Skade confirmed for new season of The Last Kino

Skade confirmed for new season of The Last Kino

Post rare Skades

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source or fake news

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Is she a mouth breather?

I want to civilize her

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>Skade confirmed for new season of The Last Kino

Where? Hope she's killed again lmao.

Attached: the last kingdom thank you finan.webm (640x640, 1.6M)

Why no webm of her being drowned by Uhtred yet?

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Why is the queen so fucking hot bruhs?

She get's rescued by nuns and then gets stabbed like in the books

Attached: d3a2.webm (640x680, 501K)

dubs of finan.

Attached: 14340551642734.webm (640x800, 2.81M)

Do you prefer pure skade or pagan skade?

Attached: pureskade2.webm (640x640, 1.64M)

For me it's pagan skade

Would like to see Skade see the light and become a pure Christian woman, like the best girl Hild. But I know that won't happen.

Attached: the last kingdom hild66.jpg (2854x4288, 898K)


Which one?

Attached: Æthelflæd - Millie Brady the Last Kingdom.jpg (2858x4282, 1.32M)

Stop making me want to watch some shit show for some blond whore.

but...she died...

>You will never clean and turn Skade into a purified christian, dress her up in proper clothes and civilize her.

Attached: skade.jpg (960x961, 135K)

Attached: skade2.jpg (1080x1080, 76K)

It's not shit, just very camp with a 10/10 soundtrack.

Attached: uhtred son of uhtred.png (512x512, 258K)

shhhhh christian skade is sleeping!

Attached: Skade42.webm (640x450, 1.27M)

>they've confirmed season 4

Attached: darkplace.gif (331x253, 629K)

>this ape is someone's waifu

what's it like having a nordic gf?

She's only in season 3, and even then Hild is the superior TLK waifu.

I wonder what our Sue thought of this show.

Attached: Sue Brunning British Museum5.webm (1000x837, 1.92M)

Has she got a licence for that foam sword?

For me, it's punished skade

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Attached: the last kingdom skade.webm (720x405, 461K)

She has many deadly weapon licenses.

Attached: sue brunning-2.jpg (1682x2048, 494K)

How to get a /his/ gf?

I love Sue. And Skade. And TLK.

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Attached: skade63.webm (563x1000, 1.32M)

>no babies
what a waste of genes

Ringlet subpar waifu



Is swordfu Kiki's mommy?

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What was Skorpa's problem?

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literally the perfect waifu

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>post rare Skades

Attached: thea.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

Being a bastard Dane.

Attached: leofric thinken of arseling the last kingdom.jpg (4325x2829, 1.16M)

>that thick condensation
imagine how warm her mouth is haha

wow that's actually VERY rare

Aldhelm did nothing wrong.

Attached: 1543557217800.webm (720x405, 1.03M)

the actress comes from the christian part of norway
She was born pure!

What's with all the stains on her robe?

>corners you in the barn
>sexually assaults you
what's the correct move here?

Attached: 1543886802963.webm (720x405, 201K)

>what's the correct move here?
Get sexually assaulted

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Attached: 1550303121357.webm (720x405, 641K)

I have some very rare skades

Attached: incecream2.webm (480x410, 2.32M)

>scenes women will never understand

Attached: FATHER2.webm (800x450, 2.49M)

I know he sees her as a daughter/little sister in the books but Uhthred really should have jumped on that.

The armour and costuming got such an improvement over the first season but they still kept the main character in the dumb leather shit for most of it and goddamn are those square shields dumb as fuck, especially since they're trying to form a shieldwall with them half the time.

I appreciate they wanted to visually differentiate between the Saxons and the Danes but ffs give the Saxons 11th century kiteshields or anything you can form a shieldwall with, not those weird mini-shields.

Attached: the last kingdom ded.webm (720x404, 2.36M)

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>that barely perceptable nod to his marshal
The bastard thinks.

I hope Edward the Elder steps up in season 4.

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Please don't sexualise the Lady of Mercia.


Attached: givpussies.jpg (1600x1478, 463K)

>The armour and costuming got such an improvement over the first season but they still kept the main character in the dumb leather shit for most of it and goddamn are those square shields dumb as fuck

There was definitely a boost in the budget for the third season and yeah it was stupid having the Saxons using square shields still although it wasn't always the case. Overall the third season was still the best one.

Attached: arseling and steapa the last kingdom.jpg (4281x2858, 1.35M)

uthred always looked like a tremendous fucking faggot, it's so jarring


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hild is so smol


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