Attached: Keanu_Reeves_3.jpg (1152x768, 137K)
Actors NOBODY hates
Brayden Taylor
Other urls found in this thread:
Matthew Fisher
i hate him because everyone else likes him
Ayden Martinez
have sex
Camden Smith
>1 trick wonder (Matrix) now doing John Reddit
fuck off
Blake Nguyen
Nathan Smith
I hate him because he's so overrated and can't act for shit
Austin Lewis
Henry Powell
Idris elba
Liam Perez
Asher Robinson
Joseph Nguyen
Caleb Nguyen
>Yea Forums: the post
William Garcia
Christopher Allen
his ex-wife
Leo Ortiz
Yea Forums in a nutshell everyone
Adam Ross
Charles Murphy
-closeted homo
-no charisma
-can't act
-box office poison
Austin Morris
It's hard to hate an emotionless slab. The best I can manage is mild dislike
Brody Bailey
None of these are legitimate reasons to dislike him. You're just seething with jealousy we can all smell it from here.
Jack Reed
the ultimate gay post
Ayden Adams
Am I the only one who just doesn't really hate anyone in particular? Most times it's hard for me to work up the energy to like anything, let alone hate.
Nicholas Bell
He clearly hates himself, look what he did to himself, he was an A list actor, had it all.
Andrew Rogers
Julian Mitchell
Kevin Wilson
Jack Nicholson. Thread is over now, you can all go home.
Aiden Turner
shoud've went with the 'bloo-hoo' pepe there bro
Josiah Turner
>what is Bill and Ted
reeks of underage
Jason White
I don't know. He needs to start picking better roles. Too many of his recent roles make him look like he's going to hit the wall hard, like big bird hair Nic Cage hard. I expect to see him more shitty action movies going forward, and his hair line to recede into oblivion.
Bentley Scott
I like him, but can hardly understand him.
Christopher Nguyen
Gabriel Taylor
Nah he has those hapa genes, they keep their hair forever
David Morris
The dude who played Crozier in The Terror
Tyler Peterson
>dislike someone
>lol ur just jealous!!!
You're either a roastie or a faggot who wants his cock
Xavier Clark
I like Yea Forums and other Yea Forums boards about my interests because of this reason. No matter what, there are always posters that will shit on your favorite movie or show or whatever else you're interested in. I like that because you can actually see the bad things about it, even if you still like it a lot. It helps round out your opinion of something.
Now smash that Like button bros.
Evan Brown
Maybe, but past a certain age, a man with long hair can be a bad thing.
Ian Hall
Ryan Rogers
didn't you hear about the missing plane thingy, and Keanu singing childish songs to the commuters?
Keanu's a retard.
Lucas Williams
Keanu both fucked and dated a tranny, therefore Yea Forums should hate him by default
Carter Gomez
She loved him. She didn't have to work for decades because of him.
Gabriel Hill
Ahnold, obviously
Blake Carter
Cooper Ross
Jace Hernandez
he's the male equivalent of a hot chick with big tits
Hudson Adams
You just sound like no one likes you when you say this
Ian Gutierrez
He's many things but
Aaron Williams
i hated him until John Wick
Hudson Sullivan
Upper class snob from central London trying to act tough and working class.
Connor Hernandez
To be fair, he was quite loathed early in his career. He'd get shat on for playing Ted regularly, especially during the Matrix.
Sebastian Brown
Dylan Myers
If that's proof then me saying you're a faggot also is fact.
Jason Lewis
Grayson Morales
>he doesn't know
oh you poor soul
David Hill
These ones.
Hudson Miller
Jordan Rivera
No, implying we should hate him for it. Him not giving a fuck is based.
Brayden Cook
I’ve literally never heard anyone say outright they hate him
Chase Hall
I just want to know. Is it a woman that became a man? A man that became a woman? Is there a penis? Do we know any of this? Transgender is way too shitty of a term; it doesn't tell us much.
Cooper Diaz
Turned out to be a top notch actor, never expected he could build this much of a career after Twilight.
Andrew Sanchez
Wew. Based as fuck.
Levi Nguyen
>pocketed the twilight money and focused on nothing but kino ever since
Aaron Anderson
>he was quite loathed early in his career.
Rightfully so, because he has zero range. I don't even get the obsession with John Wick, it really wasn't that good of a film and the action was choreographed slightly above average at best. I still don't hate him but he definitly isn't a good actor.
Joseph Collins
He's a good lad.
Robert Howard
Logan Watson
He doesn't even seem to be in it for the money, regarding the projects he choses to be in in the last couple of years.
David Kelly
Even 10~ years ago she was a hideous bitch with a face like a thumb.
