What exactly is wrong with cape shit? They are pretty fun to watch desu

What exactly is wrong with cape shit? They are pretty fun to watch desu.

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Other urls found in this thread:


it's popular.

Yea Forums is a bunch of outcast who hate popular people, hence they hate things popular people like.

there you go

Fast food entertainment. Fun, but formulaic and leaves you with a degree of guilt that you should probably be putting something better into your mind/body. There's nothing wrong with liking capeshit, it's just impressive to me that people *still* like capeshit. I got bored around the fucking first Avengers movie.

It can be fun but it's low tier shit, and no normal person wants constant threads about it
This is wrong, Yea Forums likes a lot of popular things like LotR

example 1 of this theory
so far so good. It could be something great and well done. But if popular people like it, Yea Forums will hate it.


Lord of the Rings is no longer popular.
this theory is holding up

Try again.

I've held onto my taste for it for way too long. My interest has been dwindling quickly over the last year though. I'll see Endgame and then I'll be done.

Popular things are shit, when something becomes popular today its not becuase it's good, its because it's a massive corporate product with focus group tested shit, algorithms and mass marketing tied with popular brand names.
(some exceptions exist of course)

another example
As something becomes more popular Yea Forums must hate it. As it becomes less popular Yea Forums can like it.

Popular as in most people are going to go see at a movie theater and their is a popular demand for it.

Something can be popular but if enough time passes and it's not the big thing, Yea Forums can like it.

Basically popular people are controlling Yea Forums because Yea Forums must be contrarian.

Class divide is real.
Capeshit is the eating bugs of film consumption.
I like eating like a battletoad_but you don't signal it.

another example of
Essentially when it is popular and popular people like it Yea Forums being outcast must hate it because the hatred for "normies" who outcast them.

>They are pretty fun to watch
Found the problem, it's your fucked up standard of "fun."

What if I'm just a grown-up who thinks the movies are childish and boring? I see people in their 30s obsessing over these things and I don't know how they can look themselves in the mirror without suiciding. You're an adult, watch movies made for adults.

Ok, now fuck off to your normie forums then. Let the oucasts talk.

it's for children and no one under 12 should be posting here

also your daily reminder that capeshit is literally boomer equivalent of westerns

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Serious question: what is ""fun"" about them? The fights are dull and weightless, the characters are all quipping jokesters, the plots are boring and overlong and somehow contrived yet idiotically simple at the same time.

Nut up and tell us what and why you find fun in your manchild movies OP

I like the action and cool explosions

overload of CGI. these are closer to video games than movies
nolan's trilogy was fun tho

>no normal person wants constant threads about it
This is true
>It can be fun but it's low tier shit, and
This is sometimes true. More often than not, though, people who hate on capeshit only do it to stroke their own ego and can't actually criticize anything meaningful about those movies except maybe the CGI or some other trivial bullshit. All they can do is appeal to the common knowledge that capeshit is bad because it's for plebs.

Well the action is shit so just take the 25 bucks you spend to watch this shit and go buy some fireworks and have a nice night with your friends instead.

Literally the exact same movie, you have
>the beginning
>the middle
>the end
>good guy (protagonist)
>bad guy (antagonist)
Why are normies SO dumb?

No, you retard. That wasn't an example of your post. I've liked it for a long time. I've just gotten tired of the same thing over and over and over and over again.

capeshit has none of this. action is rendered and explosions are added in post production

some westerns are good
some movies for kids can be enjoyed by adults
worrying that much about whether something is intended for children or not marks you as an insecure internet wannabe who doesn't actually know how to live life in the real world.

The only reason I find it hard to get behind opinions like this is that I guarantee your example of a "good" movie that doesn't do these things is something like Blade Runner 2049.

Well capeshit is hated on here mostly because of the constant thread spam whenever a new one comes out, I myself can't really come up with real criticism because I don't watch it

>only structure matters
low IQ post

just like westerns in the olden days. they're fun to watch. it's a movie(s). they provide an escapism.
so what.
for a while all i liked were slasher/horror movies.
then in high school i enjoyed zombie/monster movies.
then for a while i enjoyed comedies.
who cares what others think.

