/ffg/ - Found Footage General

Featured film: Area 51

Previously: What is found footage? Found footage consists of feature length movies, shorts, or webseries designed to have the look and feel of actual (non-fictional) filmed events that were lost and subsequently discovered and made available to the viewer. That is why it is the most creative subgenre ever to exist, with over 700 movies and counting!


FF IMDB: foundfootagecritic.com/found-footage-films-database/

Conversation starters for newbies:
>What is your favorite found footage film?
>What found footage film are you looking forward to?
>What is your idea for the perfect found footage film?


a) Download Sources from best (1) to worst (5)

1) Private Torrents (PTP, CG, and THC are the best for FF and THC is easy to join)
2) Private Usenet accounts (Get these from private torrents and private piracy forums)
3) Public Usenet (use Binsearch, get a free usenet account, slow but it works)
4) Public Torrents (use BTDB, torrentz2, zooqle, rarbg)
5) Public and private DDL (warez-bb, filehosts)

b) Streaming sites have quite a few. Type in google "[name of movie] 123movies"

c) Amazon Prime has a lot of them if you already have an account.

d) Ask /ffg/ for the ones you can't find using above methods. Remember to archive the rare ones for your fellow FF fans!

e) Here's a still-evolving pastebin of FF movies you can watch on Youtube. These are NOT recommendations!

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for qts

I do btw

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I haven't seen this but I heard it was good from one guy and then I once saw a post asking why it was shit. I'm gonna watch it. Hopefully the thread is still up tomorrow in case I fall asleep.

and I listened to that last song too.
it was a good song, but I can't really listen to too much depressing music in a row. I try to listen to a lot more upbeat stuff these days and it actually does help a little bit. it's like a Jedi mind trick (reylo Becky reeee).

wew dad I'm feeling good.

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it's worth a watch for sure.
wasn't my favorite but it wasn't a waste of my time either.

Anyone have a rec for a good creature/demon FF like Cold Ground? I've watched all of the films in this list:


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what's going on?

>If your not a fan of the "shaky" cam, then look elsewhere.
based chad footage finder
can't look thru a whole list right now.
is the monster project or mont nobi on yhere?

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I like all of these beats and yeah some of the music can be depressing but I really like this video
I wonder how they got to film inside an empty mall, maybe after hours

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hold up imn working on sonething real quick

hi marvin

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Black water vampire


I'm sitting in a chair rolling up some weed
I don't give a fuck about what you need


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That was SHIT

you smooth gimp

what movie?



good pic my dude

ze witch bitch

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I don't have a FF rec, no. There's a good underrated regular horror called "Wind Chill" if you want something cold and in the snow.

im basically asleep on my feet right now.
good night

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good night

no more perks, I bet someone unlocked them

Is Area 51 any good?
I like horror and Area 51 stuff, but I'm not a big fan of found footage flicks


nice, found a stream with subs

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Kino shot

May I see it?


It's ok but the ending sucks

Thank God Yea Forums is slow right now.

Need a source on webm related

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Ending of Occult




I bet I'm going to like Area 51 more now since people are saying it's just alright or whatever. I know people outside of this thread say it's really good

rude awakening today, not even up 10 minutes and already having a bad day. I'm gonna watch a bad day movie


It's not a bad movie at all. It's just that the ending is a letdown. There's been some FF stinkers out there and Area 51 doesn't come close to those.

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Its comfy

area 51's not FF

Are you sure?

It is definitely FF

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Bad Ben




SOURCE: thefearfootage.com/

TRAILER: youtube.com/watch?v=YzZL4yrZHfs


SOURCE: FB/badbenmovie

TRAILER: youtube.com/watch?v=uSMUGl1kucs

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Thank you for this post.

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Nigel should upload another trailer if it's coming out in less than a month, what a dummy

hi josh

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What did he mean by this?



never getting a sequel


official verdict:
heroin rules, xanax drools


no shit

How do I work up the motivation / attention span to watch a feature length found footage movie?

By being an adult with average or higher intelligence.

