What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
it's how hollywood calls somebody a retard, without getting in trouble for saying the r word
Yeah it means retard.
You'll notice in real life people that mouth breathe are stupid and ugly
whoa wtf crying...that is so offensive. I breathe with my mouth because my nose always feels blocked.
Unblock your nose then, mouth breathing actually harms your health
You're fucking up your facial bone structure.
H-How do I fix it? I think there is a layer of polyp in my nose preventing me from breathing properly. That should explain why my hemoglobin levels are do high on blood tests.
You said it's a constant problem so you should really see a doctor to get it fixed, breathing through your nose is important
She meant to say "Have Sex" but it was a late edit.
Why do you type like a fucking fag bitch boy? "h-h-h-h-h-h-how" stop typying with a stutter you dumb fucktard
By the way, do you have any problems sleeping? Or with snoring?
I probably snore although no one has told me yet
I would probably need an operation to fix it but I heard they can grow back. I have seen a lot of other people do it though and most of them snore. I might have gotten brain damage from this.
I-I am s-sorry ;_;
>making fun of someone's physical disabilities
how is this more PC that just saying "retard"?
Sometimes I can't sleep because my nose feels blocked, I usually use ear plugs and that makes it twice as bad. I sleep lonf hours >10=
>I would probably need an operation to fix it but I heard they can grow back.
You just have to dialate it, fren.
Yeah I read breathing through your mouth when you sleep can cause really bad sleep and snoring.
Honestly though, not a lot of studies on mouth breathing, there really should be more I think, the inside of the nose has a whole lot of complex systems that filter the air, and even regulate it how much should go into your body. Probably more stuff
Its too late for me. I started when I was young and now I have a moderately weak chin. The only way to fix it now is to pay 8k to have a doctor drill a titanium plate into my jaw.
>mfw I'm such a fuckup I can't even breathe correctly
You should try those 'mewing' exercises, I know they can fix poor facial structure on children. Not sure how it works for adults, but it could improve your breathing problems and maybe even the face
Why the fuck does God make the tube you breathe from connect to the tube you eat and drink from? Seriously wtf?
I remember asking about it on /fit/ and they all roasted me
dude you are so wrong.
used to share a room with one, wanted to fucking kill him every night but also he got laid most out of all of us, he had abs and shit.
fucking go outside, stop finding new bizzare reasons to hate yourself, there are plenty legit ones already
Dude wtf are you talking about? Yeah I'm sure there's a random chad mouth breathing out there, but it's not a good thing to breathe through your mouth
What's dialation?
The act of washing your body with Dial soap.
It's a failsafe. If you have a cold then you're nose is fucked and you suffocate from your own snot. If your mouth is obstructed then you can breath through your nose
wdtmbt tho?