Im still too scared to watch the trailer. How bad is it?
Im still too scared to watch the trailer. How bad is it?
Its the manbaby liberal version of Tolkiens life. Comepletely disregarding the importantce of his Catholic faith and implying his war experience shaped LOTR which he always denied.
it looks like one of those generic oscar bait movies that no one cares about
Unironically based.
>man fought in fucking WWII
>saw the truly awesome destructive powers of technology and the brutality of war first hand
>being upset that it was implied this effected his work
He denied it because he didn't want his works to be turned into political propaganda, but to think that a man who fought in wars and then wrote an entire series revolving around several large scale violent conflicts is delusional.
>World War 2
Get the fuck out of my thread deepshit.
It influenced his work but was not the formative experience that shaped it. It is an insult to a man to reduce him to one event and i would guess Tolkien would be aghast at seeing images of his fantasy invading a real life battlefield where he fought and his friends died. He would never confuse the two.
Tolkien deserved better than this shit.
>UK soldier during WW1
Yeah, whatever
To be fair, I think every dead famous guy would cringe at their own biopic
>A Fellowship
I would like to see what Christopher thinks of the movie once it's released
>A diversion.
No SHIT, Legolas.
How about "survived WW1?"
So it's as bad as i thought.
You are so dumb it hurts, 0 hp yourself.
Fuck off, it'll be a comfy flick
When will we get a GRR Martin biopic?
Cringe muttpost
It looks fairly romanticized but I am not terribly worried. I don't think they are going to try and whitewash who Tolkien was or the things he believed, although I am curious to see if his Catholicism is addressed in the film to any significant degree. Tolkien didn't wear his Christianity on his sleeve the same way CS Lewis did although the influence on his work was pretty clear.
Tolkien often said he despised allegories but I think he was probably at least in part trying to protect himself creatively. He didn't want his sources of inspiration in his narratives to be blatantly obvious like in something like Chronicles of Narnia, although that doesn't stop people from trying to connect the dots.
More like sitting around in a comfy trench with comfy trench bros and playing cards and smoking cigarettes.
Why did WW1 """soldiers""" have it so easy, bros?
Terrible. The pretty boy doesn't even resemble Tolkien at all.