Upstream Color

What did Yea Forums think of this movie? I thought it was beautiful and moving. Honestly underrated.

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It got me to read Walden for the first time.

Best of the Decade:
1) The Master
2) Hard to Be a God
3) Upstream Color

hi shane, i liked primer too

I honestly barely remember it. Wasn't there some twist with pig's blood or something. And in the end she like inhabits someone else's body and kills a guy or something?

No on all accounts. You need to watch it again.

Redpilll me on the master. I loved this movie but I couldn't get into it.

Don't believe his lies the movie was shite.

A kennel owner tries to train a stray dog, and the dog tries his best, but realizes he's better off wild.

I loved it and like said I bought Walden and it's one of the best books I've ever read.

Can probably chalk it up to having zero exposition but Carruth's movies are highly rewatchable.

Godamnnit make A Topiary already.

What do you guys think happened to Granger?

He had to be able to use an existing box and if his facial hair grew back so it has to be one of the failsafes, and probably Aaron's since he'd be the only one to talk to Granger about anything.

I think he might've used the box underhandedly so he probably doesn't understand the mechanism enough to realize he has to go back to avoid a paradox, in which case he might've had more hair growth from simply running around a couple days as the double.

Also about Aaron and Abe not being able to write afterward, I think they emerge from the box mirrored in some way.

>Also about Aaron and Abe not being able to write afterward, I think they emerge from the box mirrored in some way.

You've got this wrong. Their hands get messed up after sticking them in pic related

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watching primer rn because of the thread earlier today, breddy gud so far

Probably right but I wonder exactly how that worked. If the field inside is just causing time to ricochet I guess it fucks their hands up by not making a proper exit?

Also what if you die before entering the box or even in it? Dead body would just eventually be kicked out at the A side but would this alone cause a paradox?

And just what the hell does the one Aaron plan on doing with a warehouse sized box? I get that it would allow for bigger jumps but it seems pointless if he just continues to play the stock market since gains would just as good day-to-day.

And if he still plans on doing the voice recorder thing to prevent altering the timeline it'd be nuts to try and match each day beat by beat without messing up, and if he does do something differently by accident it could make the following weeks, months or years completely different and unpredictable.

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I liked it.

It's great, but it's missing a little something. It's not very re-watchable. That may sound like a pleb criteria for judging a movie, but why? Is a painting good if you only want to look at it once? A movie should intrigue or affect you so that you want to watch it over and over. My favorite movies ever, I could watch them once a year at least. I saw this twice and I don't care if I ever see it again.

But amazing visuals, though. Especially considering they shot it with a small budget and prosumer cameras.

Amy Seimetz gets my dick so hard, especially in the Upstream Color timeframe. Hnnnngggg!!!

will he ever make A Topiary?

Lame and overrated.