How did Mega64 die?

Didnt they say they talked to a major hollywood producer about making a movie?

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Other urls found in this thread: 01.28.14.mp4


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they rode the gaming culture wave and then gamer culture died and they died along with it.

They're not dead, they still make videos and they have a pretty successful podcast

Please don't make a gay drama thread about mega64, there are already enough of these pointless threads where people gossip like fags about youtube channels

>one month old podcast episode
>RLM latest video two days old


did you hear that garrett is sick

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they got BTFO'd by cumtown

>humor that requires background knowledge vs reddit letter media

>It's another Rocco won't let anybody else get a word in edgewise podcast

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was there no episode this week?

they were in Boston at PAX East. Derrick has been doing some streaming on their twitch while the rest of the gang was gone


God stav's voice is so grating. Cumtown is sometimes funny but also extremely derivative. Basically every joke is just bro gay sex lmao!!

When is the next Voltage Vengerz episode Rocco?

Didn’t this fat fuck bang that qt hapa girl? Or am I thinking of someone else?

I don't think he got it in Mariel, no. He's banged several fan-girls though.

Garrett had the most fuckable girlfriend in the form of Janet imo.

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>Best member
>Best gf
checks out

They're not dead. They've always had a small dedicated fanbase with everybody else coming and going. They still make great videos and have one of the best channels on youtube.

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who is garret's current gf? i know she's on the show sometimes but i've never seen her.

Is she like half Chinese or something? She’s fine as fuck but I prefer ‘em full blooded.

I heard Garrett was a motherfucker

One of my favorites

I'm really miffed that they got all their past questionable stuff removed from youtube, like the video where Bryan casually talks about getting "snake-niggered" in Mario Kart DS.

Half Japanese and she's fucking some white chad.

No idea. I assume the girl in his video opening the PS4 is his sister and not his girlfriend, considering how similar they look.

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Nope. That's his girlfriend. She's a nice lady.

The past year has been really weird. The podcast is just so fucking boring and you can tell they are just doing it to get it over with.

I genuinely miss Eric and I think Bryan has changed since his absence. Frank is ok but can get really annoying

Frank has always been a cuck basedboy.

I look forward to Christmas-cast every year just to see Kevin gross everyone out.

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I used to enjoy Frank's personal channel videos and game review series with Bruce, but ever since coming on as a main member he's become insufferable and I can't watch any of his content anymore.

they do look similar lol

Literally a goddess. It's a shame she can't have kids because she's prime breeding material.


I remember when they made their Patreon announcement video. I thought it was a fucking joke or parody of other creators, then I clicked on the link and saw that it was actually fucking real/serious

I don't know Mega that well, but I know this is their Trinity.

>that midriff

fuck dude


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I really enjoy getting cozy and listening to their podcasts while I play some Slay the Spire

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they want to get bigger but shawn is a douche and had to have kids and start a family
plus it's hard to pander to teenagers that are in to video games when you're a group who's in their 30s and don't really care about fortnite or anything popular and just pander to old retro gamers and aren't very good at gaming yourselves.
still love them though, garrett is based.

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Every week Derrick gets ever so slightly bitter. I think Mega64 is just a paycheck for him now.

Their kind of humor is inherently going to restrict their popularity. It's niche. The videos that are massively popular work but anyone who subscribes to see more of them will unsub after a month of videos they're not interested in. There's nothing wrong with that since they can survive on patreon, but I doubt they'll ever get popular without going in another direction.

Funny enough I'm in one of their videos. Never even heard of them. I was walking through the exhibit hall at Comic-Con and the guy in OP's pic asks me for a picture. I tell him I'm nobody and he says he wants a picture anyway. Years pass and a friend of mine freaks the fuck out telling me I'm in a vid. Still never really checked out their content.

I'm not a huge fan of when Derrick is being loud just for the sake of being loud

I hope you're joking because people have been saying that for years and they regularly joke about it. I think it's good he's starting to do his own thing on the side though.

