Now that the dust has settled, was it better than the original?
Now that the dust has settled, was it better than the original?
Yes, but that isn't saying much.
they're both great for different reasons
nothing will top the ending of the first one though. cinematic masterpiece.
The original kind of sucks. I wish 2049 was completely standalone so I didn't have to make people sit through that shit before I can show them what real kino looks like.
>the ending of the first one
Meh. Roy Batty never did or said anything interesting until he saved Deckard. And the movie is almost over by that point. Luv at least had good character interactions throughout the movie and actually did more antagonist things (killing his girlfriend then killing K himself). Even though she's not directly comparable to Roy because she's not really the one in charge, Jared Leto is. The original Blade Runner was a lot more atmospheric when it came to just the city. Characters, story, all trash.
2049 explores the themes better, the characters are more likable and fleshed out. The story is actually interesting this time. Unlike the original which only had one great scene (tears in the rain) and that specific character not being good until he said that one line. 2049 is better as movie, although it can't exist without the original.
nope, but I am a massive fan
I'd say it's on par
of course not
If gigachad were to be a replicant, what words of wisdom would he embellish upon K?
I thoroughly enjoyed both. I'm really hoping they team up to make a third.
just be yourself
Nope, and 2049 is mostly shit because of its need to be a sequel. Neither movie is any good besides for appreciating the effects and visuals.
Me too, but they won't. I don't think it was marketed very well, and that's why it underperformed. Also the first one was more of a cult classic. I'm afraid they're going to do the same thing with the Dune reboot.
Literally. Yes
Figuratively. No
Probably just ask him for 2 tickets to Marvels Avengers: End Game.
Much better
Yes, because of The Goose and (I'm going to get shit here) Jared Leto's performance as the edgelord antagonist, and also Harrison Ford finally learning how to act.
No but it's still really good
No, no matter what the redditors and brainlets in here says
unironically yes
I like it better than the original and that's all that matters.
>Roy Batty never did or said anything interesting until he saved Deckard.
His dilemma with Tyrell was not interesting? His desperate attempt for longevity and futile denial of his inevitable death, something which everyone must face but he is approaching before he's ready due to his nature as a replicant. It brings to mind the existential nature of humanity. Why are we here? Why were we created? These are answers which Roy gets to ask Tyrell, he basically gets to meet the god of replicants.
There's also an overlooked moment just before he fights Deckard when he clutches Pris' dead body and cries. With his life ticking down he still "wastes" time to mourn someone he cared about. Showing that although his character is defined by his short life-span he is still a real human being.
>actually did more antagonist things
So what? You think Roy would be more interesting if he kicked Deckards pet dog? Maybe if he was a terrorist and bombed a building so the audiences doesnt feel bad about Deckard fighting him. Roy isnt a villain. He's a man, as much as Deckard is. He doesnt need to do antagonist things.
I loved both movies and I saw 2049 before I saw the original. Roy Batty is the best character of both films.
I'd say a more reasonable complaint is that Deckard is a boring protagonist compared to K.
For me, BR2049 was a complete disappointment. And one of the most disappointing things was a lack of imagination. Joi was protagonist’s holographic companion – that could present so many opportunities! Shapeshifting, hacking, distracting enemies and she could even draw some schematics in the air when explaining something. And none of these was in the film. She was just a generic housewife, who even changed her clothes only a couple of times.
Yet, the most interesting (and at the same time obvious) opportunity creators missed was to make Joi’s primary form – a small cute equine-like creature. Not only it would make a better presentation of the question if she is just a pet to her owner or his equal, but also show how broad can be boundaries of relations.
Yes, there would be some challenges. Like sex scene between a human and quadruped creature would obviously not acceptable for such major film. But in that case, Joi could either become a human (remember, shapeshifting) or that scene could be simply dropped altogether, because frankly it doesn’t add anything meaningful to the film, nor is it fit the story (see Cinemasins video).