Elijah Fisher
Pattinson is based.
Lincoln Ramirez
Gavin Barnes
>ctrl+f Gary Oldman
>0 results found
For shame!
Dylan Brooks
Nicholas Wright
Parker Sanders
>what is Point Break
James Watson
Samuel Gomez
what is speed?
Isaac Carter
You know the Keanu meme started on Yea Forums in 2009 ish or are you new?
Caleb Morgan
He seems incredibly generous and Christian, how could you hate him?
Christopher Nelson
jean reno?
James Flores
find a movie where she wasnt the best part of it
John Anderson
he had the leo factor where people hated him for the sheer amount of romcom schlock he starred in until he got some good roles
Ryder Price
Dude is just good in everything, even terrible movies like Priest.
Noah Wood
Worst pick so far. Great actor but seems like a total weirdo douche irl. He literally kept a vial of Angelina jolie’s blood around his neck like some fucking vampire
Samuel Wright
Brandon Flores
Gary oldman is way too good for Hollywood. His interview blasting the people who kicked Mel Gibson outta the clan is kino
Camden Collins
Everyone loves The Goose
Evan Stewart
Connor Gray
>starred in some of the best sc-fi classics
>literal sex symbol from doing romantic comedies
>has done a couple popular films now so zoomers know who he is
>is secretly redpilled but isn’t obnoxious about it
>seems like a down to earth guy you’d grab a beer with
Kurt Russel is the only true answer itt
Brandon Walker
Gabriel Howard
Armond stop shitposting
Brandon Gonzalez
Samuel Anderson
I don't think that one light director is very fond of him
Thomas Ward
Tyler King
He's just a confused faggot. Also no one cares about your meme class relations, ultimately you all are a bunch of cucks and America's little Anglo servants.
Adrian Sullivan
>John Reddit
i don't know why but this is funny to me
Cooper Morales
Connor James
love this crazy fucker
Benjamin Nguyen
I hate this disgusting rat faced abomination
Angel Thomas
Aiden Flores
reunion went down recently, but without the man himself
Jaxson Phillips
He was also good in dom Hemingway
Here’s my pick
Matthew Jackson
He was tired of being molested by jew producers. Same as with terry crews. When was the last time you saw terry on anything?
Benjamin Gomez
He's like Fichtner. Put him in a shitty movie, and he'll be the best part of it.
Nathaniel Davis
this lovely creature
Robert Howard
I can never be mad at this body, and even then I don't mind the music of Justin Timberlake so what can you do.
Jonathan Reed
Justin Ramirez
Dylan Perry
>what can you do.
Gavin Howard
>can't greentext
Cooper Perez
Most british actors are upper class or have some royalty connection.
Thomas Wright
I like doing nothing.
Nolan Nguyen
neck yourself
Adam Cook
Not really, no. Most British actors are middle-class or upper middle-class at the most. Some working class sneak through.
Ian Young
Prove it. Oh wait you can't. Face it. It's the same as in america.
Juan Powell
Brie a cute! A CUTE!
Austin Murphy
Carter Williams
I don't like her from head to TOE
Noah Mitchell
You're an idiot. There is no way that most British actors are upper class, as you said. The vast majority are middle-class.
Lincoln Adams
>duurrrr me don't like bcause other people like it
The literal faggot argument
Nicholas Scott
Brody Gray
She's /ourovendodger/.
Winona and Eva Green are the Jewesses you, being a top member of the SS and one of Hitler's top soldiers, would hide in the attic of one of your appropriate French country homes.
Tyler Campbell
Close, but not really. Potentially after the Witcher.
Wrong, that temper tantrum was enough to put a few cracks in the glass ceiling.
She did this to herself, otherwise she used to be genuinely likable if you look up some old interviews.
Eh.. who cares enough anyways.
He's alright.
Extremely close, but ultimately doesn't cut it.
Literally who.
I addressed her earlier.
Somewhat correct.
Middle of the road. Didn't she shoplift? That's a flaw in my eyes.
Very close.
Possibly the best pick in this thread so far.
Correct, for the most part.
Wrong, but top waifu.
Middle of the road.
Wrong by sheer acting prowess. There's a good chance you'll find him unlikable if you watch a lot of his roles, which is a good thing.
Gabriel Gray
Get out.
Wyatt Morris
This is the contrarianism that defines this board, if not this entire site
Daniel Moore
Eli Bailey
>Get Out
I've seen it. Excellent film.
Eli Hill
No one hates Kyle fucking reddit faggot fuck off
Ayden Reyes
Parker Martinez
>still trying to get likes
They've been gone for hours, dorklord. Did you not notice?