They should really do more of those dbz vids. they really bring in the views. Then Derrick might have a bit more pep in his step, as he cares about it a bit more than the others I think

Link to the vid?

they make fun of people like you regularly

this pic is old
isn't she fat as shit nowadays?

>got ripped on by cum town when Mega64 are clearly fans

She looked good on the last Christmas cast.

I think if any of them listen to it's Garret, but even if he does Garret is so thick skinned and cool he would find it funny.

I don't think they'll ever split apart. They just sell merch now and make the occasional 1-chuckle video. A fucking shadow of their former selves.

Version 4 and the book STILL arent out btw.

Shawn is the one who listens to it.

Really? He doesn't seem like he'd enjoy the language or content.

>my saved Mariel pics aren't where I thought they were on my HD and have no idea where they are

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>v4 not out
>no book
>east coast gamedays on patreon got funded but they changed the goals so they didnt have to do it
they are never gonna finish those and the podcast sucks compared to 1-400

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Shawn literally listens to 50 different podcasts about real world brutal murder and violence. He's also a hardcore classic Stern fan. I think he can handle Cumtown

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Pls link

What were you cosplaying as?

It's definitely a COSPLAYERZ


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I wish those older podcasts where she showed more thigh were a higher quality resolution. I remember people in the chat back then going "PANTSU" whenever she was on.

Old and fat.

Definitely is. He probably looks silly


Don't worry you're not missing anything.

That's the funny thing, no cosplay at all. Just normal.

What were you wearing?

mega64 was and will always be the greatest podcast. Pioneers of the youtube and podcasting space. fokin legends no matter what anyone has to say about them.


Just a T-Shirt, nothing special. I have zero idea why he picked me out. Completely random.

I loved these guys, been rewatching their videos recently. I think the problem might be lack of consistency. They don’t seem to have found one thing to do and stuck with it like a Game Grumps, JonTron, even AVGN type figure. Jon has far surpassed their production skills and the whole “freak out the public” thing is stale.

Amazing that they’re still going and I find Rocco Botte’s “persona” pretty Kaufman-esque. When did he start doing that?

wasn't rocco always an ironically detached asshole?

>I find Rocco Botte’s “persona” pretty Kaufman-esque. When did he start doing that?
probably highschool or even earlier.
I love the unboxing ring. I went back and watched them again. It's kind of amazing how they get longer each time even if sometimes you can tell they're getting a bit lost with the improvising. They tend to accidentally use each other's names sometimes when they're playing characters. I love how the music randomly starts and stops.

Rocco's recent KH3 video was pretty based.

There is a video of him doing something ironic/surreal for a class in high school that he basically gets an "F" for at a talent show. I'd say he does it less now but most of the time he's being ironic in some way.

I'm always impressed by how invested I got in the Unboxing ring and the shared universe of Rocco's other works that are unrelated to Mega64. While I understand that Rocco has found the most success with Mega64 I think he should branch out more with his solo work.

>I don't know if you're a fan of Kingdom Hearts, 'cuz I couldn't help but notice your shirt

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They are cockraches. They will never die, yet never really see the sun light.

whenever they put something different on their channel it does not get received well at all. ive never seen such rigid expectations for a channel, jesus. thats why they have to put so much shit on the patreon and their personal channels.

Nah, he was more normal in early Mega64 stuff, more jokey. I watched about 20 mins of a recentish podcast ep and its the same as his YouTube channel - he’s acting like this ultra-nerd but also like that knowledge of meaningless pop culture shit makes him better than you. It’s the Voltage Vengerz character but all the time.

Been occasionally watching their trash since the EGM DVDs.
It's always been hit or miss and I don't subscribe, like, listen to, or whitelist adblock for anything they do, but I will always respect them. For free.

Their best content was always their personal channel stuff but that's gone away. Now all they have is their podcast and the videos they do make with the exception of the Dragonball Z stuff is lackluster.