>They are pretty fun to watch desu.
theyre really not. I was dragged to one of the Avengers in theatres and could barely pay attention, i dont even remember what happened

Same thing happened with one of the Captain America movies

>can't actually criticize anything meaningful about those movies except maybe the CGI or some other trivial bullshit.

That has more to do with the average poster's incapacity to criticize things properly and intelligently than the movies themselves having nothing worth criticizing in them.

The constant threads are extremely annoying. It's overall just fine. They're not terrible movies for the most part and they're not really great either. It's just a way to kill some time for a couple hours and have some light-hearted fun.

no problem with the metagenre itself
it's just that those flicks are super popular right now, while having a hollywood-tier average quality, ie: they're retarded trash

>It's a commerical for products (toys, funkos, clothing, other movies, ect)
>It has very little development in terms of character or story
>The CGI gets worse and worse
>The action.. is actually not that great just big vomit like energy explosions
>The quips are old and replace good dialogue
>The source material is usually pissed on for muh diversity
>The women are getting uglier and uglier.
>It's usually just a vehicle for progressive/socialist/communist propaganda and feminism.

You asked faggot.

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Why are you here then?

Who /marathon/ here except BP cause fuck niggers xD

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Westerns are genuinely kino tho

I ask them what is better, almost no reponse
it's like someone on Yea Forums reeing at Baki, you ask them the same thing, then they say "boku no her-" and then you kill them

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I think your first for points can go either way, but the last four points are extremely true.

>fun to watch
That's not a merit.

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the MCU has always been garbage. Even the first iron man was garbage. And everything DC is just as cringeworthy bad I don't know how anyone can put up with this shit after the Nolan movies. Maybe they've just spoiled me that you can watch a superhero movie that doesn't treat the audience like retards.

it's not that they are popular. they are FUCKING ASSLICKED like they were something important
you dont see "fast and furious 435 is very important and shows celebration of culture xyz" bullshit. meanwhile capeshit is asslicked even it is low-tier hamburger. they even nominated a weak schlock to academy awards, only because of nogs cast

go watch capeshit, not my problem that you have half brain and cgi shitfest is all you need but goddamn stop telling me that these schlocks are important in any mean

transflermers are even better because of higher quality cgi and actual explosions

Politics aside jesus christ these are shit criticisms. Cape shit is for babies but some of the loudest haters are some of the biggest retards out there

>>It has very little development in terms of character or story


They're the equivalent of tech demos

>what's better than a consumerist mass-marketed CGI spectacle
Real film, you goddamn spewing pleb. Fuck off to Yea Forums where you belong, this is a film board, or at least would be if it weren't for your ilk overrunning it.

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How can point one go either way? Most marvel movies just exist to keep people talking about marvel movies and sell merch. That's my most solid point if any.

The CGI is pretty obvious if you just look at Black Panther or even Civil War. Disney is farming that shit out to lesser houses to save money and cutting jobs mostly because faggot marvel fans will accept it and not criticize the movie for it.

The action is pretty bad desu. It's mostly shaky and headache inducing, though not on the level of say Man of Steel, it's still not good action.

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>Marvel capeshit has adequate development of character and story
Based & retardpilled.

based low iq movie viewer

>it's stupid action half the time, like Transformers or F&F
>plot expects you to remember details from the seven movies prior
>no satisfying conclusion, there's always a "stinger" that there's a new villain or a new threat
>sucks budget out for other movies
>often poorly structured, with origins taking a massive chunk of the story

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>They are pretty fun to watch desu.
they aren't you are just a low IQ NPC and I mean this sincerely.

The superhero genre was great up until Disney ruined it with their "Cinematic Universe" horseshit

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It's always the same shit:
>fags in gay suits who have powers
>retard evil-just-because guy wants to destroy or enslave the world
>fags: let's save the world!
>the world is saved again
>repeat ad nauseam.