I'm intelligent but more in the autism / adhd kind of way

literally me lmao
just listen to music, I don't have the attention span to truly appreciate movies and I'm starting to realize that I never did.

or just watch one and if you didn't kill yourself by the end, then you liked it.

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cool shot.
I've seen Area 51 twice, but I don't remember what part this is?

wow I barely remember making this.

I think I went too far with the sentient pentagram.
I just couldn't figure out what to put in the very empty upper left corner.

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I've got a shit attention span but if something's really good it'll hook me in, then I'll obsess over it. The hallmark of a good movie is if you realise it's been half an hour and you haven't checked /ffg/.

A good movie in general is one you can watch without being tempted to fast forward it. I notice on some FFs I am eyeing my FireTV remote to skip ahead sometimes because they had too much filler.

>if you realise it's been half an hour and you haven't checked /ffg/.
couldn't have said it better if I tried.
actually, i can identify with the whole post, i just thought that was a good line in particular.

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I'm so addicted to /ffg/ that I wish I had some head mounted computer that I could interact with using my mind so I can post here with you guys while doing mundane tasks or lying down to sleep. I drop my phone on my face a lot because I stay up too long.


it's a big part of why i have to take days off sometimes. i can be addicted to anything, it's just the way my brain works.
they call it a disease because it's nicer than "mental illness" and some people can't accept that kind of thing.

What's a good torrent client?


is this your list or did you just use it as a guide like the big chart?
either way, it's got a lot of good stuff, some i haven't seen, and some i didn't like. but its impossible to agree with every pick if its a top 100 list.

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either I'm filling up my lungs or I'm filling up my tummy

epic, i like it

have you found the footage that the Blaire witch (real) scattered in the crowd ?
and have you found wally?

to the right and to the left

I liked this one. again it's a bit too depressing for me to really get into it, but the video was cool and he definitely has his own unique style. did they really break into the mall to film it?
I was gonna say the mall looked familiar, but then I remembered that all malls look exactly the same.

here's one right by the dancefloor.
and also Dunnhier (on Justin Timberlake's body), CIA, Chuck (or Sneed), and Slenderman.
and Peachfuzz and a little devil who is poking the vampire t-rex mutant hybrid siamese twins in the belly and some sort of Lich Wizard and a random samurai.

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the simpsons character should be dead with his head cut off satan

hi janny!

here's another tape that no one will ever see because it gets trampled in the moshpit.
and an old friend of ours is up close to the stage.
and shiraishi is on the stage, getting some good crowd shots.

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I like the werewolf jumping off the stage

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is creep movies found footage?


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does anyone know how to mess around with the background image on topsters?
not the color or how to add a picture but like how to crop it or figure out the dimensions it should be?

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weird, my internet went down all of a sudden





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nothing much

is reid ok?

I think so, he may have been probed

he seems normal after the time skip

I wanna go to vegas

strip club and boobs, nice

good natural acting and believable friendship

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there he is

oh fugg that dog scared me

I don't know how people can break in like that when the houses are so close to each other

I wanna go to an alien diner, I remember someone from here said they've gone before

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fry me up

I wonder if area 51 really exists

It does, I was born there.

oh shi-

have you ever seen an ufo?

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It's a pretty mundane weapons testing facility these days. The UFO was moved elsewhere back in '78, no idea what happened to the bodies. You'd think that would be more secret, but living there, you hear things.

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oh damn of course, they changed location to perform the experiments

If you know too much you'll disappear.

when he touched the space ship it was pretty cool

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there's not enough explosions in this movie

What movie?


wtf? she just floated away

there never is

ah yes the old camera falls out of the space ship trope

that's it? that was abrupt

Area 51, it was alright I was expecting better

The build up is better than the payoff. As soon as they hit Area 51 I lost all interest in the movie. The first half is still quite good, and that house break in scene was exciting.

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As far as I know, whatever they've got, aliens or tech or whatever, is pretty much always moving. The Area 51 thing is an open secret and treated like a meme. Best way to cover it up is laugh it off. People living there aren't given secret briefings, they're told to stop the joking.

some say they've already made half human half alien hybrids

la creatura?

Other than the first 2, are any of the Bad Ben movies worth watching?