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their podcast was pure kino around 2012

>Split between 3 guys and probably a film/editing crew
That's like mcdonald's money at that point

They’re still going strong

>dvd sales
>apparel sales
>video ad revenue
>sponsored videos
theyve said many times they are all doing fine and going off their personal videos i believe it

They also get a lot of money from their sales of merch, like t-shirts. There's also ad money on top of that (both youtube revenue and sponsorships for all their game ads).

The character in this vid:

seems to be pretty close to what you're describing. Is there some essential difference between it and what you mean? Or is it just a development of it? In which case I'd argue that it's just a bit more easily recognized but has been part of his schtick for a long time.

I just wish I could watch the Bernie Mac cast one more time. I dont think ive laughed as hard at a podcast since and its been scrubbed from the internet.

What was so amazing about it? Was it PROBLEMATIC?

>Film/editing crew
Judging from the return fire intro, I think don't think they've got a 'team' lol

Jesus, he really went far into that restaurant. Some of these are so hard to watch.

It was incredibly so by todays standards. Bernie Mac JUST died and they were making some pretty great jokes, such as mentioning his death at McDonalds to get a free Big Mac, and saying he was "Mr.3000- feet underground"

lmaooo i've never seen this

>film/editing crew
rocco and derrick edit everything except the podcasts and they film all their own stuff with a few friends coming on every now and again if no one else is available


Post best podcast bits

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I used to watch the podcast every week, and then fell off hard when they got too PC. I believe I dropped off when all the guys were asking Shawn if he would still love his wife if she had a dick. Then some tranny on tumblr got mad and called them out. Rocco apologized on the next podcast and that was the end of their offensive humor.

All the podcasts are fucking boring from what little I’ve seen too. What happened to them going to Disneyland and doing podcasts, or walking around town, going to places. Every podcast just looks like them on the set trying to scrounge up enough people to fill the couch.

Also Garrett is the only entertaining one

My favorite problematic moment was when they were talking about that e-celeb "JewWario" dying and later on Garrett offhandedly mentioned how "Yknow I heard Warios own the media and Hollywood." and everybody got mad or at least acted mad (Eric sounded actually mad) and made him sit in a corner.

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they're all on here

Of course Eric (((Baudour))) got upset

based garrett

Is it this?

oh fuck found some highlights it looks like

Bernie Mind

I remember the good old days when Derrick would make jokes about shit like raping a baby girl while he's hanging halfway out of its mother's womb.

Even today he's always dropping "ironic" redpill shit. And he's a gun owner in California with a (Resident Evil style) Beretta and an SKS.


Well fuck

I only watch rocco's figure updates.

I don't like action figures nor do I buy them but I like his enthusiasm.

Some of the older ones that are supposed to have video only have audio. Like the episode 60 we were talking about. You can choose between audio and video but both lead to the same thing. Any ideas where to find them with video?

I would make a fair bet that he browses /toy/

I downloaded it and it plays fine. Watching right now, and there was a fucking firemachines plug.

Yep I just tried it. If you download them by right clicking before it switches to the audio track you can watch them locally. I hope they fix it but at least it's possible.

What was the best sponsor?

For me, it's Kickapoo.



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Second for Sumo Lounge. I wanted one of those big ass chairs for so long.

Their podcast is still good. People complaining about "their politics" are out of touch poltards who think anyone who doesnt say nigger all the time or feels empathy is an sjw.

they stopped saying racist and homophobic shit by podcast 200 or something and 200-400 were still good

Shawn has his moments

the clothing one cause i actually bought their fucking 70$ sweatpants and theyre great

gawdamn my dick

Kickapoo definitely, Sumo may have the longest time as sponsor, but Kickapoo at least engaged with the fans and the Mega64 boys on a regular basis

post the video of fuck off
Don't bring up how you're in a video if you're not gonna post it

forgot about MacWeldon. They sponsor based Chip Chipperson from time to time.

Anyone have a link to the time Rocco was at like a convention or something talking about game imports from japan wearing a Teemo hat?