>Serious question: what is ""fun"" about them?
For scenes like this:

You don't have to like it. But you asked, and there's the answer. And it's not just this scene in isolation, it's how this scene is a a payoff of Thor's entire arc for the movie where he's on a quest to obtain a new weapon. The immediate setup is a tad overdone, where the enemies are shown to be overwhelming all the heroes, but the timing is perfect. The bifrost appears and Thor, the most powerful avenger maybe apart from Hulk, makes a grand entrance along with that instantly recognizable Avenger theme with the dramatic sub-mediant bass note and cadence, and proceeds to start mowing down the enemies like they are nothing.

It's literally the McDonalds Big Gulp of the film world.
Yea Forums is supposed to be an arthouse community.

>it doesn't give an example
>just a shitpost
like clockwork, and case in point

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They perpetrate mediocrity.

this is what hacks tell themselves to cope with their failure to make engaging movies that people want to watch.

my main take from this clip is that ScarJo has seen better days

Tell me one thing that has changed about any of the Avengers.

Civil War didn't matter. They are friends again. Tony Stark could arguably have the most development but he's still basically the same character with no flaws. Hell they had a chance to give him flaws in civil war but they watered the story down so much it was mush.

Character like Hawkeye and Black Widow have zero development. They throw in shit like a relationship with the hulk then completely ignore it. Or some stupid family sideline that isn't even in the films.

Nevermind C listers like War Machine who are literally stand-ins for "Stuff I know".

Burden is on you my fine onions'd friend.

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>videogame graphic tier "action" scenes
>completely dumb scripts
>commercial, plastic sheen over everything
>film school level of bad acting
>lowest common denominator pandering
>they all end as basically ads for the next movie

>Yea Forums is supposed to be an arthouse community
Fucking kek

I hate marvel shit because it's always swarmy with reddit fag self-aware/smug camp.

DC shit you can actually laugh at with how absurdly retarded they are and how it's all intended to be soaked in like a sponge for the target audience. kinda like fast and the furious films or whatever. batmans voice in the chris nolan films is hilarious. If you want to be a peued DC capeshit is tolerable in the same way all "english movie where the target demographic doesn't actually speak english" movies are, but marvel capeshit is just complete garbage.

>that people want to watch.

Talking about character and story development in a movie as a quantifiable thing is retarded you complete fucking mongoloid

They have about as much character development as any other movie, it just happens to be simplistic tripe for babies. Stop watching youtubers.

what did he mean by this?

What were your favorite movies from last year?

right the question is do you want to understand why people call these movies "fun" or do you just want to be a faggot?

>it just happens to be simplistic tripe for babies.

so which is it? is it good or tripe? are you stoned right now?

>unironically watching capeshit

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cope harder

The example is "watch more film", phoneposter. Capeshit is anti-art garbage pandering to the lowest common denominator, it's pure consumerism that requires no cognive thought process to understand and instead relies on exploited mere emotional responses that those with low cinematic IQ give so much credence to.

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by all means enjoy your capeshit, but go to reddit or something

>"this scene is fun"
>proceeds to explain why its actually dull, generic schlock

I haven't seen enough Avengers movies to know. I'm a grown man. Literally have no idea who half the people you mentioned are.

>He doesn't know

Because it's just mediocre corporate schlock fired down the food chute into the gaping maws of the retarded masses. It doesn't matter if it's DC, or Marvel, or anything else.

And it's not just capeshit. It's any lazy reboot, sequel, or prequel that is marketed to idiots.

The American film industry used to be something to be proud of, something the whole of the world envied us. There was magic to it, and whimsy. Now? It's just another faceless machine that sucks in marketing demographics and shits out inoffensive, neutral-colored paste for mass consumption.

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The correct answer is these films are fun because they have big explosions and fancy lights and special effects that makes people thing the film was "worth the money" These babies hate any kind of subtlety so fight scenes aren't going to have any actual choreography or weight behind anything, they will just look flashy, and their processors have flashing lights cached as fun. Just as likely it's some normalfag social ritual so watch them and they get no enjoyment at all.

