Yea Forums how do you like this show? Honestly, this is the best CGI I ever seen. Like goddamn its amazing to see how far CGI has come. This looks scary real
Have a (you)
What the fuck are you talking about
the hitler episode was shit
or the fridge people one (stolen idea from the simpsons)
or the episode with the pool cleaner
or the episode with the furry soldiers
only the aquila rift episode was alright since there was no niggers in there.
how do i get a cgi gf
Yea Forums is obsessed with the spider girl
I still would
is she based on olivia taylor dudleys
This was the best one
>mouth on dick height
>there is even hair on it (so its fuckable)
>can titfuck her eyes
seriously at this point I'd take that spider as gf
too gimmicky
the slime probably feels godly on the cock
I bet her bjs are amazing.
I hope they assemble some more shorts. Small-studio animation is a good thing.
Same guy that did Spiderverse right, recognised it instantly pretty good.
Zima Blue is objectively the best, you utter brainlet
Would you fuck her Yea Forums?
yes even in her real spider form
AND not OR you fucking sodomite
>duhhhhhhhhh girl runs about for 15 minutes
>duhhhhhhhhhhhhh art
the truth is that they were all shit - awful im14andthisisdeep/edgy writing.
the only thing any of them had going for them was the animation quality but in just a few years it will age badly. this series will have no lasting impact.
Spider ayy lmao gf
>can create cool scenarios in your head so never have to go out
>can show herself to you in whatever body you want to fuck
>loves you and doesn't want you to get hurt
>has feels for you
>is probably very strong in her real ayy form and can carry you around or you can ride on top of her
>keeps you alive and skinny/never get fat
Aquila Rift literally had a black guy
I don't know why everyone gushes over Beyond the Aquila Rift.
>girl who wakes up in the fake reality was actually dead the whole time, even though she clearly wasn't (could see the alien for what it was, physically hurt the alien, etc.)
>claims to care for everyone who gets stuck out in her weirdspace
>lead character is clearly not being cared for at all and is dying due to lack of food, water, etc.
zima blue was the best episode you fucking pleb
Reminder he was actually sticking his dick in the mouth hole
Thought she looked like that Billie cunt from the EU
if he could be anything he wants why was he a nigger?
>>lead character is clearly not being cared for at all and is dying due to lack of food, water, etc.
How would a fucking alien spider thing know about basic human needs?
He was a pool cleaning robot you faggot
and turned himself into a nigger
>he literally unironically DID NOT LIKE KINO BLUE
>muh niggerrobot
Clearly the human was given water/liquid to stay hydrated from the aliens slime pores. That’s why she had him lick shampagne off her body in the dream, it was happening in real life
thats hot as fuck why was he complaining? obviously in his dreamworld he didnt feel bad he was in good shape
This is proof that your brain is rotten. Don’t wanna start a big argument but I want you to know that you are simply a dumb person
I watched it a few days ago and the only decent one was Beyond the Aquila Rift.
The family he originally was with was black, so it makes sense he would make his body to look like them
what does that hole feel like bros?
>Why is he complaining
You mean why would he freak out when he wakes up nearly dead, his friends are dead, and he's trapped with an eldritch abomination?
like heaven
but shes hot and lactates to nourish you.
Don't kid yourself, if you woke up from a dream and your reality was You'd want to be dead
that episode had more juice than most hollywood flicks released nowadays
>don't need to wagecuck anymore ever
>don't need to pay debts to some kike
>everyone on board is already dead anyway fuck em coworkers are always faggots like fuck the lesbian and the dumb nigger
>far away from this gay earth so no annoying humans
>smart and sexy spider gf that loves you and can make her spider milk taste like champagne and be your waifu
its a fucking great deal if you ask me
How would you go about waking him up?
>appear as a cool, fit party bro stranger, not a loved one
>tell him he’s been saved by the galactic spider empire
>”ok bro I’m gonna wake you up now, don’t freak”
he's just going to keep babbling about niggers. his brain has been rotted by /pol/.
the spider is female
Wrong. If you show the moemnt before that scene you can actually see that " Greta " is right next to the Spider so its still just mindfucks.
Which also makes sense when he wants to see the reality. She was right in front of him in the " dream " but appeared from far away in reality.
>nigger inventing AI
thats where they lost me
This. I know people like to joke around but /pol/ literally gets dumber every day
Beyond the Aquila Rift was good but the sex scene was a little overkill. Dont get me wrong it was hot and this CGI titties look nice. They could've cut it down quite a bit.
That was easily one of the worst.
that’s a teratoma — is this the future for trannies?
The ambiguity of what's really going on is what makes the episode so terrifying. The scene with Suzy is far more unnerving than the final reveal, and really reminiscent of Lynch in Lost Highway.
it’s full of niggers
Some of the animation is cool and I don't regret watching it but the writing is quintessential Netflix sjw shit.
Where are my Blindspot bros at?
Right here mother fucker
>Where are my mediocre episode bros at?
It was the best because of the style and technical factors like editing snd cinematography. The story is basic but it works with the aesthetic
How can you be retarded enough to dislike ZIMAKINO?
>you having sex
thats when reality breaks for me too, good thing it hasnt happened yet and probably wont lmao
Just a reminder to also watch Vitaly Shushko's other short.
Story-wise it's shit, but out of any episode, it made me feel the most uneasy. The empty streets, the vulnerability of nudity, the bad acid trip visuals all work pretty well in the context of the episode.
All the robots stories were great everything else felt like a heavy metal magazine ripoff.
I loved her hairy muff
The main chick in Lucky 13 was uncanny as fuck. There are a few shots of soldiers in the dropship with helmets on that looked live action.
I don't think it's all that impressive these days but I do like how it gives them the opportunity to include a bunch of wild shit you can't manage practically (like the Planet of the Apes reboot)
I read it as another part of the man's psyche knowing that something wasn't right, though it could also be that she did wake up and didn't synchronise with the psychic dream state and the spider killed her instead of sedating her
It was unironically better polished and animated than Spider-Verse with a better frame-rate.
>saw the twist coming a mile away
>its the reviewer that hates the Russian vs Demons because it's been done before
>likes the shitty ones
Oof who writes these things
So now that the dust has settled, we can all agree:
>great story and visuals tier
Zima Blue
Aquila Rift
Three Robots
>great animation and action tier
Secret War
>great animation and action but ow the edge tier
Sonnie's Edge
>beautiful nonsense tier
The Witness
When the Yogurt Took Over
Fish Night
>not ugly but also not interesting tier
Lucky 13
Helping Hand
Ice Age
Sucker of Souls
>unattractive nonsense tier
Good Hunting
>Hitler n shiet tier
Alternate History
The Dump can go into not ugly but not interesting tier
Honestly it needed more
I was actually high as a kite at the time and I saw the twist coming the very minute she but the red robe on
having not seen it, does she still have a regular voice in space horror spider form? thats all it'd take for me to be cool with it
>Anime AND Netflix trash
WOW... SO THIS... IS THE POWER... OF Yea Forums INTELLECTUALS.............. woah.......
The voice sounds the same, but it seems more implied to be a telepathic message, and sort of has an echo. It's unknown whether the spider itself can vocalize.
That is literally best case scenario, I am all up in there
Same. Best waifu in the series, unironically.
>someone cares about me
Sounds like I woke from a dream into another dream
It's called motion capture you faggot
>Don't know what to believe
>Living in the shadoooows
>Living in the shaadoooooows
aquila rift was so fucking good
I really wish there'd be more porn done like this.
true, this shit is hotter than most porn tbqh.
Nah man. Nah. I can get into fucking all kinds of qt aliens but this triggers some mad trypophobia in me.