Agreed. As much as I liked that early-20-something edge, as they got older and matured they found a good middle ground in the 200-400 range. Recent podcasts feel a little forced, but there's some good stuff in there like Joker update, Will-I-Am idiot he is, and Return Fire debates.

unboxing ring is one of my favorite things on youtube

shitting on linkara was their best work


damn i miss Return Fire

how many people did they get to watch that live? 20k? peak fucking bit

>movie theater trash discussion

Easily one of Rocco's finest moments

299 good deal
What did Shawn mean by this?

on the grillllllllllll

that he whistles to let strangers in the dark know hes not a threat and he cant handle one bottle of wine

Anyone else say Durgers and Hambogs still?

I’d rather make McDonald’s money making funny videos with friends than working at McDonald’s.

how do it know?

I bet youtube fucked them over in general with the changes over the years, as it fucked many people.

Their skits were mostly cringe.. and nothing ever changed about them.
>Hey lets go bother people in public and look dumb because we're video game jackass

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Hey Yea Forums, can I have a lil bit of change?

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I think a lot of their "decline" (more like fall from main stream relevance) was when they slowed down the in-public skits.

They talked about it on a podcast how they can't really do hidden camera stuff because instead of confused reactions, everyone knows it's for a youtube video and either take out their cell phones or try to get involved.

Either way, makes for a shit video, so they had to lay off those types of videos. Which made the bulk of their casual fans leave.

Podcast 289 about 20 minutes in. He's the best

>Their skits were mostly cringe

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>furiousy shit on Vita for years for “no gaems” despite it still being alive and well with very active third party scene
>not a squeak about WiiU being deader than dead to a point that not even Nintendo bothered trying
What did mega 64 mean by this?

>Saw that Rocco guy a a Con once
>Had a Mega64 stand selling his merch
>Tried shaking his hand
>Gets really awkward
>For the next several days I walk around his booth to avoid him

Fuck man that shit was too fucking awkward. I think he was a germ freak.

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Creepy old crypt is Rocco's best content. Very comfy

they shit on nintendo shit a ton. i remember them saying they never used their wii fit for anything other than weighing packages

>hot cheeto rap was almost a decade ago

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I saw Rocco at a grocery store in Los Angeles a while back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical interference,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

I could actually picture him doing this

"Why so serious?" - Guess the movie ;)



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they are GODS of merchandising

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>not changing the grocery store to a toys r us and the milky ways to power ranger action figures

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Too much work, he's not worth it.

"Not for long. Hey you fat fuck." *cocks shotgun*
Kevin always has some of the best delivery without even trying, like the "normal guy" in the scribblenaughts video

Dengar that mummy fuck!

I can't find it anywhere

Damn can I keep this, friend?

See It's all yours. I have two more.

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You forgot to talk about Kenny vs Spenny

4 guys, Garrett is full-time now

Never 4get

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meh they were pretty shit it was about time it happened matt is god fucking awful at games and loses interest halfway through playing games.

They all got girlfriends and turned into a bunch of absolute cucks. Liam and Pat were both absolutely fucking unbearable in that regard.


>He mentioned something like "I don't even know the guy, but I've never heard someone get so angry at his fans"

nah rocco just fucks groupies and cheats on them
that's the only reason why they're still alive. mega64 fans are cult-like obsessive weirdos.

>podcast begins
>stays silent for the rest of the podcasr

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Just finishing podcast 60, and they get the email "if you could rape anyone and not get caught..."
lol, I forgot how little of a fuck they gave early on.

Liam is a faggot, Matt is a pussywhipped drunkard, Pat is gonna die pretty soon if he doesn't lay off the red bulls, in the end Woolie was truly the best friend

>name drops celebs he has talked to

lol shawn is not the ones holding the group
it's rocco-derrick constant arguing what should they do. derrick is already half checked out and is becoming a literal boomer
he nearly cried last year on the podcast when he realized he never achieved anything with mega64. he's been branching out recently, he has like three podcast now (that nobody fucking cares)

any idea what podcast?