When did I ever imply that it was good?

That's what I don't understand from all the anti-capeshit threads: at least a majority of the posters watch capeshit themselves, and do so again and again only to complain. Same with shows like GoT, etc - why haven't they just dropped it seasons ago? It's not ironic, they're actually invested at least in hatred and distaste, but refuse to make the final leap to freedom. Very sad.

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>c-cope harder, amirite fellas

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>as a quantifiable thing
Go in on that straw man, bro.

None of you are true patricians with developed taste. You only imitate patrician taste without understanding it.

it's like people don't know the usersbase on Yea Forums has shot up to 300million from 50million in 2012. and 2012 was newfag central.

Where do you think these 250mil people came from? All redditors, mostly underage. Yea Forums is literally a reddit colony.

there's nothing inherently wrong with it. the problem lies with the fans being raging faggots about the movies feeling the need to spam threads and shit up this place.

>at least a majority of the posters watch capeshit themselves
how naive

I can tell you the only super hero movies I've seen in the theater was batman forever, tdk, tdkr, and chronicle and I have never watched GoT

>he has to tell himself everyone else is as mediocre as he is

>Yea Forums is just one person
I don't watch capeshit, faggot.
Plus, at least in GoT you don't know what the fuck will happen. Capeturds are all the same. So, the comparison is not accurate.

>tfw haven't seen a single capeshit since iron man 2008
>tried to watch avengers on a plane and couldn't get past the opening

Spelling aside, literally the first person in the thread to explain what's wrong with these movies in their fans in a semi-intelligent way. Patrician movie in the image lends credence.

Less "durrr bad CGI bad quips bad development" and more of this, please.

>there's nothing inherently wrong with it
But that's absolute false. People being sold a product with no regard for artistic merit is wrong. That's why trash films like Blade Runner 2049 are praise so much, because the average capeshit moviegoer is suddenly sold an marginally above-average film and they believe it to be worthwhile film.

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All is infected that the infected spy, as all is yellow to the jaundiced eye

holy BASED

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It's self-evident why these films are shit and a waste of time trying to articulate it.

Well if we're talking good as fun yet intelligent I like Amadeus. If we're talking good as in fun but goofy I like Dredd.

Capeshit are McMovies, literally designed for the dumb masses to get retards to spend billions watching this dreck. People who like capeshit are no different than people who like McDonald's.

>very little development

That's a direct quote, idiot

>I know all of you completely just by reading one of your posts
Whatever you say, bud.

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They need to be shoved into a general so its for non-brainlets to filter them to find actual kino threads. I have 68 filtered posts atm and I only have a few capeshit terms

There are two types of people in the world. The first are people who freely have fun and don't care what other people do for fun. What do they care? They're just trying to have a good time.

The other type is person is a massive faggot. This type of person has a specific brand of fun -- their fun -- which is, to them, the only acceptable kind of fun that exists. If other people enjoy something they don't like, they're having wrongfun. And because they're having wrongfun, they're idiots, or plebs, or leddit, or whatever other buzzword fits neatly into their little meme niche. These kind of people don't have a lot of friends because nobody wants to be around them.

Even here, on Yea Forums, where most people are the second type of person, these types of 'acceptable fun' almost never coincide perfectly which means that 99% of threads on the site come down to
>lol fagot ur wrong
>im right tho newfag pleb kek
And this repeats for a string of 10-12 replies until one of the two (the less pathetic person) abandons the thread to go jerk off to hentai or whatever the fuck.

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>The correct answer is these films are fun because they have big explosions and fancy lights and special effects
No, it's more than that. Your explanation fails for even for the single example I provided (and I could provide many more). It's not merely the explosions and fancy lights.
Yes, Marvel action scenes usually lack the kind of thrilling tension that most good action scenes in other movies have. They lack any kind of fear for the protagonists. But that doesn't mean they're devoid of other kinds of drama. Again, Thor's entrance to Wakanda in Infinity War is expertly done. You have multiple setups and layers of tension all being paid off and resolved in that one moment. The big spectacle and special effects are just what's appropriate for that climax.

