn't please you personally?

How does being horny and being a man-child contradict each other?

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>the overwhelming evidence showing they're wrong
What evidence? The multiple police investigations that found literally nothing? The court case where he was found not guilty because there was literally no evidence, even though you brought in everything they had for the 1993 case as well? The overwhelming number of easily disproven lies told by everyone who ever accused him? All the accusers who later admitted they lied? The fact every case was persued as a civil one (where you can win money) and not a criminal one like the DAs and attorneys wanted? The stories from accusers that change with every interview and press event? The accusations coming from people who defended MJ in court and only changed their tune once they weren't getting money for working on MJ related projects?

If you think there's any evidence MJ did anything beyond some people accusing him then you're a delusional retard lmao. Starting with conclusions? How about starting with actually knowing what the fuck we're talking about by looking at the actual evidence and not believing what Oprah tells you

Oh. Lynching any niggers any time soon? I might be interested.

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>seething this hard
why are you trying to hard to defend him? if he's truly innocent then it should be self-evident, shouldn't it? what's your dog in the fight?

>why is the board that constantly post pedo stuff defending a well know pedo

well user...

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You’re conflating your terms, MJ was beyond a man-child. Did you have consecutive sleepovers with your friends and all stay in the same bed? It would be unusual behaviour for even a child to exhibit

Seeing people like you make excuses for the proven liars who accuse a good man of doing something horrible is entertaining.

>a good man
barely was a man
more of a ghoul

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See this? This is exactly what I mean.
>dude looks different from me, he must be evil!
I bet you'd have been one of those people who attacked Joseph Merrick when he was out for a walk.

Grooming cunny, actually

who is he abusing here?

im sorry user, here is a shamonacci

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What makes them impossible though?

Yes? I live in a third world shit hole though; this is very normal here. Gary, Indiana might as well be that



How about the guy claiming he had sex every day in a building at age 12 when that building didn't exist until he was 17? That sounds impossible to me brah.

Wouldn't pedos want a high profile successful person to BE a pedo? The mans dead its not like they're defending him with the fear of prosecution, its almost like people just don't like smearing a dead man who can't even defend himself years after the fact.



pedo is afraid, big shock

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This song is a bop

This thread made me listen to old MJ songs again. Thanks guys.


that FEEL

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fucking dumbass. you don't forget when a traumatic event happened to you. that shit gets stuck in your brain.
safesneed was bigger than mj when he was supposedly raped. what kind of person mix up memories from when they were 11 and 17? you are an entirely different person at those ages. fake as hell.

scream EO

Just because he lied doesn't mean he's not telling the truth.


Fuck you, you sick fuck. Stop sexualizing children. You really disgust me. Please do us all a favor and kill yourself

stale bait

c o p e

fucking hot

I unironically imagine every single reader of that shit looking like the norf memes that get posted here

what did he mean by this?

It's art vs artist, not separating them makes you a weak minded faggot

This is legitimately soft core pornography what the fuck how did I not know about this

And now we confirm he’s into ageplay.

Being into /ss/ just proves MJ is patrician and completely innocent

Jackson was a pedo.

BIG NEWS (everybody knew)

Yeah, but who decides what's normal? You?

The loudest people.

It's the jews trying to slander his name to deflect the blame for all the pedo stuff they do. Pretty obvious.


That isn't the issue though... You have no argument so you resort to strawmaning and goalpoast moving like a little bitch

>only one race rapes kids

>if he's truly innocent then it should be self-evident, shouldn't it?
It was so self-evident that he was found innocent in a court of law.

Yeah but if he was REALLY innocent he wouldn't have been accused in the first place, right?

sing it sistar!

>cries and licks your anoos

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