>Shawn literally listens to 50 different podcasts
that's because he's a fucking dadwin liberal white cocksucker and spends most of this time in the car, so he has all the time in the world to listening to the podcast

>When did he start doing that?
his father is exactly the same. the exact same humor. it runs in the family.

>That's like mcdonald's money at that point
you have to realize mega64 is a clothing company at this point, and they sell shitton of shirts because their fans are fucking obsessive weirdos. they have fucking new shirt every week and it's DUDE EXCLUSIVE ONLY FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY

Neighborhood Game Club was really good, I wish Frank wasn't such an ADD affected zoomer and had stuck with it rather than getting distracted by whatever popped into his head next.

they actually hunt down problematic moments from the podcast, if if anyone tries to upload it. I'm not joking. they used to say faggot all the time, and know they barely swear anymore.

They were never good and never got any better, they were just early enough where the internet, and gaming subculture, wasn't as flooded with content and divided into subgroups as it is now.

They make a way better living than 4 guys doing shitty high school level pranks and skits every other month or so should, and you should be grateful they exist at all instead of bitter over missed opportunities (like Derrick is).

Good thing you're always here to remind people of that. Most people already forgot about it. But it was THE ONE TIME when they actually apologized for something and were 100% serious. It was beginning of the end. Everything changed after that.

garrett doesn't share your opinion. when they stopped shilling for kickapoo there was once a pps stream when garrett said accidentally "are still shilling for this fucking garbage" or something like that.

This was probably when Shawn was still beta orbiting Jenny

Garrett got rid of the fucking "Krista college response" video.
based pic

in terms for their shilling it's nintendo > sony > microsoft > ouya

or people realized there was no gamer culture, but a bullshit marketing ploy

>think he was a germ freak.
I remember he had a story with meeting kojima or something in the bathroom and he had a wet hand because he washed it seconds ago. I'm probably remembering it wrong.

I was tempted to buy their scarf withthe checkerboard

What Japanese video is this from?

derrick used to make fun of rocco in every podcast and now rocco is too funny to make fun of, his comebacks are so fucking good.

derrick has gotten so unfunny and pretetious and im not one of those who are obsessed with politics and hate him for that, hes just so out of it. hes like an angry boomer stealing bits from twitter and sometimes from here. is he jealous of rocco or something?
also crazy how i miss eric when i fucking hated his ass.

he didn't get rid of it. it's still up he only added the video because youtube probably flagged it for being offensive or something. rocco complained he can no longer use upper case with youtube titles because youtube flags that

Their E3 videos were good ages ago but what little else I saw was pretty shit 2bh.

I miss old New Shawn.

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I miss Shifty Eric
when is his slowrun of Mario 64 gonna be done

derrick is actually really becoming a fucking boomer
he always talks about reading/watching something that's old as fuck, and now he says he's just stopped playing video games altogether. he's going to drink monster in no time.

thanx, man

He’s friends with the actress who played Rose in Star Wars VIII iirc.

thats fucking hilarious. any idea which PPS it was

He's in his 30s with a career and multiple side project. All these guys are closer to 40 than 30, too. He's literally just growing out of videogames. Hell I'm 29 and I spend more time lurking Yea Forums or watching other people play videogames and it's because I don't have the fucking energy or will even being unemployed to work at and invest in a videogame. It's fucking weird and depressing.

Eric saying "If you said that in the chat I would ban you." pisses me off because it's voice being added to the type of humorless faggot moderators that moderate every stream in existence. And he sounds genuinely angry, "Come on..." "Come on what?" Fucking Eric, fucking King Burger King over here, the fucking faggot. Good riddance.

yeah I know. Gamestop crab meat vid.

Someone should do a paper on Patreon Decay.

frank is my guy stop slandering him

>He's literally just growing out of videogames
lmao shawn literally contradicts your statement. he's having great time playing spider-man and his baseball game

shut yo ass up Frank.

this. I am 32 and married and I still play the fuck out of videogames.

frank is too good for Yea Forums he's probably asleep right now and will wake up to read the mega 64 reddit tomorrow at a reasonable hour

frank you're so fucking bad people miss eric now

Based Frank being patrician.