This is exactly right. It's why it's difficult to side with anyone in these arguments, you're all fucking retarded tasteless monkeys.

Yes, I can. It's really obvious.

>imagine enjoying spending 40 hours watching the same boring characters do nothing but quip and not grow at all

Even fucking anime changes it up once in a while.

Agreed, but articulating it makes these dunces feel smarter than the dunces they hate so much

Ah yes, Amadeus and Dredd. Truly pinnacles of quality patrician cinema.

You're all the fucking same as each other.

No, you don't.

so you're defending films you don't watch?

Its complete shit compared to the comics.

>It's self-evident why these films are shit
Because they're unsubstantiated garbage that fall apart under even basic scrutiny? Superpowers literally cannot exist, they defy know laws of physics, and only one with a low enough IQ to turn their brain completely off could invest even a modicum of their energy and thought process into this anti-art spew.

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either you are a pretentious faggot with no true taste, or you are pretending to be pretentious. Either way you lose.

I've seen maybe four of these movies and I don't enjoy them. I'm a grown-up. Want to try reading that again?

>he thinks everyone who doesnt like his children's movies is 'pretentious'
user please get help

>every story with supernatural element is shit
more pretenders reveal themselves

Where did I defend the movies themselves? I'm saying you're a barely literate pleb who couldn't string together a compelling criticism to save his life.

you're free to enjoy eating shit. I'm sure eating shit is lots of fun for you and lots of other people, but I'm not going to recommend it.

Pseuds are genuinely smarter than normalfags, they are just midwits. You can be justified in feeling superiority to the target demographic of media that dehumanizes or insults the intelligence of its audience, it's just pretty gay to actually seek this media out.

>very little = a numerical assessment
Jesus, at least put your helmet on, would hate to see you injure yourself.

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you're proving my point by failing to even follow the simple conversation. You lack the capacity to even understand capeshit much less anything more sophisticated. You are a fool.

I don't like capeshit, nor would I recommend it. But there's a difference between passively or even directly not recommending something and sperging out as virulently as people do on this board about shit.

Alan Moore was right. These shits are for children.

>he's getting madder and madder
user it's really not a big deal, some people were just meant to watch children's movies even as adults

Except superhero comics and movies make no effort to suspend disbelief, instead fans do so of their own free will and don't care how ridiculous the narrative is. As long as it's fun and epic, right?

Hard to say on the spot but Climax is probably the best pure film that was made last year.

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people don't actually get mad on the internet you autistic faggot. Any vitriol you see in banter, there is nothing wrong with making fun of people who watch capeshit.

>You lack the capacity to even understand capeshit
Someone actually said this. Wow.

It's shallow, uninspired and safe.

BTFO in just three words

live action is tights really does suck you out of the world. I really can't understand why capeshit isn't animated except that lemmings think animation is lower budget and not as AAA as live action.

I have no doubt that there are people who are just bantering or memeing, as you say, but if you don't think Yea Forums is littered with gullible retards that are incapable of distinguishing friendly jokes from passionate belief, you haven't been paying attention much over the past couple of years. Look at how many people are drinking the identity politics kool-aid.

That's what makes it so good!

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it is live action cartoon for manchildren
it is completely void of anything innovative or interesting
it is microwaveable McBoardroom coca cola

Scintillating stuff user, really.

I'd love for you to tell me how much you love practical effects and how much you hate 3D. And how 94 and 99 were the best years ever for movies. I bet you hate shaky cam too you tier 1 cinephile you.

Climax started strong but was ultimately tedious, sophomoric rubbish.

>friendly jokes
banter isn't necessarily friendly jokes, it can have mean intentions, the goal can be to make you actually upset over trivial anons online hence "you can't handle the banter"

You come off as a redditor to me desu. Your prose exposes you.

