5 episodes in and the white female lead is BLACKED

>5 episodes in and the white female lead is BLACKED

It never ends

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Tried to watch Venom on a whim
>15 minutes in and there's a scene where a curious smart black girl is jeered by her dumb white classmates on a field trip
Turned it off right then



>watching this reboot for tv garbage

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So, I guess the writers hated the ideal of Sophie/Hanna happening.

is the film any good?

>white skin
>blue eyes
Yepp, she was made to breed black.

Great soundtrack, fast-paced and fun, Cate Blanchett plays the villain and chews the scenery. Just don't pay too much attention to the story because it doesn't make sense

I'm guessing ooga will nail them both

Hollywood NEEDS to be fucking nuked.

Fuck no.

God how fucking new are you? I want tourists to leave already.

>even lesbian relationships are SJW'd to make more room for interracial relationships

That's reality. All women are literally repulsed by the inherent cuckoldry in all white 'men.'

its the same shit but shorter. for some reason the tv show is going to be dragged into multiple seasons

There is some investing in studios/executive producers and giving extra funding for their projects on the condition they have a couple of BLACKED scenes. That is the only plausible explanation of why this propaganda is being pushed so hard.

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ive probably been here longer than you you silly cunt.

>is the film any good?
Better, by miles. More honest.

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>Wife wants to marathon 'Russian Doll' on Netflix.
>Fifteen seconds in I say 'bet she ends up fucking a nigger'.
>Wife tells me she doesn't want me to be 'like that' and can we just please watch the show.
>Couple of episodes in, I'm grinning and she's pissed off.
>Who's 'like that' now, bitch?

The film is so much better than I thought it would be.

Doubtful considering you've never bothered to watch this movie before. It was very popular on here when it came out, so you're obviously lying.

>Tfw love Mirelle Enos/Joel Kinnaman and wanted to see them together again after The Killing
>But not like this

Oh ffs, why are you doing (((this))) to a beautiful movie?
Seriously when will you stop?

Why do all women get so incredibly butthurt when you say nigger?

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Why don't they just shoot her?


who cares? she's fucking hideous when compared to blonde teen sersha

The ones I know don't.
One of my female friends even jokes when they call her racist and says that she's not racist, just organized: each in their own country.

Yeah, she looks like one of those recreations of how neanthertal women would look like.

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Wait till ya get to the last episode.

I'll say this about Hanna... she has a type

Why do you watch terrible TV shows.

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Not him but I've kept trying to give Amazon originals a chance since they made Bosch which was great, but they aren't much better than Netflix at this point

This the show where the 80 pound girl beats up trained adult soldiers? You expected anything but pandering?

It's okay. Weak plot held up by the acting, style and soundtrack. Kinda hate the fact the TV series drop the fairy tale aesthetic for basic action shit and made Hanna more like Hit Girl.

If any of you still pay for netflix then you have can't complain because you're supporting this degenerate kike filth and you have been for years.

You should have all cancelled your netflix subscriptions years ago. It is so rare for anything on it to be worth watching and the few things that are can easily be downloaded or streamed elsewhere.
The only one you need netflix for is bandersnatch, which more of a novelty than anything and you can just watch it with a friend or ask to borrow theirs for a while.

Stop supporting cuck propaganda

>female friends

What, there's no girls in the group you hang out with?
Or you didn't have girls in your class?

Why do you need to lie on a fucking anonymous site nigger??

Why do you assume i'm lying?

Lying is sad user Jesus knows

I want to make a non-racist film production company. By that I mean, we'll make Black films with all Black casts and crews, or all Asian films, or all White Films. No Jews. How do I go about doing this?

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So, you are just going to keep saying I lie because you can't assume I have girls who are friends?
What a sad, millennial attitude.

Sad! stop lying You're gonna go to hell

Yup, a millennial.
Not even going to bother.

>watching Fleabag last night
>episode 5
>lead female character gets blacked by a completely unnecessary shoehorned negro
>it gets worse
>she says it was the best sex she ever had and she came nine times
Is Amazon the new Netflix?

why do these producers always hire actors who never do their action scenes?
it's embarrasing to see
and the directors of all episodes are of an amateur level that is rarely seen

They are getting desperate because the propaganda is not working.

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>cherrypicked clickbait article from a noname website that shit out a fake percentage to garner views
Stunning "evidence" you got there, mate

Oh look, the millennial with a cuck fetish is offended.

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Cherrypicked articles are fine unless they disagree with my worldview made of cherrypicked articles and cherrypicked tweets.

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gets Blacked offscreen

>is the film any good?

It has Eric Bana, how could it not be?

Attached: Hanna_subway.webm (640x272, 2.92M)

>she came nine times
>figured this had to be bullshit
>look it up
>it wasn't
>this was actual dialogue in a tv show

I don't know if those numbers are exact, but it's consistent with pretty much every other study and dataset regarding the topic.

