Post your Endgame tickets

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>adult tickets



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I can smell the onions from here

>paying $35 for fucking capeshit
lmfao holy fuck retard, just pirate it

Hehe... ace hacker here. You did a good job marking out that juicy info, BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I’ve already triangulated your address, Melvin, and your SSN and credit card info is now mine! Hehehe!

>Dude doxx yourselves lmao

Wtf that’s the theater I go to

Meet up and then finger his ear while he tries to watch.

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Marvel fans are incels. Have sex.

Orchard Park? You rich faggot.

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>Scalpers are already demanding ridiculous prices

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>give me money to get your brain raped by a mouse

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>Buying massively inflated tickets for a widely available product
Fuck why are people so dumb

cause they think seeing these movies opening night makes them special. their personality revolves around these shitty marvel films.

I'll do what I do for every movie; go to a Tuesday matinee for the $4 popcorn and soda

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$35. What the fuck NY? I paid $20 for IMAX 2D.

im going late as fuck

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I was gonna say "BASED!", but you're paying money to watch capeshit.

i’ll do this too but also sneak in some booze

checked my local theater for opening sunday and it was 90% empty
what's with the memes?


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>He fell for the Day 1 night time meme
Stop being a punk and just see it on Sat/Sun in the afternoon

I'm from Nampa Idaho where there was only about 10 people in theater opening night for Infinity War. Now End Game is completely sold out weeks ahead of time in every theater.

WTF this movie is going to be bigger than Avatar.

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Has anyone done a late night / early morning showing?

Did you fall asleep?

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Latest movie I ever did was a midnight screening of Gremlins by the student council when I was in high school

I can't wait!

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god the west and capitalism is fucked, i havent paid for a movie since avatar, stop giving jews and millionaires money

not to mention the weeks-months of 5-15 threads of marvel on Yea Forums 24/7

>*goes to see Shazam, an actual capeshit for little kids*


shazam's comedy has abit of self awareness to it at least

marvel is unironically for kids

>this is the bills owl 2020 spammer

>people are paying $75-$100 for opening night capeshit tickets

what the fuck... these are sold listings

and on ebay of all places, imagine what's happening on craigslist.

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>"ugh I fucking hate capeshit so much, but I like DC though"


Kek. When will DCucks learn


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learn the difference between asking and paying, retard

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i am reselling a lot of them i made 1k profit today

if you arent a grandpa staying up to watch an action movie is no problem, if anything just take a nap beforehand

>tfw you buy an extra ticket so you dont have to sit next to a stranger
>in a dolby digital theater
>Total Amount: $47.44

>i-it's only pretending to be capeshit s-so that makes it good!


the smell will keep you awake americans are known to be stinky must be all the trash they eat

>not scalping your extra tickets
what are you slow?


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>Photo ID required

He got a height discount

Capenigger genocide when?

AMC doesn't allow children late at night

>Height discount
That’s an actual thing?

Well yes actually they sell double seats that can fit two smaller people at a discount, you can't be over 6'0 or over 170 lbs

this, except inside of fingering his ear you needa suck his dick

I've just accepted that capeshit will never die at this point. Meanwhile, GoT threads are deleted immediately unless it is within the ten week window the show is actively running.