You think they'll ever make a show based off of Yea Forums stories like how Channel Zero does with creepypastas?

You think they'll ever make a show based off of Yea Forums stories like how Channel Zero does with creepypastas?

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Other urls found in this thread:

the incels, the gamers........ it is our duty to civilize them

The Roko's basilisk coming to life is scarier.

Yea Forums is a little too dark for television.

Who would you cast?

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>22 minute episodes with commercials
>licenced theme, maybe get AC/DC or Thin Lizzy, something big and exciting
>possibly Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the lead if he's available, otherwise go cheaper, maybe Andrew Garfield
>22 minute show about a grown adult man who stares blankly at a monitor, occasionally typing "sneed", eating peanuts, and masturbating to Asa Akria

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Felicity Jones as the bunny wife who gets repeatedly bred.

This but to Brittney white



NUMBER TEN: Tom from Tom & Jerry gets cucked and kills himself

They thought we collectively were a hacker. No, I don’t want movies made about us by people who don’t have an iota of a clue about this forum.

Even better, have Shia LeBeouf host it.

I'd love to see the shitbutter sock/walmart greeter story on the big screen.

>/x/ spergs LARP as a dieity every day

Garfield probably costs more than Levitt currently.

they should just film reenactments of greentexts with d list actors. hosted by jonathan frakes.

Remake 8mm but make it about monkey torture

Love how Youtube treats Yea Forums like its some insane cesspool of dark and disturbing stuff, when in reality its just attention baiting and trollthreads 24/7

>Fact or Fiction? You be the judge!

Idris Elba as the alpha male rabbit pounding

Old /x/ was some good shit.

(((youtubers))) making videos about Yea Forums or any chan itself is cringe as fuck
go fucking kill yourself

do you ever wonder if some real legit paranormal shit was ever posted there back in the day before the FBI took control of Yea Forums

Garfield is trash with zero range. He could never convince an audience to embark on the journey of sharing the emotional and physical pain of looking up pornstars who look vaguely like your ex girlfriend for the 3rd time that day and masturbating until your dick hurts.

Possibly, but people were just better story tellers. They could spin a genuinely creepy story without going overboard and making it obvious that its completely fake.

Episode 1: "Flight 4U"

a few feels threads would unironically be pretty good

>He wasn't here for the zozo thread

paul dano as the cucked rabbit

Episode 2: "The Ogre In The Basement"

Only if there was a mandatory "FUCK NIGGERS"

>retards larpers from /x/ make content for free
>YouTube retards read the content and make the money
Based /x/cucks

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Episode 3: "JIDF"

>Make SCP
>Lose it to tumblr
/x/ is really the most cucked board

>Tonight on Yea Forums/r9k/: user makes a big mistake

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Episode 4: "For Free"

The Ryan Gosling episode would be kino

Episode 5: "Jazz get Lynchian"

Fake story. Rabbits live in dens in dozens and dozens and fuck everything like rats do.

“Oh, like you’re doing now?”

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But JGL could? Remember Don Jon?


Episode 6: "No One Will Ever Believe You"

Episode 6: "Bogged Down"

>He could never convince an audience to embark on the journey of sharing the emotional and physical pain of looking up pornstars who look vaguely like your ex girlfriend for the 3rd time that day and masturbating until your dick hurts.
he did exactly that on Under the Silver Lake

Episode 7*

black mirror tier

Can someone help me? I read a pasta about 3 years ago at a guess.
The general gist is user describing his plan to attend a party where his crush will be and how to seduce her. He gets his 3 friends to come with him and then tells them his plan: for each of them to act like these insanely stereotyped cliches so that he can look like the main character.
They all laugh at his autism and when they get there, one of his friends fucks his crush while the other two double-team her friend and user just sits in the corner being awkward

It's literally the best pasta I ever read on this site and for some reason I didn't save it

Great, now we only need like two greentexts more for one episode

that's the topic of the tv show, all stories are fake except the ones that might be true

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Episode 8: "Blacked Mirror"

Episode: The films of Wes Anderson

Episode 9: "All the Eggs"

Episode 11: "Imagine"

Episode 12: "At least the books were good though..."


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Episode 13: I recognize that gay blowjob

Episode 14: "Oval"

Is that darth mule?

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Episode 15: "Snap"

Episode 16: "JUST"

Episode 17: Sneed's Feed and Seed

Fuck me... I sometimes feel pretty autistic but I would NEVER accidentally plug in my spreadsheet

Remember when they kidnapped Julian Assange from the embassy?

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Episode 18: "DAK"

That was your takeaway?

Remember that time on Yea Forums we witnessed Muslims destroying Baal's temple, only for lightning to immediately strike Mecca causing a crane to crash squashing many Muslims?

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One of the producers did ask on Twitter about trying to get in touch with the guy who wrote the Anansi Goatman story, but probably didn't know it was an anonymous poster.

Channel Zero only adapts stories they can pay for the rights to, which is why they all come from sites with usernames to contact.

It's probably for the best, since they apparently try to give "answers" for every little mystery like making Candle Cove a ghost dimension the OP's dead brother (added in the show) created, killing whatever made the original story compelling. It's for the best that we haven't gotten a mainstream skinwalker/goatman adaptation since I have no doubt they'd fuck it up with stupid backstory like that.

Remember that time Yea Forums memed a god of Chaos into existence for a brief period between 2015 and 2018? Remember all the creepy coincidences?

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Let me salvage your idea, OP. The stories in each episode are movies in the Kinoplex, where the series is set in with a bigger plot involving the kinophile protagonist (a literal audience surrogate), Robert and other big meme guys.

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Episode 96: The Yea Forums special ep

An episode about the kinoplex would be honest to God kino.

Pizzagate storyarc can get a whole season to itself. An entire season even. There's so much content holy fuck

>Epstein Island
>the buckets of flesh and mystery wifi in Haiti
>the white rabbits
>the FBI pedo symbology
>the CIA pigfarm
>the Soros/Madeline McCain eyeball connection
>the Pegasus Museum
>the barred safehouses with 'children' scribbled outside
>the Saudi money connections
>Podesta's art collection
>Alefantis's secret Rothschild ancestry
>Podesta's links to Sigmund Freud and his pedo son
>the changelings
>the shipments of Chinese junk that were actually something else
>the secret underground tunnels linking all the suspect properties
>the media coverups and blatant gaslighting

So much shit came out in 2016. Pure conspiracy fuel. How much was true? Fuck knows but they sure did their best to cover it up

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Episode 19 (season finale): Formerly whose...?

it's season 2 of the twilight zone

>it aint me starts playing

wait, someone is monetizing creepypastas? what a dirt bag

This thread was really entertaining and honestly, the video is a nice recreation of it.

>not Jezabel Vessir

it would be more of an anthology series