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Haven't heard this in a while, used to listen to it at least once a day. I always love how he laughs while singing.

It's really not that easy to breed different species, even with gene splicing tech. We don't have the experience natural evolution does. Especially between two or more inter-planetary species.

he laughs again when he performs the song for the crowd in the tv show. laroo

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I heard they used alien tech to do it

worst movie genre yet why do I keep on watching them
guilty pleasure? i don't know

Tried it, didn't work, but it's basically where shit like CRISPR comes from.

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you should stop punishing yourself.

I'm in a warehouse alone, I hear doors open and close
No phone, no intercom controls
Wouldn't matter anyway I'm in a paranormal zone
Goose bumps grow, I could hear a few ghosts moan

oh damn I didn't know that

Good cult movies?

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The Tonguing of My Anus: A Niggers Tale

I asked for cult movies not monsters
i found the advanced film search, thanks though

i was just gonna say Cult anyway so I figured why not?
also the Sacrament and Safe Haven

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Damn it, I watched those two last night which is why I'm craving for more
Please don't tell me those are the best ones at the moment, nothing is more scarier than a group of zealous humans willing to force change of belief(s) for others in whatever means.

>20 joker threads

the trailer actually looks good.
i figured it would be the new spam.

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they're the only ones i can think of right now

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>race mixing propaganda
no thanks

he has a black girlfriend right?

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the love interest is black yes

>start watching Kaos Brief
>two white homos and a bmwf couple

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eh im over it. as long as she doesn't openly talk about hating white people, im okay with her.

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rare mayuko feet

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nice mayuko bedroom eyes

shes peepin on the fly brotha

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I love Goosebumps

she's great

Bad Ben if far and away the best.
Steelmanville Road is ok, but tries too hard to be an actual horror movie with a dramatic plot.
Badder Ben is a return to form.
Mandela Effect is probably the most 'Bad Ben' like of all the sequels, with an anthology twist
Crescent Moon Clown feels like it was trying to be Bad Ben without Tom Riley.

If I had to rank them
>Bad Ben
>Mandela Effect
>Badder Ben
>Crescent Moon Clown
>Steelmanville Road

The fewer actors, the better is the rule of thumb for this series.

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Can I get disappeared already? My life is shit and I know all about the jews.

which is better: this or ?

i would probably switch badder and mandela, but I may just need to watch mandela a second time.

i mean if there's any place you can be sure that the people who could disappear you are reading your posts, its here.

or maybe go on 8pol and start saying youre a whistleblower or something.
you may need to have actual damning information though or they'll just put you on the attention whore list.

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Dude im a random nobody that shitposts on a bhutanese basket making forum, who the fuck would take me seriously.
Pic related is best I can do.

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same, but im pretty sure they collect data and automatically store posts that use certain words and phrases.
whether anyone actually checks that list or cares about it at all, i couldnt say for sure.
ive posted all sorts of concerning pictures anyway, i would unironically not be surprised at all if i was on dozens of lists.
the good news is im all about being friendly and cooperative and if i needed to take out some anger or frustration, id just go do some drugs and that would make it all better. it literally works every time.

Leave DC to me

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>ha, so you think your shaolin style can defeat me... ill let you taste my wu tang sword style
>en garde!!

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Just watched Savageland and holy fuck did it spook the shit out of me.

>they're heading north

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It's a really unsettling movie, love it.

Badder Ben is my fav

Yeah the Joker threads are a good example of why /ffg/ is worth having.

If your life is shit and you know about the chosen ones you should honestly join a group that also knows about them so you can get connections to help you improve your life.

Why has nobody done this meme before?

too many memes

I cleaned my room and washed my penis, now what?

not radical enough, user.


>Bad Ben if far and away the best.
Ehhh no

Amazon prime has so many ff films

Tubi has a lot of them for free as well but nothing beats the THC right now for most FF in one place.


I don't have no THC

You can always try one of our guys who offered invites here.


Join the fun. THC is awesome. Whatever they don't have, you can request to be uploaded for you.

Thank you

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Fuck you the lobster


Oh good it's almost gone

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piss off nigel

I am enjoying area 51.