>No Jews.
Not happening.

only white incel get mad seeing a white women fucking a black man, it ain’t even fantasy or a myth that white women love black men it’s been dated back since slavery when the white owner wife would fuck the black hunk behind his back, anyway I like this show y’all white incel have shit taste and need to go have some sex.

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just give up and settle for laquanduh already

It BTFO of Americoons so yes.

that guy looks like the chad from the disability channel

Isn't she a bit young? How old is she supposed to be in the show, she looks 15.

Character supposed to be 15, Ronan was 15, Creed was 18.

This shit is literally everywhere. Commercials are infested with it, too. Seriously, if you are watching TV, look at the race combinations. It's always black/minority male/white female. White men, if even present, are shown with either another Male partner or a black female. And ALWAYS, ALWAYS portrayed as weak, outdated, clueless, sexist. They also are never in the lead; the woman is in charge, the white Male is in a subservient position.

yeah so? i didnt watch it, is that a crime?

The actress probably begged to do it. They are attracted like bees to honey.

So you have an 8 year long backlog? What good is a reccomendation today if you ignored all the ones you should have read when it came out 8 years ago?

I watched the first 20 minutes of episode 1 after stumbling across the series while searching for a 4K version of Hanna 2011. When I realized it was a complete rehash I just turned 360 degrees and walked away. Has anybody on hefe bothered to watch this shit? All I want to know is how badly they neutered the anti-american theme of the movie and how they retconned the ending to set themselves up for a season 2

>it took till 5 episodes
What the FUCK?

Pretty horribly.
The main "villain" organization is now like some private company unaffiliated with any government as far as I can tell.

The end was that there are like fifty more super soldier girls that were made and they've all been raised and brainwashed by the company. Hanna and Eric (her "dad) go in to save them all but they're so brain washed they don't know how to process freedom except the super woke black one named 249. They escape, Eric dies in the process, Hanna and 249 hold hands staring off into the horizon as their adventure together is just beginning.

Jesus, thanks for saving me time

>only one reply
Imagine posting a bait that not even 2019 Yea Forums bites.

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I thought that was my kruk kruk from the tumbnail

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Oh yea, no problem.
I wanted to...and did stop watching after the first episode where she was jumping from tree to tree. But then this girl I work with invited me to come over and watch a few days later because she knew I liked the movie. The action sequences are honestly OK, not bad at all, mostly. But fuck it's taxing just to sit through that shit to get to them.

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The entire movie is basically an allegory for how (((American))) forces will degrade and destroy the essential purity and beauty of free European people everywhere in pursuit of their own terminal ambitions, so its only fitting that Netflix should use its story as the basis for a yet another propaganda vehicle to promote blacked revisionism.

LOL. I guessed that they weren't going to keep The U.S. government euthanizing a bunch of babies to cover up a horrific human experimentation program as a plot point. The way Netflix shoehorns black savior shit into its adaptations of existing IPs is so formulaic that it actually makes me wonder if its an actual script requirement for getting a show greenlit.

It's Amazon Prime, not Netflix.

>didn't know about OP info
>hear lefty coworker tell another about the series, casual listening to them
>remember mention that lefty says to the other that his daughter should watch it some time too (or in some relation)

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Literally watching the scene right now. Why do they do this?

I loved the movie and I wanted to see more.

Is this worth watching?

It's hot garbage and people saying it's good just have boners for Saoirse

enjoy your degenerate tv show.

>made Bosch which was great

>If you hate the movie you must like the dumb also awful TV show!
You're a braindead moron

user wished you to enjoy the show, never said you liked it.

Unironically its probably a requirement for eligibility to benefit from some government grant or tax break, which these multinational media conglomerates are then compelled by their accounting departments to adopt company wide as part of their corporate policy to remain (((Globally Compliant TM))).

I went to watch that Beauty & the Beast live action movie and then turned it off within a couple of minutes when the town was filled with as many negroes as modern day Paris

That has nothing to do with the movie being garbage.

link some studys plz, i need just a LITTLE hope for humanity


Nope. People who identify as wolves, who Love GoT or who are into Dragon films would. Not that there is Dragons in it but those type of plebs lap this shit up.

hanna is brunette now wtf???

If you retards on this board believe this, you need to open a window, or take a walk outside. White girls are fucking anything but white boys these days. Hope this hurts someone racist, cause true

lmao whites are least likely to date outside their race ding dong

Wait, really? It's the same writer as the original movie though.

The goyim need to be trained to race mix.

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I'm almost certain prime/netflix/fb have dedicated writing staff who play some part in the crafting of any script they adopt with their own basic marching orders on what to include. If they not its hard to fathom why all of their shows turn out as these seemingly committee-written homogenized products.

Actually, is there any decent write-up/independently produced video documenting the realities of producing a show within the studio system of these web streaming services?

