Interested in knowing how I acquired these scars on my face?

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he got them during gamergate

he went to a black neighborhood and said it

They said I had a big mouth, so I wanted to show them how big it could be when I said the N word

he tried to look like Heath Ledger

To be honest I don't.

Hello there Leonid Pavel, I am CIA agent Bill Wilson.

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Excuse me, but comrades are not permitted upon my autogyro

By eating pineapples

I have no allegiance to these gentlemen.

You mean nigger? Why are americans such cucks? I thought you had guns and freedom of speech. Why are you afraid to say one word because of some monkeys with aids?

I have no obligation to provide monetary reimbursement for the delivery of individuals who were excluded from our prior arrangement.

Can you explain to me why I would desire to have these hooded figures in my custody?

They were attempting to forcefully obtain the reward that belongs to you. They are currently employed by the professional soldier who was hired to serve in a foreign army. This soldier also goes by the appellation of "the man that is masked".

Surely you don't mean Bane?

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American freedom of speech doesn't include anything that hurts blacks' feelings

Yes, I am speaking of the individual commonly referred to as Bane.

Well then, prepare these individuals for travel. I shall contact and discuss the current situation with my superiors.

The aviation details that I just informed the Central Intelligence Agency of has a list including myself, my soldiers, Leonid Pavel, but only a single individual on board this plane. Whoever the first man is to begin telling me the details of their plan will be allowed to stay on board.

how did the joker make Chris Spencer disappear in that scene? after he hits his head on the desk he is not seen again for the rest of the movie.

So... who provided you with remuneration for the assignment of capturing Leonid Pavel?

No, but I know how you got sneed

Explain to me without the use of even ONE meme, how the Dark Knight Rises is better than the Dark Knight


His aviation skills were subpar.

Said what?

sucking some metal pokemon dick hahahaha