People are different. If you can play videogames for your entire life then that's great, but some people lose interest as they get older. Just because some people don't doesn't mean the concept of growing out of them is wrong. It doesn't imply that they are more mature if they stop playing either, it's just that in their own personal development vidya falls to the wayside. In shawn's personal development he got a couple of kids but kept on playing.

He's playing Spiderman with his kid and it's a baseball game, wow!

He spent most of the last decade not playing any videogames even when he wasn't married and now he's playing a sports videogame and a Spiderman game with his wife's son, you got me.

I loved your Half Life: Blue Shit playthrough and I miss @ The Computer.

They're obviously not pissed. They probably didn't find it funny, but they're not pissed. They do the fake argument shit all the time. Rocco was laughing.

hey man you aren't allowed to have rational thoughts on here. I agree with everything you said.

Guys, lets get to the real topics here

Joker update

nah frank is probably gonna spend the rest of the night plowing his boyfriend

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they have nice shirts
i want the metal shirt to come back, i got bleach on mine...

I don't know much about Cum Town but I got the impression that they're just another gay group of rich commie white guys who want to prove that the left really can meme except, watch out! These lefties aren't afraid to offend people! They might say fag, or retard!

Please be aware that I literally know nothing about Cum Town and no one has ever explained what they are to me so I'm going entirely based on impressions from other people.

>tfw there wont be anymore joker updates

at least he finished spider-man, unlike derrick the fag who said he never finished any of the games he played.

their channel is full of podcasts today.
they don't like videogames anymore.
they watch capeshit.
they look tired.
still no 2B video


There's a new joker movie coming out this year, they might bring it back once or twice for that. If Leto does some stupid shit it might come back too, even if it doesn't have anything to do with the joker.

The rest are whatever, doing a bit, covering their asses, but in the moment Eric seemed actually angry.

That was my impression but I looked into it and that's Chapo Trap House which is the big group of fat basedboy communist faggots. Cum Town are a bunch of moderate and occasionally vaguely "edgy" guys (they were shitting on the Nanette stand up) with namely Chris D'elia in there.

Nowadays I finish maybe 3% of the games I start and it's often a year after I started them.

I prefer the real mariel
I said the REAL mariel

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one of my favorites, i listened to this episode so many times at work and it always had me in tears

Right, I think I just associated them because I kept hearing Chapo Trap House and Cum Town mentioned together. Chapo will always be worse than anything to me because I hate the kind of commie faggot that you know thinks he's so fucking virtuous that he'd give all his Daddy's riches away in a communist revolution (but only because he's going to be central economy planner).

And I'm even pro worker's rights and worker comforts but most American commies are fucking insufferable.

>they watch capeshit.
not really, they actually hate it. they still have pleb taste in movies, rocco especially.

hate frank
ruins EVERY christmascast being an attention whore

people only watch the cast for mariel.

i havent watched a christmascast since 2015
is it good still?

it was until last year

what happened last year

Christmascast 2017 or whatever Rocco drank his own piss with a LifeStraw.

Then Frank drank Rocco's piss unfiltered.

2016 was the best Christmascast

that was a good stopping point. It escalated to the point where Kevin brought some fermented fish that smelled the whole warehouse up so bad no one else could eat. Killed the whole show. The next one had Rocco, Brian and Frank literally drink Rocco's piss. Yes, really.

At that point they realized it had gone too far and they turned it into some kind of tournament thing that usually falls flat because it's so dry.

>some kind of tournament thing that usually falls flat because it's so dry
I thought it was kind of comfy and Frank hitting Dr. Ryan with a chair was pretty good.

>drank piss

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i've said it before, i'll say it again, i will only be happy when charls and garret have a late night am radio show broadcasting out of some compound in a desert in the southwest

it just doesn't have the same flare as before. Most people get knocked out round one and just sit off to the side.