Josiah Moore
Nice try but you know what I meant by upper class and upper middle class is nearly the same. The lines are blurred
Carson Evans
Sebastian Sanders
>my favorite actor got shat on
It's gonna be alright bros.
John Foster
So loveable.
Leo Cox
>literally who
get out
Christian Murphy
>when she breaks another scale
Justin Smith
god I forgot how terrible the cg was
Nolan Jenkins
Julian Scott
Kayden Butler
>kills tens of humans for a dog
It's funny. Used to be that the pampered valuing their pets higher than human beings was to show how evil and depraved they were, but nowadays it's getting more and more normalized. John Wick cemented it as a trope now.
So yeah, I'm miffed at him for that.
Camden Allen
Ian Allen
absolutely based actor
Hudson Scott
Wrong, but close.
Thomas Scott
Owen Powell
Luis Flores
I hate his dumb face at every single Texas game
Seriously fuck off, how much are they paying you?
James Sanchez
You are one step before loving him.
Jayden Jackson
Gary Oldman and the entire cast of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
Connor Kelly
Hasn't been hated since the Jurassic
Liam Ward
Carson Morales
Didn't he do gay porn?
Tyler Thomas
Matthew Kelly
He was a good autist in that movie with guy pierce
Kayden Rodriguez
Julian Watson
This is the best example. I like him, but i hate most movies he's been in
Ayden Edwards
why do people make posts this long nobody is going to read them or care you just skip it
Adam Ortiz
Michael Thompson
Came here to post him
Liam Wilson
i read it faggot
Kayden Rogers
I think a lot of anos here don't like cucumber
Tyler Brown
Leo Butler
I do not like him since he joined Jolie
Brandon Campbell
Can't stand him.
Chase Lee
>Middle of the road. Didn't she shoplift? That's a flaw in my eyes.
shoplifting for thrill and not for gain is absolutely based
Easton Hall
Nathan Russell
Nah, hate list for him
Zachary Anderson
no it isnt, stealing is bad and violates tha NAP
Colton Hernandez
Didn't he publicly apologize for that? Saying he was overworked and extremely tired when it happened.
Hunter Nelson
i have a feeling i could beat him in a fight
Julian Taylor
Aiden Phillips
he shouldve played max payne
Aaron Jenkins
the shlag
Carson Mitchell
This guy is really really good at acting.
Austin Fisher
I have no respect to her
Jordan Gomez
Christian Allen
Someone post the lemonade stand
Lincoln Gutierrez
Jack Hernandez
Rest in peace big nigga
Oliver Clark
I love asshole birds.
Colton Carter
Isaiah Gray
Luis Robinson
>All those based actors
And /pol/ is trying to make me hate them
Xavier Gutierrez
Colton Barnes
Brandon Bennett
have reddit
Isaac Jackson
>that parrot can live for 60 years
no wonder
Jordan Hill
i want to see her anally raped and crying like she does in all her movies
Luis Martinez
seriously? nobody is gonna check my quadruple digits, for telling the truth?
Come on guys
Adrian Morris
its only triple since the 2 separates the 11 you fucking newshit
Lucas Watson
it's still better than your entire life's achievements you deluded tranny
Cameron Allen
Jayden Hill
Mason Long
im thinkin hes back...
Lucas Thomas
>takes a sip just so he could do a spit take
>doesn't spit out scalding hot coffee
what did he mean by this?
Camden Thompson
If someone does, I'd really like to know about it.
I can't look at Leslie Nielsen's face and hate him.
Lincoln Lopez
I can't imagine anyone disliking him either. But there's always some dipshit cunt who will.
Jonathan Cruz
I hayte him
Jackson Ward
>There is no way that most British actors are upper class, as you said.
Charles Dance certainly thinks they are, the reason being posho bumming schools have so much more money to sink into drama.
William Flores
I would pick him.
Austin Hughes
Out of all the thousands and probably tens of thousands of British actors there are, you think most are upper class? Come on think about it.
Charles Hill
Looking at him makes me happy.
Nathaniel Morales
William James
Right, just sit there and breathe and sniff... aaah.... more please..... sniff.. o lala....inhale...
Lincoln Edwards
Yeah larping as a hetero he's entire life
Jaxson Price
'Oh no, some producer grabbed my balls at a party! I better run home and cry to my wife."
Bentley Gomez
It's that special blend of stupidity, confidence, and forced memery that's basically unique to Yea Forums all distilled to ten letters.
Lincoln Long
Evan Thomas
do VAs count?
Anthony Clark
She has a feminine penis
Juan Diaz
Have kids
Colton Barnes
John Gomez