>cast a literal 12 year old as Jafar
>also cast this guy as not Jafar in the same movie
What the fuck is wrong with modern casting? They can't even cast nonwhite characters for shit anymore.
Cast a literal 12 year old as Jafar
Somebody should get fired for fucking this shit up.
On that note this fucking italian looks more like Aladdin than whatever the fuck they got.
Should have been the real Aladdin
He’s like 36
This. Added as Jafars man servant. Also added a Scandinavian prince randomly
Dude looks white to me senpai
Slit your throat
Jason Mamoa would have been a god-tier Jaffar.
>Dude looks white to me senpai
No u
Isn't it obvious that it's all a ruse to make the film a little surprising? The man servant is actually Jafar while the young kid is his servant who does shit to protect his identity.
He's a fag isn't he? That's why he got the role.
>Dude looks white to me
they should have casted this muslim actor
why would that make him get it?
they feared that if they cast him as that they will be accused of promoting anti semititc tropes
As opposed to the guy they did cast?
he performed good on the casting couch and doesn't look like the poster from eternal jew like OP's pic. It's the perfect choice
really funny how disney mindraped everyone into thinking aladdin is an arab
His name is
there's indonesians named mohammed too
the more you know
This sounds pretty based, which is why I'm betting it's not going to happen
are you seriously too retarded to realize that jews are not the only people with big hook noses?
he’s a Turk though