More FFTV just came out

oh cool, I still haven't seen the first episode


I'm gonna wait until all the episodes are out to watch it

I'm starting the first episode right now.


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Alienators was fun.

I just finished the first episode of What we do in the Shadows TV show and it's ok. The girl vampire could be better and Colin Robinson isn't as good as an idea as the showrunners think he is. Guillermo is pretty good though.

that's on my backlog

Maybe the second episode is better.

t. muh politics trigger me

OK yeah the second episode was better. I definitely laughed more this time and I like what they are doing with the new character.

I love Bad Ben and Steelmanville Road.

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It was good thanks.

Good to know, I'm gonna watch them later.

Savageland watcher here: are there any found footage films that are similarly unsettling? I've seen most of the big ones:

>Blair Witch Project

I'm sure there are dozens that have slipped under the radar over the years.

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Lake Mungo is the definition of unsettling. Not traditionally scary but it gets under your skin. It is kino compared to Savageland.

lake mungo
the poughkeepsie tapes

Go through all of these. Seriously. Or at the very least, watch the ones that have a premise that interest you. They are all worth seeing.

Savageland is fucking great, though.

have you seen Creep?

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Yeah but Lake Mungo is better.


I love them both for different reasons, they're very different movies.

izabezt moober

yep, the only way those two are comparable is that they're both mockumentary style framing of FF

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>lake mungo
>tragic, haunting, very personal ghost story about coping with a terrible loss and the glimpse into a supernatural world you can't quite understand
>politically veiled, heavily realistic story of frightened, human reactions to an unnatural event where a small town was slaughtered overnight save for one man and the potential dangers of narrow, tribalistic thought

Both movies have immensely different themes and intents, the only thing connecting them is a similar delivery as a fake documentary.

I think the comparison was mainly that they are both unsettling




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is that chaeyeon

can you please give me a one word answer for where toma came from? i dont care if its cryptic.

that and they were both good.

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me in the back

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why did someone post bazinga lol? im high as fuck right now


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i wasn't even high when i posted it.
top lol.

Anyone here ever seen an UFO? I did but it was years ago.

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Yeah it flew right over us. We never saw Jason again after that day. Some say he ran away to Tijuana.

sadly no.

what did it look like?

It was like a saucer.

not sure why you reminded me of this song

anyway, they didn't abduct you though?

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No but I think I've seen two ghosts.

Not my style of music...They didn't abduct me but I think they took a friend.

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i am a ghost

thats the first song i ever listened to on shrooms.
some geocities-tier website recommended it like 20 years ago.
did you ever find your friend?

Not even memeing lads. One might have been the ghost of a deformed child murdered by its aristocratic family to hide a shame (long story) and the other was weird shit in a graveyard near a site where they used to hang people.

Sounds spooky.

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is he down with the clown?

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zooming rn

yep just shilling

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Saw something strange on my way to work when I did night shifts, it only stood out to me because the light moved differently to the backdrop of the city lights, as if it were much much closer but still far away.
I stopped my bike to have a look and after maybe 20 seconds or so it shot straight up at some speed and seemed to disappear, or at least blend into the sky, I lost it in a bunch of stars but I'm sure it was still there somewhere watching.

>shot straight up at some speed
read this as "shot some straight up speed"
that's spooky though, im ascared of aliums. maybe they're still out there watching...

Why did no one warn me that Fraud is just an editing showcase. What a dull 'film'.

>tfw didn't fall for the Fraud meme
i might watch it one day just to see why /ffg/ dislikes it so much

did you ask?

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it's not worth it, unless you really like jumpcuts and the sound of wind blowing on cheap microphones.

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lurk more

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be back later

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I wish it was friday already so I could stay up watching found footage movies


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this was the best found footage film in recent years and it's not even close

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sure if you've only seen a few

guarantee i've seen more than you, pleb

not likely, I've seen over 300


yo yo ma

cao ni ma

seu buceta

te voy a dar con una chuleta

and a grass mud horse to you to, my Chinese friend.

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whens the /ffg/ meet up

This summer

one man

meets himself

will do the impossible


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kill claire and save paul

the footage of a lifetime

even if

he's gay