It also needs some music or something. One of the first rounds was dead silent and someone off screen actually needed to tell people to start making noise. Very kind of dry early on.

It could work, just needs more tinkering. Maybe music or intros or something.

What is this goddamn thread? Who and what?

Charls was a guest on the Poorly Played, right? I thought I saw people talking about that. If so do you know which one?

i hadnt heard about that, i donno maybe it happened. i just see them liking each others tweets on twitter all the time

fuck off

Not yet, but he watches and pops in to the pps chat from time to time. Next time he and Andy are in LA they need to make a trip to San Diego.

They changed the format

charls and garrett should team up

honestly I don't understand this boards weird gossip infatuation with Mega64. what are you guys bitching about? would you serious rather Mega64 was a fuckhuge youtube channel and be another Smosh or whoever the fuck? would you rather them doing Fornite skits and flossing and dabbing? they're clearly in a sweet spot where they're making enough $$ to do the niche thing they're doing. you bitch about how they're irrelevant and yet keep making threads talking about them, you're clearly fucking interested, I honestly don't get it. oh wait yes I do, this is the message board dude equivalent of a gossip rag.

anyway Janet was best girl I'd sell a nut for even a mildly lewd photo.

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They terminally stunted their growth potential by treating Youtube as some kind of unimportant side thing until it was far too late. If they had uploaded the Mega64 series to Youtube as they made each Version, instead of retardedly clinging to the physical release model, they would easily have over 10 million subscribers right now.

>then gamer culture died
Wait a minute that doesn't seem right, but I don't know enough to disagree, so I'll just have to take your word for it

Mmm this makes a lot of sense. But i cant blame them, i mean youtube didnt really become the monolith until, what, 2014, 2015? I consider the day Gametrailers went down the day Youtube became the zeitgeist

>first half
most people aren't really bitching about Mega64 but it is kind of a fact they've been doing this for 15 years and are entirely reliant on their merchandise sales and their cultish cliquey fanbase and even Derrick has acknowledged as much (most of all). They're still well off overall and you're right but nobody is really strongly suggesting otherwise.

>bit about Janet
b a s e d and Janetpilled I want to fuck that bitch senseless and cum on her glasses

>crazy how i miss eric when i fucking hated his ass
Eric at least saw that they aren't doing anything with mega64 and left. He maybe was annoying sometimes but at least he got out at the right time.

you know she fucks like a goddamn rabbit. she's a theater kid, theater kids are the horniest assholes on the planet. like you can tell she would lose control the second you stuck your dick in, you'd almost feel bad how little work you were doing. like you know she's going to look you directly in the eyes as she sucks your dick all the way down to the base.

yeah I have a problem.

I fucking hate how normalfag Shawn has become. He still complains if podcast goes little over one hour because he has to edit it and even then his editing is just putting pictures on fucking video.

>frank is trapfag
How can one man be so based?

shawn has always been a normalfag where u been

It was incredibly obvious Youtube was going to be really huge by the time you reach 2010, and the writing was on the wall a lot earlier than that if you had a bit of sense. Even if putting the Mega 64 Versions up on Youtube was entirely out of the question for them, signing that deal to make video content for IGN was completely idiotic. That was dozens and dozens of videos across the span of over two years that gave views to somebody else and almost nothing to them.

>he has to edit it and even then his editing is just putting pictures on fucking video
Yeah but he has to rewatch the entire show not to miss anything. It's not the editing part, it's having to sit down and rewatch a 90 minute conversation you just had when you'd rather be spending as much time as you can on other work or with your family. Collectively over a year that's a lot of hours wasted just to have a few more minutes each podcast. There's already 520 of them so it's not like the fans get too little content, it makes a tiny difference for the people watching and the other guys (actually being there and recording is obviously a lot more fun than watching it later) and a pretty big difference for Shawn. He would probably complain less if the others ended it early on their own but they can keep going forever.

thats a boy?!