>lmao whites are least likely to date outside their race ding dong
Maybe in America, but not in Europe......

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Thanks I was slightly interested in this show now I know not to bother

article doesn't exist

Thank God

This isn't even on Netflix

>Yea Forums - insecure white alt-right bussbabies inject politics into fucking everything


Amazon's head of TV was recently replaced by some female NBC exec who is fucking up everything and also got rid of their kino filter(pilot process)

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based and redpilled

wtf? really? I wasn't going to watch this, but now I am. should I start with episode 5? Or does the buildup make the BLACKED scene that much more orgasmic?

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>Stop supporting cuck propaganda

Funny thing is it's not even marketable. The porn kike porn industry has been pushing interracialism since the 70s, but it's never taken off and it's constantly losing significance in porn charts/statistics. Whenever you go on a pornsite and you see IR thumbnails on the first page or in your "recommendations", it's because algorithms are designed to spam you with it (unless they're straight up promotions), and not because of your previous searches. Normalization through mass exposure is a very real marketing strategy in general, and the Jews are trying to desensitize your taboo for interracial sex by bombarding you with "BLACKED" and "WHITE WIFE CHEATS ON HUSBAND WITH BBC" everytime you go to one of their degenerate websites. Turns out, it's not working so well because IR searches and popularity have been in a steady decline for decades now (by both females and males).

Cringe and leftpilled.

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Its all the same. The exact same black wymyn of xolor ass-pull that the user described above was done in the third act of the altered carbon adaptation on netflix. It seems like these streaming-service produced shows all follow some kind of vaguely SJW-oriented cookie-cutter formula. My guess is that the same sort of network-head interference experienced by shows produced for cable television is going on within netflix/prime/what have you, the only difference being that their meddling sponsors are driven by the schizophrenic forces of the hyper-targeted online advertising market.


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You don't have to be white to realize there's an agenda going on.

Gee, kid, you sound tense

> The porn kike porn industry has been pushing interracialism

> and not because of your previous searches

Of course the world owns you refined algorithms to supply you with personalized wanking material. But the industry just isn't there yet.


>We Don't Know What's Going On

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>hear good things about that Nick Cage movie Mom and Dad
>download it
>first 15 seconds shows the teenage daughter with a black boyfriend
Never deleted a movie so fast in my life. This mix-racing propaganda was tolerable when it would show up a handful of times each year, but now it's in almost every movie and TV show.

>defending kikes

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It makes but only if you're Jewish and know Hebrew (just look up what her surname in flick actually means)

I literally dropped it at that point.

>no girls in the group you hang out with?

I dont 'hang out' with females, i fuck them then leave

No, I mean having a group of friends.
We all went to class together through common core and high school, and we still all hang out together.

Absolutely based
Triggertards will never not make me laugh

>you're new because you didn't waste your bandwidth watching some feminist teenage drama
How the fuck does your logic work?

Film is fucking awful and sleep inducing

>when someone is so lonely he's in denial over other people having friends

Anyone find nu4chan's attempts at looking masculine to be adorable?
It's obvious this place has been replaced by insecure millennial scum straight out of Twitter and Reddit.

either you're a faggot, or you're lying.
Straight men don't waste time with female "friends".
There are only potential conquests and past conquests.

Why does the website with the biggest amount of concentrated autism on the internet suddenly pretend to understand how society and normal people work?
You are millennials, you are the generation that spent 10 years pretending to be saving the world by discussing the amount of niggers in dumbass superhero movies.

t. newfag

we live in the clown world timeline where everyone lost

Picked up

is this Foxi Di?

Whatever helps you cope at night ;)

>If you retards on this board believe this, you need to open a window
It's time to take a break from the internet.

>thread not deleted

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>Watch "Into The Spiderverse" because everyone is saying its amazing
>Black Goblino falls in love with a blonde white woman 5 minutes into the movie

I swear to god. I hate /pol/, I hate /pol/lacks, and I hate /pol/ cross posting, but ever since they pointed out to me that everything is BM/WF it seems to be true every time I watch something. Why can't black men ever have love interests that are black? Or asian? Or hispanic? Why does every modern movie/tv show/commercial have them with a blonde woman?

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What if I want to see more positive Black/Black relationships? Why do black men have to have a white woman to be happy? Are black women not good enough for them? 70%+ of black children are born out of wedlock, the black community desperately needs help in that regard.

>Why can't black men ever have love interests that are black? Or asian? Or hispanic? Why does every modern movie/tv show/commercial have them with a blonde woman?
Because white women pay for their media, so the media shows them what they want to see: white women being pursued and courted by men of all races.

If you want to see this change, you need to start paying for your media.

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>start paying
Fuck this. I have just stopped watching. I'm going to see Us tonight though because from what I can tell Peele isn't pushing BMWF

You've been lurking too much. Take a break from Yea Forums. Or go ahead and become a bitter shithead.