Thanks for posting the perfect example of why capeshit movies are shit

>this scene is a a payoff of Thor's entire arc for the movie where he's on a quest to obtain a new weapon

Setting aside the fact that the last movie was literally about how Thor himself is the power, not whatever stupid fucking weapon he wields (a perfect example of how schizophrenic these movies are, how They can't let anyone grow or evolve), this ""payoff"" has no build up or room to breathe. Thor comes flying in out of nowhere, quips, gets quipped at, and within a minute he's just another generic combatant fighting in a meaningless cgi mishmash. Compare batmans in the TDKReturns, which is world shaking.

>the enemies are shown to be overwhelming all the heroes

This happens in literally every capeshit movie, and the overwhelming means nothing. Whether the heroes have armour, are super powered, or are just a withered woman in a leather suit, the ""fearsome"" villains never do any real damage. In that clip all these creatures strong enough to hurl around people with claws and fangs sharp enough to tear through iron man armour dont hurt any of the heroes at all. Everyone could be standing around letting themselves get chomped on and it'd end the same way. Theres no tension or danger.

>Thor makes a grand entrance along with that instantly recognizable Avenger theme with the dramatic sub-mediant bass note and cadence

The bland and uninteresting music is one of the biggest faults in these shitty movies. No one will remember the avengers theme 5 years after these movies finally bust. You can still hum the batman and harry potter themes.

>and proceeds to start mowing down the enemies like they are nothing

Every single hero mows down hordes of enemies at their leisure, unless the scene calls for a particular one to be showcased. These movies are so formulaic, boring, emotionless, uninteresting, and just plain awful.

Imagine caring and typing this much about a genre you supposedly don't even like

this is the admission of defeat i guess

Sure, I use reddit. I've used it for like 9 years now. But I've used Yea Forums a lot longer than that. I'm just over 30 and I type a lot for my job. It's kind of automatic.

Because like it or not, faggot, people enjoying shit means more shit gets produced and less money is spent on actually good things

I'm a different person, I haven't even read what you wrote or watched the scene you're talking about. It's just baffling to me that someone would spend this much time "deconstructing" a childish piece of fluff they don't even like with all the mental vigor of an autistic high schooler.

>Sure, I use reddit
but fucking why? It's unbearable

I do not understand you guys that use both these sites and act like theyre somehow similar

Thanks for conceding defeat

Alright. And do you think the metric that is going to alter what the movie industry produces is who makes the most shitposts on Yea Forums? If you don't think that, I can only assume you believe that if you shitpost virulently and consistently enough here that you can have some kind of tangible impact on a movie's profit margins. Good luck on that.

It just comes down to money at this point. They'll make what sells.

Since when is "spew" a genre? Imagine letting Hollywood defecate into your open mouth.

I understand that people as dumb as you think typing a couple hundred words is some kind of effort that takes a long time, but it isn't.

imagine thinking this is a valid argument

>less money is spent on actually good things

Like what? And let's see if you can name something that isn't sci-fi/fantasy and doesn't contain a single gun.

Also that isn't how Hollywood works you tard.

IE you're too much of a pleb to experience true cinema.

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>Sure, I use reddit.
consider adopting a tripcode so I can filter you.

I don't use them for the same reason, not at all. But reddit is good for having very focused discussions on very specific topics. There are just way more subreddits than boards on Yea Forums and the discussion is more focused. People are insufferable there but to be honest, they're just as shit here most of the time (these days). /tg/ is probably the only board I still browse on here where you can have a decent discussion that stays mostly on topic.

They're not similar really, at all. You're right about that.

It’s not that superhero films must be bad as a rule. The problem is what the MCU represents: the end of auteur filmmaking in favor of movies produced by committee from pre/existing IP, and designed to appeal to the greatest breadth of people by removing depth of story, character, or meaning. Essentially the hegemony of the lowbrow summer blockbuster extending over the entire year.

Though for the average Yea Forumseddit shitposter I would say is correct.