I wish, It's just an underdeveloped french canadian girl.

>frank dumps the asian and gets with his lookalike
i cant even remember what she looks like

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As long as she can pull off those slanted eyes, he's down lol


actually it's five guys, kevin is also full-time

podcast has been shit since Frank moved to san diego.

They are lazy as FUCK. 11k a month on Patreon, plus they have a lot of merch, and they barely put any content out. I enjoy the podcast but I don't give them any money, their fans are deluded.

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You're not wrong.

Complete fucking semen demon and doesn't hide it. Not that there's anything wrong with that


Friendly reminder Version 4 was supposed to come out during summer 2017. God knows when the book is coming out

Honestly it was fine at first but ever since they started the Patreon and nothing changed (or should I say, they started making even less videos) they come out as assholes.
10k dollars a month and they spit out a 2 minutes video every couple of months and ignore all the goals that people are paying them for, all of this after spending something like a decade making fun of crowdfunding.

Nowadays they just pass the time on Twitter posting old videos "remember how funny we were when we used to make videos?"
Fuck nu Mega64

They are extremely lucky that they have fans who will defend them whatever the cost and buy lots of merch. They're set for life whatever they do thanks to them.

the boys are cool, but Mega64 is in a rut. however, lots of shittier podcasts, streams, and lets players on youtube make WAY more money so i guess they get what they deserve

Because I spend 100s on their merch

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I finally just watched the Unboxing Ring saga:

Marathoned the whole thing. What a wild ride. I had only seen bits and pieces before and put it off because of the time-investment but it was totally worth it.

good lord

even better she's an eva fan 10/10 wife material

>Mega64 barely makes 100k a year on Patreon and barely breaks 50k on an average video
>RLM makes 50k a month and easily breaks 500k on most of their videos
Why are movie nerds so much more popular than gamers?

>who is pewdiepie
Mega64 is more niche and not as consistent. Anyone can jump straight into almost any RLM video and enjoy it, most people wouldn't have any clue of what's going on if they'd randomly click a mega64 video. The big popular ones (public skits) are pretty rare and very short, while RLM can pump out two 30 minute vids a month where people know what to expect.

consistently released long-running series, when you watch RLM you know exactly what you're in for
I wonder what'll happen of Mega64 if they keep going in that direction with stuff like Flame War Theater

The bit that would never end. Legendary. They're still the kings of improv

And yet they still produce an infinitely better podcast. The boys are based

>it's a figure update episode

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I've heard rumors. How so?

Mariel is delicious

oh that's too bad

Favorite podcast moments?

>Mega64 thread on Yea Forums with 300+ replies
It's been fun

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They stopped doing public game skits for some reason and started "acting". Podcast is boring and all they do now basically.

>YouTube revenue

Holy fuck you le mega64 fans are absolutely brain dead.

She was sexy. But she has the 100% face of a crazy bitch.

Their humor didn't evolve, it's still stuck in this primitive, undeveloped stage of 2005 era irony. Rocco is also an insufferable little prick.

What the fuck is Heartslayers. When he brings it up on the podcast the rest all awkwardly sit there lol. Seems like a bad joke. They even made a set for it lol

>carefully combing through a thread about something you hate so you can reply to a 10 hour old post and insult them incoherently

>only reading latest posts
back to rebbit

Oh yeah reddit, where all anybody reads are the latest posts. Did you migrate here during the april fools joke and are butthurt that you won't get points for posting from now on? Either way I hope you kill yourself

I still remember the fallout on the Blacks, what a shit show.

The thing about mega64 is that all their facetious attitude towards everything set them up for failure. they ragged on patreon and then got it.
they ragged on lps and made friend dimension
I see all the respect from other channels but it's the kind you have for the eldery that's on a wheelchair

When they break up, it'll suck but it won't be surprising. Meh

>Reddit Letter Media
Yea Forums had RLM threads for years. It's still horribly unfunny youtube shit.

what the fuck i thought i was on Yea Forums this entire time and i dont even use that board anymore

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